HomeBlogData ScienceMachine Learning Expert Salary in India [Fresher to Experienced]

Machine Learning Expert Salary in India [Fresher to Experienced]

12th Mar, 2024
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    Machine Learning Expert Salary in India [Fresher to Experienced]

    In today’s fast-paced technological world, the need for qualified machine learning specialists in India is growing. Machine learning experts are becoming increasingly important as artificial intelligence transforms more and more sectors. In this article, I will walk you through the complex world of machine learning expert salaries in India and examine pay scales, industry standards, and earning potential determining variables.

    Ranging from recent graduates starting their careers to more experienced workers seeking progress, skillfully dealing with salary trends and negotiation strategies are prerequisites. Together, we will explore the factors affecting Machine Learning Expert salary in India, furnishing useful tips for candidates planning in the area of AI-driven development and the job market.

    Who is a Machine Learning Expert?

    A Machine Learning Expert is a professional who displays a high level of expertise and advanced knowledge in the field of machine learning, which is an area of artificial intelligence. This includes experts in creating algorithms, models, and systems that allow computers to learn using data or to make predictions or decisions. Learning in machines is grounded in mathematics, statistics, and computer science theories.

    These experts use different methods, like supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, to derive intelligent output by analyzing massive data and bringing out significant insights. They are involved in several areas, such as healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and cybersecurity, and thus use machine learning algorithms to find solutions to complicated problems and improvements in innovation. Enrolling in a comprehensive Machine Learning crash course could provide aspiring professionals with the requisite skills and knowledge to embark on a rewarding journey in this dynamic field.

    Machine Learning Expert Salary in India 2024

    In 2024, the average ML expert salary in India is around ₹13 lakhs. This number represents the competitive salary that is available to experts in this rapidly expanding sector. Understanding the breakdown of salary for machine learning in India provides valuable insights into the earning potential for machine learning experts across different roles and experience levels.

    Salary Type

    Amount (INR)

    Per Month


    Per Hour


    Per Year

    ₹13 Lakhs

    Machine Learning Expert Salary in India: Based on Experience

    Depending on their degree of expertise, machine learning specialists in India earn a wide range of incomes. From beginners to advanced practitioners, each level commands distinct compensation packages:

    Experience Level

    Average Annual Salary (INR)

    Beginner 0-2 years

    ₹5.8 lakhs

    Intermediate 4 years

    ₹10.5 lakhs

    Advanced 5+ years

    ₹12 lakhs

    The rising demand for specialized knowledge and abilities in the field of machine learning is reflected in the pay progression. People who are more experienced in the workplace and have advanced in their professions tend to seek greater remuneration packages. The table shows the current state of pay trends for machine learning specialists in India and emphasizes the high-paying prospects for those with advanced training and expertise.

    Machine Learning Expert Salary in India: Based on Job Role

    Machine learning specialists may receive different compensation in India depending on their exact position inside a company. Below is a quick summary of the typical yearly compensation for several machine learning job roles:

    Job Role

    Average Annual Salary (INR)

    Machine Learning Engineer


    Data Scientist


    AI Research Scientist


    Deep Learning Engineer


    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer


    The rising demand for specialized knowledge and abilities in the field of machine learning is reflected in the pay progression. People who are more experienced in the workplace and have advanced in their professions tend to seek greater remuneration packages as compared to machine learning expert starting salary in India. This table shows the current state of pay trends for machine learning specialists in India and emphasizes the high-paying prospects for those with advanced training and expertise.

    Factors Affecting Machine Learning Expert Salary in India

    Several factors decisively influence the salary of machine learning experts in India, shaping the compensation landscape for professionals in this dynamic field:

    1. Location/Region: Salaries tend to have wide fluctuations depending on the place or region within India. Metropolitan cities offering higher salaries than Tier II or Tier III cities are found in more developed towns like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi due to the presence of many technology companies and the unique demand for highly qualified personnel. While the average annual salary of a Machine Learning Expert in Bangalore is ₹15 lakhs, it is only ₹4.5 lakhs - ₹5.8 lakhs in Dharwad.

    2. Industry/Employer/Company: Various sectors cover pay rates that vary due to their size, financial health, and business-related requirements. Different competitors, which include tech giants, startups, research institutions, and consulting firms, feature their salary structures and bonus incentives for machine learning experts. A Machine Learning Specialist’s Salary in IT Services & Consulting is ₹18.8 lakhs, while in the manufacturing industry it is ₹20.8 lakhs.

    3. Experience: The salary that a machine learning expert receives heavily depends on experience. A professional who has worked for several years and can boast of delivering outstanding projects consistently often earns more than a machine learning salary in India for freshers.

    4. Demand and Supply Dynamics: The demand-supply relationships that the strength of the labor market entails are a determinant of the trends in salaries. Lately, companies facing an acute shortage of skilled machine learning professionals inevitably offer better payment packages and incentives to attract talented specialists.

    5. Credentials/Certifications: Having the proper certifications under your belt during salary determination could be a contributing factor. Certifications from the most reliable institutions or completion of advanced courses such as KnowledgeHut Machine Learning training clearly show knowledge and constant learning, frequently leading to a higher salary.

    6. Skills: The capability of a particular program language, machine learning system, and emergent technology surely raise the market value of machine learning practitioners. Skills like Python programming, TensorFlow, PyTorch, natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning are highly demanded in the industrial field.

    The knowledge of these variables empowers a machine learning expert to work out the right job portfolio and remuneration package. The salary amount reflects the value of his/her expertise and experience and the contribution made by the expert to the organization.

    How to Improve Machine Learning Jobs Salary in India

    The machine learning expert salary in India per month of professionals has been elevated with the implementation of proactive measures that aid in improving their skills, system knowledge, and their hunt for a competitive job opportunity in the market. Here are some strategies to improve machine learning expert salaries in India:

    1. Skills Enhancement: Regular updating of technical abilities to keep switching over with newly introduced machine learning approaches, frameworks, models, and paradigms is crucially important. Joining advanced courses like the KnowledgeHut Machine Learning crash course gives practical information from the field and hands-on experience with the most current technologies.

    2. Certifications: Certifying industry-accepted qualifications practically shows expertise and gains respect from the industry. Think for roles relating to data science, and look for certifications from the best Data Science courses delivered by reputable platforms that will show your expertise and differentiate you from the rest of the candidates.

    3. Degrees: Achieving graduate degrees in areas that are related to a job, like computer science, data science, or artificial intelligence, will provide not only higher machine learning expert salary in India but also higher-level managerial roles in organizations.

    4. Experience: One of the biggest assets that one can have in negotiating salary is the practical experience gained from internships, freelance jobs, and applications of machine learning principles in live projects. Establishing a powerful portfolio that demonstrates success and tangible results makes the clients more trustworthy and earns more income.

    Professionals working with machine learning can set their career growth course through skill development, certifications, academic qualifications, and practical experience, which yields salary growth and marketability in India, where the employment market is rather competitive.

    Why are Machine Learning Experts Paid So Much in India?

    In India, machine learning experts are highly sought-after and compensated with premium salaries due to a compelling combination of factors. Firstly, Indian businesses are witnessing a rapid surge in adopting machine learning (ML) technologies for various purposes. ML is increasingly powering tasks like automation, data analysis, and customer service. This rapid adoption creates a significant demand for skilled professionals who can design, build, and maintain these sophisticated systems. However, the supply of qualified individuals needs to catch up with this ever-growing demand. Building expertise in ML requires a strong foundation in various fields, including mathematics, statistics, and computer science, and specialized knowledge of specific ML algorithms.

    Additionally, the value proposition of ML is undeniable. Businesses are realizing the tremendous potential of data and turning to ML to glean valuable insights that can optimize operations, personalize customer experiences, and target marketing efforts more effectively.

    In essence, the high salaries reflect the critical role ML experts play in driving innovation and ensuring businesses remain competitive in the data-driven landscape. They possess a unique skill set currently in short supply, making them valuable assets in today’s technology-driven world.


    Machine learning expert salaries in the Indian region are an indicator of market dynamics, driven by increasing demand and technological progress. With the shift to this setting, acquiring new skill sets and getting practical experience remain among the most significant elements for boosting one’s earnings capability. Investing in higher education, like the Machine Learning course offered by KnowledgeHut, will enable workers to develop the skills needed to excel in this tough and competitive workplace.

    AI specialists are key players in the acceleration of technology development and resolution of sector-specific challenges in the different sectors. By tracking down emerging trends and showing interest in lifelong learning, professionals can utilize their abilities to find new opportunities and achieve the highest level of success in the fast-progressing area of machine learning.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How much can a fresher expect to earn as a machine learning engineer in India?

    A candidate, be it a fresher entering a career in machine learning engineering, would have different salary offerings to look out for because of factors such as the company, location, and educational background. On average, entry-level machine learning engineers can get a package of ₹4 – ₹8 lakhs annually.

    2Are there opportunities for salary growth and advancement in the machine learning field in India?

    Indeed, the field of machine learning provides abundant avenues for income growth and career growth in India. As professionals grow through work experience, wider skill set expansion, and mastery of the latest technologies, they are paid more while getting the top jobs within the organization.

    3Can machine learning professionals negotiate their salary when accepting a job offer in India?

    While receiving their job offer, machine learning professionals in India can discuss the terms of their salaries. In the job market, negotiating is a common practice. Candidates are advised to talk to potential employers about pay packages that include salary, incentives, benefits, and other perks.

    4How does the salary of a machine learning expert in India compare to that of a software engineer?

    The average pay for a machine learning expert in India is ₹13 Lakhs, which is often more than that of a software engineer. The average compensation for software engineers in India is ₹8.6 lakhs.


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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