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What Is Crashing a Project in Project Management?

30th May, 2024
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    What Is Crashing a Project in Project Management?

    With over a decade of my experience in Project management, I might have crashed about 80% of my Project. Project Crashing is not a negative or a bad thing like it sounds, instead it serves as a strategy in project management, aimed at expediting project timelines without compromising the project's scope. It's very different from fast-tracking, which involves resequencing activities, and scope changes, which alter project objectives, project crashing focuses on deploying additional resources to tasks on the critical path.  

    In a nutshell, project crashing is about optimizing resource allocation to accelerate project schedules, or you can say “Crashing a Project schedule” while maintaining the project's predetermined deliverables. This strategy is particularly useful when deadlines are stringent, necessitating a swift project completion without extending the budget or altering project specifications.

    What are the problems a project may face?  

    • A delay 
    • Lack of quality 
    • A problem with coordination 
    • Mismatch of expectations 
    • A poor plan 
    • Unforeseen circumstances 
    • External factors 
    • Change of scope 

    While each of these problems could be discussed in detail, we are more interested in what you should do if your project faces any of these issues. What could be the impact of a project going off track? The completion date is delayed, the project costs go up, or the project gets scrapped. There are ramifications for each of these scenarios. Get to know more about Project description and Conflict management.

    Depending on the type of project, the decision that you need to take may differ. If the project gets scrapped, then there is nothing to do other than to learn from it and find out how to prevent something like that from happening again. In the case of a delay or any other issue, you should try to bring the project back on track. You could do this by calculating the cost the problem has caused. Some projects may involve penalties for missing the completion date.  

    You may need to advance the completion date of a project even if it is going on track because of an external factor. For example, a competitor is working on a similar project. In both cases, you will need to find a way to improve the speed of the project and shorten the time that is required to complete the Project. This is what project crashing aims to do. Get to know more about Agile vs traditional Project Management.

    What Is Project Crashing?

    Project crashing involves shortening the expected time taken for a project. This is primarily done by adding more resources to it. You may find diverse ways to add resources to a project depending on what is causing the delay or taking a lot of time. This needs to be done within the constraints of budget and quality and must be approved and supported by important stakeholders. But before we talk about project crashing, we should first define what is Project. A project is a temporary endeavor that has a defined beginning and end and is usually undertaken to achieve a specific goal or objective. 

    Definition of Crashing

    Crashing in a project is an activity that will shorten the completion time of a project within the optimum cost increase. You could allocate individuals from a different team to an activity that needs to be sped up.  

    Crashing can also be done for individual activities within the project. If shortening the length of that activity brings down the time needed for project completion, then the cost incurred is easier to justify. 

    Crashing does not always involve adding resources. In some cases, it can also involve reducing the scope of a project. For example, the plan for a four-lane highway may reduce its scope to build a two-lane highway instead to reduce the time required for completion and to meet immediate needs. Read more on the characteristics of Project Management.

    What Prompts Crashing in Project Management?

    The reason for the need to crash a project need not be about something going wrong with the project itself. Sometimes it is also an external factor that changes the estimated delivery time or brings a need for faster completion.  

    If there is a heavy penalty for failing to meet a project completion deadline, then the increased cost of crashing could be justified to an extent. A bonus for faster completion can also similarly be a reason for crashing a project. 

    If there is an external change where a competitor is working on a similar project, the cost of not speeding up the project would lead to the loss of a competitive edge. 

    In case there is an activity that delays a host of other activities, crashing that activity could bring benefits across the project or if there are new people or an idle workforce available that was not previously anticipated, the Project plan can be changed to use this additional workforce to bring down the time for completion. 

    Sometimes the need for crashing might depend on another project. If there is a new project that requires the individuals working on the current project to be available, you may need to crash the current project. There cannot be an exhaustive list of reasons for the need to crash a project. There could be any number of project environmental aspects or an external factor that requires the project to be completed at a faster pace. 

    An Example of Crashing in Project Management

    There are projects happening all around us. Projects frequently run into problems or might need to be reprioritized or sped up due to a range of reasons. One of the prominent examples we saw in this was developing vaccines. As the COVID pandemic was spreading around the world, several companies and countries were working on projects to develop a vaccine. A process that would normally take years was brought down to under a year by doing things differently. 

    As the need to develop and deploy a vaccine became critical the funding needed was not an issue. Procedures involved were shortened or fast-tracked to speed up the project. Fast-tracking involves doing activities simultaneously and does not form a part of project crashing.

     Fast Tracking in Developing Vaccine

    Caption: The image is an example of how fast-tracking helped in developing the vaccine faster by getting things done simultaneously. In a normal situation, each phase would start only after the completion of the previous phase.

    Even though many of the bureaucratic processes and documentation were sped up, there were parts of the project that could not be sped up. Regardless of the money that goes into the project, the time required for testing and waiting to see the effectiveness of the vaccine in the volunteers could not be sped up. This is the crash limit.  

    Within a year there were many projects around the world that successfully came out with a viable vaccine with more in the pipeline. This shows how project crashing can work effectively without compromising on quality. 

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    Best Practices When Crashing Your Project

    Crashing a project is usually done as a last resort. If crashing did not involve a significant cost, the timing for the activity in question would be optimized in the original project plan. There are quite a few things you should consider while crashing into an activity in your project. 

    Critical  Path    

    A critical path is the chain of activities that span the length of a project. Reducing the timing of activity in this critical path will bring down the total project completion time. Similarly, a delay in such activity will cause a delay in the entire project.

    Critical Path

    The red line marks the critical path, and the activities on the critical path are the ones a project crashing should target. Crashing an activity that is not on the critical path will not impact the total time needed to complete the project. 

    • Cost and  Benefit    

    Most activities can be crashed to a certain extent. A comparison between the cost that is involved in crashing the activity and the benefit it provides can be used to arrive at a decision on which activities to crash. 

    • Resource  Availability    

    If an activity does not require a hard-to-find skillset, it would be easy to find more people to work on it and hence easy to crash. Organizations may even have availability of skilled professionals who can be used for a specific activity for a limited time. The ready availability of such a workforce can also be factored in while considering crashing a project. 

    • Training  Needs    

    If an activity needs a specialized skillset, then it will be hard to crash it. Outsourcing a part of the activity or spending time training new personnel may be time-consuming and make the process more expensive. 

    There will be countless factors affecting your project that you will be in a better position to assess. A lot of these factors may need to be taken into account while crashing a project. Once you have a plan and a budget in place it is important to get it approved by the project sponsors and key stakeholders.

    Project Crashing Management Stages

    When the circumstances where a project crashing becomes evident, then you would need to do a crash analysis to identify what changes need to be made, which activities should be sped up, how they could be sped up, what would be the cost and more such details.

    Project Crashing Management Stages

    • Crash Objective 

    The first stage of the project crashing is understanding the need for it and the objective in terms of what is to be accomplished. If the scope of the project has been reduced, then there may not be a need to add more resources to speed up the project. How to use the workforce or what amount of work can be outsourced etc. can be estimated at this stage. 

    • Critical Path 

    Each project will have a critical path identified at the beginning. This chain of activities is what needs to be crashed to speed up the project. Crashing an activity outside the critical path does not help in reducing the project time.  

    • Identify Activities 

    Not every activity can be crashed. There may be activities that need very specific skills that are not easily transferable. Hence adding resources to that might prove to be counterproductive. The list of activities that can be crashed and are part of the critical path should be the ones in focus. 

    • Calculate Costs  

    Crashing involves an increase in cost. This increase in cost will be different for each process. Comparing these costs with each other will help you arrive at a reasonable cost at which some activities can be crashed to sufficiently advance the project completion date. 

    • Find Crash Limits 

    Each activity will have a crash limit. This is the point beyond which an action cannot be crashed. Understanding this information will give you an idea of how much the project can potentially be crashed.  

    • Choose the Economic Option 

    Once you have an idea of how much each activity can be crashed and the cost associated with it, it becomes easy to identify how many activities to target and to what extent they need to be crashed to meet the objective at the most reasonable cost. 

    • Get Approval from Sponsors  

    Once you have identified the most reasonable or most viable crashing plan, then you can convince the key stakeholders of the project and get their approval to implement it.

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    Why Project Crashing Matters 

    When well-planned and executed, project crashing can achieve impressive feats. Projects routinely don’t go according to plan or change scope while they are in progress. You should be able to alter your project to meet changing conditions and evolving requirements.  

    With rapid technological changes and changing, customer needs a medium- or long-term project that does not need to be altered would become a rarity. The capability to alter projects according to changing requirements will give the organization a definite advantage over its competitors. 

    Larger projects involve a lot of teams and processes working and depending on each other. Changing anything in such an environment can have a cascading effect on other aspects of the project. This is what makes project crashing a key skill to have as a Project Manager. 

    Tips for crashing in project management

    Here are some straightforward tips I can give from my experience in project management endeavours, but always keep in mind every Project is unique, so apply these tips diligently: 

    • Know Your Critical Path
    • Prioritize Wisely
    • Break Tasks Down
    • Team Up and Communicate
    • Smart Resource Allocation
    • Time Management Magic
    • Flexibility Is Key
    • Tech Savvy Solutions
    • Keep an Eye on Costs
    • Learn and Improve
    • Celebrate Milestones

    1. Know Your Critical Path 

    Understanding the critical path is like knowing the roadmap of your project. It's the sequence of tasks that determine your project's timeline. Identify these tasks because they are the ones you will want to focus on to speed things up. 

    2. Prioritize Wisely 

    Not all tasks are created equal. Some hold more weight in steering the project towards completion. I make sure to prioritize these tasks to get the maximum benefits for my efforts when crashing. 

    3. Break Tasks Down 

    Ever tried eating a whole pizza in one go? Sounds impossible, right? Likewise, breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable bits makes them easier to handle and speeds up the process. 

    4. Team Up and Communicate 

    It's not a one-person show. I gather the team, explain the need to speed up, and ensure everyone knows their part. Good communication keeps us all on the same page. 

    5. Smart Resource Allocation 

    Resources are like ingredients in a recipe. Using them wisely is key. I allocate resources where they're needed the most, especially on those critical tasks, to make sure we're not wasting any. 

    6. Time Management Magic 

    Time is gold! I make a solid plan, setting realistic deadlines for tasks. It's crucial to manage time effectively to avoid last-minute rushes. 

    7. Flexibility Is Key 

    Things might not always go according to plan. Being flexible helps in adapting to unexpected changes without losing sight of the end goal. 

    8. Tech Savvy Solutions 

    In this digital age, technology is a gem. I use tools and software that streamline processes, making crashing a tad bit easier and more efficient. 

    9. Keep an Eye on Costs 

    Money matters, right? I keep a close watch on the budget. Crashing might need extra resources, and I make sure it doesn't burn a hole in the pocket. 

    10. Learn and Improve

    After the hustle, I take a step back to assess what worked and what didn't. Learning from these experiences helps me fine-tune my crashing strategies for future projects. 

    11. Celebrate Milestones 

    Every win, big or small, deserves a pat on the back. Celebrating milestones keeps the team motivated and the spirits high for doing it again. 


    In my perspective Project Crashing, after years of handling projects, is not a negative move but a smart strategy in project management. It's like finding the right balance between speed and quality. It's about getting things done faster without messing up the project's main deliverables and goals. Project Crashing is not just about going fast; it's a way to meet tough deadlines, keep clients happy, and grab market chances within our set budget.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the rules of crashing?

    Rules for crashing projects encompass understanding the critical path, prioritizing tasks effectively, breaking down tasks for manageable execution, fostering strong team communication, optimizing resource allocation, efficient time management, adaptability to unforeseen changes, leveraging technology, vigilant cost monitoring, continuous learning, and acknowledging milestones.

    2What are the 5 common reasons for crashing a project?

    Common reasons include strict deadlines to beat competitors, meeting client expectations, seizing market opportunities, managing budget constraints, and maintaining a competitive edge.

    3What are the disadvantages of crashing a project?

    Disadvantages of project crashing may include compromised quality due to rushed work, increased project costs with additional resources, heightened risk of errors or rework, decreased team morale due to pressure, and potential damage to long-term relationships with stakeholders if timelines overshadow quality. It's crucial to balance the need for speed with maintaining project integrity.

    4What are the 4 steps to project crashing?

    Project crashing involves assessing the situation, identifying critical tasks, checking resources, weighing risks versus benefits, communicating with the team, considering costs, implementing a revised plan, monitoring progress, reflecting, and celebrating achievements.


    Kevin D.Davis

    Blog Author

    Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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