HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentMost Demanding Full Stack Developer Jobs in USA [2024]

Most Demanding Full Stack Developer Jobs in USA [2024]

26th Dec, 2023
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    Most Demanding Full Stack Developer Jobs in USA [2024]

    Web development is an elaborate process that requires effort from different specializations. It has two parts: back-end and front-end development performed by specific professionals. However, full-stack developers exhibit expertise in developing both components. Owing to the technical skills of full-stack developers, their demand is high because they can build comprehensive websites with better synchronization between back-end and front-end elements. 

    A LinkedIn research claims that since 2015, the demand for full-stack developers has grown by 35% annually. By 2024, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that there will be approximately 853,000 positions available for these experts, up from 135,000 currently. So, in addition to the numerous employment alternatives, this particular career path is also one of the highest-paying ones. And it would be a cherry on the top if you get yourself acquitted with Website Development courses

    What is Full-stack Development?

    Full-stack development means building a website or software application, including back-end and front-end elements. The back-end component of a website involves the visual aspects, which are accessible to the user to view information and navigate through hyperlinks. In other words, it allows visitors to take action, such as subscribing to a service or purchasing a product. Back-end components are the ones that work between the user interface, database, and the server of the website owner. 

    What Do Full-stack Developer Professionals Do?

    Full-stack developers write codes using different computing languages to create programs that define and execute the functions. They strategize the needs, outline the functionalities required for the business, and write reusable codes. In addition, they design the website interface and identify necessary hyperlinks that redirect the users to portals within or outside the website. Having certification from any certified courses enhances your skills in web development and increases the chances of landing high-paying full-stack developer jobs in the US. 

    Full-stack Developer Jobs Based on Experience in the USA

    Experience as a full-stack developer in USA or the FSD jobs in USA plays a role in acquiring the skill of designing websites that aces functionalities and user interfaces. In addition, it also helps you understand clients and their requirements better so that you can offer the best solutions. 

    1. Junior/Entry-Level Jobs

    For entry-level full-stack web developer jobs in the US, candidates must know programming languages used in front-end and back-end development. Junior full stack developer jobs in the US have jobs that assist a team of web developers in coding programs required to incorporate functionalities into the website under progress. In addition, they remove bugs in the programs written for the website. 

    2. Mid-Level Jobs

    Mid-level Java full stack developer jobs in USA have experience of 3-5 years in web development. They write programs and are involved in the decision-making steps of web designing. Further, they guide junior developers in programming and report to the senior developers at every stage of web development. 

    3. Advanced Level Jobs

    Advanced-level full-stack developer jobs in the US entail managerial roles leading a team of developers. They interact with clients, understand the requirements, and define the objectives. They perform and supervise programming, debugging, and managing the server and database. They are responsible for implementing new technologies to create cutting-edge solutions. 

    The Highest Paying Jobs as a Full-stack Developer in the US

    The salary of full-stack developers in the US depends on their technical skills. Because some companies take up projects which need specific skills other than those used by many other firms. Let us look at the highest-paying full-stack developer jobs in the US based on the set of skills. 

    The highest paying jobs in full stack developer in United States or a full stack web developer jobs in USA have salaries according to the job titles, which are as follows: 

    Job title (set of skills)Average annual wage in dollars

    LAMP stack developer - (JavaScript - Linux -Apache - MySQL - PHP) 

    The full web application can run properly on a specific piece of hardware thanks to the Linux OS. An HTTP request is translated by the Apache web server, which then fetches and "serves" the information to the user (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). The data that the web server may obtain an offer based on the user's individual request is stored in the MySQL database (a relational database management system). Examples of this type of data include bank statement archives, financial activities, picture files, and CSS stylesheets. In order to get dynamic material from the MySQL database and return it to the user, the PHP programming language collaborates with Apache. 


    LEMP stack 

    (JavaScript - Linux - Nginx - MySQL - PHP) 

    Not available 

    MEAN stack developer - (JavaScript - MongoDB - Express -AngularJS - Node.js) An incoming user request is processed by the AngularJS framework. The request is then processed by Node.js and converted into inputs the web app can comprehend. These translated inputs are used by Express.js to decide which non-relational NoSQL database requests to perform to MongoDB. Express.js then delivers the data back to Node.js, which in turn sends it to the AngularJS framework so it may show the required information in the user interface after receiving the appropriate data from MongoDB. 


    Django stack developer 

    (JavaScript - Python - Django - MySQL) 


    Ruby on Rails 

    (JavaScript - Ruby - SQLite - Rails) 


    Remote/Freelance Full-stack Developer Jobs in the USA

    Are you looking for a Freelance full-stack developer in United States? Then you do not have to worry as there are plenty of remote full stack developer jobs in United States. Almost all web development companies are always in need of full stack developers who would make their work easier. The platforms they use to search for freelancers are LinkedIn, Turing, AngelLink, and Upwork. The criteria for these jobs include the following. 

    • Bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or equivalent experience and 
    • minimum experience of three years as a web developer. 

    Preferred skills

    • Front-end development techniques, including React, JavaScript, Vue.js, HTML/CSS, Redux, Angular, UX Design, WordPress, Spark, or UI Design. 
    • Back-end development skills include Node, Python, PHP, Java, Go/Golang, Ruby on Rails, Django, Google Cloud Platform, and Laravel. 
    • Working knowledge of DBMS such as MySQL, Oracle DB, and PostgreSQL 

    USA-based Full-stack Developer Jobs for Indian /other Country Students

    Full-stack developer jobs in the USA are open for students who are good at coding and web development. Freelance full-stack developer in United States requires a minimum requirement is a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or related fields. Internships in top companies and institutes add credibility to their profile. 

    The Best Cities for Full-stack Developer Jobs near the US

    The salary for full-stack developer jobs in the US varies among cities based on the number of companies and standard of life. Remote full-stack developer jobs in United States also have a good chance of earning a bright salary. The following table has the top five cities that offer high-paying jobs. 

    CityAverage annual income in dollars

    San Francisco 




    New York 






    Required Skills for Full-stack Developer Jobs in the USA

    Since full-stack development involves both the back and front end of websites, the skills of full-stack developers are broad. A Full-Stack Development Bootcamp Training in the USA will help gain most of them through an extensive curriculum taught by experts in the field. Apart from the training, here are some of the fundamental skills include - 

    1. JavaScript

    It is a programming language that offers several libraries and frameworks required for back-end and front-end development. The tools for user=end aspects include React, Angular, Vue, and jQuery. The ones useful for the server end are NodeJS and ExpressJS. Most companies require candidates who are proficient in a few of them. 

    2. HTML and CSS

    HTML expanded as HyperText Markup Language, is a tool that formats texts as headings, paragraphs, popups, hyperlinks, etc. A skilled HTML developer knows how to choose the best texts for different functionalities. CSS is another tool used to change the formats of texts, such as font style and size, to optimize the user interface. 

    3. Python

    IT is the most popular open-source programming language mandatory for various software roles in most companies. It allows rapid development of programs. 

    4. Database management

    It involves creating programs to retrieve data from the website's database. The codes act as channels that convey data from servers to the web interface for users to read. The most commonly used database management systems are SQL, Oracle, and MongoDB. Full stack developers in jobs United States have a higher salary rack if trained in the various databases. 

    Education Requirements to get Full-stack Developer Jobs in the US

    Most companies hire bachelor's and master's degree holders for entry-level jobs as full-stack developers. Part-time full-stack developer jobs in United States can be hired with a certification course. However, they can make an exception for passionate candidates about coding who have no degree. 

    Top Certifications to get Full-stack Developer Jobs in the USA

    Certifications are the best way to enrich your profile that lands you a high-paying full-stack developer job in the USA. They help enhance technical skills and fill the gap in your knowledge. Some of the top courses that certify your ability in web development are 

    • The advanced web developer Bootcamp 
    • Full-stack developer Bootcamp from KnowledgeHut 
    • Full-stack development with React specializations
    • Become a full-stack developer on LinkedIn

    Top Cities where Knowledgehut Conduct Full Stack Developer Bootcamp Course

    FSD Bootcamp in Bangalore
    FSD Bootcamp in ChennaiFSD Bootcamp in Singapore
    FSD Bootcamp in PuneFSD Bootcamp in DubaiFSD Bootcamp in India
    FSD Bootcamp in Hyderabad
    FSD Bootcamp in DelhiFSD Bootcamp in Malaysia
    FSD Bootcamp in MumbaiFSD Bootcamp in CanadaFSD Bootcamp in USA

    How to Get a Job as a Full-stack Developer in the US

    1. Build your profile

    Earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science or a related field, i.e., the minimum requirement in the US. In addition, an intern full-stack developer job in US at a top software company enhances your skills, gives you exposure to the industry, and adds credibility to your profile. Further, you can get certifications on a specific aspect of full-stack development. Build a compelling resume highlighting your skills and experience. 

    2. Apply for jobs on online portals

    Online platforms are phenomenal in building a network of professionals for opportunities in any industry. Some top job portals to look for jobs are Authentic Jobs, GitHub, Indeed, LinkedIn, Dice, F65, Remotive, CrunchBoard, Jobbatical, AngelLink, and The Muse. Alternatively, you can visit the career page of top companies and apply for the open positions. 

    Career Scopes of full-stack developers in the USA

    The demand for full-stack developers is rising every year because it reduces the need for development resources for different components of web development. Many companies prefer full-stack developers due to their versatility, which contributes to the quality of the products and services. They commonly tend to update themselves with new technologies, making them credible resources. 


    Full-stack developer jobs in the US are among the most demanding roles in the software industry and receive attractive packages and perks. More developers are becoming "full stack" developers as the distinction between the front end, and back end becomes less and less distinct. Many organizations (particularly agencies that work on a variety of sites) are searching for developers who are proficient in working on both the "front end" and the "back end" of a site so they can use the finest technologies available. Although it's crucial to note that the Full Stack Developer must be knowledgeable about and highly proficient in most parts of web and application development, they may frequently work with others to produce specialized code for big or complex projects. And for successful career growth, a professional must continue to enhance their skills and choose Best online Software Development courses to learn new technologies. It helps them excel in web development and the ability to deliver the best solutions. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which job search portals are best for full-stack developers in the US?

    The best outlets to seek jobs for full-stack developers are Authentic Jobs, GitHub, Indeed, LinkedIn, Dice, F65, Remotive, CrunchBoard, Jobbatical, AngelLink, and The Muse. 

    2What are the selection criteria for a full-stack developer in a MAANG company in the US?

    Selection criteria for best full stack developer jobs in United States in a FAANG are 

    • Educational qualification: bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science or related discipline. 
    • Internships: for freshers, internships acknowledge your exposure to practical aspects of web development Certifications from coding bootcamps. In-depth knowledge of two programming languages 
    3To get shortlisted at US companies, what should a full-stack developer include on their resume?

    A compelling resume for being shortlisted at US companies as a full-stack developer should include certifications, internships, training, projects, experience, and professional achievements. 

    4In America, can anybody become a full-stack developer?

    Most companies prefer experienced full-stack developers who have worked on high-value projects and have excellent technical and managerial skills. They look for freshers with bachelor’s or master’s degrees in computer science. Exceptionally, firms may hire underqualified but highly skilled, passionate, and certified developers. 

    5Is the full-stack developer well-paid in the US?

    Yes, it is one of the high-paying software jobs. Since most business developments depend on the website, full stack developer job opportunities in United States are high, and they get a high salary for the responsibilities. 

    6Do full-stack developers have a future in the US?

    Demand for full-stack developers is high because the web development tools in the US are advancing rapidly, and the websites generated are of high value. Hence, web development projects are flowing into US companies. The various types of jobs for full stack developers in United States make the chain of demand high for stack developers. 

    7Which is the best place to learn full-stack development in the United States?

    Online learning platforms have enabled students and professionals to earn certifications from any institute. Some of the best places to learn full-stack development are KnowledgeHut, Edx, IBM Learning, Google Learning, Oracle University and more. 


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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