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Relational Model in DBMS: Concepts, Examples

26th Apr, 2024
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    Relational Model in DBMS: Concepts, Examples

    Did you know that almost all database management systems (DBMS) use a particular data organization model? This article provides an introduction to the relational model, which is by far the most common data organization model in DBMS today. This model makes finding and updating information much easier than other types of databases.

    We will also explain relational database model features, usages, types, and other related aspects. And if you have a deep interest in learning about the relational model in DBMS and making a career out of it, you can go for the best MongoDB online course. The course can help you thoroughly explore this concept with relevant relational database examples. Until then, you can read this model's important aspects in this detailed blog.

    What is the Relational Model in DBMS?

    In the concept of a relational database management system, data is organized into tables. Tables are similar to folders in a file system, where each table stores a collection of information. Tables are further divided into columns and rows. Columns represent the attributes of an entity, while rows represent the entities themselves.

    Let's take a relational database example: In a table that stores information about students, the columns would represent attributes such as name, date of birth, and major. In contrast, the rows would represent individual students.

    A relational model is a powerful tool for organizing and manipulating data. However, it is also relatively easy to understand and use.

    Features of Relational Model in DBMS
    Relational Model in DBMS

    The relational model in DBMS has several features that make it well suited for storing data: atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability, data consistency, data working together, data flexibility, and lookup relationships.

    Atomicity keeps data accurate by ensuring that all changes to the data are either made completely or not made at all and that there are no partial changes to the data.

    Consistency ensures that the state of the database remains consistent throughout the transaction.

    Isolation ensures that changes made by one transaction are not visible to other transactions until the changes are committed.

    Durability ensures that once changes are committed, they will remain even if there is a system failure.

    Data consistency means that all data in the database is consistent with itself. Data working together means related data is stored in different tables and linked together using keys.

    Data flexibility means that new data can be added without having to restructure the entire database. Lookup relationships allow you to look up data in one table based on data in another table.

    Types of Relational Models

    There are generally three types of relational models in DBMS -

    1. The One-to-Many Model

    In this type of relationship, one entity is related to multiple other entities. For example, a customer may have multiple orders, a teacher may have multiple students, and a product may be sold in multiple stores. The key feature of the one-to-many model is that the relationship between two entities is not reciprocal. That is, the fact that a customer has multiple orders does not mean that an order has multiple customers.

    2. The One-to-One Model

    The one-to-one model of relational models states that there is a direct and unique relationship between two specific objects. In other words, each object can only be related to one other object and vice versa. This type of relationship is often used to represent relationships between physical things, such as people and their driver's license numbers. While the one-to-one model is relatively simple, it can be useful for representing complex real-world relationships.

    3. The Many-to-Many Model

    In a many-to-many model, each record in the primary table can be linked to multiple records in the foreign table and vice versa. This type of relationship is less common. For example, a many-to-many relationship takes place between students and courses. A student can take multiple courses, and a course can have multiple students enrolled.

    To create a many-to-many relationship, we need to create a third table, called a junction table, that contains the primary keys of the other tables. The junction table establishes the relationships between the rows in the two other tables.

    Relational Model concepts in DBMS

    Relational database concepts to understand in DBMS include:

    • Attribute: An attribute is a characteristic or quality of an entity. In the context of the relational model, an attribute is a column in a table.
    • Tables: A table is a data collection organized into rows and columns. In the relational model for database management, tables are used to store information about entities.
    • Tuple: A tuple is a row in a table. Tuples are composed of attributes.
    • Relation Schema: A relation schema is a blueprint for a table. It defines the attributes that are contained in a table as well as the relationships between those attributes.
    • Degree: The degree is the number of attributes that it contains.
    • Cardinality: Cardinality defines the relationship between two attributes in a relation schema. There are three possible relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.
    • Column: A column is an attribute that is contained in a table. Columns are also sometimes referred to as fields.
    • Relation instance: A relation instance is a set of tuples that conforms to a given relation schema. In other words, it is populated data that has been organized into rows and columns according to the blueprint set forth by a relation schema.
    • Relation key: A relation key is an attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies a tuple in a table.
    • Domain: The domain of an attribute is the set of values that can be stored in that attribute. For example, if an attribute represents ages, its domain would be any age from 0 onward.

    Advantages of using the Relational Model

    The relational database model in DBMS is the most widely used model for managing databases. It offers a number of advantages over other models, including accuracy, ease of use, collaboration, security, and categorization.

    Perhaps the most important advantage of the relational model is its accuracy. Because data is organized into tables, it is easy to keep track of information and ensure that it is up to date. This accuracy is essential for businesses that rely on database information to make decisions.

    The relational model is also easy to use. Users can easily access data and run queries without needing to understand complex concepts. This ease of use makes the relational model ideal for businesses needing to quickly retrieve information from their databases.

    The relational model also supports collaboration by allowing multiple users to access and update the same data. This feature is essential for businesses that need to share information between departments or across locations. 

    Finally, the relational model offers security features that protect data from unauthorized access and modification. These features are critical for businesses that must ensure their data's confidentiality. This is why it is recommended to go for a MongoDB Administration certification designed exclusively for database administrators and enthusiasts. This is helpful to those who want to deploy and administer cutting-edge applications at scale.

    Disadvantages of using the Relational Model

    While the relational model in DBMS has many advantages, some disadvantages are worth considering.

    One downside is the maintenance problem. As data is added, deleted, and updated, the relational model can become increasingly complex and difficult to manage. This can lead to costly errors and reduced efficiency.

    Another issue is cost. Relational databases can be expensive to set up and maintain. They also require significant storage space, which can add to the overall cost.

    Another potential downside is the lack of scalability. As data grows, it can become increasingly difficult to query and update a relational database in a timely manner.

    Finally, the structure of the relational model in DBMS is complex and can also be challenging. The need for multiple tables and relationships can make it difficult to understand and work with a relational database.

    For these reasons, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of implementing the concept of a relational database management system before making a decision.


    A relational model is a powerful tool for managing data in a DBMS. The relational model provides a flexible way to store and retrieve information by structuring data into tables and enforcing relationships between them. Additionally, using primary and foreign keys ensures that data is consistent and can be easily linked together.

    Despite these advantages, the relational model has some limitations, such as its reliance on flat files and the difficulty of representing hierarchical data. However, these limitations can be overcome with careful design and implementation.

    If you are looking for more information on this topic, we suggest checking out our KnowledgeHut Best MongoDB online course. With this course, you will learn everything there is to know about using MongoDB, such as writing code, building real-world projects, and learning Cloud Labs.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the components of the relational model?

    Relational models have two main components: structures that enable data organization and integrity constraints that ensure data consistency. 

    2What is the entity-relationship model in DBMS?

    The entity-relationship model (ERM) is a database modeling technique that enables developers to represent the structure of a database graphically. These entities can be anything that can be uniquely identified, such as people, places, things, or concepts.

    3What is the structure of a relational database model?

    At its most basic, a relational database model stores data in tables. Each table comprises rows and columns, and each row contains a single record. Tables can be linked to one another through relationships defined by matching fields. This relationship allows the data in both tables to be queried and filtered together. 


    Monica Gupta


    I am Monica Gupta with 19+ years of experience in the field of Training and Development. I have done over 500 Corporate Trainings. I am currently working as a freelancer for several years. My core area of work is Java, C++, Angular, PHP, Python, VBA.

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