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How to Get a Job in Google as a Software Engineer in 2024?

22nd Apr, 2024
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    How to Get a Job in Google as a Software Engineer in 2024?

    Alongside providing a supportive work environment, Google stands out among FAANG companies, known to offer competitive salary packages and extensive scope for career growth. However, as golden as the opportunity may seem, it is not easy to crack the interviews. In fact, with Google receiving over 3 million job applications in a year, your application for the position of Software engineer must be attractive enough to make the cut.

    With that said, here we will touch upon various tips and tricks you can apply to boost your chances of getting into your dream FAANG company. Harness the technical mastery you've cultivated over the years and elevate it to the top 0.2%!

    Without further delay, let us now answer your burning question, “How to get a job in Google as a software engineer?”

    How do I apply at Google?

    To begin with, ask yourself why you want to apply for a job at Google. Apart from understanding how to become a software engineer in Google, it is also important you know why the job role is important to you. Google prefers individuals who have sorted out their passion and have gathered enough experience.

    Next, you can check for job openings on the "Google Careers" page. Look up your preferred job role in the search bar and apply relevant filters like qualifications, skills, degrees, and your location. You may then proceed to apply from the dashboard. Plus, you can opt for Software Engineer training and placement with KnowledgeHut to expand or polish your skill-set.

    Note: If you are wondering about how to get job in Google as software engineer, then you can apply for three positions at Google every 30 days.

    How do I get a job in Google as a software engineer?

    Tips to get hired in Google

    Do you daydream about how to get job in Google as a software engineer?

    Land a job at Google as a software engineer and explore the latest tools of the trade alongside like-minded individuals. Here’s a 6-step procedure you can follow to do so:

    Step 1: Learn how to code, as it is the minimum qualification required to become a software engineer. Depending on your interest, you can learn about web development, game development, or mobile development. KnowledgeHut offers advanced Web Development courses and other courses that you can check out.

    Step 2: Start working on a couple of personal projects. Build a portfolio or take part in coding competitions. Refer to online tools and resources if you feel stuck anywhere.

    Step 3: Land a programming job or an internship to learn from the experience and build your confidence. You can then apply what you’ve learned to perform better at the interviews with the top technology companies.

    Step 4: Gain in-depth knowledge about data structures and algorithms, as Google often asks questions related to these topics.

    Step 5: You must then prepare for coding interviews methodically. Even though they might often prove to be tough to crack, they’re rather easy to prepare for. You can practice online for as long as you want and then proceed to take the mock interviews.

    Step 6: Apply as many times as possible. Go to career fairs and attend recruiting events apart from applying online. You can also get other people to refer you as it may help your chances.

    So, here's how to get a job in Google as a software engineer! Keep reading ahead to understand what exactly Google is looking for in a software developer candidate.

    What is Google looking for in a software developer candidate?

    Minimum Qualification for Software Engineers in Google

    Do you consider yourself to be the master of problem-solving and coding? If yes, Google is looking for you! There is no need for you to worry no more about how to get a software engineer job at Google. They are looking for someone who is not only skilled but also genuinely passionate about technology. With such a defined drive, you can bring on brand-new perspectives and fire up innovations like never before.

    Here are the minimum qualifications, necessary to be met, to be considered for the job role of a software engineer at Google:

    • A bachelor's degree in computer science (or a technical field / equivalent practical experience). Plus, you do not have to necessarily graduate from a top-tier school to be able to apply. If you can prove your skills and passion, Google would like to have you on board.
    • Experience in Software development with practical knowledge of one or more general programming languages (For example, Python, JavaScript, Java, C/C++, C#, Objective C, Go).

    If you possess the above-mentioned qualifications, you are ready to apply for the software engineer job at Google.

    How to Make Sure that your Resume Stands Out?

    Now that you know how to get a software engineer job at Google, read on to find out how you can draft an appropriate resume. Google prefers that you submit a unique, customized resume for different job roles you apply for with them. To construct an effective technical resume, make use of active verbs to keep it feeling engaging. Plus, remember to be specific about your accomplishments. A general overview would rather make it tough for your resume to stand out. Use this formula: "accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]." to enhance your work experience section.

    Read ahead to bag more tips on how you can make your resume stand out among the rest:

    • Mention only the relevant tech skills for a software developer which are relevant to the job description.
    • Google values leadership experience, so make sure to mention it if you have earned any.
    • Keep your resume crisp and short. See that you don’t end up with a multiple-page CV by being selective about the accomplishments you highlight (only the ones relevant to a software engineer job role).
    • Avoid stuffing your CV with unrelated skills or keywords.
    • In case you don’t have much work experience to showcase, mention school-related coursework/schoolwork that demonstrates your skills.

    If you draft your resume while keeping the above-mentioned points in mind, it is more likely to stand out among the rest.

    What is the Typical Interview Process When You Apply?

    Your question, “how to become a software engineer at Google?” will only start to get answered once you learn more about the interview process. The first step once you submit your resume will require you to appear for an online coding assignment. After the in-depth technical interview round, you will have to connect with a recruiter over the phone or via video call for a preliminary screening. The entire interview process at Google may typically take up to 6-8 weeks.

    Google conducts both technical and behavioural interviews which not only judge your technical mastery but also your ability to work in teams. The technology company has applicants answer open-ended questions. They follow a structured interviewing pattern to determine your level of proficiency in problem-solving skills and other strengths.

    The technical interview is completed in two stages:

    Stage 1: Technical phone interview

    Stage 2: On-site interview

    The technical interview starts with a short virtual chat with a recruiter at Google, where they will review your profile and closely assess your critical skills. Once the recruiter evaluates whether or not one is fit for the role, the shortlisted candidates are communicated with. They are invited to fill out an online survey form, on which they must pick a suitable interview date and a programming language of their preference. They must use the same language for coding during the interview round.

    Technical Interview Preparation Resources

    Technical Interview Process

    The recruiter will confirm the date of the interview with the applicant and send over the resources for their technical interview preparation. Refer to the following resources:

    • Coding practice
    • Example of a Coding Interview at Google
    • How to Prepare for a Technical Interview at Google
    • See Yourself at Google
    • Project Euler

    The technical phone interview may consist of two rounds, each session being 30-45 minutes long. The engineers' knowledge regarding computer science principles, algorithms, and data structures will be assessed. Make sure to check out Knowledgehut's Software Engineer training and placement program and level up your tech skills.

    In the technical interview round, you may have to write 20-30 lines of code, based on which, you will be shortlisted for an on-site technical interview. If your performance in the first round is not satisfactory, you may have to appear for the second interview over call.

    As for the on-site technical interview, you may select your preferred time slot and interview location. It essentially consists of the following rounds:

    1. Technical interviews (2 rounds)

    2. Lunch interview

    3. Technical interviews (2 rounds)

    4. A behavioural interview

    The questions in the on-site round are structured to be situational to assess a candidate's ability to deal with real-life problems they are likely to encounter as a software engineer. In the behavioural interview, the recruiters will evaluate whether or not you are fit for the work culture at Google.

    To understand your approach towards work and obtain valuable insights about you as a person, typically, the behavioural round consists of the following questions:

    • Questions related to your past experiences
    • Values-based questions
    • Hypothetical questions

    You must explain your thought process clearly while answering the questions. After you pass this round, expect to receive the final offer. On acceptance of the offer, the onboarding team will connect with you about the compensation/benefits.

    What are the different levels of software engineering jobs at Google?

    Here are the different job roles available for software engineers at Google:

    1. Software Engineer II (L3): A freshly graduated engineer with an experience of 0-1 years
    2. Software Engineer III (L4): For engineers experience of more than 2 years
    3. Senior Software Engineer (L5)
    4. Staff Software Engineer (L6)
    5. Senior Staff Software Engineer (L7)
    6. Principal Engineer (L8)
    7. Distinguished Engineer (L9)
    8. Google Fellow (L10)
    9. Senior Google Fellow (L11)

    What is the average salary of a software engineer at Google, and how to negotiate salary?

    Google Salary Slab

    You now better perspectives surrounding your question, “How to become a software engineer in Google?” So, let us now discuss how Google decides on salary packages based on a tier-based system. The 3 components of a salary package are:

    • Base compensation
    • Annual bonuses
    • Stock options

    The salary package also depends on the location where you are based. For a better understanding, refer to this example: L3 Software engineers earn an average of $179,000 in the US and $43,000 in India. Besides, you can improve the salary package through effective negotiation. You can negotiate for a higher base salary as there’s a better chance of Google offering a better sign-on bonus.


    Securing a position as a software engineer at Google requires a blend of technical excellence, continuous learning, and the ability to innovate. Candidates should focus on mastering foundational computer science concepts, becoming proficient in coding and algorithms, and gaining experience with large-scale systems.

    Before starting with the application process, you must learn about Google's work culture. With enough knowledge and coding skills, you will be fit to take on the interview questions. Now that you have a better idea of how to get a job on Google as a software engineer refer to our tips and pointers to draft your resume today.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What qualifications are needed to apply for a software engineer position at Google?

    You require a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related technical field if you don’t have equivalent practical experience. Knowledge about general programming languages like Java, Python, C/C++, C#, Objective C, JavaScript, or Go is preferred.

    2Are internships available for aspiring Google software engineers?

    STEP Program, Bold Program, and APM Program are internship programs offered by Google itself, to aspiring software engineers.

    3What kind of projects should I work on to improve my chances of getting hired at Google?

    To polish your technical expertise, work on projects that will improve your coding skills, particularly in programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. Plus, you should specifically focus on algorithms and data structures.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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