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The Future of UI/UX Design [Trends & Technologies]

29th Feb, 2024
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    The Future of UI/UX Design [Trends & Technologies]

    UI and UX are closely related and are responsible for developing aesthetically pleasing and usable digital goods. UX designers ensure the product is user-friendly, efficient, and intuitive, whereas UI designers concentrate on how the product looks. These two disciplines are essential for producing digital products that are both aesthetically beautiful and useful.

    Technology is advancing quickly, and there is now a greater need than ever for skilled UI and UX designers. UI/UX designers are crucial in helping businesses maintain a solid online presence and remain competitive in the current digital era. Many have a question in mind “is UX design in demand or not?” UI/UX design is a great career choice if you seek an artistically and intellectually demanding job. You can check UI/UX Design Bootcamp with certification to know more about the demands of designers. You got a fair idea about the future of UI design. 

    Current State of UI/UX Design

    A once-dominant social wavelength can suddenly feel out-of-date since things can change quickly in culture and design. The year 2023 marks the conclusion of numerous technological advances. This is the perfect time for designers to reflect critically on how our industry is going and the path they want to take rather than just flitting from one new trend to the next. Here are the current states among UI/UX developers in the market.

    • Layoffs have become a phantom stalking our sector after several years of unreasonably fast expansion in many design teams. Some designers opt for a gig-like connection with their employers as uncertainty grows. It is becoming more common for managers to experience emotional detachment when they observe evidence of it in their staff (a phenomenon known as quiet quitting). The creative joy designers formerly took for granted is lost as digital product design becomes more commoditized year after year.
    • When hiring, businesses are becoming more pragmatic about Return On Investment (ROI), as evidenced by the growth of the Growth Designer role within the design discipline. The designer is focused on attracting new clients and generating quick money. Many designers who began their UX careers intending to advocate for users are now seeing their position transform to one focused on increasing company profits at any cost.
    • Hiring managers frequently prefer applicants who can handle various tasks over those with highly specialized skill sets because many businesses have announced hiring freezes or staff reductions. Although there are fewer vacant positions, there are more newcomers every year, which increases rivalry among entry-level designers and makes it more difficult for people to land their first job. 

    Future of UI/UX Design

    Designing the user interface (UI) and the user experience (UX) has grown in importance in creating new products. In addition, the requirement for user-centered, intuitive, and seamless designs has increased in importance as technology continues to evolve rapidly. In short, the future of UI/UX designer is quite bright.

    A. Future of UI/UX Design in Various Fields

    The following are some significant modifications and trends to look out for UI /UX design future.

    • Motion design and gesture interfaces should place more emphasis on usability: Making user experiences seamless and engaging is possible with motion design. Filling empty spaces with pertinent animations and interesting transitions is a beautiful approach. It helps engage users, appeal to their emotions, and create a seamless experience. Using movements like swiping, tapping, or tilting the screen is crucial. Storing more content in an app without packing the screen or overpowering the user using simple gestural interfaces is possible.
    • Designing of 3D interface and AR/VR: The online shopping experiences of companies like IKEA, Target, and Home Depot already use augmented reality. Not to mention how the world changed when Pokemon Go's augmented reality technology did. Many businesses are preparing to use these simulated environment technologies, whether partial, complete, or mixed reality.
    • Voice commands: Siri, Alexa, and Google Home are voice user interfaces we've already used. However, in the coming years, the significance of voice command will rise in everyday and public locations. The locations can be ATMs, ticket machines for the subway, payphones, elevators, etc. Therefore, UX designers must master the art of developing proper and helpful visual instructions, confirmations, and animations. The reason is that the world is growing more dependent on voice-activated technology. The UI /UX future is quite promising.

    B. New Features and Enhancement

    The UI/UX designs are continuously evolving; the latest trends attracting designers are below.

    • Dark mode: A user interface style known as "dark mode" uses a distinct color palette. A photographic negative might seem similar to this contrast, and it has a black background with light foreground, text, and other elements on a more golden background.
    • Voice interaction: With a voice user interface, users may effortlessly execute tasks or conduct information searches without using their hands or eyes. This interface mimics the experience of talks between devices and users.
    • Motion designs: Motion design is the term for animation and visual effects incorporating graphic design and video production techniques. GIF animations or other animations are frequent examples.
    • VR and AR: AR and VR allow designers to create an original, intensely immersive user experience, unlike any other technology. It can fundamentally alter how we interact with the world around us.
    • Scrollytelling: The phrase "scrollingytelling," which combines "scrolling" with "storytelling," refers to a dynamic method of telling multimedia stories that develop as you scroll. It is a helpful strategy for keeping your audience interested in and involved in their reading material.
    • Gradients: The progressive blending of one hue into another is called a gradient. It allows the designer to virtually generate a new shade. It distinguishes objects by giving the design a fresh perspective and giving the item more realism.

    C. Career/Job Market & Demand

    According to a CompTIA analysis of data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of job posts for technical roles is increasing. There has been a growth of 50% from the preceding year. So, we can witness a sharp demand for UX designers in the industry.

    The increasing demand also gives rise to salary; for instance:

    • Designer earnings increased by 19% in Canada
    • 8.1% on average in the US last year.

    Nowadays, remote work options also have emerged. Flexjobs reports that 43% of firms accept remote working, creating new opportunities for UX designers. The training for Web Development offered by Knowledgehut is designed to offer the best benefits for the future of UX design career.

    Digital product development must include UI/UX design as a critical component. Technology has grown at a phenomenal rate in recent years. It has caused a paradigm change in UI/UX design. Let's examine some of the UI/UX design trends that are currently gaining traction.

    • Voice User Interface: It is an interface that enables users to communicate with a machine or system using voice instructions. VUI is gaining traction due to the rising popularity of virtual assistants like Alexa. As more gadgets include voice-activated assistants in their design, VUI will become a crucial component of UI/UX.
    • AR and VR: The physical and digital worlds boundaries are becoming hazier thanks to AR and VR. Future UI/UX design must include AR and VR as fundamental elements.
    • Dark Mode: There is a rise in the popularity of the design trend known as "dark mode." A UI design called "dark mode" uses a dark color scheme rather than a light one. This fashion is becoming increasingly common since it helps ease eye strain, preserve battery life, and enhance reading in low-light situations.
    • Motion and 3D design: Many UI/UX designs use 3D and motion graphics for a good reason. For users, interfaces can become more immersive and engaging by adding depth and 3D and motion design.
    • Accessibility: The goal of accessibility is to create user interfaces accessible to those with disabilities. This can involve creating interfaces that are simple to use with assistive technology or text-to-speech functionality.

    Reasons Why UI/UX Design Has a Promising Future

    Here are the reasons that will clarify why future of UX design is promising:

    • The field of UI/UX design is both creative and exciting. The designers will get the chance to work on a wide range of projects. The reason is that UI/UX designers develop one-of-a-kind solutions customized to your client's requirements.
    • For people who appreciate flexibility, UI/UX designers are a great career choice because they can work from anywhere.
    • The demand for UI/UX designers is considerable, reflected in their pay. A UI/UX designer's annual compensation in the US is estimated to be over $85,000 on average. Some seasoned professionals are making over $100,000.
    • UI/UX designers must stay current with how technology constantly changes. Therefore, you will always pick up new knowledge and abilities as a UI/UX designer. For people who appreciate a challenge, UI/UX design is a fantastic career choice. It is because constant learning can be intellectually exciting and fulfilling.


    The UI/UX design field has numerous potentials for artistic expression and intellectual development. The need for skilled UI/UX designers will only increase as we advance into the digital era. A UI/UX designer career may be ideal if you seek a demanding and fulfilling job with flexibility and high-income potential. Hence, keep yourself updated with the new trends by enrolling in KnowledgeHut's UI/UX Design Bootcamp.


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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