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Software Developer Resume for 2024 [Examples + Template]

26th Dec, 2023
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    Software Developer Resume for 2024 [Examples + Template]

    Software developers are in high demand, and a resume presenting a smooth UX will fetch you great opportunities. A resume is very important for any job, let alone a Software developer resume. You must understand its significance and learn how to curate it flawlessly before sending it out for your targeted job application. Take this as your chance to stand out!

    In this article, we propose a step-by-step method of creating a resume as a software engineer that yields results. We will specifically cover the following:

    • Targeting your resume for every niche and job.
    • Beating the ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) that filters out resumes that have the scarcity of the right keywords.
    • Using the eloquent approach to share your achievements.
    • Developing an accessible, creative design and layout.

    Here, have a look at this resume. 

    Software Developer Resume Sample


    Software Developer Resume Example


    This definitely caught your eye, didn't it? Now, it's time to create your eye-appealing resume. To help you with the best software developer resume, we have curated a step-by-step guide. You can also enroll in a Full Stack Web Developer course to add more skills to your resume and get benefit.    

    How to Write a Software Developer Resume [Step-by-Step Guide] 

    Technically, with loads of resumes piled up, recruiters take a glance over it and spend just about 6 seconds on your resume. This is where you want to make the most significant information clear to notice. 

    We will run you by everything a resume includes and show how it is done precisely to the point. 

    1. Create a Solid Software Developer Resume Structure/Template 

    Your resume should not be hard work for the recruiter to skim through and be easy to read.  

    Generally, the "reverse-chronological" format of a resume is used, and it has a valid reason. It places your top talents at the top of your resume so that the recruiter may immediately see your bidding value. However, there are other resume formats, too, of which two are mentioned below. 

    • Functional Resume: If you have less work experience but strong software engineering skills, this resume format is suggested.  
    • Combination Resume: This format blends both "Reverse-Chronological" and "Functional" formats. As such, this kind of resume format is ideal for software engineers who offer both skills and work experience. Suitable resume format for experienced software developers. 

    Once you pick the format, you need to arrange your resume layout. 

    How to Pick a Resume Template?  

    Word is a good application for developing documents. However, designing a software developer resume template with a text editor is draining! Resume templates should save you time: instead of formatting margins, headings, fonts, and bullet points, you should focus on communicating your professional experience, skills, talent, etc. There's a chance that your whole layout will fall apart as you make changes. 

    That said, it's crucial to do your research to make sure that the templates you choose save you time. 

    Download the Software Developer Resume PDF here: 

    2. Work Experience Section

    The recruiters out there do want to know that you are very much able to do the job skillfully. The quickest way to instil confidence in the recruiter is by flaunting your work experience. Now, here's how we advise you to structure your work experience section: 

    • Position Name
    • Company Name
    • Dates 
    • Responsibilities and Achievements  

    To make your resume stand out from the competition, you should try highlighting your top accomplishments. Doing so will let the recruiter see the evident benefits of hiring you. 

    What If You Don't Have Work Experience?  

    Like every teacher once was a student, every experienced professional was once a fresher. Not every resume will include a wealth of work experience. Maybe you have just graduated and are still fresher. The smarter way to tackle this part of your resume is by talking about the volunteering work, internships, or any accomplishments you have had while still educating yourself. 

    Pro tip- create a portfolio of your work! 

    3. Contact Information

    This is the one section of your resume that may not need any creativity, but having said that, it must be factually true. Fill in this section correctly and to the point. You don't want to lose an opportunity because you mistakenly filled in the wrong contact information! Here is what you must include in your contact information: 

    • Phone number 
    • Email address – A professional email address is advised (firstname.lastname@gmail.com), not some of your childhood email (eozlovesmango@gmail.com) 
    • Location 

    4. Add Your Education  

    Software developers must constantly refresh their skills, so make sure you possess post-college studies in your resume's education section. A career in Software Development typically requires a bachelor's degree. If you are a fresh graduate, consider adding your CGPA if it remarkably stands out. On the other hand, the longer you are out of school, the less important your degree becomes.  

    Technology is continuously evolving, and your skills must evolve too. The education section of the resume is a good place to flaunt the post-college training you have equipped yourself with to keep yourself up to date. Also, if you possess any special certificates in your field, you should list them too. 

    Include Software Engineer Skills Tailored to the Job 

    Recruiters specifically look for the skills needed for this job. So, here's how you write the skills section when curating your software developer skills resume. 

    • Make a note of all the skills-related keywords you see. 
    • Use that piece of information to create a master list of your software-developing skills. 
    • Go to your work experience section again and check if it helps to back up your skill set. 
    • Remember to include a mix of soft and hard skills. 

    If you haven’t got the right knack for software developing skills yet, here’s a full stack course you would be interested in with very reasonable Web Development course fees 

    5. Summary Or Objective 

    If you have observed a resume before, you might have noticed snappy paragraphs on the top. They are called a summary or objective. It is to simply emphasize why you may be the most suitable candidate for the software development job. To add the profile summary for software developers, keep the following in mind. 

    What Is The Difference Between These Two Sections?

    Resume SummaryResume Objective
    Professional summary for software developer- 2-4 sentences summary regarding your professional experiences and achievements (Suitable profile summary for software developer fresher).  Career objective for software developer2-4 sentences snapshot of what you want to achieve professionally.  

    Generally, we suggest the experienced ones go with a summary. If you possess the skills but lack the experience, you should prefer objective (career changers, graduates, or those still studying).  

    6. Use Action Words To Strengthen Your Resume 

    • "Worked" 
    • "Made" 
    • "Managed" 

    These are all everyday words that a recruiter sees time and again. On the contrary, you should start using powerful words to make your accomplishments stand out, like:

    • Determined
    • Conceptualized
    • Formulated
    • Spearheaded
    • Initiated

    7. Add Extra Sections To Your Resume 

    After covering all the necessary details, you might feel like something must still be missing. You need to be careful here because adding extra sections can decide between other candidates and you. Here, we've got you covered. Try including the following:

    • Awards And Certifications  

    If you have ever won an award for Software Developing work, completed any courses in this field, or any certificates that demonstrate your value, add them.

    • Languages 

    This is one impressive skill for any recruiter, even though the skill of speaking an alternative language may not come in handy. So, feel free to add a language section. 

    • Interests And Hobbies

    This section can stretch from fishing to coding. This allows the recruiter to get to know you. Sometimes, they can also indicate that you can do good in a team, especially if you are into social activities!  

    8. Write a Software Engineer Cover Letter   

    software developer’s cv makes your application clear and more unique. The cover letter needs a correct structure. Here's what we suggest– you should add the following: 

    A. Personal Contact Information  

    Your profession, location, email, full name, phone number, and website. 

    B. Opening Paragraph  

    The job you're applying for and your experience and best accomplishment to date. 

    C. The Body  

    Make sure to address the following 

    • Why do you want to join this specific company What you know about the company 
    • How your skills will help you do the job 
    • Which similar posts have you held before 

    D. Closing Paragraph  

    Conclude the main points, thank the recruiter for the opportunity, and finish with a call to action to leave the conversation open. 

    E. Formal Salutations

    Professionally end the letter with "Sincerely" or "Kind regards". 

    With this information, you might also want to check software developer cv examples/ software developer cv samples once before creating your own. Here, check out some software developer cv templates free. 

    Do’s And Don'ts

    Proofread carefully and ask someone else to check it overLeave unnecessary gaps in employment
    Clearly label the sections of your resumeUse images or graphics that the ATS may not be able to scan
    Put your contact information in a significant spotTry to cram a lot of information into each description
    Leave the right amount of white spaceUse artsy fonts that are hard to read

    Best Practices to Make Your Resume Easy to Scan 

    After all this hard work, you want to ensure that your software development resume is easy to scan. Even if you hold the best education and experience, you will not be interviewed if your resume is vague. Here are some things you need to keep an eye out for. 

    • Make clear sections 
    • Line things up 
    • Embrace Bullets 
    • Retain white spaces 
    • Include symbols and numbers 
    • Pick the right font 
    • Watch out for the header 

    Software Developer Resume Examples/Sample

    Here we have provided software Developer resume samples for your inspiration. 

    1. Entry Level Software Developer Resume Template 

    Here are some examples of resumes for Entry level software developers. 

    Resume Template 1

    Entry Level Software Developer Resume Template


    Resume Template 2

    Fresher Software Developer Resume Template


    2. Senior Software Developer Resume Template 

    Here are some examples of resumes for experienced software developers. 

    Resume Template 1

    Senior Software Developer Resume Template

    Resume Template 2

    Senior Software Developer Resume Template


    Top 10 Skills for a Software Engineer Resume 

    Here are the most commonly used skills for a Software Developer resume. Make sure you put all relevant skills on your resume. We have divided them into two- hard skills and soft skills. 

    Hard Skills on a Software Developer Resume  

    1. Cloud and cloud security 
    2. DevOps 
    3. IT automation 
    4. Full-stack development 
    5. Python 

    Soft Skills on a Software Developer Resume

    1. Good communication  
    2. Time management 
    3. Problem-solving skills 
    4. Adaptability and flexibility 
    5. Ability to accept feedback 


    The KnowledgeHut’s Web Designing and Development course is here to equip you with state-of-the-art knowledge and technical skills that enable you to stay at the forefront as a software developer. Start building your dream career today! Enroll with KnowledgeHut now!


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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