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FAANG Software Engineer Resume: Examples & Guide for 2024

28th Mar, 2024
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    FAANG Software Engineer Resume: Examples & Guide for 2024

    It is a dream for every IT candidate to work with renowned FAANG companies sometime in their career. The companies in question are Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. These dream companies offer a handsome salary, a secured career, and plenty of additional perks that make your professional life happy and satisfying. Software engineers targeting the FAANG companies often prepare themselves by completing advanced courses related to Software Engineering. They make all possible efforts to get the desired job role, but the factor that many ignore is curating an impressive FAANG engineer resume. Understand that there are countless professionals competing for these jobs. So, you have to make an effort to leave an excellent first impression to increase your chances of hiring, and your resume can certainly help. 

    Resume Format – FAANG Software Engineer [Key points]

    Curating an impressive resume is challenging, especially when you target renowned organizations that only hire the best people. It should include all the necessary information and details your employer should know. I have listed the key points you should include in your resume for FAANG companies. 

    Create Solid FAANG Software Engineer Resume Structure/Template 

    The first step is to choose a template you think would be apt to present yourself in front of your employer. You can find multiple free templates online; explore and pick the most appropriate one. Make sure the format is easy to understand and highlights all the significant pointers. 

    Work Experience Section 

    If you are an experienced professional trying to get a job offer from FAANG companies, the work experience section is crucial. Mention all your past work experiences in a tabular form, mentioning the company name, your job roles, and the time period for which you served in a particular organization. 

    What if You Don’t Have Work Experience? 

    For the freshers with no work experience, this section in your faang engineer resume can include your internships. Moreover, you can also mention the projects you have completed before to give your employer a glimpse of your capabilities. 

    Contact Information 

    Write your latest contact information on the resume, including your email address, phone number, and permanent address. The employer may use this information to contact you when they want to inform you about the interview schedules. 

    Add Your Education 

    Mention all the details about your qualifications in this section of your software engineer resume FAANG. Start from the secondary level and go up to your post-graduate degree. Additionally, you should provide details about any add-on certifications you have completed. 

    Include FAANG Software Engineer Skills Tailored to the Job 

    Organizations these days focus on talent over your educational qualifications. They want to see how skilled you are to decide whether they should give you a chance. So, keep a dedicated section to mention your skills relevant to the job role for which you have applied. 

    Summary or Objective 

    A resume objective is one of the crucial sections that no employer would skip. It gives a brief idea about your career goals and the vision you carry out through the competition. Keep the summary short and self-explanatory. An example of your objective is:

    Software developer seeking a job with a strong software development team to build my professional experience and further develop my skills in programming and writing code.

    Use Action Words to Strengthen your resume 

    To make your resume impressive, you have to play with the words. Use action words that immediately catch the eye of an employer. Some of the words you can consider using are:

    • Coordinated
    • Delegated
    • Chaired
    • Arranged
    • Conceptualized 

    Add Extra Sections to Your Resume 

    While writing the FAANG software engineer resume, you do not have to stick to the set template. Customize and add another section that you feel will be required to mention a few extra details. Some details you can write in the additional resume sections are listed below. 

    Awards & Certification 

    Mention any awards or certifications you earned in your educational journey or during your professional career. 


    Write about any foreign languages you have learned as it talks about your additional capabilities. 

    Interests & Hobbies

    List your interests and hobbies in the additional sections of your resume. Make sure you mention relevant hobbies to create an excellent impression. 

    Write a FAANG Software Engineer Cover Letter 

    Another significant part is the FAANG software engineer cover letter. A cover letter is an additional document that tells about your career goals in a descriptive manner. You do not have to write a story in it, but it does give you an additional space to mention your vision. That is where you can give elaborate details about the skills you learned through your Knowledgehut's courses related to Software Engineering

    Best Practices to Make Your Resume Easy to Scan 

    I have emphasized that your FAANG engineer resume should be well-structured and easily understood. The table below shows the Dos and Don’ts you can consider using to make your resume easy to scan. 



    Use a clear and sorted format 

    Avoid using complicated templates, as they only increase confusion.

    Customize your resume to make it apt for the job role you are applying for.

    Sending the same resume for all job applications is a big NO. 

    Make sure you mention updated and correct contact information. 

    Never put your phone number and other details without checking twice. Wrong information means your employer won't be able to reach you. 

    Quantify your results and mention figures and facts wherever required.

    Avoid using long paragraphs. Nobody is going to read them. 

    FAANG Software Engineer Resume Example/Sample

    You can find multiple resume builder applications online that offer pre-defined resume templates. So, those applying for a software engineer position in FAANG should definitely check the templates before curating their resume. 

    Entry Level resume 

    Junior software engineer resume sample

    FAANG Senior software developer resume 

    FAANG Senior developer resume sample

    Top 10 Skills for a FAANG Software Engineer Resume

    As I mentioned earlier, skills are the highlights of your resume FAANG. The employer will definitely focus on the skill section and pick you over others if you have the required skill set. The top 10 skills that you should focus on developing are:

    Programming Skills

    As you are applying for a software engineer position, you may not be actively involved in programming, but a fundamental understanding is an add-on. Learn a demanding coding language and mention it in your resume.

    Software Development

    Learn the insights of the software development process and different models associated with this domain. The more proficiency you gain, the higher your chances of getting hired.

    Solution Optimization

    Develop the ability to find the best solutions in a given situation. You should consider every possible solution and decide which can deliver the best value.


    Learn to get into the details and make all the decisions based on thorough research. You can highlight this skill by mentioning how you refer to different resources before implementing a strategy. 

    Quick Learner

    Technology changes overnight in the current scenario. If you take time to learn a new tool, you will lag and will not deliver your best work. So, learn to learn things quickly. 


    Learn to juggle between different tasks and wear multiple hats at a time. It will help you become an asset to your organization. 

    Communication Skills

    You will have multiple teams, stakeholders, and other people to deal with while working on a project. You have to communicate complex instructions and pass information to and from the teams involved. So, ensure you have solid communication skills to do all that smoothly. 


    Another skill you should focus on developing is adaptability. You should be able to quickly adapt to any environment, even if it means surviving under pressure.

    Critical Thinking

    It is a skill where you question everything you see. It pushes your ability to analyze, interpret, evaluate, and then judge a particular situation. 


    To apply for management positions, you should have strong leadership skills. Make sure you have the ability to mentor and manage large teams and deliver results expected by the end user. 

    If you have all these skills, you are definitely a step ahead. However, even if you lag somewhere, build these skills and apply for the appropriate FAANG positions. 


    Any software developer with enthusiasm and the zeal to achieve highs in his career would always dream of getting into the FAANG someday. If you have such a dream, you should know that it takes persistent effort and attention to detail to reach it. While you complete the Web Application Development course or other add-on certifications, make sure you equally emphasize personality development. Once you are ready to enter the job market, curate a resume that includes all your professional details and everything your employer must know about you. Send a cover letter along with your resume, and rest assured that you will certainly get a chance to compete and win your position at a FAANG. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1What type of projects should be included on a FAANG engineer resume?

    The projects you should include on the FAANG software engineer CV should be relevant to the job role for which you are applying. Additionally, you can write about your volunteer work or community service that speaks about your personality traits.

    2How can candidates make their FAANG engineer resume stand out?

    Choose a sorted template and well-structured format to make your FAANG resume stand out. Make sure you mention the facts and figures carefully so that your employer does not waste time finding details.

    3What is the best format for FAANG's resume?

    The best format is the one that is clear, organized, and visually appealing.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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