HomeBlogBusiness Management15 Highest Paying Business Management Jobs to Look in 2024

15 Highest Paying Business Management Jobs to Look in 2024

22nd Dec, 2023
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    15 Highest Paying Business Management Jobs to Look in 2024

    In a world where the business landscape is evolving, skilled business managers are in-demand, due to the increasing complexity of business operations and the need for effective business management to carry out these operations.

    A business manager plans, organizes, directs, and controls various business activities. These activities range from finance, operations, marketing, and Human Resources to name a few. If you want to pursue a career in business management, take Business Management training online to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in this field.

    This article will discuss the top 15 highest paying business management jobs that you should look for in 2024. We will provide business management degree job salary ranges for each designation, and we hope that this will help you make an informed decision when selecting a career path.

    Why are Business Management Jobs in Demand?

    The best paying business management jobs are in high demand due to several reasons:

    • The competition in the market has increased due to globalization, and businesses need skilled professionals to navigate through these challenges.
    • Technology has made significant advancements, which have led to new business models, requiring business managers to adapt and innovate.
    • The ever-changing regulatory environment requires businesses to stay compliant, and business managers are instrumental in ensuring that companies meet these requirements.

    Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the business landscape, and businesses are seeking managers who can handle remote work, digital transformation, and changing customer needs. Therefore, business managers who possess the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle these challenges are in high demand.

    15 Highest Paying Business Management Jobs

    Listed below are the 15 top highest paying jobs for business management degree:

    • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    As the top executive in an organization, the CEO sets the strategic direction of the company and ensures that it achieves its goals. They also manage the company's finances, establish policies and procedures, and oversee day-to-day operations. It is also the best jobs for business management majors. 

    The average salary for a CEO is $159,900, depending on the company size and industry. This is one of the top jobs for business management degree.

    • Administration Service Manager

    The Administration Service Manager is considered one of the best paying business management jobs. They are responsible for overseeing the administrative functions of the organization. They manage staff, budgets, and operations to ensure that the organization runs smoothly. This includes managing office support staff, facilities, and technology. Administrative management is one of the highest paid jobs in business management.

    The average salary for an Administration Service Manager is $68,302.

    • Sales Manager

    The Sales Manager is responsible for leading the sales team, developing sales strategies, and achieving sales targets, and is one business management highest paying jobs. They also work in association with other departments, such as marketing and finance, to ensure that sales align with the overall company strategy. As a Sales Manager, obtaining an ECBA certification can enhance your business analysis skills, improving your ability to analyze market trends and develop effective sales strategies.

    The average annual salary for a sales Manager is $81,240.

    • Computer and Information System Manager

    The Computer and Information System Manager is one of the top paying business management jobs. They are responsible for managing the technology infrastructure of the organization. They oversee the installation, maintenance, and security of hardware and software systems. They also work closely with other departments to ensure that technology supports the overall business strategy.

    The average salary for a Computer and Information System Manager is $111,896 per year and it is one of the best careers for business management majors.

    • Business Development Manager

    The Business Development Manager identifies new business opportunities, develops strategies to pursue them, and manages the sales process. They associate with Marketing and Finance departments, to ensure that new business opportunities are in line with the overall company strategy.

    The average salary range for a Business Development Manager is $114,648 to $151,955, as it is the best paying job for business management degrees. 

    • Risk Manager

    The Risk Manager is a top paying business management job. Risk managers are responsible for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could impact the organization's operations. They establish strategies for risk management and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

    The average salary range for a Risk Manager is $92,078 and is one of the best paying jobs for business management degrees. 

    • Supply Chain Manager

    The management of the flow of goods and services from the supplier to the customer is under the supervision of the supply chain manager. They oversee procurement, logistics, and inventory management. To make sure that the supply chain supports the overall business plan, they also collaborate closely with other departments like sales and operations.

    The average annual salary for a Supply Chain Manager is $91,791. This is one of the highest paying business management jobs.

    • Actuary

    Actuary is one of the best paying jobs with a business management degree. They are responsible for analyzing the financial consequences of risk and uncertainty. They estimate the probability of upcoming events and calculate their financial impact using mathematical models. To ensure that the company has adequate insurance and risk management policies, they also collaborate with the Finance and Risk Management departments.

    The average salary for an Actuary is $111,080 per year.

    • General and Operations Manager

    The General and Operations Manager is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organization and top paying jobs with a business management degree. They manage staff, budgets, and operations to ensure that the organization runs smoothly. This includes managing production, quality control, and supply chain operations.

    The average salary range for a General and Operations Manager is $96,500 to $125,000.

    • Corporate Investment Banker

    The Corporate Investment Banker is one of the highest paid jobs in business management. They are responsible for helping companies raise capital by issuing stocks and bonds. They also advise companies on mergers and acquisitions and provide financial analysis and modeling.

    The average salary for a Corporate Investment Banker is $133,360. This is one of the highest paying business management jobs.

    • Advertising Promotions Manager

    The Advertising Promotions Manager is responsible for developing and implementing promotional campaigns for products or services. They work closely with marketing and sales teams to create and execute advertising and promotional strategies. This includes identifying target audiences, selecting media channels, developing messaging, and measuring campaign effectiveness.

    The average annual salary for an Advertising Promotions Manager is $118,800, as it is one of the best paying jobs with a business management degree. 

    • Training and Development Managers

    The Training and Development Manager is the best paying job for business management degrees. They are responsible for identifying training needs and developing training programs for employees. They also evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and make necessary adjustments. They work closely with the Human Resources and operations departments, to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively. It is one of the top paying jobs in business management. 

    The average salary range for a Training and Development Manager is $132,236.

    • Compensation and Benefits Managers

    The Compensation and Benefits Manager is responsible for designing and administering employee compensation and benefits programs. They analyze market trends and make recommendations for salary structures, benefits packages, and incentive programs. They also ensure the organization’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to compensation and benefits.

    The average annual salary for a Compensation and Benefits Manager is $129,877, as it is considered one of the top paying jobs for business management degrees. 

    • Public Relations and Fundraising Manager

    The Public Relations and Fundraising Manager is one of the top paying jobs with a business management degree. They are responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies to promote the organization's mission and activities. They also plan and execute fundraising campaigns and events to support the organization's financial goals.

    The average pay for a Public Relations and Fundraising Manager is $56,000 to $84,000.

    • Human Resources Manager

    The Human Resources Manager oversees the human resources department and manages employee relations, which is one of the highest paying jobs in business management. They develop and implement policies and procedures for recruitment, selection, training, and development. They also manage employee benefits, compensation, and performance management.

    The average salary range for a Human Resources Manager is $80,001 per year and is a top paying business management job.

    Final Thoughts

    Business management jobs are in high demand, and the need for efficient business leaders is critical to managing the challenges of business operations. The top 15 business management careers and salaries offer lucrative career paths for individuals seeking to pursue a career in this field. The salary ranges provided for each designation can help individuals make informed decisions when selecting a career path. Additionally, obtaining business management training, such as through KnowledgeHut Business Management Training Online, can equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in this field. So, start exploring these opportunities and invest in your professional development today.c

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Why is business management a good career?

    Business management offers a wide range of job opportunities, allows you to make strategic decisions that impact on the company’s success. It also offers competitive salaries and benefits. Additionally, business management training will equip you with skills and knowledge that can be applied across various industries and establish a solid foundation for career advancement.

    2Is there a demand for business managers?

    Yes, there is a high demand for business managers, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. The increasing challenges in business operations and the need for skilled professionals to navigate through these challenges, the changing regulatory environment, and technological advancements are some of the reasons business managers are in demand.

    3What are the 3 benefits of having a business degree?

    A business degree can lead to increased career opportunities, high earning potential, and transferable skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication that can be applied across various industries.


    Mansoor Mohammed

    Business Agility Expert

    Mansoor Mohammed is a dynamic and energetic Enterprise Agile Coach, P3M & PMO Consultant, Trainer, Mentor, and Practitioner with over 20 years of experience in Strategy Execution and Business Agility. With a background in Avionics, Financial Services, Banking, Telecommunications, Retail, and Digital, Mansoor has led global infrastructure and software development teams, launched innovative products, and enabled Organizational Change Management. As a results-driven leader, he excels in collaborating, adapting, and driving partnerships with stakeholders at all levels. With expertise in Change Management, Transformation, Lean, Agile, and Organizational Design, Mansoor is passionate about aligning strategic goals and delivering creative solutions for successful business outcomes. Connect with him to explore change, Agile Governance, implementation delivery, and the future of work.

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