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Big Data vs Data Mining

25th Apr, 2024
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    Big Data vs Data Mining

    Big data and data mining are neighboring fields of study that analyze data and obtain actionable insights from expansive information sources. Big data encompasses a lot of unstructured and structured data originating from diverse sources such as social media and online transactions. When it comes to big data vs data mining, big data focuses on managing large-scale data. In contrast, data mining goes beyond that by actively seeking patterns and extracting valuable insights. Big Data online can help you leverage big data skills and build a robust skill-set.

    Big Data vs Data Mining Comparison Table 

    The difference between big data and data mining have been illustrated in brief in the table below for easy reference:


    Big Data

    Data mining

    Data Types 

    Large and complex datasets

    Structured and organized datasets


    Managing and analyzing vast volumes of data

    Applying algorithms and techniques to extract insights from data.


    A broader view of data

    Narrower view of data


    Data is gleaned from diverse sources.

    Data is gleaned from structured and specific sources


    Massive volumes of data

    Smaller volumes of data


    Entails techniques like data aggregation, fusion, etc., to glean useful insights from data.

    Entails employing algorithms like classification, clustering, and the like for extracting relationships and patterns from data.


    Broader and exploratory results

    Targeted results

    Big Data vs Data Mining 

    Here is a more detailed illustration of the difference between big data and data mining:-

    1. Data Types 

    Big Data

    Data Mining

    Big data refers to robust and complicated datasets that require a high level of expertise and tools for managing, processing, or analyzing. Traditional data processing techniques cannot be used.

    Data mining focuses on extracting patterns or knowledge from structured or semi-structured data. 

    It works with all forms of data, be it structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. 

    It primarily deals with structured data.

    Data can originate from numerous sources, such as social media, sensors, transactions, logs, etc.

    Data mining deals with data that usually comes from organized data stored in databases or spreadsheets.

    2. Focus 

    Big Data

    Data Mining

    The focus of big data is to handle and analyze large volumes of data to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and insights.

    Data mining focuses on applying specific algorithms and techniques to discover patterns, relationships, and knowledge from structured data.

    It is used for predictive analytics, business decision-making, and other purposes.

    It aims to attain insights, predict outcomes, or make informed business decisions.

    3. View 

    Big Data

    Data Mining

    Big data takes a broader view, considering large-scale datasets from various sources.

    Data mining takes a narrower view.

    It is more involved in analyzing them to identify trends, patterns, and correlations that may not have been anticipated or sought.

    It concentrates on structured data within predefined parameters or hypotheses to find specific patterns or relationships.

    4. Data 

    Big Data

    Data Mining

    Big data is related to sizable and complex datasets that include structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data from a variety of sources.

    Data mining concentrates on structured or semi-structured data and employs specialized algorithms and techniques to reveal patterns, relationships, and insights within these well-organized datasets.

    Big data encompasses vast volumes of information derived from various sources like social media platforms, sensor networks, log files, multimedia content, and transaction records. 

    Data mining entails working with structured data that refers to well-organized data stored in databases, spreadsheets, or tables, featuring clearly defined fields, records, and relationships.

    5. Volume 

    Big Data

    Data Mining

    Big data typically deals with extensive data volumes, often measured in terabytes or petabytes. 

    Data mining is capable of handling comparatively smaller datasets. 

    The processing and analysis of big data require specialized tools and technologies.

    Data mining techniques can be applied using conventional computing resources.

    6. Analysis

    Big Data

    Data Mining

    Big data analysis involves techniques such as data aggregation, data fusion, machine learning, natural language processing, and statistical analysis.

    Data mining analysis employs clustering, classification, regression, association rules, and anomaly detection algorithms. 

    It aims to extract meaningful insights from large and diverse datasets.

    It focuses on extracting patterns and relationships from structured data using specific methodologies.

    7. Results 

    Big Data

    Data Mining

    Big data analysis often leads to broader and more exploratory results.

    Data mining focuses on more targeted results based on predefined objectives. 

    It can uncover previously unknown relationships, correlations, and trends, providing valuable insights that may not have been initially anticipated.

    It aims to extract specific patterns or relationships from structured data, often aligning with predefined hypotheses or questions.

    How are They Similar? 

    Big data and data mining exhibit numerous similarities when it comes to their application and objectives. They both strive to derive meaningful insights and knowledge from extensive volumes of data. While big data concerns itself with the handling, organization, and examination of massive and intricate datasets, data mining centers on the identification of patterns, connections, and trends within the data.

    These domains rely on advanced techniques and tools like machine learning algorithms, statistical methods, and data visualization to process and scrutinize the data. Moreover, both big data and data mining play pivotal roles in the data-centric decision-making process, empowering organizations to uncover valuable information that steers strategic actions and enhances business performance. Big data and data mining exhibit similarities in various aspects:

    • Decision-Making based on Data: Both these methodologies revolve around facilitating decision-making processes that are driven by data. They assist in generating valuable insights and actionable information, aiding informed decision-making. For example, Big Data vs Data Mining in healthcare are transforming the way medical professionals choose their course of action to analyze potential diseases, leveraging data-driven insights that offer maximum accuracy.
    • Insight Extraction: Both Data Mining vs Big Data analytics involve the extraction of insights and knowledge from datasets. They utilize diverse techniques, algorithms, and methodologies to identify patterns, correlations, trends, and relationships within the data.
    • Scalability: Both approaches require handling large data volumes. Big Data and Data Mining necessitate scalable and efficient technologies and tools for processing and analyzing data effectively.
    • Value Creation: Both methodologies aim to create value from data. Their analyses can lead to improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer experiences, optimized processes, identification of business opportunities, and more.
    • Predictive Analytics: Both Big Data and Data Mining enable organizations to perform predictive analytics. By analyzing historical data, predictive analytics Data Mining and Big Data can identify patterns and trends, which can be leveraged for predicting future outcomes or behaviors.
    • Technological Support: Both methodologies rely on similar technologies and tools. They employ data storage systems, distributed computing frameworks, machine learning algorithms, statistical analysis methods, and visualization techniques to efficiently process and analyze data.

    What Should You Choose Between Big Data and Data Mining? 

    The decision between big data and data mining relies on specific objectives and requirements. Consider the following factors:

    • Data Scale: Choose Big Data for managing and analyzing massive amounts of diverse data from various sources effectively.
    • Data Structure: Opt for Data Mining when dealing with structured or semi-structured data, aiming to extract patterns, relationships, or insights.
    • Business Objectives: Align the choice with organizational goals. Big Data suits broader insights and data-driven decision-making, while Data Mining focuses on specific hypotheses or questions.
    • Resources and Expertise: Evaluate available infrastructure, tools, and expertise. Big Data may demand specialized technologies and skilled professionals, whereas Data Mining can be implemented using traditional resources and existing data analysis skills.
    • Time Sensitivity: Account for time constraints. Big Data analysis entails complex preprocessing and longer processing times, while Data Mining offers quicker results with structured data.


    Comprehending the disparity between Big Data vs Data Mining is paramount for organizations aiming to harness the potential of data. Big Data entails managing and analyzing vast and varied datasets and extracting insights from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data sources.

    Recognizing Big Data and Data Mining examples, along with the distinct merits of each approach, empowers businesses to unlock their data's vast potential, unveil concealed patterns, and make informed decisions driven by data, thereby securing a competitive advantage in today's data-centric landscape. Going for KnowledgeHut Big Data online course will aid you learn the most in-demand skills from great instructors.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the difference between data mining and big data analytics?

    Data mining focuses on extracting patterns and insights from large datasets, while big data analytics involves the processing and analysis of massive volumes of diverse data to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.

    2What are the most commonly used techniques and data mining tools for big data?

    The most commonly used techniques and data mining tools for big data include machine learning algorithms, such as clustering, classification, and regression, and popular tools like Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Python's scikit-learn library.

    3What is predictive analytics data mining and big data?

    Predictive analytics combines data mining techniques with big data to uncover patterns and relationships in large datasets, enabling the generation of predictions and insights to guide future decision-making.

    4What is a good example of data mining with big data project?

    Data mining significantly impacts decision-making by revealing valuable insights and patterns from large datasets. An example of a data mining project with big data is analyzing customer purchasing patterns in a large e-commerce dataset to identify trends, recommend personalized products, and optimize marketing strategies.


    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain

    International Corporate Trainer

    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain is an accomplished author, international corporate trainer, and technical consultant with 20+ years of industry experience. He specializes in cutting-edge technologies such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, generative AI, prompt engineering, Industry 4.0, web 3.0, blockchain, RPA, IoT, ML, data science, big data, AI, cloud computing, Hadoop, and deep learning. With expertise in fintech, IIoT, and blockchain, he possesses in-depth knowledge of diverse sectors including finance, aerospace, retail, logistics, energy, banking, telecom, healthcare, manufacturing, education, and oil and gas. Holding a PhD in deep learning and image processing, Dr. Jain's extensive certifications and professional achievements demonstrate his commitment to delivering exceptional training and consultancy services globally while staying at the forefront of technology.

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