HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentUI/UX Designer Salary in 2024 [Freshers to Experienced]

UI/UX Designer Salary in 2024 [Freshers to Experienced]

18th Apr, 2024
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    UI/UX Designer Salary in 2024 [Freshers to Experienced]

    When planning to take the next step towards making a career in UI/UX design, salary is an essential parameter which you might be exploring. You enjoy every bit of this profession and are enthusiastic about the success that may yield to you - but on the career front, salary and other benefits can narrow down your job hunt.

    So, what is the UI/UX designer salary you should expect while gearing up for your career in this field? Well, there’s always an average and there are multiple factors that determine the figure. We have curated this section on UI UX designer salary which will help you gain insights about the income stream in the profession based on different roles and other aspects.

    Average UI/UX Designer Salary in 2024

    The average UI/UX designer salary ranges between $74,291 - $80,004 per year in the United States. You will also be eligible for an extra benefit of $5,714 through a cash bonus or commission.

    The average user interface designer salary, according to Talent.com, in the USA is $49.39 per hour or $102,740 per year. According to Indeed, it is $95749 per year, and according to Payscale, it is $76181.

    According to other data, the average UI/UX designer salary is $92,904 plus additional compensation of approximately $7,237. According to ZipRecruiter, the average UX engineer salary is between $38,000 and $159,000.  


    UI/UX Designer Salaries Based on Level of Experience

    Let us look at the range of UX developer salary or the UX director salary based on tenure and experience in the field:
    Here is a breakup of estimated UI UX designer salary packages offered in the US, based on their experience:

    1. Entry-Level UX Designer Salary

    Here is an idea of the salary that you can earn as a junior level employee. This is the first stage of your experience as a UI/UX designer, and the time range is 0-5 years.

    Experience Level
    Average UI/UX Design Salary
    Entry-level or Junior UX designer salary (1 to 4 Years)USD 76,658

    2. Mid-Level UX Designer Salary (5 to 9 Years)

    When you have achieved the experience of 5-9 years as a UI/UX designer, your salary will be increased, and the approximate pay scale per annum would increase. The average salary for a mid-level UX designer is

    Experience LevelAverage UI/UX Design Salary
    Mid-Level UX designer salary (5 to 9 Years)USD 107,304

    3. Senior UX Designer Salary (above 10 Years)

    The more experience and expertise you gain, the higher will be your salary scale as a UI designer. The senior- most professionals can have experience working as a UX/UI designer for more than 10, 15, or 20 years. Let us look at the pay scale.

    Experience Level
    Average UI/UX Design Salary
    Senior UI Designer Salary (above 20 Years)USD 159,856

    Freelance UX and UI Designer Salaries


    Average Salary

    Freelance UX Designer

    $128,549 per year

    Freelance UI Designer

    $93,044 per year

    Source: Glassdoor

    UI/UX Designer Salary Based on Country

    A. India

    a. UI/UX salary in the various cities of India

    CityUI DesignerUX Designer
    New Delhi₹662,696₹883,595

    b. UI/UX designer salary in India based on experience

    ExperienceUI Designer Salary in IndiaUX designer Salary in India

    c. UI/UX designer salary range based on Job role in India

    UI Designer RoleSalary in IndiaUX Designer RoleSalary in India
    Visual Designer₹321,046UX Strategist₹2,010,000
    Interaction Designer₹298,689UX Product Manager₹1,871,199
    UI Full-Stack Designer₹660,000UX Architect₹1,534,143
    UI Artist₹1,277,412UX Analyst₹700,000

    d. Below is the UI/UX designer salary in India based on various industries


    e. Below is the UI/UX designer salary in India based on top companies


    B. US

    a. UI/UX designer pay range in the various cities in the US

    CityUI DesignerUX Designer
    San Francisco, CA$106,090$154,656
    Denver, CO$97,076$93,195
    Chicago, IL$85,331$88,367
    New York City, NY$84,207$108,652
    Austin, TX$82,747$103,465

    b. Average UI/UX designer salary in US based on experience

    ExperienceUI Designer Salary in the USUX Designer Salary in the US

    c. UI/UX designer salary based on Job role in US

    UI Designer RoleSalary in IndiaUX Designer RoleSalary in India
    Visual Designer$67,717UX Strategist$83,033
    Interaction Designer$78,505UX Product Manager$111,955
    UI Full-Stack Designer$106,148UX Architect$126,077
    UI Artist$87,631UX Analyst$94,798

    UI/UX Salary Based on Other Job Roles 

    Various UX/UI designer roles are responsible for specific tasks which include:

    • UX/UI designer salariesA product designer translates a product's goals into a functional user experience, addressing the product's entire lifecycle, from initiation to completion. Their prime responsibilities are developing product roadmaps, establishing design requirements, scrutinizing the success of various products, and leading product improvements. UI/UX designers are involved in research of the target audience, prototyping, conception, wireframing, usability and testing. You can earn high as a UX/UI designer, which can go up to $91,950
    • UX writer salaries: Many UX designers create a significant experience with the written content that appears throughout the user journey. The approximate salary of UX writers is $110,000
    • UX Researcher salaries: The researchers deal with key insights about the expectations of the target audience and accordingly create user personas and journey maps. UX researcher salaries or UX consultant salaries can be estimated at $108,500
    • UX Strategist Salary: Finally, if you have good business acumen and the ability to network with all kinds of stakeholders successfully, you might consider a career as a UX strategist. This role is all about designing and getting paid for it accordingly. Their average U.S. Salary is $92,000

    A. UI Designer Salary by Role

    RoleSalary in IndiaSalary in the US
    Visual Designer₹321,046$67,717
    Interaction Designer₹298,689$78,505
    UI Full-Stack Designer₹660,000$106,148
    UI Artist₹1,277,412$87,631

    B. UX Designer Salary by Role

    RoleSalary in IndiaSalary in the US
    UX Strategist₹2,010,000$83,033
    UX Product Manager₹1,871,199$111,955
    UX Architect₹1,534,143$126,077
    UX Analyst₹700,000$94,798

    Factors that Impact UI/UX Designer Salaries

    There are several factors that affect the lead UX designer salary range. Let us look at some key factors that affect the pay range of UI UX designers:

    1. Demand

    It is the common law of Economics; the more the demand is, the higher the UI/UX designer's salary will be. In today’s market, this field is one of the most important areas for most businesses. The demand for these UI/UX experts is growing year-on-year. According to a US Bureau of Labor Statistics report, it is expected to garner the spike of 8% in the impending years. With new industries stepping into the digital arena, the requirement for UI/UX designers is on surge. Thus, entering into this career is a beneficial career option.

    2. Education and Experience 

    Educational qualifications and experience have a say in the UX engineer salary you negotiate, and it does for good reason. A strong portfolio and certification certainly back your skills at the time of interview. It is recommended to strengthen your portfolio by working on different projects, upgrading your skills, and getting certified with the best Web Design courses.

    The UI/UX designer salary entry level in Ireland is €29,000 for UX designers, €37,153A for middle-level UX designers, and €3790 for Senior UI/UX designer salary per month. According to PayScale, designers with more than 7 years of experience can earn up to €60,000. According to Glassdoor, the average UI/UX design salary for a junior in the UK is £32,95; in the US, the UX design salary entry level is $94,560.

    3. Location

    Some places offering the highest pay packages to UI UX designers are London, San Francisco, Seattle, and New York. Along with your experience, education, and skills, location is a primary factor that influences your pay scale.

    Here is the average UI/UX designer salary in different countries:

    CountryUI DesignerUX Designer

    4. Industry and Company

    UI/UX designers are employed in creative and technological industries. Some of the top-paying corporations are Apple Computer, Inc., which offers an average UI/UX designer salary package of $137,569 per year, according to PayScale. Cinco Systems Inc and Amazon offer packages estimated at $121,917 and $117,446, respectively. United Airlines pays approximately $80,000, while Capital One Financial Corp pays around $76,596. Note that an industry which is primarily not a tech-oriented organization offers a lower salary package to UX designers compared to tech-oriented organizations.

    Let us take a look at some of the top companies and the user experience design salary packages they offer:

    Top CompaniesUI/UX Designer salary
    Freelancer$30 UX designer hourly rate or $62,847 per annum
    EPAM Systems$9,480/ UI/UX designer salary per month
    Cisco Systems$1,45,810

    5. Type of employment (in-house, agency, freelance)

    It has also been observed that the demand for remote UI/UX designers is at its highest, where freelancers or WFM designers are earning bulk pay packages. According to a salaries report published in 2024, remote workers are paid higher than onsite designers in some countries. According to Built In, a remote employee's average UI design salary is $117,925, much higher than the national average user experience designer salary of $92,894.

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    How to Increase UI/UX Designer Salary?

    One important point to note is that the average UX developer salary in the US, which is approximately US $91,225, is much higher than the UX design entry level salary $53,490 per year. Glassdoor states this pay package ranks sixth as the highest-paying UX design entry-level salary. This means you have massive scope to increase your earnings to a much higher level. Here are a few tips that can help you get a higher user experience designer salary package:

    As UI/UX designers apply and negotiate high starting salaries, they must keep their portfolios, cover letters, and other important documents up to date with their best work. Here are a few initiatives you can take to increase your UI/UX designer salary:

    1. Continuing education development

    You don't have to have an engineering or design background to create a UX. Coming from graphic design, marketing, dance, or education, you can have a successful UX career. Brush up on your technical and soft skills and consider a certification course or boot camp that will help you build a professional portfolio.

    2. Continuing skill development

    Enhance your UX design know-how and brush up on basic skills in psychology and research, team building, collaboration, coding, or analytics to negotiate higher salaries. Make sure you have a strong network of companies and top management who know you and recognize your work. Upgrading your portfolio with all the projects you have worked on is essential.

    3. Asking for raises and negotiating salaries

    Use your negotiation skills during the annual review and request a raise based on your expertise, experience, work, and performance for the year. Your skills are valuable at every stage of your design career. So, research, upgrade your support skills, and consult experts before negotiating.

    4. Switching jobs or companies

    Do your homework well and refer to credible sources for the average salaries offered by various companies in your location to UX/UI designers in the same area of expertise. You can use simple search engine tools to find UX designer salary rate information.

    If you're moving to a new company and want to demand a higher UI/UX designer salary, you don’t have to disclose your salary first. If your written application asks you to do so, leave this field blank or say what you want to discuss privately. You can get the benefit of higher salaries, shifting from your current organization to a high-paying company

    What Does a UI/UX Designer Do?

    Before we go into the details: UI and UX are two different responsibilities. While you can become both, the duties of these two professions are not the same.

    The role of user experience (UX) designers is concerned with the creation of an experience for user interaction with a digital or physical product, such as a website or a machine. The responsibilities of a UX designer include:

    • Conducting user research
    • Determining the content of a product
    • Designing wireframes and user flows
    • Creating user personas

    UI designers are responsible for creating seamless navigation for a user through a digital product. It is part of user experience, which leads to UI/UX being used interchangeably in job descriptions. On day-to-day basis, a UI designer:

    • Collaborates with UX designers
    • Plans user interaction
    • Creates style guide
    • Designs different screens

    If you’re into digital products and design, then pursuing a career as a UI/UX designer would be a great option. However, it’s essential to steer clear of the ambiguity around these two titles in order to gain more knowledge and develop skills. You can opt for certifications like UI/UX Design Bootcamp as such courses will not only help you understand the difference between the two professions but also help you engage in more technical and design skills.


    The UX UI design salary is affected by a number of factors, including roles and experience level. Before you kickstart your job hunt, it’s best to endure a sturdy profile with technical skills and certifications. It will help make your resume flash on the top of the recruiter's list. You can enroll in KnowledgeHut UI/UX Bootcamp course or certification program and enhance your skills as a UI/UX designer.

    The UI/UX profession is traversing various industries, including education, movies, wellness programs, healthcare, and finance, which means you should be ready to mold according to extremely diverse roles that are in demand in the market. A strong suite of skills and experience will not only make you stand out but will also help you negotiate well during the interview process.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is the UI/UX designer salary market-led?

    Embarking on a fresh UX UI designer career is exciting and has a vast territory to explore. Your job may have long-term guarantees, a steadily increasing demand, and high revenue opportunities. The market is rich in design-driven companies looking for better performances and ready to pay more for the job role. Besides being market-led, which is just a factor that impacts UX UI designer salaries, other elements, like experience and expertise, make the difference.

    2What is considered to be a good UI/UX salary?

    A good UI/UX salary in the US is $102,740 per year or $49.39 per hour. If you are a beginner, a UX designer's starting salary is approximately $83,247 per year; however, most experienced workers can earn up to $141,523 annually. 

    3Will a Certification help me make more?

    UX UI designer job is the 6th highest paying entry-level job, which means there is massive scope for growth and upgradation. Enrolling yourself in certifications and boot camps is important to strengthen your portfolio, increase your potential, and improve your know-how and skills. Along with your portfolio, you prove that you have acquired such skills and put them into practice in real-world tasks and projects. The UX Design Certification is a great entry point for new designers and is extremely valuable for experienced designers.

    4Do UI/UX make more than Software engineers in India?

    UI UX designers are a new job profile, and skilled designers are currently in high demand. So, UI/UX designers earn more than Software engineers in India. The average UX UI designer salary in India ranges between approximately ₹ 2.7 Lakhs to ₹ 20.0 Lakhs, while the average software engineer salary in India ranges between ₹ 2.6 Lakhs to ₹ 15.0 Lakhs.


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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