HomeBlogBig DataTop 10 Benefits of Big Data

Top 10 Benefits of Big Data

25th Apr, 2024
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    Top 10 Benefits of Big Data

    Big data can be summed up as a sizable data collection comprising a variety of informational sets. This knowledge is expanding quickly. It is a vast and intricate data set. Big data has been a concept for some time, but it has only just begun to change the corporate sector. Most businesses today understand how to gather the terabytes of data that constantly pour into their operations and utilize analytics to transform them into insightful information.

    Given its advantages, big data and analytics are crucial for any business trying to maximize its commercial potential. Consider big data analytics for your next career move because it offers a wide range of opportunities for experts. To excel in big data and make a career out of it, one can opt for top Big Data certifications.

    What is Big Data?

    Big data is the collection of huge amounts of data exponentially growing over time. This data is so vast that the traditional data processing software cannot manage it.

    Although the term is new, because of the benefits of big data, it has been used since 1990s. Big data's size constantly moves from a few dozen terabytes to many zettabytes of data. This requires techniques and technologies for diverse, complex, massive data sets.

    The demand for big data professionals is huge because of the benefits of big data. The big data certification will help you be a unique personality in the messy crowd and will ultimately attract recruiters.

    What are the Benefits of Big Data?

    Big data has huge advantages for the betterment and progress of business and for allowing smart business decisions and modifications. Here are the top ten benefits of big data that users can get:

    Sr.noBenefits of Big Data
    1Better customer insight
    2Increased market intelligence
    3Agile supply chain management
    4Smarter recommendations and audience targeting
    5Data driven innovation.
    6Diverse use cases for data sets
    7Improved business operations
    8Future proofing data and analytics platforms
    9Improvement in pricing
    10Recruitment of the right employees

    Benefits of Big Data in Banking and Securities

    Industry 1: Banking and Securities

    Some of the benefits of big data in Banking and securities industry include:

    1. Customer-specific Banking Solutions are Provided

    Big data can give banks a better understanding of specific clients based on inputs collected when combined with efficient tools and technology.

    This covers their spending patterns, motivations for making investments, and personal or financial histories. Having a complete client profile and data, for instance, allows them to anticipate and stop attrition. The best solution for any current problems should be found.

    The banking sector uses big data to better understand its clients. They consequently develop goods, services, and other offerings based on current consumer profiles that are customized to their particular requirements.

    2. Division of Customers

    Banks may more effectively target their customers with the most effective marketing efforts thanks to customer segmentation. Then, these advertisements are modified to better effectively address their needs.

    By fusing big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, banks will learn important things about user behavior. Additionally, it enables them to tailor-make the consumer experience.

    Additionally, by being able to watch and trace every client transaction, banks would be able to categorize their consumers depending on several factors, such as preferred credit card spending or even net worth.

    3. Fraud Detection

    Detecting fraud and avoiding shady transactions is one of the most challenging problems the banking sector is now experiencing. They can make sure that there are no unauthorized transactions by using big data in banking.

    Additionally, it will guarantee the general security and safety of the banking sector. Furthermore, by observing client spending habits and spotting anomalous activity, banks may leverage big data to stop fraud and increase customer security.

    Benefits of Big Data in Communications, Media, and Entertainment

    Industry 2: Communications, Media, and Entertainment

    Big data helps and benefits the industry of Communications, Media and Entertainment in the following ways.

    1. Identifying the Wants of your Audience 

    In today's digital age, we have a wide variety of entertainment options at our disposal, including live streaming, TV, desktop computers, smartphones, smart gadgets, and applications. The quantity of data that media and entertainment firms are able to compile on a daily basis is astounding, but what they do with all that data is what ultimately differentiates them from one another.

    Even while the data can be gathered, it is rarely or never properly examined. Therefore, it doesn't offer any useful insights into client behavior. Making sense of all the different data is the biggest difficulty. Once the data has been transformed into usable information, it may be used to forecast consumer demand for a variety of products, including shows, music, material for certain age groups on various channels, and more.

    2. Scheduling Media Streams More Efficiently 

    Big data offers media and entertainment organizations insight into when and which devices people are most likely to use to see content.

    Big Data helps to deepen the relationship between the firm and the customer, leading to an increase in brand loyalty by identifying the precise content viewers want to see and at the time they will most likely view it.

    3. Optimal Ad Targeting

    Big data helps to clarify how consumers behave across different channels. Traditional demographic information is used by businesses to personalize adverts for each user.

    Big data assists businesses and advertisers in better understanding the types of advertisements that customers are willing to view. It also discloses the kind, timing, and length of the content that viewers watch. Advertisers can produce more customized advertising, raising CTRs and conversion rates.

    Benefits of Big Data in Healthcare Providers

    Industry 3: Healthcare Providers 

    The benefits of big data in healthcare are enormous.   

    1. Enhance Patient Care 

    The knowledge gained from big data analytics has a significant advantage because it gives different healthcare providers better clinical insights. These state-of-the-art analytics enhance patient care in the healthcare system by enabling clinicians to prescribe effective treatments and make more accurate clinical decisions, further removing any treatment-related ambiguity. 

    As the data is utilized to determine which practices are most beneficial for patients, big data analytics appears to be bringing about a transformation in healthcare that is going towards bringing about improved patient outcomes. 

    2. Predicts Patients at Higher Risk Quickly and Efficiently 

    Predictive analytics in particular identifies the subset of patients who are more susceptible to disease and offers suggestions for early intervention to safeguard them when taking into account population-wide data for a specific area. For portrayals of some chronic conditions, this kind of prediction is more appropriate. 

    Predictive analytics is created by combining data from a range of sources, including patient comorbidities present in the area, demographic area data, socio economic profile data, patient's medical history, etc. 

    3. Reduces the Expense of Healthcare as a Whole 

    Medical professionals can make use of electronic health records (EHRs), which greatly aid in identifying broad trends that result in a better understanding of patient health patterns. This, in turn, can ultimately aid in cost-cutting by lowering unneeded medical expenses or hospital stays. 

    The higher insights that analytics data provide to doctors typically result in more effective patient treatment. This data also identifies their shorter hospital stays and fewer admissions or readmissions in some situations. Fewer hospital stays, also aids patients in lowering healthcare costs. 

    Additionally, by carefully arranging the therapy, predictive analytics may use the data to estimate the costs associated with each specific patient and greatly increase healthcare efficiency. 

    Benefits of Big Data in Education

    Industry 4: Education  

    Big data is used significantly for higher education. It is also used for:  

    • Measuring teacher's effectiveness and performance  
    • Students demographics 
    • Subject matter 

    Professors can comprehend each student's unique needs, pinpoint areas where they struggle or succeed, and create individualized learning plans through the use of big data analysis. Students can also select their own educational pathways thanks to this. For instance, big data analysis may reveal that conventional, in-person learning methods cause issues with a student's performance. The data can also show that the student succeeds well with online instruction. In this case, a professor or advisor can assist the student in selecting a course or program that is more suited to their particular learning preferences. 

    Students feel more empowered to match their academic experiences with their interests as a result of a more individualized approach to education. Their academic progress is maximized, and chances are also created for future professional success. 

    Administrators are using big data analytics to examine student dropout rates. Administrators can create initiatives and plans of action to increase student retention by determining the fundamental reasons why students drop out of college. 

    Benefits of Big Data in Transportation

    Industry 5: Transportation  

    The benefit of big data is more to the transportation industry.  

    1. Increased Knowledge 

    Big data and IoT have the potential to inform customers or users about the most efficient mode of transportation at any given time. Big data is already being used by numerous railway operating companies to process seat availability data in real-time and to inform passengers waiting on platforms about the cars with the most available seats. Big data has the advantage of enhancing consumer experience while also expanding their expertise. 

    2. Improved Customer Service 

    Big data has improved customer service, which is one of the most significant advantages. This is because it has increased consumers' knowledge and improved their experiences. Big data analysis of repeated complaints filed by the same consumer repeatedly could lead to a more successful response. As a result, it assists in providing cutting-edge solutions, such as smartphone technology, in addressing a range of problems. 

    3. Operation Efficiency 

    Big data can be utilized to cut back on wasteful spending and eliminate errors. It can be used to identify the issues causing delays and maintenance outages in the transportation sector. An excellent illustration of how the advantages of big data may improve operations is Strukton rail in the Netherlands. 

    Characteristics of Big Data

    Characteristics of big data are divided into 5 Vs, namely:  

    • Volume 
    • Variety 
    • Value 
    • Velocity 
    • Veracity 

    VolumeThe concept of big data in itself means data with huge volume. The size of the data is very important to determine the value of big data. The volume of data is one such characteristic that must be considered while dealing with big data solutions. 

    Variety: In the early scenario, there were limited sources of data. Spreadsheets and databases were only to be considered. But now, data in emails, videos, audio, photos, monitoring devices, PDFs, and much more are considered. These may face certain issues related to storage, mining data, etc. 

    Value: Big data has intrinsic value. This value is useful only if it is discovered. It is also characterized by how much you can rely on that data and its importance. Finding the value of big data is the benefit of big data. This is considered a discovery process in which business users, executives, and insightful analysts do the right questions to be asked, recognize the pattern, etc. 

    VelocityGenerally, the term velocity is used for speed, which means the speed of data generation. It is to be noted how fast the data is generated and further processed to cope with the demands. Big data velocity is the speed at which data flows from various sources like social media sites, application logs, mobile devices, etc. Big data velocity is very massive. 

    VeracityThis means variability and inconsistency shown by data sometimes. This results in a lack of management of data effectively. 

    Who Uses Big Data? 

    Big data has become a game changer for all industries and businesses that use it. Almost all businesses, whether big or small, utilize the benefits of big data processing. Big businesses all over the world gain huge success with big data.  

    • The Security Exchange Commission (SEC) uses big data for monitoring financial market activity. 1010data, Panopticon Software, etc., use big data. 
    • Amazon Prime, the outstanding choice of customers nowadays, uses big data to offer videos, music, and kindle books.  
    • Spotify, the choice of music lovers, also uses big data to collect data from millions of users worldwide. 
    • The University of Florida uses big data with the help of Google maps for faster identification of healthcare information. 
    • The Office of Educational Technology in the U.S. The Department of Education uses big data for developing analytics. Students may aspire for their careers through the top Big Data courses. 
    • Qualcomm and Manhattan Associates use big data for transportation-related purposes. 

    Why Choose Big Data?

    Many organizations, companies, businesses, and industries use big data for. 

    • Improving operations 
    • Provide better customer service. 
    • Personalized marketing campaigns 

    Big data must be chosen because it allows organizations to detect trends and various patterns of business that can give you a bird's eye view for predicting future success. Also, the various types of big data, like structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data help industries effectively. 

    Limitations of Big Data

    Everything is subject to both good and negative effects or dual aspects. Every situation has benefits and drawbacks. Big data is no different. It has restrictions in every area. 

    • Questionable data quality 
    • Security risks 
    • Lack of talent 
    • Need for cultural change. 
    • Compliance issues 
    • Hardware needs 
    • Implementation cost

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    The advantages of big data and analytics demonstrate what a potent weapon they have become for firms of all sizes and in all industries. Big data analytics has become essential for businesses as well as for analytics experts. Big data analysts are in high demand right now because data is useless without the ability to interpret it.

    The benefits of big data are worth the effort. The business gains an advantage from big data that is worthy enough. This is a great field for students to aspire to for their careers.

    You can plan and forecast your business accordingly with the benefits of big data. This acts as a great resource platform for every field. You can enroll in KnowledgeHut’s top Big Data certifications to complete a big data course at your home.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is big data, and what are the advantages of big data?

    The accumulation of vast amounts of data that grow exponentially over time is known as big data. Big data is a collection of extremely large data sets with a variety of information. This body of information is rapidly growing. It is a huge and complex data set. 

    Better decision-making, fraud detection, improved business operations, inventions, etc. are some advantages of big data. 

    2What are the benefits and limitations of big data?

    Benefits of big data 

    • Market knowledge 
    • Cost saving  
    • Increased sales 
    • Time reduction 
    • New product development

    Limitations of big data 

    • Storage  
    • Formatting and data cleaning 
    • Quality control 
    • Accuracy 
    • Security concerns  
    • Privacy concerns 
    3How can big data help in marketing?

    Big data plays a key role in the marketing sector. They help:  

    • For real-time customer insights 
    • Increasing sales 
    • Budget optimization 
    • Customer engagement  
    • Competitive advantage 
    4How do you measure the cost or benefit of big data?

    You can measure the cost or benefit of big data with the help of the following: 

    • Volume-based value 
    • Velocity-based value 
    • Variety-based value 
    • Veracity-based value 

    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain

    International Corporate Trainer

    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain is an accomplished author, international corporate trainer, and technical consultant with 20+ years of industry experience. He specializes in cutting-edge technologies such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, generative AI, prompt engineering, Industry 4.0, web 3.0, blockchain, RPA, IoT, ML, data science, big data, AI, cloud computing, Hadoop, and deep learning. With expertise in fintech, IIoT, and blockchain, he possesses in-depth knowledge of diverse sectors including finance, aerospace, retail, logistics, energy, banking, telecom, healthcare, manufacturing, education, and oil and gas. Holding a PhD in deep learning and image processing, Dr. Jain's extensive certifications and professional achievements demonstrate his commitment to delivering exceptional training and consultancy services globally while staying at the forefront of technology.

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