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RDBMS vs NoSQL: Key Differences and Similarities

03rd Apr, 2024
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    RDBMS vs NoSQL: Key Differences and Similarities

    Making decisions in the database space requires deciding between RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) and NoSQL, each of which has unique features. RDBMS uses SQL to organize data into structured tables, whereas NoSQL is more flexible and can handle a wider range of data types because of its dynamic schemas. To help you understand the subtleties of these systems, this article examines their shared and contrasting qualities. Whether you like the flexible landscape of NoSQL or the ordered accuracy of RDBMS, knowing these distinctions is essential for developing successful data management strategies. Come with me on this adventure to learn the main differences and parallels between two well-known database solutions, i.e., RDBMS vs NoSQL.

    What is RDBMS?

    RDBMS Database is a relational database. For relational database management systems, it is the industry standard language. In an RDBMS, data is kept in rows and columns. Tables are used to store relations between tables. Programming languages like SQL (Structured Query Language) are used to update and retrieve data from databases, among other things. SQL is used by several popular relational database management systems, including Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle, Access, etc. Opting for comprehensive Database training will help you learn this concept in depth.

    What is NoSQL?

    "Not Only SQL" is another term for NoSQL. Unstructured, schema-less data can be stored in various collections and nodes using NoSQL. It also offers limited join queries, does not require set table schemas, and allows for horizontal scalability. While NoSQL databases require less maintenance, maintaining high-end RDBMS systems is costly and requires skilled labor for database administration. Numerous features, including automated maintenance, more convenient data distribution, and more straightforward data models, reduce the need for administration and tweaking in NoSQL.

    RDBMS vs NoSQL: Comparison Table

    Let's see the difference between RDBMS and NoSQL in the form of a table.





    Structured tables, ACID properties, SQL queries

    Dynamic schemas, flexible data models


    Data integrity, established standards

    Scalability, flexibility, varied data


    Fixed schema, vertical scaling

    Lack of standardization, learning curve


    Tables with rows and columns

    Document-oriented, key-value, wide-column

    Database Structures

    Relational tables

    Document, key-value, wide-column, graph

    Integrity Constraints

    Enforced through relationships and constraints

    Varies depending on the NoSQL type


    Follows normalization principles

    Depends on the chosen NoSQL model


    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle

    MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, Couchbase

    Difference Between RDBMS and NoSQL

    If you are thinking of comparing NoSQL and RDBMS, let me explain the difference between the two in detail based on the parameters mentioned above in the table.

    1. RDBMS vs NoSQL: Features

    Here's a brief overview of the features of both RDBMS and NoSQL, pointwise:


    • Utilizes structured tables to organize data.
    • Enforces ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties for data integrity.
    • Queries are performed using SQL (Structured Query Language).
    • Follows a fixed schema, requiring predefined data structures.


    • Adopts dynamic schemas, allowing flexibility in data models.
    • Supports various data models like document-oriented, key-value, wide-column, and graph databases.
    • Provides scalability and performance advantages. That is one of the key advantages of the NoSQL database over RDBMS.
    • Allows storage and retrieval without the constraints of a fixed schema.

    2. RDBMS vs NoSQL: Benefits


    • Data Integrity: Enforces relational constraints, ensuring consistency.
    • Query Language: Utilizes SQL for expressive and standardized queries.
    • Structured Data: Ideal for complex relationships between entities.
    • ACID Properties: Ensures reliability and consistency for transactions.


    • Scalability: Easily scales horizontally to handle large volumes of data.
    • Flexibility: Adaptable to diverse data models and types.
    • Performance: Offers high-speed data retrieval for specific use cases.
    • Schema-less Design: Allows dynamic modification of data structures without predefined schemas. This is one of the important benefits of NoSQL over RDBMS .

    3. RDBMS vs NoSQL: Limitations

    When we compare and contrast RDBMS and NoSQL databases , limitations are also important.


    • Scalability Challenges: You may face difficulties scaling horizontally.
    • Schema Rigidity: Requires a predefined structure, limiting flexibility.
    • Complexity: Managing relationships can lead to complex designs.
    • Transaction Overhead: ACID properties can impact performance in high-volume scenarios.


    • Consistency Concerns: The eventual consistency model may lead to data discrepancies.
    • Query Language: Lack of standardized query language may pose a learning curve.
    • Limited Transaction Support: Not all NoSQL databases support ACID transactions.
    • Community Support: Some NoSQL databases have smaller communities compared to traditional RDBMS.

    4. RDBMS vs NoSQL: Storage


    • Structured Storage: Utilizes a tabular format for data organization.
    • Data Integrity: Enforces relationships and constraints for consistent data.
    • Normalization: Breaks down data to minimize redundancy and optimize storage.
    • Indexing: Utilizes indexing for efficient retrieval based on keys.


    • Flexible Storage: Adapts to various data models, allowing diverse data storage.
    • Denormalization: Emphasizes performance by storing redundant data.
    • Document Storage: Stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents.
    • Columnar Storage: Efficiently stores and retrieves specific columns for analytical queries.

    5. RDBMS or NoSQL: Database Structures

    Let us compare RDBMS and NoSQL in terms of database structures.


    • Tabular Structure: Organizes data into tables with rows and columns.
    • Schema: Requires a predefined schema for data structure.
    • Structured Relationships: Utilizes foreign keys to establish relationships between tables.
    • ACID Properties: Ensures atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability for transactions.


    • Flexible Schema: Allows dynamic and evolving data structures.
    • Document Store: Stores data in documents, often using JSON or BSON formats.
    • Key-Value Pairs: Utilizes key-value pairs for simple and efficient data retrieval.
    • Graph Structures: Supports graph-based data structures for interconnected data. This is a key difference between RDBMS and the NoSQL database.

    6. NoSQL vs RDBMS difference: Integrity Constraints


    • Enforced Relationships: Utilizes foreign key constraints to maintain relationships between tables.
    • Data Integrity: Enforces data accuracy and consistency through primary and unique key constraints.
    • ACID Compliance: Guarantees Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability for Transactions.
    • Normalization: Follows normalization rules to eliminate redundancy and maintain data integrity.


    • Flexible Constraints: May or may not enforce strict integrity constraints, offering flexibility.
    • Schema-less: Allows dynamic schema modifications, adapting to evolving data structures.
    • Scales Horizontally: Facilitates easy horizontal scaling for distributed and scalable databases.
    • BASE Model: Emphasizes Basically Available, Soft state, Eventually consistent model over ACID.

    7. NoSQL vs RDBMS: Normalization


    • Normalization Technique: Normalization techniques are followed up to BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form).
    • Structured Relationships: Enforces relationships between tables, reducing data redundancy.
    • Consistency: Enhances data consistency by avoiding anomalies through normalization stages.
    • Complex Joins: These may involve complex joins for retrieving data from multiple normalized tables.


    • Denormalization Approach: NoSQL databases often use denormalization, allowing redundancy for performance gains.
    • Flexibility: Provides flexibility in data modeling, allowing non-uniform structures.
    • High Performance: Optimized for high-speed read and write operations, favoring performance over strict normalization.

    8. NoSQL vs RDBMS: Examples or RDBMS vs NoSQL: when to use


    Examples: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database.


    Examples: MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis.

    Each excels in different scenarios, with RDBMS suitable for structured data and NoSQL offering flexibility for unstructured or semi-structured data.

    How are They Similar?

    After understanding the RDBMS vs NOSQL pros and cons, here's how RDBMS and NoSQL are similar:

    1. Data Storage

    • RDBMS: Utilizes tables to store structured data.
    • NoSQL: Employs diverse data models, accommodating unstructured or semi-structured data.

    2. Data Retrieval

    • RDBMS: Relies on SQL for querying and supporting complex joins and transactions.
    • NoSQL: Queries may vary depending on the database type but generally allow efficient retrieval.

    3. Scalability

    • RDBMS: Traditionally scales vertically by adding more resources to a single server.
    • NoSQL: Typically scales horizontally, distributing data across multiple servers.

    4. Consistency

    • RDBMS: Ensures ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).
    • NoSQL: Some databases may prioritize eventual consistency over strict consistency.

    5. Indexing

    • RDBMS: Uses indexes for efficient data retrieval.
    • NoSQL: Implements indexes, but approaches may vary between databases.

    6. Reliability

    • RDBMS: Well-established, widely used, and mature.
    • NoSQL: Offers reliability but may vary based on the specific NoSQL database.

    While sharing certain characteristics, the main diff between RDBMS and NoSQL lies in the data structure, scalability models, and specific use cases.

    How to Migrate from RDBMS to NoSQL?

    Here's a guide on migrating from RDBMS to NoSQL:

    1. AssessmentUnderstand Data Model: Evaluate existing relational data models to determine how data will fit into a NoSQL schema.
    2. Identify Use Cases: Select Appropriate NoSQL Type: Choose between document, key-value, column-family, or graph databases based on specific application requirements.
    3. Data Mapping: Map RDBMS to NoSQL: Transform relational data structures to match the chosen NoSQL model.
    4. Schema Design: Design NoSQL Schema: Create an appropriate schema for the chosen NoSQL database type.
    5. Tool Selection: Choose Migration Tools: Select tools compatible with the RDBMS and NoSQL databases involved in the migration.
    6. Data Migration: Execute Migration Process: Use selected tools to transfer data from the RDBMS to the NoSQL database.
    7. Testing: Verify Data Integrity: Conduct thorough testing to ensure data consistency and accuracy post-migration.
    8. Application Adjustment: Update Application Code: Modify application code to interact with the new NoSQL data model.
    9. Performance Monitoring: Monitor Performance: Continuously monitor the performance of the NoSQL database and make adjustments as needed.
    10. Training and Documentation: Train Teams: Provide training for development and operations teams on the new NoSQL database. Document the new architecture for future reference.

    Successfully migrating from RDBMS to NoSQL requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing optimization to ensure a seamless transition. You can get hands-on experience with migration through KnowledgeHut Database training.

    What Should You Choose Between RDBMS and NoSQL?

    I have prepared key points to help you know RDBMS vs NoSQL when to use:

    1. Data Structure Complexity:

    • RDBMS: Suitable for structured and highly normalized data with defined relationships.
    • NoSQL: Ideal for unstructured or semi-structured data, offering flexibility in handling diverse data types.

    2. Scalability:

    • RDBMS: Typically scaled vertically by adding more resources to a single server.
    • NoSQL: Horizontally scalable, allowing for distributed databases to handle increased loads.

    3. Flexibility in Schema:

    • RDBMS: Requires a predefined schema, making it rigid for evolving data models.
    • NoSQL: Schema-less or schema-flexible, accommodating changes without affecting existing data.

    4. Query Language:

    • RDBMS: SQL (Structured Query Language) for complex queries and transactions.
    • NoSQL: Varied query languages, often specific to the chosen NoSQL type, providing flexibility for different data models.

    5. Use Cases:

    • RDBMS: Best for transactional applications with consistent data structures like financial systems.
    • NoSQL: Suited for dynamic, rapidly evolving data, common in applications like social media, IoT, or real-time analytics.

    6. ACID Compliance:

    • RDBMS: Strong ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance, ensuring data integrity.
    • NoSQL: We may prioritize availability and partition tolerance over strict ACID compliance, providing flexibility in distributed environments.

    7. Scaling Read/Write Operations:

    • RDBMS: Read-intensive applications might require complex optimization for scaling.
    • NoSQL: Read and write operations can be easily distributed across nodes, supporting high scalability.

    8. Transaction Support:

    • RDBMS: Ensures full transaction support, which is crucial for applications with complex transactional requirements.
    • NoSQL: Varies by type, with some offering eventual consistency rather than immediate consistency for transactions.


    In conclusion, the choice between RDBMS vs NoSQL hinges on the unique demands of your project. RDBMS excels in structured, relationship-centric environments, ensuring data integrity and strong ACID compliance. On the other hand, NoSQL offers unparalleled flexibility for handling diverse and evolving data types, especially in distributed and dynamic applications. While both have their merits, the decision should align with RDBMS vs NoSQL use cases and the specific needs of your project, considering factors like scalability, data structure complexity, and transaction requirements. Always assess your use case thoroughly to make an informed choice between these two database paradigms.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Why is NoSQL better than a relational database?
    • Flexibility in Schema: NoSQL databases allow for dynamic and flexible schema, accommodating varied data types. 
    • Scalability: NoSQL databases are often more scalable, horizontally distributing data across multiple servers. 
    • High Performance: NoSQL databases excel in read and write operations, providing better performance for certain use cases. 
    • Handling Big Data: NoSQL databases are well-suited for handling large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data.
    • Cost-Effective: NoSQL databases can be more cost-effective for certain applications due to their scalability and open-source nature.  
    2Can you provide examples of industries or applications where RDBMS is commonly used?

    DBMS can be either SQL or NoSQL. SQL databases, like MySQL and PostgreSQL, use a structured query language, while NoSQL databases, like MongoDB, use a non-relational approach.

    3Can you provide examples of industries or applications where RDBMS is commonly used?
    • Financial Sector: RDBMS is widely used in banking and finance for secure and structured storage of transaction data. 
    • Healthcare: Patient records and medical data are often managed using RDBMS for reliability and data integrity. 
    • E-commerce: Online retailers use RDBMS to handle inventory, customer orders, and product information effectively.
    4How do RDBMS and NoSQL databases handle scalability differently?
    • RDBMS: Scales vertically by adding more power to existing hardware but has limits. 
    • NoSQL: Scales horizontally by adding more servers to the database, providing better scalability for large amounts of data and high traffic.
    5What are the main challenges associated with migrating from an RDBMS to a NoSQL database, or vice versa?
    • Data Model Transformation: Adapting from tables to flexible schema. 
    • Transaction and ACID Compliance: Maintaining consistency in NoSQL. 
    • Skills and Knowledge Transition: Learning new database concepts. 
    • Existing Application Modifications: Adjusting code to new database paradigms. 
    • Tooling and Ecosystem Change: Integrating with different tools and frameworks. 

    Monica Gupta


    I am Monica Gupta with 19+ years of experience in the field of Training and Development. I have done over 500 Corporate Trainings. I am currently working as a freelancer for several years. My core area of work is Java, C++, Angular, PHP, Python, VBA.

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