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MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack: Which Tech Stack to Choose?

05th Sep, 2023
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    MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack: Which Tech Stack to Choose?

    In the world of web development, numerous technology stacks are available for developers to choose from. Developers can pick from a wide variety of technological stacks in the field of web development. MERN and MEAN stacks are two of the most widely used. Although there are similarities between the two stacks, each has unique characteristics that make it better suited for specific project types.
    It's critical to be aware of each stack's advantages and disadvantages when selecting one for your upcoming web development project. We'll examine both by doing a MERN stack vs MEAN stack comparison in this article, contrasting them in terms of their parts, usability, scalability, and performance.

    MEAN and MERN stacks are widely used in developing web applications. The primary distinction between them is the front-end framework used, with MEAN utilizing Angular and MERN using React Js for UI development. MEAN is often preferred for enterprise-level architecture, while the MERN stack is prevalent for smaller applications. Nevertheless, choosing the most suitable technology stack for your business depends on multiple factors, such as project complexity and timelines. If you want to be a Full stack developer, then start with this Full-stack Developer Bootcamp online to get ahead of the curve.

    If you are unsure which stack to use, an extensive comparison of MERN vs MEAN is available to help you make the right choice that meets your business requirements.

    What is the MEAN Stack?

    MEAN stack is a popular web development technology stack that is used to build dynamic and scalable web applications. It is an acronym that stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js which are the main components of the stack.

    What is the MERN Stack?

    MERN stack is also a JavaScript-based technology stack used for building full-stack web applications, just like the MEAN stack. "MERN" is a term that refers to a combination of technologies used in this stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.

    In a MERN stack application, the front end is built using React, and the back end is built using Node.js and Express.js. MongoDB is used to store the data for the application.

    A subtle difference in the MEAN vs MERN is that MERN Stack is a popular substitute for MEAN Stack, in which Angular.js is swapped-out for React.js.

    MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack: Key Differences?

    Let us discuss what is the difference between MERN stack vs MEAN stack and some of the key elements that will help you decide what best suits you via the major parameters mentioned below:

    ParameterMEAN StackMERN Stack
    Front-end FrameworkAngularJSReact.js
    Learning CurveSteepModerate
    ArchitectureMVC (Model-View-Controller)MERN (three-tier architecture)
    Third-Party SupportLargeLarge

    How Does the MEAN Stack Works & Its Architecture?

    The architecture of the MEAN stack can be divided into three parts: the front end, the back end, and the database. The front end is built using Angular, and the back end is built using Node.js and Express.js. Whereas the data for a MEAN stack application is stored in MongoDB, which is a NoSQL database. This architecture provides a powerful and flexible platform for building modern web applications that are both scalable and maintainable.

    MEAN stack works via the integration of the four major components of the stack, let us check the same in-depth to gain more insight into the stack.

    • Angular is a client-side JavaScript framework that is used to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Angular uses two-way data binding to keep the data in the front-end and back-end of the application in sync.
    • Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime used to build fast and scalable web applications. It provides an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, allowing the server to handle a large number of simultaneous requests. Moreover, it can communicate with MongoDB using the MongoDB driver.
    • Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js. It provides a set of features for building web applications and APIs, including routing, middleware, and error handling. Express.js makes it easy to create RESTful APIs that can be used to communicate with the front end of a MEAN stack application.
    • MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in JSON-like documents. It provides a flexible and scalable way to store data, and it can be easily integrated with Node.js using the MongoDB driver. The data stored in MongoDB can be accessed and manipulated using CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

    MEAN Stack Pros and Cons

    Here are some pros and cons of using the MEAN stack for web development:

    Advantages of MEAN Stack:

    • Full-stack development: The MEAN stack provides a full-stack solution for web development, which means that developers can build both the front-end and back-end of an application using a single technology stack.
    • JavaScript-based: The entire MEAN stack is built using JavaScript, which makes it easy to use a single language throughout the development lifecycle.
    • Scalability: The MEAN stack is highly scalable, thanks to the scalability of Node.js and the flexibility of MongoDB.
    • Flexibility: MongoDB's flexible data model and Express.js's middleware architecture provide a lot of flexibility in designing and building web applications.

    Disadvantages of MEAN Stack:

    1. Learning curve: Learning all four components of the MEAN stack can be challenging, especially for developers who are new to web development.
    2. Performance: While Node.js is known for its speed and performance, it may not be the best choice for applications that require a lot of CPU-intensive processing.
    3. Community support: While the MEAN stack has a growing community of developers, it may not enjoy as wide support as other popular web development stacks, such as LAMP or Ruby on Rails.
    4. Security: The MEAN stack may require additional security measures, such as authentication and authorization, to ensure the security of the application.

    Enroll in our Website Development courses to dive deeper into the basics and working of MERN stack, and learn how it differs from MEAN stack.

    How Does the MERN Stack Work & Its Architecture?

    The four major components of MERN work in conjunction making the two-way communication of data seamless for the web application. Let us understand the responsibility of each component below.

    MongoDB, a NoSQL database, stores data. Express.js is used as the web application framework for the back end, while Node.js is used as the run-time environment for JavaScript. React.js is used for building the front-end user interface, providing a fast and dynamic way to render content on the client side.

    When a user interacts with a MERN Stack application, the request is handled by the front-end React.js component. React.js then communicates with the back end Express.js API using HTTP requests to fetch and send data to the MongoDB database. The back-end API then returns the requested data to the React.js component, which displays it to the user.

    The architecture of the MERN stack is straightforward, the client-side code developed using React.js is compiled into static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, enabling easy serving by a web server. The server-side code is developed in Node.js and Express.js, which provide the API endpoints for the front end to interact with the MongoDB database.

    MERN Stack Pros and Cons

    Advantages of MERN Stack:

    1. Single Language: MERN stack is built entirely with JavaScript, making it easier for developers to switch between front-end and back-end development.
    2. High Performance: MERN stack uses Node.js for server-side programming, which provides high performance and scalability.
    3. Large Community: MERN stack has a large and active community of developers, providing access to a wealth of resources, tutorials, and support.
    4. Modular Architecture: MERN stack uses a modular architecture, allowing developers to easily reuse code and components, reducing development time and effort.

    Disadvantages of MERN Stack:

    1. Steep Learning Curve: The MERN stack can be challenging to learn, especially for beginners who are not familiar with the technologies involved.
    2. Security Concerns: As with any web application, security can be a concern with the MERN stack, and proper security measures must be taken to protect against potential threats.

    Difference Between MEAN and MERN Stack

    Let's plunge into some parameters to understand the difference between MEAN and MERN stacks in detail.

    1. MEAN vs MERN Stack Learning Curve

    MEAN stack uses AngularJS as its front-end framework, which has a steeper learning curve compared to ReactJS, used by the MERN stack. AngularJS can be more challenging to work with for larger projects since it has a lot of built-in features and can be more complex to configure. ReactJS, on the other hand, has a simpler learning curve and is more flexible in its configuration. This flexibility makes it easier to scale for larger projects.

    2. MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack Architecture

    The MEAN stack uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application into three parts: the model (data), view (user interface), and controller (logic). This separation of concerns makes it easier to maintain and modify the codebase. MERN stack, on the other hand is not strictly MVC or MVVM architecture, but rather it is an implementation of the three-tier architecture, where the client-side is responsible for the View layer and the server-side is responsible for the Model and Controller layers. The three-tier architecture is designed to improve scalability, maintainability, and flexibility of an application by separating its concerns into different layers. Each layer can be developed, tested, and maintained independently, and changes to one layer do not affect the other layers as long as the interfaces between them remain consistent.

    3. MERN vs MEAN Productivity

    The MEAN stack offers more out-of-the-box features, making it easier to get started with building an application quickly. It has a pre-built set of modules and features that can be used to create robust web applications. MERN stack, however, requires more configuration and setup, but it provides greater flexibility and customization. Developers can choose the tools they want to use and configure them according to their needs.

    4. MEAN vs MERN Third-Party Support

    The MEAN stack has been around longer than the MERN stack and has a larger community of developers, which means that it has more third-party support. There are more resources, plugins, and libraries available for the MEAN stack than for the MERN stack. However, the popularity of the MERN stack is increasing, and it has a growing community of developers who are creating more tools and plugins to support it.

    5. MEAN versus MERN Stack Features

    MEAN stack has built-in support for features such as testing, validation, and routing. It also has a robust set of modules and features that can be used to create complex applications quickly. MERN stack, on the other hand, provides greater flexibility and customization. Developers can choose the tools they want to use and configure them according to their needs. This flexibility makes it easier to create scalable and complex applications.

    6. MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack Security

    Both MEAN and MERN stacks provide security features such as user authentication, authorization, and encryption. MEAN stack has had more time to establish security best practices and has a larger community of developers working on security issues. MEAN stack also has built-in support for security features, making it easier to implement them. MERN stack, on the other hand, provides greater flexibility and customization options, which means that developers have more control over the security of their applications. However, this also means that developers need to take extra care to ensure that their applications are secure.

    Full-Stack vs MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack

    MEAN, MERN, and Full-Stack development have unique advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare these stacks in terms of frameworks, languages, architecture, scalability, and learning curve.

    1. Frameworks and Libraries: MERN Stack primarily uses React.js for front-end development, while MEAN Stack uses Angular.js. Node.js and Express.js are used for back-end development in both stacks. Full-stack development may involve a variety of different frameworks and libraries depending on the project requirements. Some popular options include Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Spring.
    2. Languages: The primary language used in both MERN and MEAN Stack is JavaScript, although other languages like TypeScript may be used for specific parts of the stack. Full-stack development can involve various programming languages depending on the technologies used in the front-end and back-end. Commonly used languages include JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, and Java.
    3. Architecture: The architecture of MERN and MEAN Stack involves a single-page application (SPA) front-end built using either React.js or Angular.js, which communicates with the back-end server built using Node.js and Express.js. The database is typically MongoDB. Full-stack development may involve a variety of different architectures depending on the technologies used. However, many full-stack applications are built using a traditional client-server architecture with a relational or non-relational database.
    4. Scalability: Full-Stack and MERN/MEAN Stack are highly scalable for complex projects. Full-Stack provides more control for tailored solutions, while MERN/MEAN handle traffic and users well. Scaling options include load balancing, clustering, and cloud-based services.
    5. Learning Curve: The learning curve for MERN and MEAN Stack can be steep, especially for beginners who are not familiar with the technologies involved. Full-stack development can be even more challenging as it involves learning multiple programming languages, frameworks, and libraries. However, there are many resources available for learning all these stacks and it can be a rewarding skill to master.
    6. Community Support: MERN and MEAN Stacks have active dev communities providing tech support. Though MERN's community is relatively new, both stacks offer a range of technologies with varying levels of community support. Choosing a tech stack requires considering the level of community support, as it impacts the availability of resources and solutions to common problems.

    Is the MEAN Stack Better than MERN Stack?

    No one stack is inherently better than the other. Both the MEAN and MERN stack have their strengths and weaknesses and the choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the project at hand.

    MEAN Stack is a good choice if you prefer using Angular.js for front-end development, as it is a more mature and well-established framework than React.js. Angular.js also provides more structure and organization to the front-end code, which can be beneficial for larger projects. Additionally, if you have experience with traditional web development technologies like jQuery, then you may find MEAN Stack easier to learn and work with.

    When it comes to comparing MERN vs MEAN Stack and determining which is better, MERN Stack is a great choice if you prefer working with React.js for front-end development, as it is a more modern and popular framework that is growing in popularity. React.js also has a large and active community, which means that there are many resources available for learning and problem-solving. Furthermore, MERN Stack may be easier to work with for developers who are already familiar with JavaScript, as it uses the same language throughout the entire stack.

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    Which Stack is in Demand: MEAN or MERN Stack?

    Both MEAN and MERN Stack are in demand in the current market, and the choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the project. Angular.js, which is a key component of the MEAN Stack, has been around for a longer time and is used by many established companies. React.js, which is a key component of the MERN Stack, has gained a lot of popularity in recent years and is widely used in modern web development. Both stacks have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice ultimately depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the project. It's important to keep up with the latest trends and technologies in the web development industry to stay in demand as a developer and a good place to start would be the KnowledgeHut Web Design online course.

    Which Stack Will You Choose?

    Based on the comparison of MEAN vs. MERN stack, it is clear that both stacks have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. While MEAN stack has a larger community and a more mature set of technologies, MERN stack is gaining popularity due to its simplicity and ease of use. The major difference between the two stacks lies in their structure, with MEAN stack being a better option for large-scale applications and MERN stack leading the race in the faster development of smaller applications.

    In conclusion, both MEAN and MERN stacks offer excellent scalability, flexibility, and third-party support, making them suitable for building large-scale web applications. Developers should choose the stack that best meets the needs of the project and aligns with their expertise.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Are full-stack and MERN stack the same?

    Full-stack and MERN stack are not the same. Full-stack refers to the development of both client and server-side software, while MERN stack specifically uses MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.

    2What is the average salary for MERN stack developers?

    The average salary for MERN stack developers in India varies depending on experience, location, and company, but it can range from INR 3-15 lakhs per year.

    3Can I get a job after learning the MERN stack?

    Yes, learning the MERN stack can lead to job opportunities in many companies that are adopting this technology stack for their web development needs. Some companies that are hiring are as follows: PayPal, LinkedIn, Uber, Netflix, and Accenture.

    4Do MERN & MEAN have a future?

    Both MERN and MEAN stacks have a promising future as they offer a flexible and scalable solution for web development. Moreover, they have gained popularity in recent years, with more and more companies adopting them for their web development needs. The technology used in these stacks, such as Node.js and React.js, is continually advancing, ensuring the stacks remain relevant and up to date.

    5Which is better .NET or MERN stack?

    Choosing between .NET and MERN stack depends on the specific requirements of the project and the developer's skillset. Both technologies have their strengths and weaknesses, and it is essential to evaluate them based on the project's needs.


    Nikhilesh Pandey


    "Experienced Lead Developer oriented towards problem-solving and analyzing impacts, both technically and functionally, Enjoy's working with web technologies with a strong focus on quality code and robust system architecture."

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