HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow to Become a UX Researcher in 2024? [Beginner’s Guide]

How to Become a UX Researcher in 2024? [Beginner’s Guide]

09th Apr, 2024
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    How to Become a UX Researcher in 2024? [Beginner’s Guide]

    User Experience (UX) Research is a critical component in the design and development of products and services. It involves understanding the needs, behaviors, and preferences of users to create intuitive and seamless experiences. In today's digital age, where user-centric design is paramount, the role of a UX Researcher has become increasingly important.

    Becoming a UX researcher is a rewarding journey for those passionate about understanding user behavior and enhancing user experiences. In this guide, I will take you on a journey on how to become a UX researcher–covering essential duties, steps, and frequently asked questions.

    Who is a UX Researcher and What Do They Do?

    A user experience (UX) researcher is a specialist, who does in-depth studies of human behaviour with respect to user preferences, needs, demands, and motivations by applying different research methods. They dig deep into user personas to discover information that will guide the work of product design and development teams.

    They are responsible for conducting interviews, surveys, and usability testing to ground the data and identify the patterns. The data is analysed and translated into the recommendations for enhancement of the user experience. The function of the UX researchers in fact is to fill in this gap between user and designer so that the final product corresponds to user expectation and business targets with the help of a data minded approach.

    How to Become a UX Researcher in Five Simple Steps?

    Getting into the role of a UX researcher is an exciting walk in a world full of challenges, in which you have to master a whole set of skills, building a portfolio with dedication, and overcoming all the difficulties on the job market. Here, we are going through the step-by-step procedure for UX research which you can begin.

    Step 1: Master Skills

    To answer how to become a UX researcher, I will explain the fundamental step i.e—-mastering skills and the required tech stack. A skillful UX researcher has to be equipped with an array of soft skills, technical ones, and additional special knowledge.

    A. Top Skills Needed For UX researcher 

    The first and foremost thing when looking for a ux research–how to become one are the skills that you have. I suggest that if you’re a beginner, a design course will be perfect start. In that case, you should look out for UI/UX Design course fees and start investing in your skills.

    1. Soft Skills: The soft skills are keys to proper communication and cooperation for a successful UX research based on cooperation. This refers to skills such as: empathy, communication, critical thinking, problem solving. As a UX researcher you will have a number of occasions when you will need to work with different stakeholders, identify their perspective, and convert the conclusions into remediable recommendations.

    2. Hard Skills: A hard skill is a tech-based capability needed for gathering, organizing, and analyzing information in a meaningful way. Sometimes one may suggest following research methods such as interviews, surveys, usability testing, and data analysis tools. The appreciation of UX design fundamentals and experience with prototyping tools will also help to comprehend the whole process of design and work together with designers.

    Top UX Researcher Certifications/Degree

    Nevertheless, certifying yourself in the field that is about UX research, is not an essential condition, but it is a good way to increase your credibility in the whole industry. In engineering, there are some well-known certificates like UX Research Bootcamps, Nielsen Norman Group UX Certification, or master’s degree programs in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) or Psychology.

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline

    The profession turning into a UX researcher takes its own distinct path for each individual in the end, which stems from their unique background and learning styles. Firstly, evaluate where you want to be today and determine your career objectives.

    A. Start Learning in a Format That Suits You

    Learning happens in many ways, with options such as online courses, workshops, live learning sessions, and self-study resources available. Select a format that you can use complementing your study skills and matches with your personal time frame. One can benefit from courses on these platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning that have courses from UX research and the related topics too.

    B. How Long Does It Take to Become a UX Researcher?

    While the journey to a UX research job may be as short as a few months, anyone could pursue the profession for several years. This should take into account various factors, which include your previous experience, the degree of the learning, and the existence of the market opportunities for the job. When you’re searching how to become a UX researcher, I suggest you be patient enough to learn as you go. Effort and perseverance have what it takes to continue the process, and then after a year or two, great achievements will be made.

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio / Resume

    As for your portfolio, it is a crucial factor for demonstrating to your future employers both skills and experience of yours. When looking forward on how to become a user experience researcher, you should have a strong portfolio showcasing your works.

    If you don’t have one, I suggest you start by recording the problem statement, methodology and making the findings of the key point. Think about whether you can draw up case studies or interactive prototypes to show and explain your process and results in an effective way.

    Portfolio Example or Resume Template for Download

    Sending out portfolio samples or resume templates which can be downloaded can be helpful for upcoming UX researchers as they develop their own resumes professionally. Such a section can feature education, professional skills, experience gained, some projects, and if there are any, certifications or awards.

    Download the UX researcher resume template here!

    UX researcher resume
    Step 4: Where and how to find a job 

    The next step to how to become a UX researcher is to successfully complete UX research training, design your portfolio, and then start searching job vacancies for UX research positions.

    A. Top Companies Hiring UX Researchers

    Searching for companies that are known for their practice of user-centered design can be your window to a wide employment range and the opportunities they hold. These tech giants including Google, Apple and Microsoft as well as influential agencies and startups usually prefer the customer engagement skills of a UX researcher to improve their product development processes.

    B. Job Outlook for UX Researcher

    Their role in companies is also growing in recognition, with UX researchers needed by companies to understand the needs and preferences of their users. According to industry publications, the role of UX researchers is that of good news as the job postings of this area are on the rise and the salaries remain competitive.

    Step 5: Ace the Interview

    Acing the interview is the most important phase on how to become a user experience researcher. As far as I have experienced, your interviews should be a combination of technical knowledge, communication skills and belief in your abilities. Here's a brief overview of the interview process and some tips for success:

    Brief overview of the interview process + Tips

    The interview process consists of behavioral interviews, case studies, and technical assessments typically as a mixture. See if you are ready to talk about your previous projects, tools for research, and how you manage problems. Get hold of the audience by narrating your experiences and insights in a compelling manner. As well, you also need to get acquainted with the usual UX research questions that interviewers ask and rehearse your responses.

    Who can Become a UX Researcher?

    People coming from the different fields, such as psychology, design, computer science, anthropology, and sociology, may consider pursuing a career in UX research to gain rich experience. Features include the ability to look through the user’s eyes and see their behaviour and a readiness to learn and grow with the field as it is changing every day.

    UX Researcher Requirements

    When setting on a journey of how to become UX researcher, you should be well-versed with the requirements. Nothing is set in stone regarding the necessary background to be able to work as a UX researcher. However, having a variety of necessary skills, education and experience will definitely advance your career in this field.

    Note: Being a UX researcher will need a fundamental knowledge of websites. Are you ready to learn about them? Look out for Web Development course duration and plan your journey today!

    Why Choose a Career in UX Research?

    By entering the field of UX research, you get to experience plenty of advantages as well as career opportunities that are full of exciting and powerful elements.

    It is among the vital advantages of UX researching working, particularly in the ability to have the actual impact on the user experiences. Through the identification of user needs, behaviors, and pain points, UX researchers are an integral part in the creation and improvement process of products and services which perfectly match the user demands and improve the level of user satisfaction.

    Furthermore, when thinking about how to become a user researcher, you should know that this field is becoming a multi-disciplinary work, which offers a variety of jobs and also creates a team of professionals from various fields to solve complex issues and search for innovative solutions. In this multidisciplinary context, UX research represents an area of knowledge of creativity, teamwork, and learning over time, which makes it a stimulating and exciting place to be.

    A. Demand for UX Researchers

    There is a continuing high demand for UX researchers worldwide and their employment opportunities are on the rise in different sectors, such as technology, finance, healthcare and e-commerce. The fact that many companies now emphasize user experience as a key differentiator is the reason for the growth of need for good UX researchers, as UX researchers complement companies’ values and visions, and bring value to the competition.

    B. Salary Details for Top 5 Countries


    Average Salary (USD) / Year

    United States


    United Kingdom








    Source: Glassdoor

    These salary figures are approximate averages and may vary based on factors such as location, level of experience, and specific industry.


    How to get into UX research? It requires a strong sense of understanding your environment and creating one where interaction with a product or service is a meaningful experience. Through the process of mastering the essential skills, assembling a good portfolio, and getting advantageous job opportunities, you will have a very rewarding career in UX research.

    People will do well in this domain by having an appropriate set of basics, dedication to schooling and a great desire to know what the customer is all about. If you’re completely new and wondering how to become a UX researcher with no experience, don’t worry.

    Take your first step today with Knowledgehut and begin a fascinating path filled with countless options in UX research. Want to see KnowledgeHut’s UI/UX Design course fees and structure? Visit their site and start investing in your skills right away!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1What is the job outlook for UX Researchers?

    The proportion of UX researchers who find employment is positive, as a growing number of organizations appreciate the benefits of an user-centric design in the process of the product's creation.

    2Can I transition into UX Research from another field?

    Certainly, people with diverse backgrounds can shift into UX research by acquiring pertinent skills and practical experiences through education, projects, and techniques to improve themselves.

    3Are there specific courses or certifications that can help?

    Yes, there are a lot of options one can choose from, ranging from UX Research Bootcamp to HCI certifications and online courses on popular platforms such as Coursera, Udemy as well as Interaction Design Foundation.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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