HomeBlogData ScienceCareer Options after BCA in 2024 [Courses & Jobs Options]

Career Options after BCA in 2024 [Courses & Jobs Options]

25th Apr, 2024
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    Career Options after BCA in 2024 [Courses & Jobs Options]

    BCA or Bachelor of Computer Application is a common course that most technology-inclined students pursue.

    A BCA makes you adept at the technology application level, whereas a BTech (Bachelor of Technology) makes you skilled at the technical level. This is why most students opt for BCA instead of BTech because the former is a more holistic approach with an investment of lesser time.

    BCA is one of the most popular science courses because it offers an in-depth look into technology and what goes into manufacturing electronic devices.

    There is a rising demand for those who have done a BCA as the world progresses. The coming years in the 21st century will only increase digitization in every sphere — be it accounting and paperwork, almost every job field will require a BCA graduate. This is why BCA is good for the future. Job-oriented certification courses after BCA boost your chances of getting employed as well.

    What Is BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application)?

    A BCA is the minimum certification or degree requirement you must have to break into the tech world. The course is about three years long (six semesters). It is one of the most popular courses for students who want to get a job in IT because it has one of the highest salaries if you do a second course after it.

    However, one can easily find some of the best career options after BCA.

    The course comprises networking, programming languages like Java and C, data structure and database, etc.

    You are only eligible to apply for this course after completing 10+2 years of education and securing at least 50% in the 12th grade or PUC board exams. Plus, it would help if you had taken mathematics in your high school to sit for BCA.

    After completing this degree, you can go into various career streams. You can also become self-employed and sell your services to companies or individuals.

    Many MNCs provide careers for BCA graduates. However, if you want a better pay scale, you can opt for a specialization course to improve your skillset after graduation.

    Below is a list of the different career options you can pursue after a BCA.

    Best Career Options After BCA

    The following section is for those at crossroads in life and wondering what more is there to do after BCA. So, let's explore the different paths BCA graduates can take up!

    1. Get an MBA (Master of Business Administration)

    Many people get an MBA after getting their Bachelor's degree. An MBA covers various topics ranging from human resources to finances. This is the best course for people who still want to work in the tech sector but do not strictly want a tech job.

    An MBA allows you the option of applying for management jobs. This can be taken depending on your specialization. History in a particular sector gives an edge in the job market and makes employers favor you. For example, if you specialize in IT in your BCA, you can become an IT Manager.

    Getting an MBA after your BCA is quite a lucrative career path. The average salary for those that do an MBA after a BCA is INR 7 Lakh per year.

    If you get an MBA, you do not need to continue in the IT field. You can also go for roles like a management consultant, investment banker, project manager with the completion of PMP training, business consultant, or marketing manager, to name a few.

    Pursuing top business management courses will go a long way in establishing your career in MBA.

    2. Become a Data Scientist

    Data science is one of the fastest-moving careers these days. Companies have just started unlocking the potential of using data to maximize customer satisfaction and spending. Thus, this field has countless implications across all industries, specifically in consumer-driven sectors.

    A data science course consists of programming, data visualization, predictive analysis, natural language processing, machine learning, and big data.

    If you wonder which course is best after BCA, data science is one of the answers. This is the best course for those inclined towards numbers and statistics.

    The need for data scientists in India has increased by almost 40% since January, and that number is only growing as more and more businesses move into the digital sphere.

    Project-based Data Science Bootcamp is one of the best courses available in this field to land high-paying jobs.

    3. Become a Digital Marketer

    Businesses have started to realize the importance of digital marketing and the dire need for the expertise of digital marketers to take their businesses online and promote their services and products.

    Digital marketing is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country. Since last year alone, the digital marketing sector has seen a 33.5% growth. You can get many roles as a digital marketer, such as an SEO analyst, social media expert, content manager, digital marketing manager, and UX-UI designer.

    In a digital marketing course, you will learn about various things such as search engine optimization, content marketing, search engine marketing, and marketing analytics, to name a few. In addition, it will familiarize you with tools like Google Analytics, WordPress, and MailChimp, which will be integral to your job.

    4. Learn Product Management

    Product managers are individuals in charge of a product for its entire product life cycle. Right from ideation and planning to marketing and customer service, you as a product manager are responsible for the product's success.

    As a product manager, your job would be to help companies find, create and release products according to the customers' needs and what market the company is targeting.

    To survive in the current market, these products have to compete with the market standards. As a product manager, skills you will learn include market research, user design, prototyping, product marketing, planning, and strategy development.

    5. Enter the Blockchain Industry

    Blockchain is one of the most promising industries out there. To those out there who are not too familiar with blockchain — a blockchain is a system of recording and storing information. This information is stored to make it very difficult to hack and corrupt.

    So, for example, using blockchain technology, you can store the accounting transactions of a company on many devices. The data is duplicated and divided all over the computer network. Therefore, since the information is not recorded on one server or computer, it is tough to tamper with the data stored on the blockchain.

    A job as a blockchain developer is highly lucrative as the demand for this new technology is just starting. Such courses focus on Ethereum, Composer, Solidity, core backend development, Java, and smart contracts.

    6. Become a Cyber Security Expert

    As long as companies choose to digitize their data, they will always have a position open for a cyber security expert. Online platforms are fragile and susceptible to online attacks, so all companies with sensitive data employ cyber security people or companies.

    The demand for cyber security is steadily on the rise. Last year alone, the number of cyber security jobs in the market grew by 20%. Amazon, CISCO, Wells Fargo, and Flipkart are some of the top firms looking to hire cyber security individuals.

    To become a cyber security expert, you can take many online courses, but you are only eligible to become certified if you have completed your BCA. While taking the course, some of the skills you will learn are data secrecy, network security, cryptography, and application security.

    What Courses Can You Pursue After BCA?

    With the constant innovation in the tech world, you will have to find a way to keep learning if you wish to stay at the top of your field. Thus, upskilling is a necessity in the tech world to march forward.

    There is much debate about which course is best after BCA, but these courses are equally important depending on which direction you want your career to pan out.

    1. Master in Computer Application (MCA)

    After getting a BCA, the next logical step would be to get an MCA. If you wish to specialize in this domain, getting an MCA is the best way to establish yourself professionally in this field further.

    Some of the typical roles you can get after doing an MCA include Network Engineer, Database administrator, System Analyst, Software Engineer, and Troubleshooter.

    Many prominent colleges offer an MCA. It is a two-year-long course, and the student is only eligible if they have a bachelor's in Computer Application.

    The admission is merit-based, and there are many exams you can take for entrance. Some of the exams include BHU PET, CMAT, TANCET, and NIMCET. The average starting salary is INR 3 Lakh to INR 5 Lakh per year for freshers. When coupled with a project-based full-stack development bootcamp, your master’s degree in computer application can give you a salary raise of at least 50%.

    2. Master in Information Management

    A Master in Information Management or an MSIM is for those interested in working with datasets. This course will teach you how to analyze and organize information by transforming large datasets into useful information.

    Students who want to do MSIM learn to use the information to set organizational strategies and improve the overall productivity of companies.

    3. Master in Computer Management

    A Master in Computer Management is a two-year course. Students are only eligible to apply for this course after completing their 10+2+3 years of schooling.

    Candidates must have a minimum of 45% CGPA. The course specializes in implementing complex application software systems and has four semesters and one mandatory internship phase.

    With a Master's in Computer Management, the number of jobs you are eligible for is genuinely endless. For example, you can work in the Banking industry or IT. The average salary for those that have completed an MCM is INR 2 Lakhs to INR 4 Lakhs per year.

    4. Online Machine Learning Courses

    Many online courses teach machine learning. These courses focus on developing and using computer systems that adapt and learn without following explicit instructions.

    It is the creation of computer programs that use intuition and can predict behavior based on patterns and act accordingly.

    5. IT Certifications

    There are many IT certifications that BCA graduates can take up, depending on their field of interest. For example, Amazon has many certification courses for different software they are developing. Amazon's cloud computing certifications are currently some of the most valued markets.

    6. Network Security Courses

    Courses like the CEH v12 course have become very popular because more and more people want to upskill and fast. In addition, there are many IT courses online that teach you new skills and make you more valuable to the organization.

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    Final Thoughts

    The tech world is exciting, with new heights being touched and explored every day. Now, careers in demand may be obsolete in a couple of years, so it is always essential to keep innovating and learning ahead of the curve.

    The above list of best certification courses for BCA students is for those looking for a progressive and successful career after BCA.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is MBA better than MCA?

    If you wish to be more involved with the coding and computer-related aspects of a job, then an MCA is best suited for you, but if you want to work in the IT field itself but in a managerial position, then an MBA is suited to what your career needs.

    2What is the scope of BCA?

    There is massive scope for BCA in the IT world. With a BCA, you can become a:

    • Web Designer
    • Network Administrator
    • Web Developer
    • System Manager
    • Software Developer
    • Software Tester
    • Computer Programmer
    3What can a student do after BCA?

    There are so many things a student can do after a BCA. You can pursue the following courses:

    • Master in computer application (MCA)
    • Master in information management
    • Master in computer management
    • Information Security Management
    • Certified Network Professional
    • Master's in Business Administration

    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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