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Hashing in DBMS

27th Sep, 2023
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    Hashing in DBMS

    Hashing in DBMS is an efficient technique for data retrieval. It maps data elements to a hash value using a hashing function, allowing for fast access to data records. The hash value serves as an index in a hash table, reducing the need for scanning the entire database. This improves retrieval speed, especially in large databases. Hashing minimizes disk access and comparisons, optimizing database performance. It is commonly used for indexing and searching data based on unique identifiers or keys. Overall, hashing in DBMS enables quick and efficient data access, enhancing query processing and lookup operations. If you want to learn more about databases and other techniques, the Database certificate program is suitable for you.

    What is Hashing in DBMS?

    Hashing in DBMS is a technique used to map data elements or records to a fixed-size hash value or hash code using a hashing function. It involves applying a mathematical algorithm to the data value, which generates a unique or near-unique hash code. This hash code serves as an index or key for efficient storage and retrieval of data in a database.

    The main purpose of hashing in DBMS is to provide fast access to data records. Instead of scanning the entire database to find a specific record, hashing allows the DBMS to determine the storage location directly using the hash code. This significantly reduces the time and resources required to retrieve data, especially in large databases.

    Once the hash code is computed, it is used to calculate the storage location within a data structure called a hash table or hash index. The storage location is typically determined by taking the remainder of the hash code modulo the size of the hash table. Each storage location, often referred to as a bucket or slot, can hold one or more data records.

    1. Key: 

    In hashing, a key refers to a unique identifier or value that is used as input to the hash function. The key is used to compute the hash code, which determines the storage location of the data record in the hash table. It is essential for efficient data retrieval and serves as a reference to access specific data items within the database. 

    2. Data Bucket: 

    A data bucket, also known as a slot, is a storage location within a hash table where data records are stored. Each bucket can hold one or more data records associated with the same hash code. It is used to organize and store data efficiently, allowing for quick access and retrieval of records based on their hash values.

    3. Hash Function: 

    A hash function is a mathematical algorithm that takes an input value, such as a key or data record, and generates a fixed-size hash code or hash value. The hash function should efficiently distribute the data across the hash table, aiming to minimize collisions. It is a critical component of hashing in DBMS as it enables the mapping of data elements to their corresponding storage locations. 

    4.Hash Index: 

    A hash index is a data structure that uses hashing to provide efficient access to data in a database. It consists of a hash table where the hash codes serve as the index or keys. The hash index allows for fast data retrieval by directly locating the storage location based on the hash code. It is commonly used for indexing and searching data based on unique identifiers or keys. 

    5. Linear Probing: 

     Linear probing is a collision resolution technique used in hashing. When a collision occurs and a storage location in the hash table is already occupied, linear probing involves examining the next available slot sequentially until an empty slot is found. This method helps resolve collisions by linearly probing through the hash table, but it can lead to clustering and reduced performance if not managed properly.

    6. Quadratic Probing: 

       Quadratic probing is another collision resolution technique used in hashing. It addresses collisions by probing the hash table in a quadratic manner, i.e., by examining slots at positions that follow a quadratic sequence. This technique helps avoid clustering that can occur with linear probing. However, if not implemented carefully, quadratic probing can also result in performance issues and inefficient data retrieval. 

    7. Bucket Overflow:  
    Bucket overflow occurs in hashing when a bucket, which is a storage location in the hash table, becomes full and cannot accommodate additional data records with the same hash code. To handle bucket overflow, various approaches can be employed, such as using linked lists to chain overflowed records or extending the size of the hash table. Proper management of bucket overflow is crucial to ensure the integrity and efficient storage of data in the hash table.

    Last but not least we also have Hash file organization in DBMS which is a technique used to organize and retrieve data from a file based on a hash function, where records are distributed across fixed-sized buckets or slots determined by the hash value of a key attribute, allowing for efficient access and retrieval of data based on the key value. By taking a Full stack certification, you will be able to learn in-depth about different database management systems.

    Why do We Need Hashing? 

    Hashing is needed in database management systems (DBMS) for several reasons:

    • Efficient Data Retrieval: Hashing provides fast access to data records. By using a hash function and hash codes, the DBMS can determine the storage location of data directly without scanning the entire database. This significantly reduces the time and resources required to retrieve data, especially in large databases.
    • Quick Search Operations: Hashing enables efficient search operations based on unique identifiers or keys. The hash code serves as an index, allowing the DBMS to quickly locate the desired data record. This is particularly useful for applications that require fast query processing and lookup operations.
    • In Hashing we also 2 key techniques namely Indexing and hashing are vital techniques in database management systems, empowering efficient data retrieval through optimized data structures and fast lookup operations.
    • Optimal Performance: Hashing minimizes disk I/O operations, leading to improved performance. By directly accessing the storage location using the hash code, the DBMS avoids unnecessary disk accesses and scans. This results in reduced latency and faster data retrieval.
    • Space Efficiency: Hashing optimizes storage space utilization. The use of hash tables or hash indexes allows for compact storage of data records. Each bucket or slot within the hash table can hold multiple data records associated with the same hash code, maximizing the efficiency of data storage.
    • Collision Handling: Hashing provides techniques for handling collisions, which occur when multiple data elements produce the same hash code. Collision resolution techniques like chaining or open addressing ensure that data records with the same hash code are correctly stored and retrieved.

    Properties of Hashing in DBMS 

    Hashing in DBMS possesses several important properties that contribute to its effectiveness and efficiency in data storage and retrieval: 

    • Fast Access: Hashing allows for fast access to data records. With a well-designed hash function and hash index, the DBMS can directly determine the storage location of data, eliminating the need for full database scans. This results in faster data retrieval, especially for large databases.

    • Deterministic: Hashing produces a deterministic mapping of data elements to hash codes. Given the same input value and hash function, the same hash code will always be generated. This property ensures consistency in locating and retrieving data records.

    • Uniform Distribution: An ideal hash function aims to evenly distribute data across the hash table, providing a uniform distribution of hash codes. This property minimizes the likelihood of collisions, where multiple data elements generate the same hash code, and helps maintain efficient data storage and retrieval.
    • Efficient Space Utilization: Hashing optimizes space utilization by using a fixed-size hash table or hash index. Each storage location within the hash table, such as a bucket or slot, can hold multiple data records associated with the same hash code. This efficient use of space reduces storage requirements and improves memory utilization.
    • Collision Resolution: Hashing provides mechanisms for handling collisions that occur when two or more data elements produce the same hash code. Collision resolution techniques such as chaining (using linked lists) or open addressing (probing through the hash table) ensure that data records are correctly stored and retrieved despite collisions.
    • Scalability: Hashing exhibits good scalability characteristics. As the size of the database grows, the hash table can be resized or rehashed to accommodate the increasing number of data records. This scalability property allows for efficient data management in both small and large-scale databases.
    • Indexing Efficiency: Hashing is commonly used for indexing and searching data based on unique identifiers or keys. With hash indexes, the DBMS can quickly locate the storage location of data using the hash code, resulting in efficient search operations and improved query processing times.
    • Data Integrity: Hashing can be used to ensure data integrity by implementing hash-based checksums. By calculating a hash value for a data record, the DBMS can verify if the record has been modified or tampered with. Hash functions such as MD5 or SHA-1 are often employed for this purpose.

    Types of Hashing in DBMS h2

    a. Static Hashing in DBMS 

    1. Static hashing is a technique in DBMS where the hash table size remains fixed or static throughout the lifetime of the database. It involves dividing the available storage space into a predetermined number of fixed-size buckets or slots. Each bucket is associated with a specific hash code or index value. 
    2. The hash function in static hashing maps data elements to their corresponding storage locations based on their hash codes. The hash code determines which bucket the data should be placed into. The storage location is calculated by taking the remainder of the hash code modulo the number of buckets in the hash table. 
    3. During data retrieval, the same hash function is applied to the search key, generating the hash code. The DBMS then directly accesses the storage location corresponding to the hash code to retrieve the desired data record. If collisions occur, collision resolution techniques like chaining (using linked lists) or open addressing (probing through the hash table) are employed. 
    4. Static hashing provides efficient data retrieval, as the storage location of data can be determined directly without scanning the entire database. It is suitable for applications with a stable and predictable number of data records. However, static hashing may face challenges when the distribution of data is uneven, leading to a high collision rate and potentially affecting performance. 
    5. One disadvantage of static hashing is that if the number of data records exceeds the capacity of the hash table, it may result in increased collisions and reduced efficiency. In such cases, the hash table may need to be resized or rebuilt to accommodate the additional data, which can be a time-consuming process. 
    6. Overall, static hashing offers fast data access and retrieval for databases with a fixed number of data records. It provides a straightforward and predictable mapping of data elements to storage locations, making it suitable for certain applications where the database size remains relatively stable.

    b. Dynamic Hashing in DBMS

    1. Dynamic hashing is a technique in DBMS where the hash table size can be dynamically adjusted or resized based on the database requirements. It addresses the limitations of static hashing by allowing the hash table to grow or shrink dynamically as the number of data records changes.
    2. In dynamic hashing, the hash table starts with a small initial size and can be expanded or contracted as needed. The hash function maps data elements to their storage locations based on their hash codes, similar to static hashing. However, when a collision occurs, instead of using traditional collision resolution techniques, dynamic hashing employs additional mechanisms to handle the situation.
    3. One common approach in dynamic hashing is the use of an extendible hash index. The extendible hash index dynamically adjusts the number of buckets in the hash table by using a directory structure. The directory contains pointers to different levels of subdirectories or buckets. When a collision occurs, the directory is expanded, allowing for more buckets and reducing the collision rate. This approach ensures a more balanced distribution of data and improves performance.
    4. Another approach in dynamic hashing is the use of a dynamic hash table structure. A dynamic hash table can dynamically resize itself by splitting or merging buckets based on the number of data records. When a bucket becomes full, it is split into two new buckets, and the data records are redistributed. Conversely, if the number of data records decreases significantly, adjacent buckets can be merged to reduce storage overhead. This adaptive resizing mechanism allows for efficient space utilization and improved performance.
    5. Dynamic hashing provides benefits such as flexibility in accommodating varying numbers of data records, optimized storage utilization, and reduced collision rates. It is particularly useful in scenarios where the number of data records fluctuates or when efficient utilization of storage space is essential. However, dynamic hashing may involve additional complexity in terms of managing the resizing operations and ensuring proper data distribution.

    Dealing With Hash Collisions 

    Hash collisions occur when two or more data elements produce the same hash code in a hashing system. Dealing with hash collisions is crucial to ensure the correct storage and retrieval of data records. There are several techniques used to handle hash collisions:

    1. Chaining: Chaining is a collision resolution technique that involves maintaining a linked list of data records in each bucket of the hash table. When a collision occurs, the new data record is appended to the linked list associated with the corresponding bucket. During data retrieval, the DBMS traverses the linked list to find the desired record. Chaining allows for efficient handling of collisions but requires additional memory for storing the linked lists.
    2. Open Addressing or Open Hashing in DBMS: Open addressing is another collision resolution technique where the DBMS probes through the hash table to find an empty slot when a collision occurs. Different methods of open addressing include linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing. In linear probing, the DBMS searches for the next available slot sequentially. Quadratic probing involves examining slots using a quadratic sequence, while double hashing uses a second hash function to determine the next probe location. Open addressing requires careful handling to avoid clustering and ensure successful data retrieval.
    3. Rehashing: Rehashing involves resizing the hash table and redistributing the data when the number of collisions becomes significant. It typically involves creating a new, larger hash table and rehashing all the data records using a different hash function or an updated version of the existing hash function. Rehashing can help mitigate collisions and improve performance, but it can be a resource-intensive operation.
    4. Cuckoo Hashing: Cuckoo hashing is an alternative approach that uses multiple hash functions and multiple hash tables. Each data record is assigned to a primary and secondary hash table based on the hash codes from different hash functions. If a collision occurs, the existing record is displaced to its alternate location in another hash table. This process continues until a vacant slot is found. Cuckoo hashing provides constant-time lookup and efficient collision handling but may require additional memory and incur higher insertion and deletion costs.
    The choice of collision resolution technique depends on factors such as the expected number of collisions, desired performance, and memory constraints. Different techniques have their strengths and weaknesses, and their suitability varies based on the specific application requirements.


    Hashing is a fundamental technique in DBMS for efficient data storage and retrieval. It uses hash codes and hash tables to provide fast access to data records. Hashing offers benefits like quick searches, optimal performance, and space efficiency. Collision resolution techniques such as chaining, open addressing, rehashing, and cuckoo hashing handle hash collisions. The choice of technique depends on collision rates, performance requirements, and memory constraints. Understanding the fundamentals of database management is crucial for web developers to learn the databases, handle data efficiently, and ensure data security. You can take up Web Development certificate to build essential web development skills.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is rehashing in DBMS?

    Rehashing in DBMS refers to the process of updating or changing the hash function used to store and retrieve data in a database.

    2How is hashing used in authentication and encryption in DBMS?

    Hashing in authentication and encryption in DBMS involves transforming data into a fixed-length value (hash) using a cryptographic algorithm to verify user credentials or protect sensitive information.

    3What is the role of hashing in password storage in DBMS?

    Hashing plays a crucial role in password storage in DBMS by converting passwords into irreversible hash values, enhancing security and preventing the exposure of actual passwords in case of a data breach.

    4How is hashing used in data integrity and security in DBMS?

    Hashing in data integrity and security in DBMS ensures the integrity of data by generating a hash value for each record or block of data, enabling verification and detection of any modifications or unauthorized changes to the data.


    Gauri Guglani


    Gauri Guglani works as a Data Analyst at Deloitte Consulting. She has done her major in Information Technology and holds great interest in the field of data science. She owns her technical skills as well as managerial skills and also is great at communicating. Since her undergraduate, Gauri has developed a profound interest in writing content and sharing her knowledge through the manual means of blog/article writing. She loves writing on topics affiliated with Statistics, Python Libraries, Machine Learning, Natural Language processes, and many more.

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