HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentPros and Cons of Hiring Full Stack Developer

Pros and Cons of Hiring Full Stack Developer

26th Dec, 2023
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    Pros and Cons of Hiring Full Stack Developer

    Technopreneurs today need developers that are more than just experts in a certain technology to compete. The tech industry requires globalization and unification, which is why the term "Full-Stack Developers" became popular and became a respectable job description. Here we will talk about the full-stack developers, the pros and cons of hiring full stack developer.

    Full-stack developers are typically preferred by businesses and enterprises because they can fulfill the increasing standards and skill requirements. Building software is expensive, complicated, and requires numerous developers, which together pushes the budget too high for the IT industry. The term "full-stack developer" refers to a developer who can handle all front-end, back-end, database, and other tasks. What else might a hiring manager anticipate if they choose a developer that possesses all the necessary qualities?

    But over time, it becomes unclear whether it would be a good idea to hire a full-stack developer. This blog will answer all your questions about hiring such developers and show you the benefits and drawbacks of doing so. We will discuss the pros and cons of hiring full stack developer further. Every type of professional developer works together to create the finest solutions based on the needs of the business, whether it be software development, web development, or mobile app development.

    Full Stack Development

    Source: revenueriver.co

    Who are Full Stack Developers?

    Full stack web developers are individuals who can develop both the front end and the back end of web development. Full stack technology refers to the total depth of a computer system application. The front end of a website contains all the functions that are visible to the client or site visitor.

    • creating a browser's code (By using JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, or Vue) 
    • setting up a server (By using PHP, ASP, Python, or Node) 

    Imagine you are utilizing the Instagram app. Your screen loads fresh material each time you refresh. You may search for profiles, like pictures, create new ones, and so much more.

    Every application typically comprises a front end, a back end, and a database.

    A Full Stack Developer is involved in the entire development process of an application. He creates both the front end and the back end of a programme while making sure it has all the necessary functionalities. Below are the pros and cons of hiring full stack developer in detail way:

    Pros of Hiring Full Stack Developer

    The main advantages of hiring full stack developer  

    1. Cost-effectiveness

    Full-stack developers are inexpensive. You can shape your project by hiring one competent full-stack developer rather than searching for numerous developers. That is especially helpful if you are just getting started on your project and have a limited budget. Additionally, you can save even more money if you recruit a software developer from a nation whose living expenses are cheaper than yours. 

    A business replaces a front-end developer, a back-end developer, and a QA tester while recruiting a full-stack developer. As a result, hiring a full-stack developer can save money. 

    2. Problem Solvers

    For a good reason, today's employment for software developers demand that you have exceptional problem-solving abilities. Sadly, there appears to be some type of skills deficit when it comes to the one competency that every software engineer must possess.

    This is the most considered point when we talk about full stack developer advantages. This is the most considered point when we talk about full stack developer advantages.

    Both formally and informally, troubleshooting and problem-solving techniques are taught, but software engineers typically must pick up these skills on their own. This holds true not only for self-taught developers but also for individuals who have degrees in software engineering or who have completed coding boot camps.

    Since this is the case, whether you are a novice or a seasoned developer, it is imperative that you familiarise yourself with the problem-solving process.

    3. Flexibility

    Developers with a full stack are more adaptable. They can work on any aspect of the project and produce high-quality outcomes while handling the entire design framework. Full-stack programmers also maintain and optimize current systems. They have a broad perspective and are knowledgeable about user preferences.

    Many full-stack engineers are familiar with the most recent developments and technologies. They can design the greatest responsive website, add clever features, and improve user experience.

    4. Wide range of technology skills

    Developers with a full stack are more likely to provide long-term solutions that guarantee the successful completion of your project. They are knowledgeable about every layer of software development and are adept at quickly identifying and fixing any issues.

    Full-stack engineers can perform both tasks, while front-end developers construct the final image that users can interact with, and back-end developers code the website and connect it to the content management systems.

    Additionally, full-stack experts can work on the current project, add fresh features, and enhance your code. The versatility of the many tech talents is quite helpful for any tech endeavor.

    5. Management skills

    A seasoned full-stack developer may successfully manage a group of developers (not always, but as usual). If you already have some inexperienced software engineers, you can employ a full-stack developer to oversee all the operations and assist your existing staff.

    6. Years of experience

    There are several full-stack engineers who have worked on various online projects. They now possess extensive knowledge in the area of web and app development thanks to their experience. As a result, you may anticipate that their perspective will, over time, significantly improve the effectiveness and market acceptance of your project. 

    7. Learn new Languages or framework

    A full-stack developer has a lot of frameworks and libraries to keep track of. Additionally, full-stack developers must stay up with emerging technologies like IoT, Big Data, AR, and VR. You should also check out some Full Stack Certification.

    Since programming languages, frameworks, and technologies are constantly updated, it is challenging even for specialists like full-stack developers, it can occasionally be challenging to stay on top of the most recent trends, tools, and technologies that are always emerging in the IT industry. This occasionally turns out to be a disadvantage.

    8. Troubleshoot errors

    Full-stack application developers are specialists in every facet and stage of the project development process, making it simple for them to spot problems and put permanent fixes in place. This guarantees the best performance of the website or mobile application.

    9. On time delivery of the projects

    Full-stack developers with experience and problem-solving skills make sure the project is delivered on time. A small group of full-stack programmers can quickly take the place of a large group of front-end and back-end programmers and prevent the business from missing its deadlines.

    10. Better Productivity

    Full-stack developers can take ownership of the entire development process from start to finish. This means they have a better grasp of the entire project and are thus able to manage it more effectively. They can also see how all the pieces of a product fit together, making them great at building solutions that work for everyone involved.

    Cons of Hiring Full Stack Developer

    Here are some disadvantages of hiring full stack developer  

    1. Slower development process

    Even though a full-stack developer is capable of handling numerous duties, they are still one person. One individual cannot be expected to complete all tasks at the same rate as two separate developers. The list of tasks can keep growing if you hire a full-stack engineer, which would slow down the development process.

    2. Some limitation to a certain tech stack

    Many naïve business executives and non-technical people mistakenly believe that full-stack developers are experts who can solve any technological challenge. However, full-stack developers are individuals who are knowledgeable in both front-end and back-end technologies. Their tech stack may not quite meet the project's requirements. Java Full Stack Developer syllabus is what you need to look at.

    3. Lack of clear responsibility zone

    Tasks for full-stack developers sometimes overlap. A full-stack developer must handle a large portion of the burden and frequently switch between several processes, even if you have a large tech staff. They occasionally don't know exactly what their responsibility is in a project.

    4. Not able to keep up with the latest trends and technologies

    You must keep up with the most recent technological advances if you work in the software development industry. It is challenging for full-stack engineers to stay up with advancements and developments in the IT industry because they specialise in multiple fields and have a variety of abilities. It's possible that not all developers are aware of all the new innovations and technologies available.

    5. Time-consuming process

    Full-stack developers must transition between the many programming languages they are proficient in while working on the project. But because the developers must go back and review the fundamentals and consult the manuals to brush up on minor details, it becomes a time-consuming procedure for them.

    6. Diversified knowledge is a curse sometimes

    The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that happens when someone unintentionally expects that someone else has the background to understand them when they are conversing with them.

    Although hiring a full-stack developer is more economical, doing so seems unfair when compared to hiring specialists. A developer with deep expertise in just one technology or platform will undoubtedly outperform someone with knowledge of multiple technologies spread thinly.

    An expert developer will always have a deeper mastery of the specific technology than one whose focus is spread over several languages over time. 

    7. Motivational Challenge

    We had to learn the painful lesson the hard way. We only had one full-stack developer on our team for a while. At the time, it was sufficient to meet our demands, and it was also a wise choice financially. We didn't understand it at the time, but even programmers are social beings. We lost our developer because he missed working on a team, where he could discuss work-related issues and work through difficult assignments. He also missed the sense of competitiveness and professional growth that comes from gauging your success against others. These are the complete list of pros and cons of hiring full stack developers.

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    Checklist for Hiring a Full Stack Developer

    1. Experience

    Graduates frequently lack the necessary abilities. You can't count on inexperienced applicants to produce top-notch work. Internal talent isn't usually well trained. Because of this, businesses must look far beyond hiring software developers, engineers, and other experts.

    2. Technical skills

    Full-stack developers need to be knowledgeable about the fundamentals because they work on both the front-end and the back-end. They must therefore be proficient in both front-end languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as back-end languages like Node, PHP, .NET, and others.

    Full stacks must also be familiar with the fundamentals of database construction. Understanding MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, and other databases is necessary.

    Depending on the stack, the technology list may change. MEAN (MongoDB-ExpressJS-AngularJS-NodeJS), MERN (MongoDB-ExpressJS-ReactJS-NodeJS), LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP), and others are a few of the most popular ones.

    3. Salary

    As we have highlighted, there is a global scarcity of software engineers and tech skills. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find professionals in such competitive markets as the US, UK, and most Western European nations, particularly the Netherlands and Germany. 

    Because of this, the offer's value is high and has surpassed $100,000. Startups and small businesses just do not have the budget that established organisations do to hire the best developers. The best course of action for them is to hunt for offshore programmers and use the outsourcing model to reduce costs.

    Full-stack Developers' Growth in a Company

    Full-stack developers are a valuable resource to any company that needs to handle both the front and back end of a project. They possess a wide range of skills, which makes them uniquely qualified to tackle whatever comes their way. These professionals can be hired for any software development, including web applications, mobile apps, and games. 

    Since full-stack developers are so versatile and valuable, they often get paid well sometimes even more than senior developers who only focus on one part of development. The average salary of a full-stack web developer is $99,600. 

    The future scope and demand for full-stack developers are also very bright. As companies move towards microservices and cloud-native architectures, there will be an increasing need for front-end and back-end developers who can work together seamlessly to build these complex systems. The KnowledgeHut’s Full Stack Java developer course is a comprehensive training program that will teach you everything you need to know to start a career as a full-stack developer. 


    If you opt to hire full-stack engineers, be careful to weigh all the benefits and drawbacks and have a clear understanding of your project's requirements. Spend some time finding a qualified professional with the necessary skills and researching the most cutting-edge technologies Web Designing and Development course is the key to entering the full stack development 

    A full-stack developer can prove to be the best hiring choice for a business because they are knowledgeable in a variety of technology stacks, programming languages, and frameworks. Front-end and back-end developers with specialized skills are preferable in some situations. Everything ultimately comes down to the project's requirements and the company's budget. A business might choose to work with full-stack developers or specialist developers with the assistance of professional IT businesses. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1When to hire full stack developers?

    A full-stack developer's ability to assist with the entire design structure and offer their feedback at any necessary level is their key benefit. Beyond web development, they also provide maintenance and system optimization for already-existing systems. 

    2Is full stack developer a good choice?

    You don't need to hire other developers because a full-stack developer can perform various responsibilities. For exceptional outcomes, go with a full-stack development business with experience. So choose full-stack developers the next time you need both frontend and backend developers. 

    3Why do companies hire full stack developers?

    Because they can work on any aspect of the application, full-stack developers have greater accessibility than software developers. Compared to software engineers, full stack developers interact with the team members more frequently. Both the client-side and the server-side of a programme are managed by full-stack engineers. 

    4What are the advantages of full stack development?

    Saves both money and time. Oval Solution. Excellent Exposure to the Entire Ownership. 

    5How is full-stack development useful?

    Full-stack development is useful because it allows you to work with various technologies, which means that you're not limited to just one language or framework. You can create custom solutions that meet your specific needs, and you'll better understand how the back-end and front-end work together to create an experience for your users. 

    6Why learn full-stack development?

    The demand for full-stack developers is on the rise. Full-stack developers can contribute to all project areas, including the back, front, and database. 

    The most common applications of full-stack development include: 

    • Web applications (e.g., e-commerce sites) 
    • Mobile applications (e.g., games) 
    • Software as a Service (SaaS) applications (e.g., Salesforce) 

    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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