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Web Designer Salary in India for 2024

26th Dec, 2023
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    Web Designer Salary in India for 2024

    Web design provides dedicated designers with a new, unique approach to exhibiting their ideas and talents in visual design. It's an interesting job, especially at this point in the industry of web design and development. But if that's what you really want to do, it can be a rewarding job. But here's the major question: what is the web designer salary in India? Is a website designer's paycheck enough to cover the bills? What sort of web designing scope and salary in India can you expect to make if you decide to pursue a web design career? The answer is that it is dependent on multiple factors.

    Whether you’re becoming a freelancer or taking on a full-time position, read this article to know the web designer salary in India per month for all experience levels.

    Who is a Web Designer?

    A web designer is a programmer who is highly committed to the entire canvas of a website - everything we click, view, obtain, or use to input is the product of a web designer. Certainly, technical expertise and design skills are required. They blend design and technology to display the performance of a website's back-end in an easy-to-use format for users.

    Role of a Web Designer 

    • Conceptualizing unique website concepts for and with clients
    • Creating interesting and responsive website landing pages
    • Using industry and design best practices throughout the website development process
    • Conducting testing and making improvements to the website design to provide the greatest possible user experience
    • Website integration of client CMS programs and data streams
    • Sites are optimized for optimal performance and scalability
    • Liaison with Back-End Developers or a web development team to guarantee correct integration of web and app logic
    • Ensure website functionality and stability across all devices
    • Collaborating with marketing and research teams to incorporate brand elements and market research findings into the website
    • Using user flows, process flows, site maps, prototypes, and wireframes to communicate design concepts
    • Adding capabilities and features to websites

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    Salary of Web Designers Based on Location

    • Web designer salary Bangalore - According to Payscale, the average web designer salary Bangalore is INR 398K per year.
    • Web designer salary Mumbai, Maharashtra - According to Payscale, the average for a web designer salary Mumbai is INR 339K per year.
    • Web designer salary in Kolkata - According to Payscale, the average web designer salary in Kolkata is INR 307K per year.
    • Web Designer Salary in Kerala - According to Payscale, the average web designer salary in Kerala is INR 314K per year.
    • Web designer salary in Delhi - According to Payscale, the average web designer salary in Delhi is INR 350K per year.

    Salary of Web Designers Based on Experience

    • The average salary of a web designer fresher salary in India is INR 195,857, according to Payscale.  
    • According to Payscale’s April 2023 survey, in your starting career, a web designer in India may expect to earn 285,962. In India, the average income for a mid-level web designer is INR 410,065.  
    • In India, the average salary for an experienced web designer is INR 578,314, according to Payscale.

    Salary of Web Designers Based on Employer 

    Many organizations in the tech sector give high salaries to web designer in India. The most noteworthy fact is that the average pay among the top employers listed below is 245K/year.

    According to AmbitionBox, the Top Employers and their average income for a web designer in 2023 are:

    Employer Name
    Average Pay Range
    TATA Consultancy Services LimitedINR 323361
    CognizantINR 386250
    AccentureINR 595000
    Infosys LimitedINR 435417
    Amazon Inc.INR 603571
    HCL TechnologiesINR 506774

    Top-Notch Paying Companies for Web Designers 

    • MORIS TALENT HUNT ₹44,674
    • Accenture ₹44,537
    • Anudip Foundation for Social Welfare ₹25,762
    • Microsoft: 24.1 LPA
    • Amazon: 4.5 LPA
    • Infosys: 4.3 LPA
    • TCS: 3.4 LPA

    Average Salary of Web Designers in India

    According to Payscale, an average web designer's salary in India in 2023 is INR ₹285962. However, the pay could vary from INR 1,22,650 to INR 6,50,000 depending on multiple factors.

    Web Designer Salary in India Based on Job Roles

    Following is the average salary for different web designer job roles in India in 2023, according to indeed:

    Job title
    Average Salary per month
    User Experience Designer₹22,925
    Graphic Designer₹18,032
    Front End Developer₹31069
    Wordpress Developer₹21,122
    Web Developer₹16,707
    Full Stack Developer₹64145.5

    Skills Required for Web Designer

    Technical Skills Every Web Designer Needs 

    Visual design

    Visual design is the art of choosing the correct design principles to improve the appearance and feel of a website. Web designers with superior visual design talents do exceptionally well. Visual design is closely related to user experience. However, it is primarily concerned with aesthetic components.

    User experience (UX) design

    UX design is the process of creating engaging user experiences for websites, mobile applications, or digital products. The primary goal of UX design is to deliver users with an immersive experience when navigating the platform and to ensure that they find the value you offer. UX is one of the most important criteria in determining the success of a website, especially as design philosophy grows more user-focused.

    Design software

    Web designers require tools to complete the task. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Sketch are tools that designers utilize for crucial aspects of their jobs, such as making mockups, designing logos and graphics, and, of course, altering and improving photos.


    For a long time, web designers assumed that they would not have to deal with coding. If it was ever true, it is no longer: web designers are required to comprehend HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

    HTML assists you in placing and optimizing your site content by providing structure and shape. You'll need it to publish content on your website.


    CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a type of coding that instructs web browsers on the structure and style of a page's HTML components. CSS can assist you in improving the visual attractiveness of your work. You can use this code language to alter fonts, colors, add/remove backdrops, etc.

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    Soft skills

    Time management

    Time management skills are essential in a world with tight deadlines. Because of the breakneck rate of project iterations, designs must be adaptable and quickly respond to change requests. A good web designer must manage their schedules and keep track of project requirements. They must also be extremely efficient in their process.


    Communication skills are an advantage that any professional – regardless of sector – should seek to improve, but they are especially vital for Web Designers. You must be able to successfully communicate your ideas in simple English so that you and your clients or stakeholders can debate, collaborate, and stay on the same page.

    Similarly, because you will be collaborating with other teams, you must be ready to offer regular updates on the project status.

    Digital Marketing

    A Web Designer's digital marketing expertise is a major benefit. You're an important element of a digital marketing plan, and if you can take your knowledge and abilities and learn to adapt to the industry, you'll be extremely valuable to a future employer.

    Strengthen your SEO and social media marketing expertise, and you'll have a more commanding presence as you create a design.

    What is the Demand for Web Designers in India? 

    Growth Landscapes

    The sector is indeed expanding. As a result, there is an increase in the need for web design expertise. As we embrace the digital era, most individuals are spending their time online. The digital sector is expanding, whether on social media or through websites and applications. The digital area is expanding all around the world, and there is plenty of room to enter the industry right now.

    Demand is increasing

    In India, there is a high demand for web designers. Everyone is seeking excellent web designers, whether they are startups or large corporations in any field. This is one of the reasons why web designing scope and salary in India have risen.

    Increased work Opportunities

    There is an increase in work opportunities due to an increase in demand. Companies are recruiting web designers and want to hire many more in the future years.

    Lack of Skilled Employees

    There is a lack of professionals with the necessary Web Design knowledge. This shortage of job-ready people provides an excellent chance to upskill through online courses.

    Career as a Web Designer 

    It's a creative job.

    Whether you're interested in graphic design, web design, or visual design, Web Designers have the unique opportunity to integrate all three and use their artistic and creative abilities regularly. If you're detail-oriented and get thrilled when you see a striking new design, a web design career would allow you to meet those creative inspirations and put them to good use in creating stunning web goods.

    Work in a sector that is brimming with opportunities.

    What company doesn't require a visually appealing website? Web designers and developers are still in high demand, and the future looks promising. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for Web Designers, which is part of the wider category of Web Developers, is expected to expand by 13% through 2026, which is substantially faster than the average for all professions.

    Anyone who wants to pursue a profession as a web designer can do so by learning all of the necessary skills and knowing the responsibilities. KnowledgeHut best front end developer bootcamp is the perfect launchpad for budding web designers. So, if you enjoy coding and have a creative mind, consider web design as a lucrative career path.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How much do Web Designers make in India?

    A web designer salary per month in India is INR 23803. The pay can range from INR. 118,000 to INR. 634,000 each year, based on aspects such as location, experience level, company profile, and more.

    2Is Web Designer a well-paid job?

    Yes, Web Design is a well-paid job. Not only are Web Designers presently in high demand by top companies, but the field is also expected to grow more in the near future. The average web designer fresher salary in India is around  INR 195,857, according to Payscale.  

    3Are Web Designers in demand?

    Web designers are in high demand as businesses want to get their target audience and grow their business.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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