HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentTop 15+ Angular Project Ideas of 2024 [with Source Code]

Top 15+ Angular Project Ideas of 2024 [with Source Code]

25th May, 2024
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    Top 15+ Angular Project Ideas of 2024 [with Source Code]

    Angular, created by Google, is an open-source JavaScript framework that is widely used for building dynamic web applications. The framework is known for its ability to create responsive, scalable, and maintainable web applications. With its component-based architecture, declarative templates, dependency injection, and routing features, Angular offers a comprehensive solution for developing modern web applications. 

    Its popularity and widespread adoption in the technology world make it an important tool for developers seeking to build robust and cutting-edge applications. This article will look at some of the best Angular project ideas to help you practice your Angular skills and land a high-paying job.

    List of Angular Project Ideas [For All Levels]

    While learning Angular, it is often helpful to study real-world projects to see how the framework is used. Fortunately, there are many open-source Angular projects available online, angular projects from scratch, that developers can use to learn and improve their skills.

    These projects cover a wide range of applications, from e-commerce platforms to social networks to task management tools. They demonstrate various techniques and best practices for building robust and scalable applications through Angular training. Moreover, studying these projects can help developers understand how to integrate Angular with other technologies, such as Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Firebase. 

    The top Angular projects with source code offer a great way to learn and practice Angular skills. They provide developers with the opportunity to explore real-world use cases and best practices in web development. Moreover, they can serve as a foundation for building new applications or adding features to existing ones. 

    Here is the list of complete Angular Project ideas for all beginners, intermediates, and advanced professionals: 

    1. To-do List App
    2. Weather App
    3. E-commerce Platform
    4. Social Network Platform
    5. Recipe Book
    6. Fitness Tracker
    7. Movie Database
    8. Music Player
    9. Real-time Chat Application
    10. Financial Management Application
    11. Social Media Platform
    12. E-learning Platform
    13. Task Management Application
    14. Job Portal
    15. Digital Wallet Application
    16. Online Marketplace

    Top 4 Angular Project Ideas: Beginner and Final Year Students

    The following projects all are simple angular projects for beginners. There is also source code included in each and every project. You can refer to the GitHub link for the repository as well.

    1. To-do List App

    A to-do list app is a great starting project for beginner Angular developers. The app allows users to add, delete, and mark tasks as complete. This project involves creating a simple user interface, handling user input, and using local storage to save the task list.

    Source code: To-do List App

    2. Weather App

    Weather App in Angular

    Source: Minimis

    A weather app allows users to search for weather information by city or location. This project involves integrating a weather API, displaying weather information, and handling user input. Additionally, this project allows developers to explore the integration of external APIs and data management.

    Source code: Weather App

    3. E-commerce Platform

    An e-commerce platform is a more advanced Angular project that provides users with the ability to shop for products, add items to their cart, and checkout. This project involves integrating with a backend API to fetch product data, creating a shopping cart, and handling payments.

    Source code:  E-commerce Platform

    4. Social Network Platform

    A social network platform allows users to create profiles, connect with friends, and share content. This project involves creating a user authentication system, implementing a database to store user data, and creating social features such as commenting and liking.

    Source code:  Social Network Platform

    These Angular project ideas offer a great starting point for beginner and final-year students looking to practice their Angular skills. They offer opportunities to explore different features of the framework, such as user input, data management, and API integration, and can serve as a foundation for more complex applications. The source code for each project is available on Github, making it easy to learn from and build upon.

    Top 4 Angular Project Ideas: Intermediate Level

    Here are four Angular project ideas for intermediate-level developers:

    1. Recipe Book

    Recipe Book Angular project

    A recipe book app allows users to search, save, and view recipes. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to search for recipes, display recipe details, and save recipes to a user's personal collection. Additionally, this project can incorporate external APIs to fetch recipe data and can involve the use of a database to store user data.

    Source code:  Recipe Book

    2. Fitness Tracker

    A fitness tracker app allows users to track their exercise routines and progress. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to log their workouts, view their progress, and set fitness goals. Additionally, this project can incorporate external APIs to fetch exercise data and can involve the use of a database to store user data.

    Source code:  Fitness Tracker

    3. Movie Database

    A movie database app allows users to search for and view information about movies. This project involves integrating with a movie API, displaying movie details, and allowing users to save their favorite movies to a personal collection. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as movie recommendations and reviews.

    Source code:  Movie Database

    4. Music Player

    A music player app allows users to listen to and manage their music library. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to browse their music library, play songs, and create playlists. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as song recommendations and lyrics.

    Source code:  Music Player

    These Angular project ideas offer a great next step for intermediate-level developers looking to practice their Angular skills. They offer opportunities to explore more complex features of the framework, such as external API integration and data management, and can serve as a foundation for even more advanced applications. The source code for each project is available on Github, making it easy to learn from and build upon.

    Top 4 Angular Project Topics: Advanced Level

    Here are four Angular project ideas for advanced-level developers:

    1. Real-time Chat Application

    A real-time chat application allows users to communicate with each other in real-time. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to create accounts, connect with other users, and send messages. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as notifications and multimedia messages.

    Source code:  Real-time Chat Application

    2. Financial Management Application

    A financial management application allows users to manage their finances, track expenses, and create budgets. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to log expenses, view their spending patterns, and set financial goals. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as investment tracking and financial reports.

    Source code:  Financial Management Application

    3. Social Media Platform

    A social media platform allows users to create profiles, connect with friends, and share content in a social media environment. This project involves creating a user authentication system, implementing a database to store user data, and creating social features such as commenting and liking. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as image and video uploads, real-time notifications, and advanced user profile customization.

    Source code:  Social Media Platform

    4. E-learning Platform

    An e-learning platform allows users to access and complete online courses. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to search for and enroll in courses, view course content, and track their progress. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as user certification, course ratings and reviews, and advanced search and filtering.

    Source code:  E-learning Platform

    Open-Source Angular Project Ideas 2024

    These Angular project ideas offer a great challenge for advanced-level developers looking to practice their Angular skills. They offer opportunities to explore advanced features of the framework, such as real-time communication, financial management, and social media networking, and can serve as a foundation for even more complex applications. The source code for each project is available on GitHub for all to fork, making it easy to learn from and build upon.

    Here are a few more open-source Angular project ideas that are trending:

    1. E-commerce Platform

    An e-commerce platform allows users to browse, purchase, and manage products online. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to search for products, view product details, and make purchases. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as shopping cart management, user account management, and advanced product search and filtering.

    Source Code: E-commerce Platform - GitHub

    2. Task Management Application

    A task management application allows users to manage their to-do lists, deadlines, and project tasks. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to create tasks, set priorities and deadlines, and track their progress. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as task sharing and delegation, real-time notifications, and project management tools.

    Source Code: Task Management App

    3. Job Portal

    A job portal allows users to search for job openings, apply for jobs, and manage their job applications. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to browse job postings, create profiles, and submit job applications. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as job alerts, resume management, and employer communication tools.

    Source Code: Job Portal

    4. Digital Wallet Application

    A digital wallet application allows users to store and manage their financial assets, such as cryptocurrencies or digital tokens. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to manage their digital assets, view transaction histories, and send and receive digital payments. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as portfolio tracking, price alerts, and digital asset trading tools.

    Source Code: Digital Wallet App

    5. Online Marketplace

    An online marketplace allows users to buy and sell products or services online. This project involves creating a user interface that allows users to create profiles, post listings, and make purchases. Additionally, this project can incorporate features such as rating and review systems, payment processing tools, and advanced search and filtering.

    Source Code: Marketplace

    These open-source Angular project` ideas offer a great opportunity for developers to contribute to the community, gain experience, and showcase their skills. They offer a wide range of features and functionalities, making them suitable for different types of developers and projects. Additionally, they can serve as a foundation for even more advanced applications, making them a great next step for developers looking to challenge themselves.

    Angular Project Prerequisites
    Pre-requisite of learning Angular

    1. JavaScript: As Angular is a JavaScript framework, it's important to have a strong foundation in JavaScript before diving into Angular. This includes an understanding of variables, data types, functions, arrays, objects, and other key concepts.
    2. TypeScript: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing, classes, interfaces, and other features to the language. Angular is built on top of TypeScript, so it's essential to have a good grasp of TypeScript to work with Angular effectively.
    3. HTML/CSS: Angular uses HTML templates to define the structure of web applications and CSS for styling. Understanding HTML and CSS is necessary for creating and styling Angular components.
    4. Node.js and npm: Angular applications are built and managed using Node.js and its package manager, npm. Familiarity with these tools is necessary for setting up and running an Angular project.
    5. IDE or Code Editor: An IDE or code editor is necessary for writing and managing Angular code. Popular options include Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, and Atom.
    6. Angular CLI: The Angular CLI is a command-line interface for creating and managing Angular projects. Familiarity with the CLI is essential for working efficiently with Angular.

    Why Should You Work on Angular-based Projects?

    Working on Angular-based projects can provide a range of benefits for developers. Here are a few reasons why you should consider working on Angular projects:

    • Angular is a popular and widely used framework, so working on Angular projects can improve your job prospects and career opportunities.
    • Angular has a large and active community, which means that you can easily find resources and support when working on projects.
    • Angular provides a robust and scalable framework that can handle complex applications with ease.
    • Angular offers a wide range of built-in features and tools, such as dependency injection and reactive programming, that can make development faster and more efficient.
    • Angular projects can be developed for a variety of platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop, which can expand your skill set and project portfolio.
    • Angular projects can be developed using a variety of tools and technologies, such as TypeScript and RxJS, which can further enhance your development skills.
    • Working on Angular projects can be a great way to gain experience in developing large-scale, enterprise-level applications.

    Overall, working on Angular-based projects can provide a range of benefits for developers, including improving job prospects, expanding skill sets, and gaining experience in developing complex applications.

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    Learn Development with Angular the Smart Way

    Start with the basics: Before diving into complex Angular concepts and techniques, it's important to start with the basics. This means understanding the fundamentals of TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Having a strong foundation in these areas can make learning Angular much easier. Also, Full-stack Web Developer course with placement will help you build a stellar project portfolio and prepare you to crack interviews.

    1. Utilize Online Resources: The Angular community provides a wealth of online resources that can help you learn the framework, including documentation, tutorials, and forums. Take advantage of these resources to gain a deeper understanding of Angular and to troubleshoot any issues you encounter.
    2. Build Projects: The best way to learn Angular is by building projects. Start with small projects, such as building a simple form or a calculator, and gradually work your way up to more complex applications. This will help you gain hands-on experience with Angular and understand how different concepts work in practice.
    3. Attend Meetups and Workshops: Attending Angular meetups and workshops can provide a great opportunity to connect with other developers, learn new skills, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in Angular development.
    4. Learn from Others: Collaboration is a key part of the development process, and learning from others can help you improve your skills and gain new perspectives. Participate in online communities, such as GitHub or Stack Overflow, and contribute to open-source Angular projects to learn from other developers and share your own knowledge.


    Angular is an important framework for web development and offers a range of benefits for developers of all levels. With its powerful features and flexible framework, Angular is widely used to build scalable and complex applications. Additionally, attending meetups and workshops can provide valuable networking opportunities and keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in Angular development. 

    By mastering development with Angular, you can become a skilled developer and make a valuable contribution to the tech industry. KnowledgeHut's Web Development crash course will help you master front-end, backend, database, to create websites from scratch. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What projects are in Angular?

    Angular is perfect for building single-page web apps, mobile apps with compelling animations, progressive web apps that work offline, enterprise apps and E-commerce apps.

    2How to create a project with Angular?

    You can follow the steps mentioned in the official docs for creating the new project- view here

    3What famous websites use Angular?

    Microsoft Office,Deutsche Bank,Mixer.Santander,Gmail,Forbes,Upwork,PayPal.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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