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How to Make a Good Resume In 2024

29th Mar, 2024
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    How to Make a Good Resume In 2024

    There are many recommendations for creating a resume that can impress companies. Should you write it on a single page? Do you put a summary at the top? Do you include personal interests and volunteer opportunities? And how can your resume stand out, especially if the hiring manager receives a large number of applications? There are many more questions, like what to add and what not. You might have questions like how to make a resume for your first job. It is where you start and create an impression, and you get rejected and demotivated when you add one thing wrong.

    So, this could be your finest opportunity to make a strong first impression, so get it right. Here are the most important tips for how to make a professional resume before you start your first job:

    • Choose the right resume format.
    • Write an impressive summary.
    • Add the right contact details.
    • Give a detailed explanation of your work experience.
    • Add the main skills of your job role.
    • Explain about your education in short.
    • Add some additional sections.
    • Include a cover letter or portfolio link below.

    Now, these are just some basic tips. Let’s dig into the details and learn how to make a good resume that can help you get a job easily. But before starting, I want to let you know why making a resume is important. Let’s check that first.

    Why a Well-Crafted Resume Is Important

    The answer is simple: a resume is important to get a job. When you write your resume correctly, you'll receive responses from every other organization you apply to. And if it isn't made correctly, you'll be waiting weeks and won't receive any response. So now you probably might be thinking how important it is:

    • To create a good first impression.
    • It is written proof of your experience to get noticed by a recruiter.
    • It highlights your skills and qualifications to determine your job role.
    • It helps you stand out from the competition.
    • You can show your achievements to outline what you can give to the company.
    • It will help you move forward with the hiring process in the company.

    Now that you know the importance of a resume, I will take you further to know how to write a good resume. Scroll down to find out how to create a professional resume.

    How to Make a Good Resume

    Here is a step-by-step process of how to make a good resume:

    1. Choose the Right Resume Format

    Before you add content to your resume, make sure it has everything and is attractive you want to show to your employer. The first thing hiring managers notice is how your CV appears, and then they begin reading it. So, start by selecting the appropriate resume format. There are three kinds of resume formats available there:

    • Reverse-chronological - It is the most used resume format worldwide, making it the greatest option for the majority of job seekers.
    • Functional - This resume format highlights your skills rather than your professional experience. It is a wonderful choice if you are just starting in your profession and have little to no experience in any sector.
    • Combination - The combination resume style is ideal for experienced job searchers with a diversified skill set. It is helpful if you're searching for a job that requires experience in a variety of sectors.

    Here are some formatting tips after you decide the format of your resume:

    • Stick to a single page. You should only use a two-page resume if you have decades of experience and believe the extra space will offer considerable value.
    • Create clear section headings. Select a heading and utilize it for all section headings so that the hiring manager can quickly navigate your resume.
    • Without the appropriate margins and quantity of white space, your resume may appear packed with information. Set your margins to one inch on both sides so your content fits perfectly on the page.
    • Use fonts that are easy to read and professional yet are balanced. For instance, Arial, Ubuntu, Roboto, and Overpass. Set the appropriate font size according to the section name and content inside it. As a general rule, use 11-12 point font for normal text and 14-16 points for section titles.
    • Make a PDF file of your resume after saving it. Word files are popular, but they have a high probability of causing formatting issues on your resume.
    • Keep your resume creative rather than traditional.

    2. Add Correct Details

    Now that you have chosen the perfect resume template add details to it. When you are adding content to your resume, you should start by adding your contact information. It is an important part of your resume. Your contact information should be at the top of your resume, in a resume heading, so the hiring manager can easily read it.

    Even if everything else on your resume is flawless, it all falls apart if you misspell your email address or have a typo in your phone number. The hiring manager won't be able to contact you, and you will miss an opportunity. So, double-check your contact information area to ensure that everything is accurate and up to date. Here are some things you should add as your contact in your resume:

    • Full name - Your first and last name should be clearly visible at the top of your resume.
    • E-mail address - Use a professional and easy-to-spell address, such as your first and last name. Example: nidhibhatt@gmail.com.
    • Telephone number - Provide an accurate phone number where the recruiting manager may easily reach you. Reach the contact number once to see if any number needs to be corrected or correctly added.
    • Location - Enter your city and state/country. If you want to relocate for the work or prefer a remote role, include that on your CV.
    • Job title - Add your professional title below. Write it down exactly like a junior content writer or SEO content writer. Just don't come up with titles like "content lover" or "content changer." They're simply unprofessional.
    • LinkedIn profile - You can also add your LinkedIn profile link at the bottom of the CV, as more than 77% of hiring managers utilize the platform to evaluate candidates.
    • Relevant links - Include portfolio, personal websites, or social media profiles related to your expertise. For example, a content writer can add a link to their content uploaded on the website.

    3. Write a Summary After the Headline

    Everyone knows that recruiters spend very little time on each resume, which is why you should know how to make a good resume. When recruiters receive hundreds and thousands of applications per day, it is impossible to check every CV. So, to browse through resumes more effectively, hiring managers read only the summary part to check if the candidate is reliable for a post or not. A summary is a brief line underneath your name, which is written on top.

    Depending on your career stage, your resume headline can be a resume summary or a resume aim. For example, I am an experienced content writer with 5+ years of experience writing content in many different forms and niches. Helped many companies rank their content through my writing and basic SEO skills. Strong background in WordPress and SEMRush.

    4. Write Your Experience

    Work experience is the most important aspect of your resume. Here, you can promote yourself and highlight your prior accomplishments and responsibilities. If you write this part perfectly, you'll know almost everything there is to know about creating a resume. Here is the simple format for each work experience entry:

    • Job title - Your job title appears at the top of each work experience section. You have to add relevant work experience so that the recruiting manager can see and understand it perfectly.
    • Company name and location- Mention your employer's name and location, such as the city, state, or nation where you worked.
    • Dates of employment - Include the approximate month and year for your employment at each organization. You do not need to provide specific dates because the typical format for this is mm/yyyy.
    • Achievements and duties - Here, you have to add your responsibilities and achievements to explain what you did in your past company. List them in bullet points rather than paragraphs to make them easier to read.

    You can add your experience details like this:

     Work experience sample

    5. Add Education Details

    The following section is dedicated to your academic qualifications in your resume. Check out what you can add to it:

    • Degree name - Your major and degree type should be specified. (E.g., "B.M.M in bachelor of mass media/communication")
    • University name - Include the name of the institution. (Example: "Gujarat University")
    • Dates of attendance - Use the mm/yyyy format for the dates you attended. (E.g., "08/2009 - 06/2013")
    • Certificates - In this section, you can also add the details of any online free courses with a certificate, if you’ve done any.

    6. Create a Skills Section

    After your work experience, the hiring manager will focus on your skills. Work experience and abilities account for 90% of the recruiting decision. Here, you should highlight all your skills that qualify you for the position. You can list two sorts of abilities in your resume:

    • Hard skills - If you are a developer, you can add from simple HTML to PHP and MySQL.
    • Soft skills - Other than that, as a developer and also other than developer, you add communication abilities, leadership skills, critical thinking, time management, etc.

    Always make different sections to add hard and soft skills.

    7. Add Interest Section

    The areas we've discussed so far are essential for every resume. But if you have some extra space, there are a few optional sections you may add to your resume to help it stand out, like:

    Top Resume Examples

    A strong CV is more important than anything in today's competitive employment market. However, many job seekers need help to create a resume that effectively shows their talents and expertise, leading to missed opportunities. It is where resume templates come in. Here are the best free resume templates for you:


    To stand out and get a job in 2024, ask yourself how to make the perfect resume for you and put your thoughts together; make sure your resume is well-organized, clean, and no more than one page. Take your time and learn how to make a good resume. Make sure to include material that provides value to your application. Focus on relevant work experience and talents that you can back up, and mention as many accomplishments as feasible.

    If you're using a resume template, select depending on your industry. Job industries like law, banking, and business require more traditional resume styles. However, if you are applying to industries such as design, architecture, or marketing, you can use a creative resume template.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1How to format a resume?

    You can choose the format you prefer for your resume. But remember to choose according to your industry and job post to get easily selected.

    2Can a resume be two pages long?

    In general, limit your resume to one page. Hiring managers review hundreds of resumes daily, and reducing your resume to one page improves your chances of getting noticed sooner. If you have many years of experience, your resume can be longer than two pages.

    3Is a CV longer than a resume?

    A resume is only one page long, whereas a CV might be two to three pages long, depending on your experience level.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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