HomeBlogAgileTop 8 SPC Job Roles (SAFe Program Consultant) in 2024 + Salary

Top 8 SPC Job Roles (SAFe Program Consultant) in 2024 + Salary

23rd Dec, 2023
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    Top 8 SPC Job Roles (SAFe Program Consultant) in 2024 + Salary

    As per Statista, there are over 334 million companies in 2024, with almost 20 million new ones set up in the last few years. As the business landscape becomes more competitive, organizations must strive to adapt, grow, and remain competitive. In an attempt to do so, businesses are focusing on agility— being responsive and resilient. They are turning to frameworks like Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to scale best practices that enhance business agility. Within these organizations, a variety of SPC job roles, such as Quality Control Inspectors, Quality Engineers, and Data Analysts, play a crucial role in ensuring quality and process improvement. 

    However, to make the most of it, companies need highly skilled and adept individuals who are well-versed in SAFe concepts and agile methodologies. These people, often referred to as SPCs or SAFe Program Consultants, are responsible for directing and coordinating big businesses' transformation. SPC jobs play a crucial role in ensuring Agile and Lean approaches are used to raise output, quality, and customer happiness. However, they must have a proper SPC certification before working as a SAFe program consultant.

    This article will familiarize you with almost all SPC training, certification, and SPC career opportunities along with the salary.

    Understanding SPC and Its Role

    To understand SAFe Program Consultants and their essential role in guiding the implementation of the SAFe framework within organizations, we'll start by examining a typical job description for SPCs, then shedding light on their qualifications and skills, and finally taking note of their responsibilities.

    SPC Job Description

    A SAFe Program Consultant (SPC) guides, coaches, and facilitates the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) deployment, acting as a critical catalyst for corporate transformation. Their main duties fall under numerous important categories:

    • Strategic Instructions: SPCs work with senior leadership to set the strategic goals of the SAFe transition, ensuring that they align with company objectives and customer requirements.
    • Training and coaching: To ensure all stakeholders are familiar with SAFe techniques and principles, they organize SAFe training sessions for managers, teams, and executives. They offer continuing coaching to assist individuals and teams in adjusting to agile approaches.
    • Program Execution: SPCs coordinate operations across several agile release trains (ARTs) inside an organization to assist in the planning, execution, and delivery of value streams and solutions.
    • Continuous Improvement: They promote a culture of continuous improvement by routinely evaluating team and ART performance, locating obstructions, and putting improvements into place to speed up the delivery process.
    • Engagement: To maintain alignment and efficient delivery of value to consumers, SPCs promote communication and collaboration between teams, departments, and business units.
    • Expertise in the SAFe Framework: They stay current on SAFe best practices, adapting the framework to organizational needs and tailoring its use as necessary.

    Top SPC Job Roles with Salaries

    SPC job profiles vary, including SAFe coaches, consultants, and agile transformation leaders. Salaries depend on factors like experience and location, with an average SPC salary of $46,030.

    Types of SPC Job Opportunities

    SAFe Program Consultants (SPCs), who often do not have particular job titles like those listed, are essential in assisting firms with agile transformations. Their knowledge is nevertheless important for various positions inside a business, such as operational excellence and quality. Here are some job titles:

    1. Quality and Operational Excellence

    SPCs are responsible for encouraging the adoption of agile and lean approaches to raise operational excellence and improve quality throughout the organization. They aid in promoting a culture of ongoing development. 

    They earn over $120,947 per year.

    2. Quality Control Head (QC Head)

    SPCs are responsible for streamlining quality control procedures by adopting agile concepts to boost productivity, lower faults, and quicken product delivery. 

    A QC head SPC makes, on average, $233,220 annually.

    3. AM/DM Procurement (Assistant Manager/Deputy Manager Procurement)

    To improve responsiveness, transparency, and collaboration with suppliers, SPCs as procurement managers implement agile procurement techniques. 

    An AM/DM procurement SPC earns over $124,900 per year.

    4. Assistant Manager - Plant Quality Assurance

    SPCs are responsible for implementing agile testing approaches, ensuring speedier response and ongoing quality improvement. Assistant Manager, Plant Quality Assurance. T

    he average salary of a plant quality assurance SPC is around $52,457 per year.

    5. SHIFT LEAD - ENGINEERING Instrumentation

    SPCs who work as shift lead engineers collaborate with engineering teams to apply lean-agile ideas to instrumentation projects, optimizing processes and cutting lead times. 

    On average, they over $34,232 per year.

    6. Manager of Quality Management System

    SPCs can aid managers of quality management systems in integrating agile techniques into quality processes, encouraging flexibility and quick responses to shifting demands. 

    A QMS manager SPC earns approximately $87,585 [Source: Zippia] annually. 

    7. QA Operator

    SPCs are responsible for putting agile principles to use in their routine tasks, placing emphasis on swift problem-solving and feedback loops for accelerated product improvement. 

    On average, they earn $47,906 per year.

    8. Assembly Process Engineering Manager

    Engineering Manager for the Assembly Process: SPCs can work with engineering managers to integrate agile approaches into assembly processes, allowing for quicker iterations and a shorter time to market. 

    An assembly process engineering SPC makes around $148,287 per year.

    Qualifications and Skills of SPC Career

    Let's explore the qualifications and essential skills that characterize SPCs, providing a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to excel in this pivotal role.

    A. Education requirements

    • Bachelor's Degree: The minimal educational need to become an SPC is often a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as computer science, engineering, business, or a related discipline.
    • SAFe Certification: SPCs must possess the qualifications from Scaled Agile, Inc. to perform their duties effectively. The SAFe Program Consultant (SPC) certification attests to an SPC's competence in SAFe framework implementation is the most typical qualification for SPCs.

    B. Key Skills

    • Framework Proficiency: SPCs must be proficient with the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), encompassing all of its guiding principles, values, configurations, and levels (such as Essential SAFe, Large Solution SAFe, and Portfolio SAFe).
    • Agile Certification: For SAFe to be implemented inside an organization successfully, SPCs should hold an Agile certification or any other equivalent SAFe certification.
    • Technical understanding: In order to match SAFe principles with the technical requirements of the business, it may be necessary to have a technical understanding of software development, IT infrastructure, or product development, depending on the industry or organization.
    • Problem-Solving: To deal with problems and obstacles that can arise throughout the SAFe implementation process, SPCs need to have excellent problem-solving abilities. They must be resourceful and flexible in their search for answers.
    • Teamwork and Collaboration: SPCs must establish a collaborative environment where members of different departments may coordinate their efforts toward shared objectives. They also must work well with cross-functional teams.

    Responsibilities and Duties SPC Must Hold

    An organization's effective adoption of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is guided and facilitated by a SAFe Program Consultant (SPC), who performs a wide range of duties and responsibilities in this regard. The following is a thorough summary of their regular responsibilities and major tasks:

    • Planning strategically: Connect SAFe transformation with long-term organizational goals in collaboration with senior leadership and Set up a plan, success criteria, and specific transformation objectives.
    • Coaching and training: Assure effective application of SAFe concepts and practices by providing ongoing coaching and mentoring.
    • Programming Activity: Supervising and directing the performance of agile release trains (ARTs).
    • Reporting & Metrics: Establish and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the SAFe transformation's effectiveness and report on progress on a regular basis to the leadership.
    • Problem-Solving: Examine intricate problems and offer creative answers to problems that arise during the agile transformation process.
    • Governance and compliance: Assure adherence to SAFe methods and concepts by the organization.
    • Documentation: Produce and maintain documentation for SAFe procedures, principles, and practices.

    Education and Work Experience Needed for SPC Jobs

    The following are typical educational and professional prerequisites for Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Program Consultant (SPC) positions:

    • Education: It's common to need a bachelor's degree in a relevant subject like computer science, information technology, business, or engineering. Candidates with advanced degrees or other certificates may be preferred by some employers.
    • Certifications: The SAFe Program Consultant (SPC4) certification attests to proficiency in SAFe concepts and practices, which is the most important qualification for SPC roles. Agile and Scrum qualifications like Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) or Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) may also be pertinent.
    • Experience: Significant industrial experience is required for SPC posts. Candidates frequently require several years of experience working in agile environments, preferably in leadership roles like Scrum Master, Agile Coach, or Product Owner. Additionally, having past expertise in managing extensive agile programs or driving agile transformations is extremely beneficial.

    To effectively lead organizations through SAFe transitions, SPCs should, in general, have a solid educational foundation, pertinent certifications, and a demonstrated track record of real-world experience in agile methodologies and leadership roles.

    How to Secure an SPC Job?

    Building a solid portfolio, networking, and employing successful job search techniques are necessary to land a SAFe Program Consultant (SPC) position:

    1. Create a Valuable Portfolio

    SPCs should curate a valuable portfolio that showcases their capability to lead organizational transformation and their proficiency in deploying the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).

    • Get certified as a SAFe Program Consultant (SPC4) to demonstrate your knowledge of SAFe.
    • Emphasize your abilities to coach teams, lead agile transformations, and apply SAFe principles.
    • Make a collection of success tales that demonstrate how you have enhanced delivery, quality, and adaptability in prior positions.
    • Show that you can modify SAFe to match the needs of a particular organization.

    2. Networking and Job Search Strategies

    Effective networking and job search strategies are the two most essential factors for career success. Here are some quick steps that can help aspiring SPCs with networking.

    • Join agile meetups, conferences, and workshops to network with business leaders.
    • Join LinkedIn groups, online discussion forums, and communities devoted to Agile and SAFe.
    •  Ask for mentoring from seasoned SPCs who can offer advice and recommendations.
    • Make sure to showcase any experience and skills connected to SAFe on your CV.
    • To look for SPC employment, use online job boards, corporate websites, and LinkedIn.
    • Utilize your network for suggestions and referrals.

    Salary Insights of SAFe Program Consultants

    Depending on experience, location, and business, SAFe Program Consultants' (SPCs') salaries might vary greatly. The salary insights for SPCs are summarized as follows.

    SPC jobs salary scale are based on experience: As with any other job, experience adds a lot of value to your work as well as your pay package.

    • SPCs at the entry level: Pay ranges from $35,248 to $46,030 annually for those with little or no experience in the position.
    • Mid-level SPCs: Those with a few years of experience and a solid track record can expect to earn around $74,796 annually.
    • Experienced SPCs: SPCs with significant expertise and a track record of successfully guiding major agile changes can earn wages that surpass $95,000 and may even touch $128,000.

    1. SPC Salary Influencing Factor- Region (Leading Nations)

    SPCs' salaries also vary based on where they work. This variation is because of the country’s state of development, its requirement for Agile frameworks, and the cost of living.

    • United States: Especially in large tech hubs like Silicon Valley, where skilled SPCs can earn top rates, SPC salaries in the U.S. typically rank among the highest salaries in the world. They earn somewhere between $73000-$155000.
    • Western Europe, Canada, and Australia: Although specific amounts can vary by city and the demand for agile knowledge, Canada, Australia, and Western Europe all give SPCs good wages. They may earn something around $100185. Like, in Europe, they earn around £27,929 on average.
    • India and Southeast Asia: In southeastern Asia and in countries like India, SPCs make over INR8.3 lakhs on average per year.

    2. SPC Salary Influencing Factor- Employer (Companies)

    SPC salaries also vary based on the company they work for. Major technological businesses, financial institutions, and global corporations frequently offer greater pay packages to SPC employees. Here are some SPC salaries based on companies.


    Average Salaries (USD)





    Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


    Dow Jones





    A SAFe Program Consultant's function is crucial in assisting enterprises with their agile transformations. SPC jobs involve aiding in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) implementation and fostering a continuous improvement culture. SPCs need a solid educational background, a SAFe certification, and much professional experience.

    From entry-level to veteran SPCs, salaries range substantially, with area and company playing a considerable impact in determining their package. However, individuals can improve their chances of landing an SPC position with a lucrative package by developing a strong portfolio, networking, and upskilling. You can start with KnowledgeHut SPC certification to learn more about this field.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the responsibilities of SPC?

    SPCs lead enterprises through the SAFe implementation process, support agile transformations, coach teams, and align strategies with agile concepts.

    2What is the role of a SPC in SAFe?

    SPCs are agents of change who help organizations embrace SAFe techniques, promote agility, and enhance value delivery by leading, training, and coaching them in doing so.

    3What are the major SPC tools?

    Jira, Rally, VersionOne, and DevOps tools like Jenkins and Git for continuous integration are examples of common SPC tools for project management.

    4What are the types of SPC?

    SAFe coaches, consultants, and transformation leaders are common SPC jobs with an emphasis on successfully applying SAFe concepts. SPC roles can vary.


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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