HomeBlogData ScienceGenerative AI vs Machine Learning: Which One to Choose?

Generative AI vs Machine Learning: Which One to Choose?

02nd Nov, 2023
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    Generative AI vs Machine Learning: Which One to Choose?

    Artificial Intelligence has transformed the way we tackle intricate problems, interpret data, and make forecasts, revolutionizing the tech realm with its uninhabited prowess and potential. In fact, did you know that the global market for AI, which currently stands at a market value of $150.2 billion, is expected to witness a 36.8% CAGR by the end of 2030? This reflects a consistent growth that is hard to curb!

    Artificial Intelligence is an expansive field encompassing myriads of techniques and applications. Among various such implementations, two of the most prominent subsets that have garnered enough attention are Generative AI and Machine Learning.

    Both Generative AI and Machine Learning share the common goal of enabling machines to learn and make predictions. However, they differ in their fundamental approaches and applications.

    On that note, let me take you through this detailed article where I have highlighted some of the major differences between Generative AI vs Machine Learning.

    Generative AI vs Machine Learning [Head-to-Head Comparison]

    To help you understand how Generative AI differs from Machine Learning, I have prepared this comparison table highlighting the key differences between these technologies, with a specific focus on the Artificial Intelligence Course across various parameters  


    Generative AI

    Machine Learning


    Create new content that resembles training data

    Identify patterns or make predictions based on existing data

    Learning Type

    Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning approaches 

    Can be supervised, unsupervised, or reinforcement learning methods 

    Training Data Labeling

    Does not require labeled data and primarily focuses on data distribution

    Relies heavily on labeled data for training


    Image Generation, text generation

    Natural Language Processing, Image recognition, recommendation systems

    Data Utilization 

    Uses training data to capture patterns and generate new, original data

    Uses existing data for training and inference.

    Common Applications 

    Data Augmentation, Music composition

    Sentiment Analysis, fraud detection

    Difference Between Generative AI and Machine Learning

    Listed below is a detailed description highlighting each of the parameters that I have discussed above.

    1. Generative AI vs. Machine Learning: Goal

    Generative AI, within the realm of Artificial Intelligence, is primarily concerned with creating fresh content. This involves utilizing two key elements, known as the generator and the discriminator, to accomplish this task.

    As the name suggests, the generator generates new data samples, which might include photos, texts, or music. The discriminator, on the other hand, assesses the assembled information and offers input that can enhance the overall quality. When both these components work together, it results in increasingly complex and realistic outputs.

    Contrary to this, machine learning is concerned with learning patterns and relationships from existing data to make predictions, classifications, or decisions on new, unseen data. It is a broader field whose primary goal is to make it possible for computers to learn and improve from experience without the need for any form of explicit programming.

    2. Generative AI vs Machine Learning: Learning Type

    Generative AI primarily relies on unsupervised or semi-supervised learning to operate on large amounts of data and deliver original outputs.

    a. Unsupervised Learning

    Generative AI models are trained on large data sets without labelled outputs. They aim to capture the inherent structure and statistics of the data with the help of techniques such as probabilistic modelling.

    For example, let’s say that you want your AI model to be able to generate art similar to Van Gogh. In order to obtain the desired result, you must feed as many paintings by this artist as possible to the AI.

    Machine learning, on the other hand, comprises a broader spectrum of learning approaches, which include,

    b. Supervised Learning

    Models are trained using labeled data, wherein each output is associated with a corresponding output or target. The ultimate goal is to map the inputs to the correct outputs. This technique is specifically suited for tasks such as image classification.

    c. Reinforcement Learning

    Reinforcement learning deals with training agents to make sequences of decisions to maximize a cumulative reward signal in a dynamic environment. This approach is most commonly used in the fields of robotics, gaming, and autonomous systems.

    3. Generative AI vs Machine Learning: Training Data Labeling

    In most Generative AI applications, there is no need for prescribed or annotated outputs during the training process. For example, in image generation using GANs (General Adversarial Networks), the model learns to produce images that are consistent with the training data distribution without relying on labels.

    Contrary to this, Machine Learning models are heavily dependent on labeled data. Both the quality and quantity of the labeled data play a significant role in the model’s ability to make accurate predictions or classifications.

    4. Generative AI vs Machine Learning: Examples

    To help you better understand the difference between generative AI and machine learning, let’s explore a few examples of each of these technologies.

    As you must be well aware by now, Generative AI is known for its creative capabilities and the generation of new, original data instances. Two significant examples of the same include,

    • Image Generation: GANs are widely used to generate lifelike images that can range anywhere from realistic faces to artwork. For example, DALLE-2 is an excellent, easy-to-use AI image generator, with the help of which you can generate wildly interesting images.
    • Text Generation: Natural language models such as OpenAI’s GPT have been known for their extraordinary text-generation capabilities. By using GPT-3, you can generate coherent and contextually relevant paragraphs of text on a variety of different topics.
    • Image Recognition: Machine learning models can be specifically programmed to identify or categorize photos, thus opening doors to a wide range of tasks such as object detection, facial recognition, medical image analysis, and more.
    • Natural Language Processing: Machine learning techniques have also been extensively implemented in NLP for tasks like machine translation, chatbots, and speech recognition. All of these can potentially revolutionize the customer service industry in unimaginable ways.

    5. Generative AI vs Machine Learning: Data Utilization

    Generative AI’s data utilization is primarily focused on capturing the essence of training data distribution and producing new, creative content that aligns with this distribution. This makes it well-suited, especially for all creative tasks such as content generation and scenarios wherein obtaining labeled data is unnecessary.

    The data utilization by Machine Learning, on the other hand, is more diverse, from making predictions and classifications to discovering patterns and relationships in data. It often requires labeled data for supervised learning tasks but can adapt to different data scenarios, thus making it suitable for a wide range of tasks across various domains.

    6. Generative AI vs Machine Learning: Common Applications

    Listed below are some fascinating Generative AI applications,

    a. Data Augmentation

    Generative AI techniques can be utilized to produce synthetic data that shares similar characteristics to real-world data. For example, it can generate additional training data to improve the robustness and generalization of models.

    b. Music Composition

    Generative AI models also hold great potential in generating music across various styles and genres. AI systems can minutely analyze existing compositions and generate new musical pieces based on learned patterns.

    Some of the most common applications of machine learning include:

    c. Fraud Detection

    Machine learning algorithms can analyze large datasets, detect patterns, and generate real-time decisions, thus making it a valuable tool in identifying and preventing fraudulent activities.

    d. Sentiment Analysis

    Machine learning techniques can be applied to assess the feelings or emotional content conveyed in written or spoken content, encompassing things like social media updates, reviews, customer opinions, etc. This is accomplished by classifying the emotional tone of the content into different groups, like positive, negative, or neutral.

    How Are They Similar?

    While many people have questions like “Is generative AI a type of deep learning?”, I say there are significant differences that make these two apart.

    Generative AI and machine learning (deep learning is a subset of ML) are both invaluable tools that carry the potential to assist humans in solving complex problems or simply reducing the burden of repetitive manual labor.

    Furthermore, another similarity that exists between these two technologies is that they both require preprocessing steps to clean and prepare the data. This includes tasks such as text tokenization, image resizing, data normalization, and handling missed values.

    Lastly, feature engineering is another common task that is required by both generative AI and machine learning. For example, in the case of machine learning, feature engineering is a crucial step wherein relevant features are extracted from raw data. Similarly, in generative AI, the quality of the training data and the features are extracted from it to improve the overall standard of the generated content.

    What Should You Choose Between Generative AI and Machine Learning?

    The ultimate decision of choosing between Generative AI and machine learning boils down to your specific needs, use cases, and the type of problem you wish to solve using these technologies.

    If your main concern is to create new and original content such as images, texts, music, or artwork, then I would strongly recommend you try out multiple Generative AI tools that are available for this purpose. A few examples of the same include Google Bard, ChatGPT, and DALL-E, among others.

    Conversely, machine learning is the optimal option if your goal is to make immediate predictions and decisions or uncover patterns and connections in data. Machine learning has reflected its immense value across various applications, including image recognition, NLP or natural language processing, and diverse data analysis operations.


    To sum up, Generative AI and machine learning are two essential pillars of Artificial Intelligence (AI), each with its own specific goals and functionalities. In order to effectively leverage this prowess and address its unique challenges, every business needs to grasp the distinctions and commonalities between these two technologies.

    Hoping to get more insights into the world of Artificial Intelligence or pursue a career in this advancing field? I recommend checking out online Machine Learning courses from KnowledgeHut. Our team of industry professionals is available to assist you in advancing your career to new heights!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is generative AI a form of machine learning?

    Generative AI builds on the foundation of Machine Learning and is widely used globally for generating various forms of content like images, texts, music, and more. Generative AI models such as GANs and VAEs are trained using machine learning techniques to unveil the underlying patterns and statistical structures of data.

    2What is an example of generative AI?

    Bard is one of the many examples of generative AI tools that are widely used across various domains. It can be described as an experimental and conversational AI chat service, with the help of which you can generate various forms of content, summarize texts, and even translate between languages.

    3What is the most used generative AI?

    One of the most predominantly used Generative AI models that has been able to garner a huge amount of popularity within just months of its launch is none other than OpenAI’s GPT-3. With the help of this tool, users can generate human-like text. In addition to this, GPT-3 can also be used to create chatbots, content for social media, and even short stories.


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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