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Top Tech Stack Startups in United States

20th Mar, 2024
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    Top Tech Stack Startups in United States

    To build a product qualitative and high-end tech stacks are needed. Tech stacks are called data ecosystems that store and analyze the technologies. These technologies are used to build the product. There is a comprehensive range of technology stacks available in the market.  

    The startup tech stack varies from web applications to mobile applications and is used across enterprises.

    It also takes a definite launch time, and professional and dedicated staff to make the technology staff work. It affects the technologies tax and the organizations have to choose among the various options. Certifications like full stack java developer course certifications can help professionals build the right tech stack for their companies. It would also be beneficial to obtain ITIL and PMP certifications in order to obtain a position as a technical project manager.

    The technology stacks have front-end and back-end development. The combination of these two software developments is called full-stack development. Front-end developers interact with the users and the backend will connect with the server, the web application, the web server, database, and other programming languages.

    Many factors can determine and help you select the best tech stack for your company. This article will explain to you what the tech stack is and how it can benefit your organization. From the best tech stack for a startup to an enterprise, choose according to your needs.

    What is Tech Stack?

    To build an application there is a set of things or stacks that are kept together to build an application. These are also known as technology infrastructure or solutions stacks. Many companies are using tech stack to build easy-to-maintain and scalable web applications.  

    If you are a start-up, a technology stack can help you determine what kind of applications you can build, the customizations you can do to the applications and their performance, and the resources you would need for the application development. The startup technology stack can vary according to your company’s goals.

    Most of the tech stack startups use the front-end and back-end technologies in combination. They may be using JavaScript for the user interface and python as a programming language. They may also use MongoDB as the database and Apache as their server. It is the easiest tech stack web application example.

    You can take a web development course to know more about tech stacks and their functioning.

    Modern Tech Stack

    With the advancement of technology, the technology stack is also advanced. As we know many people are using numerous devices to access applications and process various events and data. It uses a modern text stack

    .These include tools for containerization, business intelligence, performance monitoring, data leaks, event processing, cloud services, analytics, and microservices. The more complex your enterprise, the more modern the tech stack it will need. Selecting the right tech stack can involve the size of the company, web applications, programming, and other needs.

    Front-end Stack

    The front-end interacts with the users and can be based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, typescript, or frameworks that are based on JavaScript like React, Express, and Vue.  

    • HTML- Hypertext markup language or HTML is the basic layout of the webpage. It is a structure that has sections, bulleted points, and tables that can be used to create with HTML tags.
    • CSS- The stylist of the webpage is the CSS. Every styling that is on the webpage, for example, a green theme of MongoDB is given by the CSS.
    • JavaScript- JavaScript is the coding of the webpage. Every click you do on the server is done by the coding written by developers in JavaScript. For example, if you move around an image, click like, comment, or submit anything it is decided by JavaScript. This is also a framework of the webpage and can be in combination with Bootstrap, Vue, React, Angular, or JQuery. These frameworks provide additional functionalities and common use cases to JavaScript. It makes the developer's life much easier.  

    Back-end Stack

    Every action on the service site is connected with the bank and tech stack and has a database, server, framework, and operating system as its components. One has to choose the stores carefully. Many technologies are lightweight, fast, and suitable for basic purposes and hence your server side framework and tools need to operate accordingly. If there are loaded features to a complex application, a complicated framework is needed.  

    Full-stack Tech Stack

    Both the front end and back and technologies are used in the full stack technology. It is mostly used in desktop Web applications. Examples: Angular for UI.  

    Top Tech Stack Startups in United States

    Let’s see the type of tech stack used for well-known web and mobile applications.


    Facebook is one of the most popular social networking websites used by users. It started as a web application and later became a mobile application. With the advancement in technology, it uses a combination of coding frameworks and languages.  

    As the most interactive social website, it uses JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, and ReactJS. It is a multi-coding framework and language tech stack application.

    Air BNB

    The most famous American vacation rental online marketplace, air BNB Offers homestays, lodging, and amazing tourism experiences. Users can browse through their website or mobile applications to choose their perfect vacation stay. With more than

    150 million active users worldwide, the platform architecture is a cloud-based application that can quickly scale and handle a heavy workload.  

    It uses ruby and JavaScript as its programming language with the framework of Ruby on rails. It also has a JavaScript framework called React. Nginx Is the web server it uses as the powerful HTTP that speeds up content delivery and ensures scalability and security. It is the same HTTP that is used on Instagram, Netflix, etc.  


    The most loved and trending entertainment box is handled by Netflix. People binge on Netflix and chill on the weekends and can watch their favorite movies and shows in no time.  

    With multiple users creating accounts and using the application, Netflix requires an all-around capability and compatibility to ensure that it is running across multiple platforms like browsers, smart TVs, smartphones, and gaming consoles.

    The Netflix text tech is based on comprehensive programming languages. It used tech stack like Python, Node, JS, Java, Kotlin, and Swift.


    Uber is the most trending taxi service available in the United States. You can easily travel from one place to another by using Uber. Started as a small start-up.  

    Now it has become a worldwide application and hence uses a comprehensive range of text tax. It has a dedicated development team that has a data team, integration steam, and back-end and front-end engineers.  

    They all work on the infrastructure and new data solution integration. Uber uses python, Node, Go, and Java as the leading tech stack.


    A creative web-based application that has come a long way to explore the lifestyle sections like recipes, home ideas, style inspiration, and many others is Pinterest. 

    Originally it was made by Python and Django. The engineers used Redis and Membase to handle catching. Application queuing is handled by RabbitMQ. 


    Starting as just another search engine, Google has come a long way. You would see people calling it the internet today. The technology and advancements of Google have made it such an amazing search engine of innovation. It uses a powerful set of proprietary technologies. 

    There are so many comprehensive and powerful technologies that make it easy for the user to operate and for the developers to generate and process enormous quantities of data. Some of the tech stacks used in Google are python, Java, Google Analytics, Gmail, AngularJS, DevOps, etc.   

    Benefits of Selecting Right Tech Stack for Startups

    If you want to build an application that can be used by people, you would need a tech stack. There are certain benefits of choosing the right tech stack.  

    • Those that can scale well, in the planning phase, you will be saved from all the scaling issues as the client pace grows.  
    • The horizontal and vertical scaling issues may occur if you are unable to choose a framework and databases.  
    • Professionals who are experts in individual technologies can help you speed up the development process.  
    • A proper technology stack can only be built with a certified professional who can pick a specific tech stack and leverage your current team‘s expertise.
    • Planning with a proper professional technology stack developer you will be able to know the resources, infrastructure, automation, hardware, and other requirements of the projects. It will save you time and cost.  
    • With proper planning, you will be able to decide on the complexity of the application.  
    • The objectives and the size of the project will also enable the users to know the technologies and operations that are required for the project. This will also avoid bulky resources.  
    • You will easily be able to develop and build your product without hassle. It will also help in the application up and running during the initial stages of application development.
    • If you have the right tech stack you will be able to add more new features with the trend. The developers will be able to easily handle your app.
    • With the right stack, you can also get fewer bugs and a clean court. It will help the app to run smoothly for the users.
    • The developers will be able to produce the right software for the applications. It will only evolve with time and remark on sustainable application development.

    How to build a Tech Stack?

    If you want to build a text tech, you will realize there is no one “right” technology. It is an individual to an application and there is a certain set of factors that one should know before choosing the tech stack.  

    • Purpose of the Application  

    The purposes like the functions of the web application, interaction with the systems or frequent database interactions, and static organized content on the page are some of the questions you need to ask before you build your application.  

    For example, if you have a single-page application you can opt for easy and lightweight technologies. These technologies like React can work successfully on a single page.  

    If you have many functionalities, you will need sophisticated tools and frameworks. These will work on different workflows and integration is between various systems.  

    You should also consider mobile development applications as the technology is evolving around mobile devices rather than computers.

    • Design and User Experience  

    The main attraction or the designs of the webpage is also important. It will give a good user experience and attract more traffic. If you want to make your website content-driven you should choose a technology that supports the service side rendering.  

    • Production Time

    Those technologies that can be easily learned and tested are always good. Go for an application that is less time-consuming and provides utilities and solutions for common functionalities.

    • Cost

    One should opt for the tech stack that can reduce deployment and the cost of maintenance. Do not opt for specialized advanced technologies as it will take a good share of the developer's salary along with software maintenance. You can choose technologies like AWS or MongoDB. Choose technologies that are easy to learn and comprehend. They will also speed up the development and reduce the overall cost of the project.  

    • Scalability  

    Opt for choices like MongoDB which provides a comprehensive range of options. Scalability can be difficult but with modern databases, you can achieve results.

    • Security

    One should opt for the best practices that can ensure maximum security of data and transactions. No technology guarantees 100% security. You would need the one with the minimum vulnerabilities and maximum data security.

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    As we learned that there is no best tech stack in the world. It is based on your tech stack startup or enterprise. The type of project and developer you are choosing for the applications is important to consider when building an individual tech stack. A successful application requires thorough research on the project‘s requirements, its type, and its launch. You would also need to consult your developer's team to see their expertise. The individual rights tech stack is the solution to the success of your projects and enterprise. Make sure to go through every aspect of your project and consider the time and cost along the way.  

    If you are interested in this course, you can opt for the full stack java developer course by KnowledgeHut to know all about front-end and back-end and work your way up towards a successful career.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How many tech startups are there in the United States?

    In the United States of America, there are 47,000 tech start-ups. These are inclusive of the 394 public tech companies and 492,156 private tech companies.

    2How many tech startups are introduced every year in the USA?

    There are 20 technology companies and tech start-ups that are created each year in the USA. Usually, the founders are at the age of 39. These companies reach $100 million in revenues.

    3Which tech stack has the highest demand?

    MEAN stack Is the most demanding tech stack today. It uses JS, AngularJS, and Node.Js. Others include LAMP stack with technologies like Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

    4Where are the most tech startups?

    Silicon Valley in the South San Francisco Bay Area of California in the USA is the global center of most tech start-ups and technological innovations. It has all the major technologies, software, and internet companies located.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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