HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentFront-End Developer Salary in UK in 2024 [For All Levels]

Front-End Developer Salary in UK in 2024 [For All Levels]

02nd Apr, 2024
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    Front-End Developer Salary in UK in 2024 [For All Levels]

    Curious about the earnings of front-end developers in the UK? Let me help you explore. Front-end development plays a crucial role in the ever-evolving IT services market, reflected in the UK's notable surge in front-end developer salaries. The increasing demand is indicative of the industry's growth. Gartner anticipates a 2.4% rise in software spending to reach $4.5 trillion by 2023 and a 5.5% expansion in the IT services industry, reaching $1.3 trillion.

    Web 2.0 has made online platforms more user-friendly, changing how people and businesses use the internet. Websites now have cool features like AI chatbots and 3D presentations, showing the ongoing improvements in web development. Technology has come a long way, from simple web pages to advanced web applications. To figure out how much front-end developers earn in the UK, it's important to understand what their job involves.

    Who is a Front End Developer?

    Front-end developers create the user experience of a website. Front-end developers employ various coding languages and frameworks to bring web designs to life on a webpage. They work closely with UI/UX designers and QA testers to ensure the final website incorporates all necessary buttons and navigation tools and prioritizes user experience in the designed layout.

    Common programming languages used are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. However, to implement a modern website/web app features like 3D animations, AI chatbots, cross-device compatibility, etc., popular frameworks such as Vue JS, React, jQuery, and others are frequently utilized. These programming languages enable them to guarantee slick functioning and user engagement and produce aesthetically pleasing websites. A Front-end Development Bootcamp course will give you the necessary abilities to become a front-end developer.

    Front End Developer Salary in UK in 2024

    Front-end developers earn higher salaries in the UK according to expertise, specialty, and type of work. Furthermore, income potential may greatly increase by focusing on particular fields, such as JavaScript programming. For example, in the UK, the yearly income for JavaScript developers is £50,000. Competitive front-end developer hourly rates in the UK are another benefit for freelance developers; these fees usually are £25, depending on expertise level.

    Average Salary in the UK



    Average Hourly Rate

    £17 - £35

    Average Monthly Salary

    £2,917 - £5,833

    Average Annual Salary

    £35,000 - £70,000

    Front-End Developer Salary in the UK: Based on Experience

    Front-end developer salaries in the UK vary significantly based on experience levels. Here's a breakdown:

    • Beginner: Entry-level front-end developer salary in the UK with 0-2 years of experience ranges between £35,000 depending on the company and location.
    • Intermediate: Mid-level front-end developer salary in the UK with experience of 2-5 years, considered junior developers, earn approximately £57,000 annually.
    • Advanced: Developers with more than 5 years of experience command higher salaries and can earn between £70,000 per year. Variables such as project complexity, level of responsibility, and market demand for specific skills influence the compensation.

    Experience Level

    Salary (GBP)







    Front-End Developer Salary in the UK: Based on the Job Role

    The trends for front-end developer salaries in the UK vary depending on individual job positions and broader market conditions. Although the average front-end developer salary in the UK is £46,000, full-stack developers who know both front-end and back-end programming demand a far higher average salary of £103,968. These numbers provide an initial basis for understanding the expected salaries for various front-end development positions in the UK labor market.

    Job Role

    Salary Range (GBP)

    Web Developer

    £69,459 per year

    Full Stack Developer

    £103,968 per year


    £80,593 per year

    Software Engineer

    £95,949 per year

    Application Developer

    £88,185 per year

    Back End Developer

    £97,947 per year

    Factors Impacting Front-End Developer Salary in the UK

    Front-end development is a well-paying and crucial field in the UK tech sector. Various factors affect front-end developer salaries in the UK, including

    1. Location/Region

    This plays a crucial role in deciding front-end developer salaries in the UK. Salary comparisons show that major cities like Edinburgh, Manchester, and London provide much greater wages than elsewhere. This is explained by aspects such as these vibrant centers' high cost of living and growing need for qualified workers. Glassdoor data suggests that London's average annual front-end developer salary ranges from £37,000 to £60,000, depending on experience and expertise. Yet, cities other than major metropolitan usually offer lower salaries but with a corresponding lower cost of living.

    2. Industry/Employer/Company

    Reputable businesses in industries like banking, technology, and e-commerce are frequently at the forefront of the pay package game, providing competitive benefits to draw in top people. However, startups and smaller businesses sometimes compensate for their slightly lower pay with alluring benefits like stock options and flexible work schedules. IT businesses often provide the most excellent wages compared to other areas like retail or hospitality. For example, Google and Meta give some of the top wages in the software sector for front-end engineers, at $185,177 and $194,435, respectively.

    3. Experience

    It has a significant role in determining front-end developer salaries in the UK. Companies seek candidates with a track record of developing responsive and aesthetically pleasing online apps. Depending on their region and business, junior front-end developers with no experience in the UK's salaries are between £25,000 and £35,000 per year. However, the earning potential of developers increases dramatically as they demonstrate leadership skills in managing projects, learn to coach junior team members, and put best practices into effect.

    4. Demand and Supply

    Front-end developers are in high demand in the UK. For qualified professionals, this leads to appealing work possibilities and reasonable compensation. With increased demand in the labor market, there is also less supply of these skills. This gives the power to bargain for better pay and perks from employers who actively want to draw and keep top personnel. Developers possessing specific talents, industry expertise, and a robust portfolio stand to gain the most. Salaries for entry-level developers are lower as they need more fundamental abilities to confront a more competitive market. Therefore, continuous learning, skill development, and building a solid portfolio are crucial for maximizing earning potential.

    5. Credentials/Certifications

    Credentials and certificates effectively demonstrate proficiency and experience in the UK job market, affecting the front-end developer salary in the UK. Companies prefer candidates with credentials of the best course for Full-stack Developers, which indicates expertise in particular technologies or frameworks. But it's important to remember that, despite their value, certificates do not ensure success by themselves. They should be complemented by practical experience and a strong portfolio showcasing relevant projects and accomplishments.

    6. Skills

    The skill set substantially impacts front-end developers' average salary in the UK. Companies are actively looking for people who know how to use popular frameworks like React Vue.js and essential technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Proficiency in responsive frameworks like Bootstrap can greatly increase one's earning potential. Soft skills are equally important, particularly for people working in team situations or client-facing professions.

    How to Improve Front-End Developer Salary in the UK?

    The following are important variables to increase front-end developer salaries in the UK:

    1. Skills

    For professional success and increased salaries, ongoing skill improvement is essential. Proficiency in fundamental languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is crucial in the UK market. But it's also essential to remain ahead of the curve by learning new frameworks and technologies. Soft skills also significantly impact earning potential as recruiters demand them.

    2. Certifications

    A front-end developer's skill and competency in particular technologies or approaches may be evident through certifications. Web Development courses online with certificates offer hands-on training, enabling developers to refine their skills and stay current. Consequently, certified front-end developers are better positioned to negotiate higher salaries and secure good organizational roles.

    3. Degrees

    An average front-end developer salary in the UK can be considerably increased, though it's unnecessary, with a degree in computer science, web development, or a similar discipline. Advanced degree holders often earn more and are better suited for specialist and leadership jobs in the IT sector since they have a solid basis in software architecture, design processes, and programming ideas.

    4. Experience

    Employers particularly value developers with project experience, a track record of working with interdisciplinary teams, and exposure to other sectors. Proven capacity to handle challenging situations and adjust to changing project requirements is highly regarded. Experienced front-end developers are considered essential resources for an organization's success and will earn better compensation.

    Why are Front End Developers Paid So Much in the UK?

    Front-end developers in the UK are highly valued and compensated for several reasons. Let's delve deeper into why front-end web developer salaries in the UK are substantially high.

    1.    High Demand and Scarcity: The digital revolution has increased demand for front-end developers. Due to the need for qualified developers, there is a competitive market where top talent fetches high prices. Front-end developers have many work opportunities, allowing them to negotiate competitive wage packages and use their knowledge and experience.

    2.    Technical Skillset: Mastering various skills and determination are necessary to become a highly skilled front-end developer. Writing code is only one aspect of it; other skills include learning and using various frontend technologies, connecting backend systems with ease, testing and debugging extensively, optimizing search engines, and ensuring the design is responsive on multiple devices.

    3.    Versatility and Adaptability: Providing outstanding digital experiences requires adapting to new trends, technology, and user preferences. The industry's forward-thinking developers who anticipate consumer demands and use creative solutions to improve user experience are highly regarded.

    4.    Specialization: To increase front-end developer salaries in the UK, many developers focus on specialized fields like DevOps or JavaScript frameworks. Their job is greatly enhanced by this particular knowledge, which makes them valuable members of IT teams and companies.


    Several factors influence front-end developer salaries in the UK, and knowing these aspects helps people make well-informed professional decisions. With this understanding, developers may successfully bargain for attractive benefits packages and seize opportunities for industry advancement.

    Salary corresponds with the strong demand for front-end developers since businesses depend on these professionals to construct and manage their online presence. This compensation is proportional to the developers' technical expertise, flexibility, and contributions to fostering innovation in the digital space.

    Front-end developers may increase their earning potential by gaining experience, obtaining relevant degrees and certifications like KnowledgeHut Front-end Development Bootcamp, and continuously developing their skills. They may set themselves up for successful careers and long-term success in the ever-changing web development field by investing in their professional development and becoming aware of industry trends.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

    1How do remote work options affect front-end developer salaries in the UK?

    The rise of remote employment gives a significant opportunity for front-end developers in the UK to increase their earning potential. Because of their flexibility, they can work for organizations in other locations or even seek freelance work internationally. 

    2What benefits packages are typically offered to front-end developers in the UK?

    Front-end developer salary in the UK goes beyond wages and includes a variety of compelling benefits. These include health insurance, dental coverage, retirement programs, and incentives. Bigger businesses provide extra benefits like stock options and flexible work schedules. 

    3What are the typical working hours for front-end developers in the UK?

    The regular working hours often align with standard office hours, ranging from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. The actual hours, however, may differ based on client requirements, project deadlines, and corporate policy for work patterns and allowances for remote work. 

    4Can freelance front-end developers expect similar pay rates compared to full-time positions in the UK?

    Yes, the salary of freelance front-end developers in the UK is generally equivalent to similar full-time job roles. Developers may expect a pay between $15 and $35 per hour in the UK, depending on their specific skill set. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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