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Deep Learning vs Machine Learning: What’s The Difference?

27th Sep, 2023
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    Deep Learning vs Machine Learning: What’s The Difference?

    As we move into the world of Artificial Intelligence, it has become important to know certain things whether you study AI or not. On that note, let's understand the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Below is a thorough article on Machine Learning vs Deep Learning. We will see how the two technologies differ or overlap and will answer the question - What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning?

    Machine Learning vs Deep Learning [Head-to Head Comparison]         

    Machine Learning is a subset of this broad AI and Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning. So, everything Deep Learning is also Machine Learning and AI but the inverse is not true. Let’s see the difference between machine learning and deep learning with examples of some parameters. 


    Machine Learning (ML)

    Deep Learning (DL)

    Feature Engineering

    ML algorithms rely on explicit feature extraction and engineering, where human experts define relevant features for the model.

    DL models automatically learn features from raw data, eliminating the need for explicit feature engineering.

    Complexity and Computational Resources

    ML algorithms are often simpler and require less computational power compared to DL models.

    DL models are complex, requiring substantial computational resources, including high-performance GPUs, for training and inference.

    Data Types and Dimensionality

    ML algorithms work well with structured and tabular data, where the number of features is relatively small.

    DL models excel at handling unstructured data such as images, audio, and text, where the data has a large number of features or high dimensionality.

    Data Requirements

    ML models typically require more labelled training data to achieve good performance.

    DL models can learn from large amounts of labelled or unlabelled data, potentially reducing the need for extensive labelled datasets.


    ML models are more interpretable, as the features and rules used by the model can be understood by humans.

    DL models are often considered black boxes, making it challenging to interpret how the model arrives at its predictions.

    Application Domains

    Suited for a wide range of tasks, including regression, classification, and clustering.

    DL models have shown superior performance in tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and generative modelling.

    What is Machine Learning?

    Machine learning is a field of study that enables computers to learn from data and improve their performance without being explicitly programmed. It involves developing algorithms and models that allow machines to automatically analyze and interpret complex patterns in data, make predictions, and make decisions based on the learned patterns. It is one of the important parts of Data Science and if you want to know more, you should go for Machine Learning training.

    What is Deep Learning?

    Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that focuses on training artificial neural networks with multiple layers to learn hierarchical representations of data. These neural networks, known as deep neural networks, are designed to mimic the structure and functioning of the human brain. Deep learning algorithms can automatically learn intricate features and patterns from large amounts of data, enabling them to perform tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous driving with exceptional accuracy and efficiency.

    Difference Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning 

    Now let’s talk about each of the above parameters in detail in the context of deep learning versus machine learning. Data Science online course will help you learn from experienced data scientists and transition to data science roles with career coaching, resume reviews, and networking opportunities.

    1. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Complexity and Computational Resources 

    ML algorithms are generally simpler and less computationally intensive compared to DL models. ML algorithms such as decision trees, linear regression, or support vector machines are often easier to understand and implement. They have lower computational requirements, making them suitable for running on less powerful hardware or in resource-constrained environments. ML algorithms can often provide satisfactory results for various tasks without requiring substantial computational resources.

    On the other hand, DL models, especially deep neural networks, can be highly complex. They consist of numerous interconnected layers with a large number of parameters to learn. The complex architecture allows DL models to capture intricate relationships and dependencies in the data, leading to high-performance predictions. This requires powerful GPUs to handle the computational load efficiently.

    2. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Data Requirements 

    ML algorithms typically require a considerable amount of labelled training data to achieve good performance. These algorithms learn from examples and use labelled data to understand the patterns and relationships between the input features and the corresponding target outputs. The accuracy and generalization ability of ML models are highly dependent on the quality and quantity of labelled training data available.

    DL models can learn from large amounts of labelled or unlabelled data. DL models can benefit from unsupervised learning techniques, such as autoencoders or generative adversarial networks (GANs), to extract useful representations from unlabelled data. This ability to leverage vast amounts of data can be advantageous in scenarios where labelled data is scarce or expensive to obtain. DL models can potentially reduce the reliance on extensive labelled datasets while still achieving high performance.

    3. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Application Domains 

    One relationship between ai machine learning and deep learning is that both techniques have diverse application domains, but they exhibit certain strengths in specific areas. ML algorithms are versatile and widely used across various domains, including finance, healthcare, marketing, and recommendation systems. They can handle a wide range of tasks such as regression, classification, clustering, and anomaly detection.

    DL models have demonstrated superior performance in several domains, particularly in tasks involving complex and unstructured data. DL models have achieved remarkable success in image recognition tasks, speech and natural language processing, machine translation, sentiment analysis, and generative modelling. They have pushed the boundaries of what can be accomplished in areas such as computer vision, speech synthesis, and language understanding. The choice between ML and DL depends on the nature of the problem, the available data, the desired level of interpretability, and the computational resources at hand.

    4. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Data Dependency 

    ML algorithms have a significant dependence on labelled training data. These algorithms rely on examples with known input-output pairs to learn patterns and make predictions. The quality, quantity, and representativeness of the labelled data directly impact the performance of ML models. Insufficient or biased training data can lead to suboptimal results or biased predictions. ML models require labelled data to generalize well to unseen examples and accurately handle various scenarios.

    DL models have a high appetite for data, but they exhibit a more flexible data dependency compared to ML algorithms. DL models excel at handling complex, high-dimensional data such as images, audio, and text. The availability of vast amounts of data is crucial for training deep neural networks effectively. Additionally, DL models can benefit from techniques like data augmentation, where existing data is transformed or augmented to create additional training examples, further reducing their dependence on a large-labelled dataset.

    Both ML and DL models can benefit from abundant and diverse data to improve their performance and generalization capabilities.

    4. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Used for 

    Let us now see when to use deep learning vs machine learning. ML techniques are widely used across different domains and have a broad range of applications, including:

    Regression: Predicting continuous values, such as housing prices based on historical data.

    Classification: Assigning data points to predefined categories, such as spam email detection or sentiment analysis.

    Clustering: Grouping similar data points together based on their characteristics, like customer segmentation or image segmentation.

    Recommendation Systems: Providing personalized suggestions based on user preferences, such as movie recommendations or product recommendations.

    Anomaly Detection: Identifying rare or abnormal instances, like credit card fraud detection or network intrusion detection.

    Natural Language Processing (NLP): Analysing and understanding human language, including tasks like language translation, text summarization, and sentiment analysis.

    Deep Learning (DL) Applications: DL techniques, with their ability to process complex and unstructured data, has excelled in several domains, including:

    Computer Vision: Image classification, object detection, image recognition, and image generation tasks.

    Speech Recognition: Converting spoken language into written text, enabling voice assistants and speech-to-text systems.

    Natural Language Processing (NLP): Language translation, question-answering systems, text generation, and sentiment analysis.

    Generative Modeling: Creating new content, such as generating realistic images, music, or text.

    Autonomous Vehicles: DL is crucial for tasks like object detection, scene understanding, and self-driving decision-making.

    Healthcare: DL models are used for medical image analysis, disease diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized medicine.

    Finance: Applications include fraud detection, stock market prediction, algorithmic trading, and credit risk assessment.

    5. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Execution Time  

    ML algorithms typically have faster execution times compared to DL models. The execution time of ML models can vary depending on factors such as the algorithm used, the size of the dataset, and the number of features. For instance, linear regression, decision trees, or Naive Bayes have relatively lower complexity and can produce results quickly, even with large datasets.

    DL models, especially deep neural networks, often require significantly more execution time compared to ML algorithms. DL models have multiple layers of interconnected neurons, and training these models involves optimizing many parameters. This process demands substantial computational resources and can take a considerable amount of time, particularly for models with a high number of layers and parameters.

    6. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Hardware Dependencies  

    ML algorithms have less hardware dependency and can be executed on a wide range of configurations, from standard CPUs to GPUs for improved performance. DL models, on the other hand, have stronger hardware dependencies. They often require powerful hardware configurations, such as GPUs or specialized accelerators like TPUs, due to their high computational requirements.

    7. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Feature Engineering  

    ML algorithms require manual feature engineering, where domain experts extract and engineer relevant features from the data. DL models, on the other hand, can automatically learn complex features and representations from raw data, reducing the need for extensive manual feature engineering. DL models learn hierarchical representations through deep neural networks, starting from low-level features to higher-level abstractions.

    8. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Problem-solving Approach  

    Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) exhibit different problem-solving approaches. ML follows a more traditional problem-solving approach that involves the following steps:

    • Data Collection: Gathering relevant data that represent the problem domain.
    • Data Pre-processing: Cleaning, transforming, and preparing the data for analysis.
    • Feature Engineering: Extracting or engineering meaningful features from the data.
    • Model Selection: Choosing an appropriate ML algorithm based on the problem type and requirements.
    • Model Training: Using labelled data to train the ML model on the selected algorithm.
    • Model Evaluation: Assessing the model's performance on test data and fine-tuning if necessary.
    • Prediction/Inference: Applying the trained model to make predictions or classifications on new, unseen data.

    DL follows a different problem-solving approach, leveraging deep neural networks to automatically learn and extract features from raw data. The typical steps in a DL problem-solving approach are as follows:

    • Data Collection: Acquiring relevant data for the problem at hand.
    • Data Pre-processing: Preparing the data, which may involve normalization, handling missing values, or data augmentation.
    • Model Architecture Design: Selecting or designing the architecture of the deep neural network, including the number and type of layers.
    • Model Training: Training the deep neural network using labelled data and optimization techniques, such as gradient descent.
    • Model Evaluation: Assessing the performance of the trained model using evaluation metrics and validation datasets.
    • Prediction/Inference: Applying the trained model to make predictions or classifications on new, unseen data.

    9. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Interpretation of Result  

    ML models provide interpretable results, allowing for a clear understanding of the contributing factors and decision-making process. They offer feature importance, decision rules, or coefficients that can be used to explain the model's predictions. On the other hand, DL models are often considered black-box models, lacking explicit interpretation of features. They excel in handling complex data but prioritize performance over interpretability.

    10. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: Type of Data  

    ML algorithms are effective for structured and tabular data, including numerical and categorical features. DL models excel in handling unstructured and complex data types such as images, audio, video, and text. They have achieved significant breakthroughs in computer vision and natural language processing tasks.

    How are Machine Learning and Deep Learning Similar? 

    Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) have several similarities.

    • They both involve learning from data, training models using labelled data and making predictions on unseen instances.
    • They undergo iterative improvement, require appropriate feature representation, and involve data pre-processing.
    • Evaluation metrics are used to assess their performance, and they have diverse applications across various domains.

    When to Use Machine Learning and Deep Learning? 

    The choice of using Machine Learning vs Deep Learning or vice-versa depends on several factors and considerations. Here are some guidelines for when to use each approach:

    When to Use Machine Learning

    1. You have structured or tabular data: ML is suitable for datasets with well-defined features, numerical or categorical data, and a fixed number of features.

    2. Interpretability is important: ML models provide transparency and explainability, making them suitable for scenarios where understanding the decision-making process is crucial.

    3. You have limited labelled data: ML models can perform well with small to medium-sized datasets and do not require a massive amount of labelled data for training.

    4. You prioritize model training and execution time: ML models are generally faster to train and execute compared to DL models, especially for smaller datasets or simpler tasks.

    5. You are working on traditional machine learning problems: ML is well-established and widely used for a range of problems such as classification, regression, clustering, and recommendation systems.

    When to Use Deep Learning

    1. You have unstructured or complex data: DL excels in handling unstructured data types like images, audio, video, and text, capturing intricate patterns and representations.

    2. High accuracy is required in complex tasks: DL models have shown remarkable performance in challenging tasks like computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition.

    3. You have abundant labelled data: DL models typically require larger amounts of labelled data for effective training and can leverage the power of big datasets to improve performance.

    4. You can afford more computational resources: DL models are computationally intensive and often require powerful hardware or access to specialized hardware like GPUs or TPUs for efficient trainings.

    Final Words 

    The comparison between machine learning and deep learning highlights their strengths and applications. ML is suitable for structured data and interpretability, while DL excels with unstructured and complex data like computer vision. Considerations include DL's black-box nature and resource requirements. The choice depends on the problem, data characteristics, interpretability needs, and resources available. Understanding their unique attributes helps practitioners make informed decisions for optimal results. KnowledgeHut Machine Learning training will support you in acing key concepts and fundamentals of deep learning and machine learning.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which is better ML or deep learning?

    ML is suitable for structured data and interpretability, while DL excels with unstructured and complex data. Consider data characteristics and interpretability needs when choosing between them.

    2What is the difference between ML and DL?

    ML and DL differ in their approach to learning from data. ML relies on algorithms and manual feature engineering from labelled data, offering interpretability for structured data. DL, a subset of ML, uses deep neural networks to automatically learn from raw data, excelling in unstructured and complex data like computer vision. The choice between ML and DL depends on the problem nature, data characteristics, and desired balance of interpretability and performance.

    3Is CNN machine learning or deep learning?

    CNNs are a type of DL model designed for grid-like data processing, such as images. They feature interconnected layers including convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers.

    4Does Tesla use machine learning or deep learning?

    Tesla combines ML and DL in their autonomous driving systems. ML handles data pre-processing and decision-making, while DL is used for object detection, image recognition, and path planning. This combination enables advanced perception and decision-making in Tesla's autonomous vehicles.


    Sangeet Aggarwal

    Trainer & Consultant

    Being a data enthusiast, my area of interests are Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Apart from writing, my hobbies include travelling, playing basketball and watching Netflix.

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