HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentMERN Stack vs Full Stack: How to Choose the Right Stack?

MERN Stack vs Full Stack: How to Choose the Right Stack?

24th Apr, 2024
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    MERN Stack vs Full Stack: How to Choose the Right Stack?

    The developer's understanding and clarity of the necessary tech stack will determine the best option. Look for a Full-Stack Web Development Boot Camp online to gain a deeper understanding of this topic.

    What Does Stack Mean?

    A stack is a conceptual structure based on the last in, first out (LIFO) principle and composed of a number of homogenous pieces (LIFO). It is an abstract data type that is often used and has the two primary operations of push and pop. The top element, which is the one that was just added to the stack, is subjected to push and pop operations. While the pop operation removes an element from the top spot, the push operation adds an element to the stack. Computer memory management and programming both employ the stack notion.

    Stack combines programming languages and suitable technology. These often fall into one of two categories: application stacks or technology stacks, and the former is only a cross-disciplinary word used in the software development process.

    It emphasizes how crucial it is to pick the proper stack, which is even more true now that Agile development is getting mainstream acceptance.

    Full Stack vs MERN Stack: Head to Head Comparison

    There are many differences between Full Stack and MERN Stack. Some of them are pointed out in table format. If you're looking to become a full stack developer, consider a training program that offers no upfront fees and payment only after placement Full-stack Developer to ensure you're getting the best education and career opportunities possible.


    Full Stack 

    Mern Stack

    Essential Libraries

    The full stack includes jQuery, LESS, and other essential libraries.

    The MERN stack requires extra libraries for third-party support.


    A full stack requires 3 Tier Web Architecture from an architectural standpoint.

    A MERN stack requires Smooth UI Rendering architecture.


    The full stack development framework is for large-scale apps and projects.

    MERN stack is best suited for smaller sample projects, such as single-page applications or mobile apps.

    Development Mode

    Full-stack developers are experts in every aspect of software development in their field.

    MERN Stack is only applicable to web development. MERN stack developers are well-versed in all facets of JavaScript and back-end development frameworks.


    Full Stack development is more productive.

    MERN Stack development is less productive.

    What Is Full Stack and Why To Choose It?

    A full-stack developer uses a collection of tools and programming languages to work on both the front and back end of an application or website, and this is known as full-stack technology. The Front End Technology, Back End Development Languages, Version Controlling Systems, Server, APIs, and Database of an application can all be worked on by Full Stack developers.

    Here, the developer has the flexibility to create the most excellent UI/UX and utilize a variety of back-end technologies. The developers start from the beginning and finish by producing a fully working website or app. The full stack comprises four critical software solutions: Front-end, Back-end, Testing and Mobile app.

    Check out Full-Stack Java Developer Certification online to start building Java stack skills which will open various tech job opportunities.

    What Is MERN Stack and Why To Choose a MERN Stack?

    MERN is a well-liked JavaScript stack that is applied during the development process. The MERN Stack combines the most recent technologies for building high-end web apps. Multiple frameworks, databases, libraries, and other tools are used to create these apps.

    It comprises several open-source parts, including MongoDB, React, Node.js, and Express.js. These elements aid in giving developers end-to-end framework support.

    MERN Stack is a robust technology that is quickly gaining popularity. The following technologies make up the stack:

    • MongoDB is an open-source document-based database.
    • js: It is a quick and straightforward web framework for Node.js.
    • React is a JavaScript front-end library for creating user interfaces.
    • js: A JavaScript runtime that connects to the server, it is constructed on the V8 JavaScript engine of Chrome.

    Full Stack vs MERN Stack: A Detailed Comparison

    Some of the differences between MERN stack and full stack comparing the features of MERN vs Full Stack are:

    • Productivity: MERN Stack development is less productive than Full Stack development.
    • Libraries: A complete stack includes jQuery, LESS, and other essential libraries, but a MERN stack requires extra libraries for third-party support.
    • Architecture: From an architecture point of view, a full stack requires 3 Tier Web Architecture while a MERN stack requires Smooth UI Rendering architecture. Choose the MERN framework if you want a rich user interface that is yet easy to generate an app. To guarantee smooth user interaction, it creates a frame to show on the screen.
    • Scalability: MERN stack scalability is higher than that of a full-stack. Another significant difference between the two is Full stack development Framework is for large-scale apps and projects. For niche projects, the MERN stack has the capacity to enable developers to create and deploy programs from scratch. React provides a fantastic user experience while making it simpler to manage sudden changes in data. Smaller sample projects, like single-page applications or mobile apps, are ideally suited for MERN.
    • Development Mode of Full Stack: Full-stack developers are knowledgeable in every facet of software development in their particular profession. The term "Full Stack Developer" refers to someone knowledgeable in all aspects of Mobile App Development. Many different IT professions exist, including Mobile App Development, PC Software Development, Web Development, etc.
    • Development Mode of MERN Stack: However, MERN Stack is only applicable to web development. MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS) stack developers are well-versed in all facets of JavaScript and back-end development frameworks like NodeJS, MongoDB, and Express, as well as front-end frameworks like ReactJS.

    Search for the best Web Development Course online to learn the key fundamentals of web design with top tech skills like Full-Stack, React, Node.js, JavaScript, and more.

    Benefits of a Full Stack

    The decision to use full-stack JavaScript development for an application is made based on the project needs as well as the knowledge and skill of the hired full-stack developer. Here are some essential advantages of hiring full-stack engineers.

    1. A full stack developer is entirely knowledgeable about constructing a website, enabling them to manage both the front-end and back-end development tasks independently.
    2. Cost Effective: Because a full-stack developer can handle every step of the web development process, it is less expensive. As a result, their demand is robust right now.
    3. Team Management: With a thorough understanding of web technologies, a Full Stack developer can readily connect with other team members and keep them informed. A full-stack developer, therefore, has enormous leadership potential for a development team.
    4. Creative Flexibility: When necessary, a full-stack developer is adaptable enough to transition between several technologies. It is crucial while working on a big project since A/B testing is more valuable than planning in these situations. This professional path allows for "creative flexibility," or more control over the project being developed. Because they work on both ends and are well-versed in both, full-stack developers are able to recommend improvements.
    5. Faster Project Deployment: Because fewer developers are engaged, full-stack web application development is faster than other types of development. So they can exchange positions and do the assignment in a certain amount of time.

    But full stack development also has certain drawbacks like-

    1. Being too knowledgeable is advantageous, but not when employers seek specialized experience. Due to their higher salaries, full-stack developers might not be the best option when either front-end or back-end operations are needed.
    2. It isn't easy to handle web development from A to Z. The process and busy life can only be enjoyed from the inside out by IT enthusiasts who have an unwavering enthusiasm for web development.
    3. Keeping up with current trends across several technologies, stacks, projects, etc., may be taxing for a web developer. They already have a lot to deal with.

    Benefits of the MERN Stack

    Some benefits of the MERN stack are as follows:

    1. Web Development Cycle - Covers all phases of web development, from front-end to back-end, in detail. The MERN stack enables developers to work in a full stack environment. In other words, they receive the resources they require to create fully scalable apps, including the most recent front-end development tools and technologies.
    2. MERN supports the Model View Controller for a smooth development process.
    3. Scalable and Adaptable: Developers using the MERN stack will value the ability to scale the solution as necessary. Additionally, it offers great flexibility for creating solutions while preserving uniformity among data centers.
    4. Dynamic Schema: Technologies from the MERN stack offer a configurable data model with a dynamic schema. These features provide strong command-line and GUI tools. According to developers, the MERN stack technology is also quicker, better, and more tailored for application development.

    MERN stack development also has certain disadvantages like:

    1. Efficiency: Since React is only a library, developers are less productive because it utilizes several third-party libraries. Additionally, the React code demands additional work due to this upgrade.
    2. Applications at Scale: With MERN, creating a sizable project with several people collaborating becomes challenging. Single-page apps are ideally suited for the MERN stack.
    3. Error Prevention: The MEAN stack is a better option if you want a technological stack that naturally guards against typical code faults. Because Angular employs Typescript, it protects against typical coding mistakes throughout the coding process. But React falls short in this area.

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    Therefore, to compare the Full Stack to the MERN Stack, both Stack technologies would be suitable for their respective fields. You need to understand the difference between MERN stack and full stack and pay attention to several aspects, such as project requirements, features, functions, and more, to choose the finest and most appropriate Stack for developing mobile and web apps.

    Moreover, given the variety of technological stacks on the market, you can find investing in a focused project challenging. Your decision to select the technical stack will be influenced by the overall project requirements, which you will thoroughly analyze considering java full stack vs MERN stack.

    In short, there isn't an ideal stack for web development taking into consideration the roles of a full stack developer vs MERN stack developer. You must comprehend the requirements of the project and your ideal budget in order to select the perfect stack. Check out the KnowledgeHut Full-Stack Web Development Boot Camp to understand in-depth about full-stack development and launch your career as a full-stack Developer with in-demand tech skills

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    1Is MERN stack full stack?

    MERN is not a full-stack solution. Though it follows the 3-tier architectural pattern, just like any other full stack, it is still very different to a regular full stack. It is less scalable and more appropriate for smaller projects.

    2What is the difference between MERN stack and full-stack?

    MERN is a full-stack application that adheres to the traditional 3-tier architectural pattern, which includes the front-end display tier (React. js), application tier (Express. js and Node. js), and database tier (MongoDB).

    3Is MERN the best stack?

    The requirement of a project, alongside other aspects such as the functions, features etc., determine the suitability of the stack. It would not be appropriate to account for any stack as the best.

    4Is the MERN stack still good?

    Yes, MERN Stack is still suitable and appropriate for many functions and features and has a high sense of security. Moreover, for niche projects, it allows the developer to create programs from scratch.

    5Which is better, MERN or Django?

    Django is the best option if you need to quickly establish a website, such as a blog or an e-commerce application, but if you have time to spare and want to build an extensive application, MERN is the better option.

    6Is MERN stack in demand?

    Yes, the MERN stack is highly in demand. Its high security and room for complete back-to-front-end development offer developers a lot more freedom.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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