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How to Prepare for UX Design Interview with Tips [2024 Guide]

22nd Dec, 2023
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    How to Prepare for UX Design Interview with Tips [2024 Guide]

    In this dynamic and ever-evolving user experience (UX) world, you need more than just a stellar portfolio to land a dream job. According to a study, the UX market was estimated at USD 6,120.64 Million in 2020 and is speculated to reach USD 20,058 Million by 2028, increasing at a compounded annual growth rate of 16.24% from 2021 to 2028. 

    As the industry expands, so does the competition, making it critical to equip yourself with the right tools and knowledge to ace your interviews. Interviews can be daunting. Nailing those tricky UX design questions could be challenging. Therefore, it's crucial to follow UX design interview prep tips before you appear for one. 

    We have covered some invaluable tips and strategies to help you navigate the interview process with confidence and poise. 

    What is UX Design?

    Before we answer that, ask yourself- when was the last time you used a new product or service or a mobile app or website? Was the experience good? Well, that's what UX designers do. They work toward creating a good user experience. 

    UX design refers to the procedures of designing (physical or digital) products that are easy to use, valuable, and delightful to engage with. The aim is to improve people's experience while interacting with your product, ensuring they see value in your offering. 

    Often, UX Design is used interchangeably with terms such as "Usability" and "User Interface (UI) Design." However, while UI and usability are essential aspects of UX design, they are subsets. 

    So, if you find this a great career option and want to upskill your knowledge, you must try KnowledgeHut’s comprehensive UI/UX Developer Bootcamp course. You will be able to hone your skills to design successful products that audiences and customers love. 

    UX Design Interview Preparation Tips

    If you are thinking- about how to prepare for UX interviews, you are in the right place. Whether applying for the first time or stepping up in your career, these tips will help you with UX interview preparation. 

    Tip 1: Master the Basics: UX Design Principles, Methodologies, and Industry Trends

    It goes without saying, but before you appear for the interview, you must ensure that you have a solid understanding of user-experience design and its fundamentals, like usability testing, information architecture, interaction design, and other core concepts. 

    Educate yourself on popular UX design processes, including user research, prototyping, wireframing, and user testing. Update yourself about emerging technologies, current trends, and best practices in the UX design sector. 

    When you demonstrate a rigid understanding of the fundamentals to interviewers, it reflects your solid foundation in the subject and how you can effectively contribute to the company's UX design efforts.

    Tip 2: Research the Company and Dig into the Position You are Applying for 

    While this may sound quite basic or generic, many still need to remember or leave this step behind, which could really leave a wrong impression even if you or the interviewee possess excellent technical knowledge.

    Digging in about the company, understanding its work ethics and culture, and finding whether your ethics and values align beforehand are always recommended. Research the company's products and new launches and analyze them well. 

    Visit the company's website, and look for their LinkedIn and Glassdoor profiles for better insights. Besides, you must also glance through the job description more than once to comprehend the position better. 

    Doing this will help you clearly understand what qualities and skills a company is seeking. All this will help you figure out how to prepare for a UX design interview. 

    Tip 3: Create a Strong Portfolio: Showcase Your Best Work 

    You must first figure out the skills required in the job description (JD) before you update your UX portfolio. If the JD demands special skills, ensure that you include them in your resume, as well as in your portfolio. 

    If the interviewer asks you to lead the interview by walking them through your resume, you must prepare yourself for the same. 

    You should be able to:

    • Define your most recent projects and pertinent skills
    • Justify how you can add value to the firm
    • Emphasize your unique accomplishments and best qualities. 

    Tip 4: Practice Story Telling: Articulate Your Experiences through Compelling Storytelling 

    One thing that every interviewee must keep in mind is that nobody likes complicated answers. The simpler, the better. And, what’s better than demonstrating in a captivating storytelling way? Not only will it keep the interviewer glued, but it will also send a good impression of you that you are a good fit for the role. The interviewer prefers candidates who know their jobs well. 

    The interviewer may ask you to explain your ideas and thoughts on specific processes and products, such as how to create user personas. For example, if you are to reduce the complexity of a design process, articulate your thoughts in a manner that a non-specialist can comprehend. 

    The best way for the UX designer interview preparation is to practice regular reading about UX design. It will help you share your thoughts with confidence and ease. 

    Tip 5: Brush Up on Your UX Terminologies 

    For any interview, speaking the language is crucial to unlocking the secret paths to success. Therefore, dust off your UX glossary and engross yourself truly in the enchanting realm of UX terminologies. From affordance to micro-interactions, wireframes to personas, such terms weave together user experiences. 

    Polishing up your UX vocabulary will not only impress interviewers with your fluency but also wield power to articulate your design decisions with finesse. 

    Hence, while preparing for a UX interview, you must ensure your UX terminologies are up to the mark. 

    Besides terminologies, if you want to present your other skills like web development, it would surely impress the interviewer. Everybody wants more. So, if you want to be a pro in web development, pursue this comprehensive training in Web Development course offered by KnowledgeHut. You will get opportunities to work on several practical projects you can present in the interview. 

    Tip 6: Refine Your Technical UX Skills 

    Focus on improving your knowledge of numerous tools, programs, and technologies frequently utilized in the industry to hone your technical UX skills. 

    This entails understanding prototyping tools like InVision or Axure and UX design applications like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD. To work effectively with developers, you must also be familiar with front-end development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

    Keep up with current business trends, take workshops or online courses, and actively participate in practical projects to hone your technical abilities. 

    By consistently honing your technical UX skills, you'll be prepared to take on intricate design challenges and make a valuable contribution to any UX design team.

    Tip 7: Work on Your Soft Skills 

    It’s one of the most critical UX interview tips many leave behind. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a junior UX designer, you must ensure that you have impressive soft skills. 

    If you are applying for the post of manager, you must have strong communication and interpersonal skills so that you can lead your team better. On the other hand, if you are a junior designer, you must be a good listener and an excellent team player. 

    Therefore, if your resume doesn’t have any such soft skills, it’s time, you update it immediately. But that’s not enough. You must practice these skills daily to ensure when you are interviewed; you display only proficiency. 

    Tip 8: Prepare Questions in Advance 

    Often, the interviewer asks - do you have any questions for me? Many candidates don’t know what to ask, and that surely doesn’t reflect their potential. It implies that the candidates are not interested in the job or aren’t insightful or creative. 

    So, to avoid this phase, you must prepare for the questions in advance. Visit the company’s website, explore its products and services, and create questions about them and their culture, etc. 

    Framing questions in advance is also one of the most important UX design interview prep steps. 

    Tip 9: Conduct Mock Interviews with Friends, Colleagues, or Mentors 

    Another significant UX design interview tip is to conduct mock interviews with friends to simulate real interview scenarios. 

    Such interviews are meant to receive constructive feedback on your problem-solving approach, communication style, and overall interview performance. 

    Mock interviews can help you build confidence in your ability to handle different interview situations, identify areas of improvement, and gain valuable insights. It allows you to fine-tune your responses and polish your storytelling skills. 

    The more you practice, the more comfortable and prepared you'll feel when the spotlight is on you.

    Tip 10: Give Yourself Time to Answer and Be Confident 

    Other UX design interview prep tips include allowing yourself time before answering any question and being confident about it.

    Give yourself some time to consider your response (unless, of course, you're certain you know the answer). It will exhibit analytical behavior and indicate that you don't just choose the first solution that comes to mind, which is a very desirable quality in a UX designer.

    Also, feel free to go back and revise earlier responses if necessary. Perhaps you recognize that the illustration you provided 15 minutes ago wasn't ideal; feel free to modify it as you go.

    Saying "I don't know" or "I don't have experience with that" is acceptable. It's acceptable if you don't know the answers to every question. In fact, you will only have some of the answers most of the time since the interviewer will keep probing to find your knowledge limit.

    UX Interview Prep Checklist

    Before you appear for the interview, it’s crucial to have the UX design interview prep checklist ready. The checklist includes the following:

    • Ensure that you have researched the company well and know its previous products and new launches.
    • Revisit your UX skills and terminologies to fascinate your interviewer.
    • Ensure that your portfolio and resume are updated per the job description and skills required.
    • Prepare questions beforehand to ask your interviewers so that you don’t go blank during the interview.
    • Practice solving UX design challenges to sharpen your skills and abilities. 
    • Revive your previous UX projects and recall your exact role and ideas. 
    • Make sure you have a pen and paper at hand- it’s easier to take notes. 
    • Take your laptop to the interview and save a copy of your files on the hard drive. 
    • Simulate interview scenarios with friends or mentors to refine your responses and receive feedback.


    As we complete our journey of this comprehensive guide for a UX design interview preparation, we assume you now have a treasure trove of strategies and insights to embark on your journey with confidence. 

    Arm yourself with the latest industry trends, proficiency in UX design principles, and a polished portfolio to delight interviewers by showcasing your unique skills. 

    Jot down that preparation is the key to success. Therefore, practice, improve your storytelling abilities, and embrace your authentic self. 

    Now, you know how to prepare for UX design interviews. But what about the technical skills? Are you sure you are ready to nail the technical round? Even if you are 1% skeptical about it, then you must try KnowledgeHut’s online UI/UX Design Bootcamp program. Don’t ponder; enroll now and get ready to earn a handsome salary by landing an impressive UX designer job. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How long do UX interviews usually take?

    Well, this entirely depends on the job stage or position you are applying for. If you are a beginner, your interview may take up to 20 mins max in the first round and can exceed in the last round. However, if you are applying for a higher position, the interview may last from 40 minutes to 1 hour, based on the task you are asked to complete. 

    2What kind of projects or tests should you expect in a UX interview?

    In a UX interview, the interviewer may ask you to complete tasks such as conducting a heuristic evaluation, analyzing a given interface, solving UX design challenges, designing prototypes or wireframes, or participating in a collaborative design exercise with other candidates or interviewers.    

    3How do you succeed at a UX design job interview?

    To nail the UX design job interview, follow all the tips described in the guide above. Brush up your UX terminologies and skills, research the company and job description, create a strong portfolio with the required skills, showcase collaboration, and be confident. 

    4How can I showcase my UX skills and experience during an interview?

    For this, you require presenting a well-curated portfolio that highlights your best work, and problem-solving abilities, emphasizing your design process and the impact of your designs. It’s crucial to demonstrate your role and contributions in past projects and be prepared to discuss your design decisions and the results achieved. 

    5What are some good strategies for answering the UX-scenario-based questions in an interview?

    Foremost, begin by comprehending the context and asking clarifying questions. Break down the scenarios into manageable parts and articulate your methodologies by demonstrating the steps you would follow. Always stay user-centric, provide examples from your past learnings, and showcase collaboration. 


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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