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WordPress Vs Web Development: Which is Better?

12th Oct, 2023
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    WordPress Vs Web Development: Which is Better?

    In the world of website creation & management, the age-old debate continues for WordPress vs web development. While both offer their fair share of pros & cons, it ultimately comes down to your specific needs as a business or individual. WordPress, an open-source content management system, has gained immense popularity due to its user-friendly interface & extensive plugin library. 

    Web development offers complete customization & scalability for creating a truly unique website tailored to your exact requirements. In this post, we will analyze both options to help you determine which is best for your website. Alongside, you can go for UI/UX Bootcamp scholarships and hone the skills to design successful digital products.

    WordPress vs Web Development: Comparison Table

    To clarify the differences & similarities between these WordPress vs web development, we have created a comparison table below with a few important parameters to consider:

    Web Development
    Proficient in programming
    Knowledge of CMS & website building tools, HTML, CSS, etc.
    Career Path
    Web Developer, Full Stack Developer, Front-end
    WordPress Developer, Content Marketer, SEO Professional
    Depending on experience & skills, the average salary can be $76,000
    Depending on experience & skills, the average salary can be $62,000
    Roles and  Responsibilities
    Develop apps & websites from scratch
    Develop themes & customizable website
    Design Approach
    Focus on creating pre-built plugins
    Focuses on Templates & Custom websites
    Tools Used
    Programming languages & advanced frameworks
    WordPress CMS, Themes, Plugins, Code Libraries, Text Editors
    Web development allows maximum scalability which can be tailored to specific requirements.
    WordPress can handle scaling up to a certain point but can be limited by the hosting provider's resources
    Web development provides one-on-one customer support from a team of experts
    WordPress has a vast community of users that offer support on forums & social media platforms.

    Difference Between Web Development and WordPress

    The decision to build a website can be complex particularly when it comes to deciding whether to use WordPress or web developer. Both options WordPress vs web development have their advantages & drawbacks, but how do they stack up against each other in specific areas? Below, we will compare WordPress vs web developer, across different sections to help you make an informed decision & get you know everything about what is difference between WordPress and Web development in every aspect.

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Overview

    When it comes to creating a website, there are two main routes to consider: web development or using a platform like WordPress. Web development involves building a website from scratch, using coding languages like HTML, CSS, & JavaScript. On the other hand, WordPress is a content management system that offers pre-built templates & plugins for customization. 

    While web development allows for more customization & flexibility, WordPress offers an easier & faster solution for those who don't have coding experience. Ultimately, the choice between web development & WordPress depends on the specific needs of your website & your level of expertise. It is noteworthy that coders can upgrade their skills with the best Web Development courses and master frontend, backend, database and technologies to build scalable websites .

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Career Path

    While both fields involve creating & managing websites, web development is a broader field with a wider range of career paths, including front-end, back-end, & full-stack development. In contrast, WordPress development involves using the WordPress platform to create & manage websites. While WordPress is a popular choice for many businesses & individuals, specializing solely in WordPress development may limit career options.

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Skills

    Web development involves a wide range of skills that include coding languages, graphic design, & various web technologies. A web developer is required to have knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, & frameworks such as React or Angular. 

    In contrast, WordPress development requires knowledge of only a single platform, along with basic coding & design skills. WordPress developers should have proficiency in PHP, HTML, CSS, & JavaScript. When it comes to skills, web development requires expertise in several areas, whereas WordPress development demands knowledge of a single platform. 

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Salary

    The difference between WordPress developer Vs Web developer salary varies based on the level of expertise, job position, & geographical location. On average, web developers earn a higher salary compared to WordPress professionals. According to reports, the national average for web developers is $76,000, while WordPress developers average around $62,000. 

    However, it's worth noting that WordPress developers who specialize in areas such as plugin development, e-commerce, & theme development can earn more. It's crucial for professionals to continually develop their skills & stay up-to-date with industry trends to increase their earning potential. 

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Roles & Responsibilities

    A web developer will typically be responsible for the entire development process, including front-end web design & back-end server configuration. WordPress developers primarily focus on customizing themes & plugins, optimizing website performance, & securing data. Choosing between web development Vs WordPress development depends on the scope & complexity of the project, as well as the available resources & skill sets of the development team. 

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Job Description

    Web development & WordPress are two related but distinct fields that require different job descriptions. Web developers typically create custom websites from scratch, using multiple programming languages & design tools. Their job involves coding, database management, server configuration, & testing. 

    WordPress developers work on sites that are built on the WordPress platform, using templates, plugins, & themes. Their job includes customizing the site's design & functionality, troubleshooting errors, & keeping the site secure & up-to-date. Both fields require skills in coding, design, & problem-solving, but WordPress development is often more focused on content management than web development. 

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Design Approach

    In terms of WordPress Vs Web development, there are different design approaches to consider. With web development, there is room for more customization & flexibility when it comes to design. This allows for more unique & tailored websites. 

    WordPress offers more predesigned templates & themes, which can make it easier to get started quickly. However, these templates can also limit the design capabilities & make it more difficult to create a truly unique website. It largely depends on the specific needs & goals for the website. 

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Tools

    Web development involves using a wide range of tools to create a website from scratch. These include programming languages like HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, as well as various frameworks & libraries. Developers have complete control over the design & functionality of the website, but it requires more technical knowledge & time.

    Alternatively, using WordPress means using the platform's own built-in tools for designing & developing websites. These include a variety of themes, plugins, & customization options. While traditional web development offers more flexibility & customization options, WordPress makes it easier to get started quickly & with minimal coding knowledge. 

    Web Development Vs WordPress: Prerequisites

    Web development requires knowledge of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & PHP. The developer must also understand databases & server-side technologies. WordPress development requires basic knowledge of HTML & CSS. Covering a vast range of requirements, web development takes time, effort, & expertise. 

    In contrast, WordPress development is relatively simpler & faster. However, WordPress development has limitations, & the developer has to rely on plugins & themes for complex functionalities. All in all, choosing between WordPress Vs Web development depends on the business needs & budget. 

    Web Development Vs WordPress: How to Become

    Web development & WordPress are two distinct fields in the realm of digital technology. While web development requires programming languages like HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, WordPress is a content management system that doesn't necessarily require web development skills. 

    To become a web developer, one needs to learn programming languages from scratch, whereas to master WordPress, one can opt for online training courses and KnowledgeHut UI/UX designer bootcamp that offer in-depth knowledge & practical experience. Web development offers higher versatility in terms of customizability, whereas WordPress offers convenience in content management.

    How are They Similar?

    WordPress Vs web development may seem like two entirely different entities, but they share many similarities. In fact, WordPress is a tool that helps web developers create dynamic websites with relative ease. Understanding how these two entities are similar is important for anyone looking to utilize WordPress as a platform for their website.

    At the core of WordPress & web development is coding. Both require knowledge of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript to create a functional website. Understanding how these coding languages work together is key in developing a seamless website.

    In addition to coding, both WordPress & web development require design skills. The ability to create visually appealing & user-friendly websites is essential to any web development project. WordPress offers a vast array of customizable themes & templates, making the design process much simpler.

    Another similarity between WordPress & web development is content management. Both require the ability to manage content, whether it be through blog posts, images, or other media. WordPress provides an intuitive content management system (CMS) that streamlines the process of creating, editing, & publishing content.

    Finally, both WordPress & web development require attention to detail & problem-solving skills. Troubleshooting issues & fixing bugs is an essential component of any website project. 

    What Should You Choose Between WordPress Vs Web Development?

    When it comes to building a website, you have two options: using a platform like WordPress or developing a website from scratch using web development. So, which route should you choose? 

    With WordPress, you can choose from a variety of templates & plugins to customize your site to your specific needs. WordPress is easy to use & update, making it a great option for beginners. Web development allows for more customization & flexibility, but it requires a more in-depth understanding of coding & web development principles. 

    Choosing between WordPress Vs web development depends on your specific needs & goals. If you're looking to create a simple website for personal use or a small business, WordPress may be the best option for you. It's easy to set up & use, & there are plenty of templates to choose from. 

    However, if you're looking for a more complex website or app, web development may be the better choice. With web development, you have more control over the functionality & design of your site, & you can create something truly unique & tailored to your specific needs.

    Final Notes

    The choice between WordPress Vs web development is dependent on a number of variables; viz., the scope of the project, the budget available for the project, and the type & complexity of features to be offered. Ultimately, both WordPress & web development offer advantages specific to their technologies & any decision should be made based on what best suits you or your organization's needs. 

    Although it might take some knowledge & experience to decide which one is better than others, having a clear idea about these two popular options will help you make an informed decision that could work well in the long-term.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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