HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentAmazon Software Engineer interview Process in 2024 [Exeprt Tips]

Amazon Software Engineer interview Process in 2024 [Exeprt Tips]

08th Apr, 2024
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    Amazon Software Engineer interview Process in 2024 [Exeprt Tips]

    As a company, Amazon gives a lot of importance to its employees’ growth. When we studied an article published by The Pragmatic Engineer, it revealed that the company employs approximately 70,000 new people for tech roles across the globe each year. But before you target for a spot, isn’t it better to relate to the responsibilities of a software development engineer?

    In this blog, you will get everything that you think “I wish I had known this” before appearing in an Amazon software engineer interview process.

    Who is a Software Engineer?

    Software engineers have an educational background in computer science and are knowledgeable on how to implement programming principles. They work in companies or may even work independently to design software products, develop mobile and web applications, and administer network control systems.

    As the field of software engineering is vast, it encompasses various domains of technical expertise. However, we commonly encounter two primary branches: systems software developers and applications software developers.

    Now let’s delve deeper to learn about a software engineer’s work responsibilities.

    Role and Responsibilities of Software Engineers at Amazon

    Before you apply for an SDE, you must go through the job description. Considering you are preparing for the Amazon interview process for software engineer specializing in backend technologies, these are the duties you will be expected to fulfill:

    • You must have excellent programming skills in object-oriented languages like C#, Java, and C++.
    • You should be able to portray superior problem-solving skills throughout the job tenure.
    • You should be able to resolve real-world issues implementing object-oriented design, databases, data structures, and algorithms should be clear.
    • Your daily tasks will necessitate maintaining good verbal and written communication with other team members and third parties.
    • Finally, you should have a quick-learning attitude and must start learning scripting languages like Perl.

    Besides these, at times you will need to step up to optimize the coding of other programmers in your department. For this, you can prepare well beforehand by enrolling for an A-grade Web Development complete course. Here, everything will be taught in live lectures, and you will have assignments to complete that are actually useful in the real world.

    Stages of Amazon Software Engineer Interview

    The Amazon interview process for a software engineer can take up to 8 weeks to get completed. The procedure starts with validation of a candidate's resume, cover letter, and referral (if applicable).

    Next, if the HR department finds your CV to be attractive, they convey the date for an online assessment via email or call. Following this, you sit for two rounds of phone interview and 4-6 rounds of on-site interview. Here's a brief description of these processes:

    1. HR Interview

    It is the very first step of any Amazon software engineer interview process. During this round, the HR contacts you to assess your general interests and asks a few questions to determine your suitability for the company. Provided the recruiter is satisfied with your responses, they will set a date for your online assessment.

    2. Amazon Online Assessment

    This second step is mandatory for all fresher applicants and may sometimes also be included for experienced professionals. The test is mainly segmented into three parts: coding problems, debugging assignments, and real-world simulations that necessitate logical reasoning.

    To pass the round, you must be proficient in either one or more of the following programming languages:

    • C++
    • Swift
    • JavaScript
    • Python
    • Ruby
    • C#
    • C

    Also, to clear the logical reasoning round you must solve 24 MCQs that are based on technology and programming.

    You can practice all these through KnowledgeHut's best online courses for Software Engineering. Here, the mentors guide you to solve each problem and we provide you with multiple other projects that need advanced implementations of object-oriented programming. Thus, you develop the exact skill sets required to crack the interview at Amazon.

    3. Phone Screen Round

    While exploring Amazon interview questions for a software engineer, you will often come across a set of behavioral questions that are asked in this session. It typically continues for 45-60 minutes and in most cases, the interviewer is your potential team leader. The agenda of this round is to assess your leadership and teamwork principles.

    4. On-site Rounds

    Finally, this is the most elaborate section that can get stretched to 4 - 6 rounds of 1 hour each. At this stage, the interviewers attempt to determine your fundamental coding skills by holding various competency tests.

    You must ensure to prepare well for these rounds as they can be pretty hard to crack. For hands-on learning, you can try out the best online courses for Software Engineering and build your portfolio from scratch.

    How to Prepare for an Amazon Software Engineer Interview?

    These are the main points that you need to consider while preparing for an Amazon software engineer interview process:

    • Amazon presents a standard set of leadership principles related to customer obsession throughout the interview. So, you must go through these pointers if you are planning to crack the interview.
    • It will be worthwhile if you spend sufficient time researching the recent events and objectives of the company. This will establish your genuine interest in joining Amazon in front of the recruiters.
    • Another vital point that is often untouched is that you should not expect any positive or negative reactions from the interviewer's end. They are trained not to react and thus you must be 100% confident regarding your answers.
    • Finally, you will need to face a Bar Raiser round where the person in charge will assess your capabilities against 50% of other candidates in your position. For this, you should have the competency of at least a certain limit and must be comfortable writing the right amount of optimized code.

    Tips to Crack an Amazon Software Engineer Interview

    The following tips will eventually help to pass the interview stages while trying to get into Amazon:

    • Make a habit of coding regularly on platforms like LeetCode, GeeksforGeeks, HackerRank, etc.
    • During the interview, you must catch onto the hits that are put forward by the interviewer. Your adaptability to various scenarios sometimes becomes the ultimate deciding factor.
    • If you find a problem too difficult do not give up and instead try to propose various possible solutions. Otherwise, the negative attitude of ‘not able to do’ might end up in getting your application rejected.
    • Practice explaining your coding in simple terms. It is an important skill to master and often helps in impressing the interviewer.
    • While assessing your code the interviewer will primarily check three things. First, the time complexity should be low, i.e., your code must run fast. Next, it should not grab unnecessary storage. Finally, the source code should be easy to maintain and preferably scalable. So, you have to work on these areas.

    In a nutshell, you should develop strong fundamentals about programming so that you can describe any viable solution to a real-world issue by applying the STAR method. Besides the results, the recruiter will also analyze your efforts before letting you know about their decision.

    Topics to Prepare for Amazon Software Engineer Interview in 2024

    These are the preliminary areas you must focus on to crack an interview as a programmer:

    • Coding in Python, JavaScript, Java, C++
    • Algorithms
    • Data Structures
    • High-level design

    After these things, there will be challenges related to behavioral questions that you can prepare during the latter half of the interview preparation phase. The trick will be to earn confidence by sitting for mock interviews which are strategically conducted by top ed-tech platforms.


    Preparing for the Amazon software engineer interview process requires a systematic approach. With the right guidance and diligent practice, you can tackle any industry-standard problem and effectively explain the underlying logic.

    To kickstart your preparation, consider exploring KnowledgeHut's wide range of web development courses. These courses are designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in software engineering interviews, covering topics such as data structures, algorithms, problem-solving techniques, and more. By enrolling in these courses, you can enhance your technical proficiency and boost your confidence, ultimately increasing your chances of success in the Amazon software engineer interview process.

    Take the first step towards achieving your career goals by investing in your professional development with KnowledgeHut's Web Development online courses.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What types of questions can I expect in an Amazon software engineer interview?

    A typical interview scenario for software engineers at Amazon lasts for about an hour. It is divided into four rounds, starting from work style assessments to work sample simulations and at last, there's an in-person interview where you can negotiate work terms with the interviewer.

    2What soft skills are important for an Amazon software engineer interview?

    Besides mastering problem-solving skills related to object-oriented programming, you are expected to possess excellent verbal and written communication skills. Also, the interviewer may delve deeper to assess your open-mindedness, time management, and teamwork capabilities.

    3How does Amazon assess technical skills during the interview?

    You are asked to write code for a particular problem that needs to be optimized. Also, you will be challenged to design an architecture or system. Finally, the interviewer will assess your capabilities of maintaining scalable systems by discussing specific design choices.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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