HomeBlogData SciencePython Scopes and Their Built-in Functions

Python Scopes and Their Built-in Functions

14th Feb, 2024
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    Python Scopes and Their Built-in Functions

    When I started off with learning how to code, it was important for me to understand the terminology used. Variables in Python are fundamental containers used for storing and manipulating data in a program. The scope of a variable helps us understand up until which point is the variable valid. In Python programming, variables are the backbone of data manipulation and program logic. They hold and transform data, allowing for the execution of algorithms and the management of large datasets. Mastering Python variables is essential, as they are fundamental to developing efficient and dynamic programming solutions. Symbolic names serve as pointers to memory regions, enabling developers to dynamically manipulate information. Python uses dynamic typing, which allows variables to adjust to different data types at runtime, in contrast to statically typed languages. To create a variable, you may assign a value by using the '=' operator. The variable name rules in Python contribute to the language's simplicity and readability, promoting the creation of code that is both expressive and meaningful.  

    Python scope plays a crucial role in determining where a variable is accessible, defining the context in which a name can be referenced and modified. Variables in Python are essential for storing various types of data, such as numeric numbers, texts, or complex objects. They are crucial for the adaptability of the Python language, enabling programmers to create efficient and adaptable solutions. Understanding the subtleties of Python variables and scope sets the groundwork for successful data management and algorithm implementation in this widely-used and sophisticated programming language. The 'self' parameter in Python class methods is a fundamental concept that distinguishes instance variables, ensuring that each object instance has its unique data. This parameter is pivotal in Python's object-oriented approach, linking the method calls to the object's context and enabling the creation of modular and reusable code structures. Here you can learn all about Python and Data Engineer training.

    What is Python Scope?

    In Python, scope refers to the region in a program where a particular variable is accessible. The two main types of scope are global and local. Global scope encompasses the entire program, allowing a variable to be accessed from any part of the code. Local scope, on the other hand, is limited to a specific block or function, ensuring that a variable is only accessible within that particular context. When a variable is referenced, the interpreter looks for it first in the local scope and then in the global scope if it is not found locally. This hierarchical structure prevents unintended variable modifications and helps maintain code clarity. Understanding scope is crucial for proper variable management and avoiding naming conflicts in Python programs.

    Types of Scopes in Python:

    In Python, there are four types of scopes, which are as follows:  

    • Global Scope   
    • Local Scope 
    • Enclosing Scope  
    • Built-in Scope

    Global Scope (with example)

    Global scope refers to the names of variables which are defined in the main body of a program. These are visible and accessed throughout the program. The variables or objects declared in the global scope are easily accessible to all functions within the program. Let’s understand the global scope with the help of a code.

    message = "Hey"
    def python_developer():
        developer = "Welcome to Python Programming!"
        print(message, developer)
    def developer_name(name):
        print(message, name)
    Hey Welcome to Python Programming!
    Hey Mark!

    Attention: As a good programming habit, it is advisable to avoid global variables as much as possible. Why? Because they are easy to alter and the result could be erroneous output. Global variables increase the security vulnerability of the code as well. That doesn’t mean you will not use global variables at all. As a thumb rule, try to use those variables and objects in the global scope, which are meant to be explicitly used globally like functions and objects. 

    Local Scope

    Local scope refers to the names which are defined within a function and are local to that function. They can be accessed from the point of its definition until the end of the block in which it has been defined. The local scope exists till the time the function has been executed. Let’s understand the local scope with the help of a code.

    def local_test():
        value = 1
        # Print statement 1
        print("The value defined is: ", value)
    The value defines is:  1

    Notice the error if you run the following code.

    def local_test():
        value = 1
    print("The first number defined is: ", value)  
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Projects/untitled/basic.py", line 4, in <module>
        print("The value defined is: ", value)
    NameError: name 'value' is not defined

    Enclosing Scope or Non-local Scope

    Enclosing scope is also known as non-local scope. They refer to the names of a variable defined in the nested function. Simply put, these variables are neither present in the local scope nor in the global scope. To create a non-local variable in an enclosing scope, use a non-local keyword. Let’s understand the enclosing scope with the help of a code.

    def parent_nest():
        initial_value = 5
        def child_nest():
            next_value = 10       
            print("Value defined in the parent function: ", initial_value)
            print("Value defined in the parent function: ", next_value)
    Value defined in the parent function :  5
    Value defined in the parent function :  10

    Built-in Scope

    When the variable or object is not found in local, global, or enclosing scope, then Python starts looking for it in the built-in scope. Built-in scopes are one of the widest scopes that cover all the reserved keywords. These are easy to call anywhere in the program prior to using them, without the need to define them.

    As we move towards more complex use of scope in Python, we recommend our python programming learning online, which you can follow while applying these concepts in real python projects. 

    Modifying the Behavior of a Python Scope

    Python scope's behavior is strict. Though python allows accessibility to global names from anywhere,  their modification is highly restricted. With the help of allowed keywords, you can modify the behavior of a Python scope. The two keywords allowed in Python to modify the behavior of a Python scope are:

    1. Global Keyword
    2. Local keyword

    Global Keyword

    To define a variable declared inside a function as global, we have to use the ‘global’ keyword. By using a global keyword followed by a variable name, you are asking Python to use the globally defined variable instead of creating a local variable. Let’s understand this concept with a code snippet. 

    You are free to use multiple global statements with a name. All the names that you list in a global statement will be automatically mapped to the global scope in which you define them. Let us understand how to use a global keyword with the help of a code.

    message = "Hey"
    def python_developer():
        global message1
        message1 = "Welcome to Python Programming!"
        print("In Function message is: ", message)
    print("Outside Function message is: ", message1)
    print("Message is: ", message)  
    In Function message is:  Hey
    Outside Function message is:  Welcome to Python Programming!
    Message is:  Hey

    Nonlocal Keyword

    Similar to the global keyword, Python also allows nonlocal names to be accessed within functions. To use the keyword, type nonlocal followed by the variable name. When using more than one variable, use a comma. Let us learn how to use nonlocal keywords with the help of a code.

    def my_message():
        message = "Hey Programmers!" # A nonlocal variable
        def nested():
            nonlocal message  # Declare var as nonlocal
    Hey Programmers!

    LEGB Rule

    LEGB is an abbreviation for (Local Enclosing Global Built-in) followed by the Python interpreter when executing a code.

    LEGB Rule​
     The LEGB rule in Python is a  name searching algorithm where Python looks up scopes in a particular order. For instance, if you want to look up a reference name, Python will look after all the scopes following the LEGB rule. That means, the interpreter will look for local scope, then global scope, followed by enclosing tag and then finally looking into built-in scopes. If the name is not present on either of the four scopes, you will perhaps get an error.

    Using Scope Related Built-In Functions

    The creation of closures, a key notion that increases the functionality and flexibility of Python, relies heavily on enclosing scopes in Python, following the LEGB (Local, Enclosing, Global, Built-in) rule. If the variables in the enclosing scope are not now in memory, a closure function will remember and keep their values. The best way to learn this is in the Data Scientist course .Enclosing scope in Python allows functions to "close over" variables, facilitating their separation into their own environment and making them completely self-contained. Understanding the LEGB rule in Python is fundamental for comprehending how variables are accessed and retained in different scopes, contributing to the language's adaptability and the development of modular and reusable code. 

    Think about this scenario: 

     def outer_function(x): 
        def inner_function(y): 
            return x + y 
        return inner_function 
    closure_instance = outer_function(10) 
    result = closure_instance(5) 

    Inner_function is a closure in this particular example because it makes a reference to the variable x that is included inside its enclosing scope, which is outer_function. It is the inner function that is returned when outer_function(10) is invoked, with the value of x being set to 10. After that, execution of closure_instance(5) results in the addition of 10 (the value that was remembered for x) to 5, which is 15. 

    Because they encapsulate functionality and keep the state of variables consistent across several calls, closures are very helpful when it comes to the creation of code that is the modular and reusable kind. Having a solid understanding of how Python makes use of enclosing scopes to generate closures is very necessary in order to fully use the capabilities of this feature when it comes to producing code that is both succinct and efficient.  

    Bringing Names to Scope With import

    The import statement in Python holds great significance as it facilitates the inclusion of names into the current scope, thereby granting access to modules, functions, or variables that have been defined in external files or libraries. This mechanism greatly amplifies the modularity and reusability of code, empowering developers to harness the power of preexisting codebases. 

    Let us now delve into the following illustrative example: 

    # mymodule.py 
    def my_function(): 
    return "Hello from my module!" 
    # main.py 
    import mymodule 
    result = mymodule.my_function() 

    In the given illustration, the utilisation of the import mymodule statement effectively incorporates the entirety of the mymodule module within the scope of the main.py file. As a result, the function "my_function" that has been defined within the module "mymodule" becomes readily accessible within the current file. The invocation of mymodule.my_function() exemplifies the utilisation of the imported function within the confines of the local scope. 

    Furthermore, the import statement can be employed to selectively import specific names from a module, thereby mitigating the accumulation of unnecessary elements within the namespace. 

    from mymodule import my_function 
    result = my_function() 

     The syntax employed here entails the direct importation of the `my_function` from the `mymodule`, thereby rendering it accessible within the present scope sans the need to reference the module name. 

     In essence, the import statement serves as a conduit for seamless integration of external functionality, thereby enhancing Python's inherent versatility and fostering the creation of modular and collaborative software projects. 

    Discovering Unusual Python Scopes

    Python, renowned for its flexible scope rules, reveals captivating intricacies in diverse scenarios, surpassing the traditional confines of local and global scopes. In this exposition, we shall delve into the realm of three discernible scopes: the realm of Comprehension Variables Scope, the realm of Exception Variables Scope, and the realm of Class and Instance Attributes Scope.  

    • Comprehension Variables Scope 

    List comprehensions and other comprehensions in Python bestow upon their variables a distinctive scope, thereby endowing them with a sense of uniqueness. In the realm of list comprehensions, it is important to note that variables defined within the scope of such comprehensions are confined solely to that particular comprehension. As an exemplification: 

    squares = [x**2 for x in range(5)] 
    print(x)  # Raises NameError since x is not accessible outside the comprehension 

    The variable 'x' is encapsulated within the scope of the list comprehension, thereby highlighting the inherent isolation of comprehension variables. 

    • Exception Variables Scope 

    The utilisation of exception handling in Python introduces a unique scope for variables that are captured within an except block. In the realm of exception handling, it is crucial to acknowledge that the variable designated to capture an exception is confined solely within the block where it is utilised. 


    result = 10 / 0 
    except ZeroDivisionError as e: 
    print(e)  # Accessible here 
    print(e)  # Raises NameError since e is not accessible outside the except block 
    • Class and Instance Attributes Scope 

    Each Python class has its own unique scope for all of its stated characteristics. Attributes of a class are common to all instances, but attributes of an instance are unique to that instance: 

    class MyClass: 
        class_attribute = "I am a class attribute" 
        def __init__(self, instance_attribute): 
            self.instance_attribute = instance_attribute 
    obj1 = MyClass("Instance 1") 
    obj2 = MyClass("Instance 2") 
    print(obj1.class_attribute)  # Accessible 
    print(obj1.instance_attribute)  # Accessible 
    print(obj2.class_attribute)  # Accessible 
    print(obj2.instance_attribute)  # Accessible 

    The class attributes have a broader scope as they are accessible by all instances, whereas the instance attributes are specific to each individual instance. 

    The utilisation of these non-traditional scopes effectively demonstrates the intricacies inherent in Python's design, providing developers with robust mechanisms for effectively handling variables within distinct contexts. This further solidifies the language's remarkable flexibility across a wide range of programming paradigms. 


    In conclusion, in order to write code that is both reliable and easy to maintain, it is necessary to have a deep grasp of the variable scopes that Python provides. Python's architecture provides developers with the ability to exercise flexibility and control over features, types of scope in python, such as local and global scope in python, as well as the complexities of comprehension, exception, and class scopes. The understanding of Python scope, encompassing local and global aspects, is integral to navigating how variables are accessible across the entire program. Debugging capabilities may be improved by using built-in functions linked to Python scope, such as the `locals()` and `globals()` methods. Python's comprehensive scope methods make it possible for developers to construct solutions that are both efficient and modular. This may include the creation of closures, the handling of exceptions, or the structuring of class hierarchies. The mastery of these scope resolution in python ideas not only contributes to the readability of the code, but it also illustrates the flexibility and versatility that are the components that make Python such a strong and widely used programming language. Knowledgehut Data Engineer training will guide you on your Python and data engineering journey. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is a class scope in Python?

    Class characteristics in Python are specified inside an area called a class scope. All instances of a class have the same set of variables called class attributes. By providing a shared location for data and behavior, these properties are accessible to all instances of the class. The scope of global variable in Python, which includes variables declared outside any function or class, is crucial for understanding how variables are shared across the entire program. A key component of object-oriented programming structures, class scope is separate from both local and global scopes and is responsible for enclosing and organizing data.

    2What is the scope of self in Python?

    Self is a standard Python initial parameter in class methods. Methods may access and alter class instance characteristics using it. Self is restricted to class methods. It helps encapsulate object state by distinguishing instance variables from local variables in those methods. Self is essential to Python object-oriented programming.

    3What are the benefits of Python?

     several advantages as a flexible and popular programming language. Python, with its focus on readability and succinct syntax, is ideal for beginners and experienced programmers. Python's vast standard library has many pre-built modules and packages for various tasks and functions. The software supports procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. Since dynamically assigning types to variables avoids type declarations, it increases flexibility and usability.  Memory leaks and other memory concerns are prevented, and programming is simplified.  Python is platform-agnostic, making it easy to create cross-platform software. Python's adaptability makes it ideal for web development, data analysis, AI, and automation.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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