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Web Design vs Web Development [Similarities & Differences]

05th Sep, 2023
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    Web Design vs Web Development [Similarities & Differences]

    Do you want to work as a web designer? Not sure what is the difference between web designing and web development is? Continue reading to find out. 

    Web design and web development have come a long way in the previous two decades. Take a peek at amazon's new website. Just look at how far design has come in the last decade. 

    A finished website requires a team of people to launch, and I'm going to discuss two crucial positions on that team: web designers and developers. The difference between web design and web development is seen frequently during the occupation opening, they typically do distinct jobs to put a website live. It is conceivable for someone to be both a designer and a developer at the same time, although these are often two separate responsibilities. 

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    In this post, we'll compare the roles of a web designer and a web developer based on a scale of different parameters to get a better understanding hold of the jobs and will also assess “Is web design and web development the same”, as well as how you may choose between the two diverse paths. So, let's get this ball rolling!

    Web Design vs Web Development [Comparison Table]


    Web development 

    Web design 


    They will create the fundamental functionality of a website using several programming languages such as HTML, PHP, and Java. 

    Web design is concerned with the creation of various graphical components for usage on the world wide web. 


    Websites are designed by web designers and built by web developers. 

    A web designer oversees the website's appearance. 

    Skill set 

    You will learn coding languages such as HTML and CSS, as well as popular open-source CMS such as the market-leading Joomla during the acquisition of web development skills. 

    They may utilize adobe photoshop or illustrator to design the parts that will comprise your website. They use HTML5, CSS3, SASS 

    Deadlines & Time Management 

    A significant percentage of a web developer's time is spent on website maintenance, which includes things like updating the CMS, monitoring security, and providing online support for any difficulties that emerge. 

    A web designer’s most of the time goes in creating wireframes, designing the theme, selecting the right pictures or in case of absence or special demands creating them. 


    It exhibits the developer's skill to rearrange and simplify their code in a way that other developers will find elegant and comprehensible. 

    Designers may showcase their work on websites such as Behance.com and Dribble.com. 

    Education & certification 

    Certified Web Professional - Web Developer, Master Certified Web Professional - Designer (CWP), and Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) are the most common certificates held by web developers. 

    Most web designers have a mix of the following certifications: Master Certified Web Professional - Designer (CWP), Certified Web Professional - Web Developer, and Web Programming Certificate. 

    Job Outlook 

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the web development industry will grow 13% between 2018 and 2028, substantially quicker than the national average for any and all sectors. 

    According to PayScale statistics, the typical annual income for a web designer is approximately $50,000, while the median annual compensation for a web developer is around $59,000. 

    Web Design vs Web Development: Definition 

    The difference between website design and website development is huge. For an instance, The definition of the terms web design vs web development are themselves enough to explain the two. One is for developing the sites that is work “behind the scenes” while other is designing the sites that is work “on the front screen”. 

    While mostly web designers are concerned with the graphics of a website, web developers are concerned with bringing those graphics to life. 

    They will create the fundamental functionality of a website using several programming languages such as HTML, PHP, and Java. What occurs when someone hits a button, for example, or how the main menu loads if a user navigates or clicks on it, are examples of functionality. 

    Web design is concerned with the creation of various graphical components for usage on the world wide web. Designers are responsive to make infographics, advertisements, and logos, among other things. However, the visual appearance and feel of a website is indeed a major priority. 

    Web Development vs Web Design: Roles 

    The web design and web development difference in case of roles, define what character they both play on web and on what levels they are included. 

    • Website developers are responsible for creating and maintaining the core structure of a website. They are often concerned with the technological know-how of a website. They are in charge of converting web designers' ideas and conceptions into fully working websites through complicated programming and coding. Websites are designed by web designers and built by web developers. They must also do extra tasks such as testing and debugging. The job description of a web developer also covers various post-launch services. 
    • The web developer vs web designer is responsible for turning the blueprint developed by the web designer or a team of designers into a functional website. Aside from the critical role of coding and programming, a web developer must also handle hosting concerns, provide ongoing support and maintenance, and monitor the overall quality and operation of the website. A web designer is in charge of the website's appearance. Their job is to improve the style and general feel of the site. Photoshop and Corel Draw are their go-to programme for this purpose, which helps to make the website appear more appealing. The layout and aesthetic aspects of a website are the responsibility of the web designer. 
    • They make it a priority that a website is not only visually appealing, but also user-friendly for the visitors who are coming from diverse areas of life. They are in charge of the overall structure and layout of a website, in addition to the development of conversion-generating features inside that layout. The web designer must create a mobile-friendly web page that works on a number of devices and browsers for which they add media query targeting different handsets browsers and devices. 

     Their role also includes: 

    • They develop creative concepts. 
    • Create website functionality and features. 
    • The website's design is to be tested by them. 
    • Design principles, standards, and best practices should indeed be established. 

    Web designers must also write and manage web design contracts, website requirements, website pitches, and design assessments in some cases as they are required to do it. While building a creative site is the major responsibility of a web designer, research and debugging are also vital components of their job. They also run performance testing, update and upload content, keep the site up to date, and design mockups, banners and other graphics such as logos. 

    Web Design vs Web Development: Skill Set

    Web development is a combination of artistic and analytical skills: it is for people who really are detail-oriented and possess an eye for design. Coding and development skills are presently in great demand in the IT sector, with job opportunities accessible in a wide range of exciting companies. Whereby, web designing is for those who are creative and can think out of the box ideas. Web Design vs Development in terms of skill set is too vast. 

    To make your website up and accessible to visitors, a developer may collaborate with a content management system (CMS).  Some of the  most prevalent systems in modern times are: 

    • WordPress  
    • Joomla 
    • Magento 
    • Drupal 

    You'll learn coding languages such as HTML and CSS, as well as popular open-source CMS such as the market-leading Joomla during the acquisition of web development skills. In the meanwhile, studying JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, and PHP will all assist you in creating high-quality, interactive websites. 

    Web Designers often perform the following: 

    • Prototypes of Wireframe Designs 
    • Create Landing Pages, Inner Pages, And Homepages. 
    • Build and Revamp Websites in Collaboration with Developers and Project Managers. 
    • Designers often focus on how to provide a pleasant user experience (UX) For Site Visitors while working on websites. 

    They may utilize adobe photoshop or illustrator to design the parts that will comprise your website. They use HTML5, CSS3, SASS 

    Web Design vs Web Development: Deadlines & Time Management 

    There are deadlines set in IT projects to deliver the finished project to clients for which both jobs have a difference that remains prominent 

    Web Developer’s time management: A significant percentage of a web developer's time is spent on website maintenance, which includes things like updating the CMS, monitoring security, and providing online support for any difficulties that emerge. This sometimes can be troublesome however, mostly it’s the kind of work that is completed in time. However, web development can be done using available codes online like on stack overflow. The web developer sometimes works in a team where creation of modules depends on others and can thus be time consuming if deadlines are not met hence management is highly recommended. 

    Web Designer’s time management: A web designer’s most of the time goes in creating wireframes, designing the theme, selecting the right pictures or in case of absence or special demands creating them.

    They create mockups, graphics, think about the modern designs and decide how the website interacts with the visitors on the site. As compared to web development web design takes a lot of time. 

    The design is something that needs to be unique and must be able to help the client’s need and thus can require beginning from nothing leading to more time in development of design. 

    Web designers mostly work alone on their projects hence they do have strict deadlines but they must manage them alone. You can check the Web Development course syllabus via visiting our website to see what it covers. 

    Web Design vs Web Development: Portfolio

    A web developer and designer portfolio are a collection of your web projects. In addition to projects, it includes a contact form, a biography, and access to source code. 

    A great web portfolio is essential for a prosperous career as a web programmer or a web designer. Because the main task of a web developer is to create websites and applications, a digital portfolio will help you demonstrate your technical talents and attract new clients. 

    Web Developer’s portfolio: Developers mostly utilize GitHub to showcase their excellent code development repositories. It exhibits the developer's skill to rearrange and simplify their code in a way that other developers will find elegant and comprehensible. 

    There are more developer portfolio websites too. 

    AWS (Amazon Web Solutions) and Heroku.com are two cloud-based website hosting platforms that may be used to display static websites and web apps produced by developers. 

    Web Designer Portfolio: Designers may showcase their work on websites such as Behance.com and Dribble.com. Designers may use these websites to showcase their color scheme expertise, graphic design abilities, and inventiveness. 

    It's even more important to use these platforms to create a personal portfolio website where you can showcase your work. By creating your own website, you have total control over how your material is presented and received, without the interference that may occur when your content is put on a third-party website. 

    However, do not disregard these added resources and ensure that they are utilized in some way. 

    Web Design Skills

    Web Design vs Web Development: Education and certification

    Web Design vs Web Development degrees are available at diploma, associate, bachelor's, and master's levels at colleges and universities. Although, the master's degree in web design allows students to build a more specific skill set in the sector, it is less frequent than the other three programme options. 

    An online training with certificate in website designing allows the students to develop a knowledge of the industry, experiment with application scenarios, and learn about web ideas and coding languages. Required courses in certificate programmes may include web animation, web design and publishing, and website maintenance. You can try Full Stack Developer course to get both skills. 

    Web developer’s education: Certified Web Professional - Web Developer, Master Certified Web Professional - Designer (CWP), and Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) are the most common certificates held by web developers. 

    A Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science or a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is awarded to web developers who finish a four-year bachelor's degree programme with flying colors at a college or university. Students in this curriculum typically spend four years studying computer programming, computing, designing, including learning to be good in mathematics. 

    Despite the reality that a Computer Science degree is no longer essential for employment in the web development field we recommend getting a basic education. As due to technological advancements, there are several ways to learn to write a programme or code, both online and offline. 

    Web designer’s education: Most web designers have a mix of the following certifications: Master Certified Web Professional - Designer (CWP), Certified Web Professional - Web Developer, and Web Programming Certificate. 

    A certificate in web design and development equips graduates with a variety of job prospects. Certificate programmes prepare web designers for employment. Certificate holders can also pursue careers as UX/UI designers. 

    However, unlike web developers, you can also gain a web designer job by merely displaying your expertise on an online portfolio, such as Dribble or Behance, or by having real-world samples of past works you worked on. It is your creative ability, not your degrees, that will earn you a job. 

    Web Design vs Web Development: Job Outlook

    Global network intake is predicted to climb higher as devices have become ever more economical and accessible, with a particular emphasis on the increase in mobile website usage. which means that the demographics interact with websites for information via their mobile phones instead of computers in accordance with the Report published by Ericsson Mobility, smartphone traffic is expected rise more than tenfold between 2016 and 2023, implying a continued demand for competent web design and development experts to create mobile-friendly websites. Google and other search engines are actively rewarding mobile-friendly sites with improved positions in search results with little SEO work. Businesses that wish to remain at the top of their respective sectors must keep up with such web-based advancements or risk losing prospective clients to competitors. 

    You must be aware about the numerous positions coming out on various job searching platforms, as well as essential credentials and learn and acquire right skill sets, if your dream is to become a web designer or developer then you must have thought about “web designer vs web developer”. Consider the average salary, professional progression opportunities, and the numerous types of web designers and developers. Understanding how to code and being capable of putting your designs into functioning prototypes and user interfaces might increase your probability of being hired as a full-time or freelance web designer. Being a designer and developer rolled into one is the best way to make a lot of money while also being able to provide what your clients and companies desire. 

    Web design and development professionals are predicted to be offered a plethora of options in the future.

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the web development industry will grow 13% between 2018 and 2028, substantially quicker than the national average for all sectors. These jobs are also highly lucrative. 

    According to PayScale statistics, the typical annual income for a web designer is approximately $50,000, while the median annual compensation for a web developer is around $59,000. 

    Web Designer vs Web Developer salary and freelancing cost for a project 

    Web Development vs Web Design Salary in both jobs is another parameter that creates a barrier of difference between the two which is due to difference in demand of skills. 

    According to Glassdoor.com,

    The mean annual web developer salary in the US is approximately $77k, with senior developers earning up to $131k 

    The average salary of a web developer in India is ₹4 lacs per year 

    A freelance developer typically charges between $30 and $65 per hour. 

    Whereas, a freelance web designer often charges between $10 and $50 per hour, 

    We discussed web design vs web development salaries here to give you an idea about the earnings. 

    How They are Similar?

    If you wish to improve your website, consider web design and development to be two interconnected areas. In most circumstances, it is not designer vs. developer. You must know how to build a website as well as have a current website that functions effectively for users. 

    What Should You Choose Between Web Design vs Web Development? 

    Web Design vs Web Development? What is the specific job route that you are more interested in or that is better suited to you based on your present skill set? Which is better, web designer or web developer? To choose the topic you are most interested in, ask yourself what fascinates you the most. Is it the appearance of a website or the coding process that powers it?

    Determine which position is most gratifying for you as a person. You might conduct a fast-online search or enroll in short-term web development and design classes to determine what works best for you.

    To explain in brief, a web designer is a graphic artist who is in charge of creating the layout, usability, and visual look of a website. A web developer is someone who creates and maintains the basic structure of a website. A great web designer must have a diverse set of creative, visual, and technological talents. In contrast, a web developer is responsible for translating a web design into a working website using coding languages such as HTML, Java, JavaScript, PHP, jQuery and Python. 

    It is also critical to understand the financial aspects of each job description. Make sure you are aware of the typical earnings of a web designer and a web developer, since this is a major consideration when deciding on a career route. Your present education, skill set, degree of expertise, as well as other demographics are all essential considerations. 

    Another wonderful technique to ensure you're on the appropriate career path is to identify the skill set necessary for each profile and compare it to the list of talents you already have or would like to develop. 

    Web design and web development are both incredibly rewarding professions. Without a doubt, choosing any of them assures that your skill set will not become outdated. The web is not going away and will continue to evolve and improve. As a result, there will always be a strong need for competent web designers and web developers. 

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    You should be able to differentiate web development and web design by now! You should have gained a better understanding of web design and web development as well as the answer to what is the difference between web developer and web designer by now, but let's go over what we've studied quickly. The distinction between a web developer and a web designer seems to be more profound than you would believe. A web designer transforms a brand's concept into an on-screen reality and understands what the target audience would like. A web developer creates the essential structure of a website by employing coding languages to create logical, as well as flexibly programmable webpages.

    Check out our courses and certifications, along with KnowledgeHut’s Front End Developer bootcamp, for complete training of web design and web development to guarantee you make the best decision. In a couple of minutes, you'll be amazed with our course services and that make sense of what you need after you complete the module. 

    Web Design vs Web Development FAQs

    1Which is better Web design or web development?

    If you enjoy technical aspect of projects, web developer is a viable career path. A web designer, on the other hand, is a more creative job if you're interested in branding, colour theory, and the artistic aspect of websites.

    2Is Web Design same as web development?

    No they are not completely same as one relies on other. 

    3Is Web design easier than web development?

    No both are skill based job and hence require sheer dedication to excel any of them.

    4Can a web designer also be a web developer?

    Yes, for sure but this would require additional skills like programming languages: PHP, Python and others 

    5Who gets paid more web designer or developer?

    The difference between both is hard to find as if you have the skills you will be paid the best in industry. 

    6Does web design require coding?

    No not in actual however it does offer its own skillsets to gain such as HTML5, CSS3 and more.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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