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What is Proxy Server? Types, Functions & Use Cases

15th Sep, 2023
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    What is Proxy Server? Types, Functions & Use Cases

    With the rise in cybercrimes, safeguarding your online security becomes crucial. Proxy servers play an important part in this. Discover the concept of proxy servers, including reverse proxy servers, and their significance in cybersecurity. Understand the distinctions between proxy servers and VPNs and other valuable information about Proxy servers in this article. Additionally, Cyber Security certifications enable you to learn about the tools and techniques used by attackers, offering a valuable way to stay safe in the digital world.

    What is a Proxy Sever?

    A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a user and the internet, forwarding requests and hiding the user's IP address for security and privacy purposes. It receives user requests, forwards them to web servers, and sends the responses back to the user, maintaining anonymity.

    How Does a Proxy Work?

    Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how a proxy server works:

    1. The user enters a website's URL in their browser.
    2. The proxy server receives the user's request.
    3. The proxy server, acting on behalf of the user, forwards the request to the server, making it appear as if the request came directly from the proxy server according to the server logs.
    4. The web server processes the request and sends the response back to the proxy server.
    5. The proxy server examines the received response for potential malware or other vulnerabilities, ensuring it is safe for the user.
    6. Finally, the proxy server sends the response back to the user, completing the request.

    The Purpose and Function of Proxy Server

    Proxy servers have various purposes:

    • Anonymity: They hide the user's IP address, ensuring anonymity.
    • Access Control: They allow access to desired websites while blocking unwanted or illegal ones.
    • Content Filtering: They filter out harmful or unwanted content, such as phishing websites or adult content.
    • Bandwidth Optimization: They cache frequently accessed pages, reducing bandwidth usage and improving loading speed.
    • Bypass Geolocation Restrictions: They enable access to restricted websites by using a proxy server with a different location.
    • Load Balancing: They distribute web traffic among multiple servers to balance the workload and improve performance.
    • Security: They protect websites from DoS, DDoS, and other network attacks by blocking suspicious IP addresses.

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    Types of Proxy Servers

    Proxy servers are mainly categorized as the following:

    1. Forward Proxy

    A forward proxy is commonly used by organizations for providing access to the internet to the employees who are behind a firewall or having any other network restrictions. Some individuals also use it for bypassing geolocation, restrictions, censorship, and other security measures. Example of forward proxy service is Squid Proxy.

    2. Reverse Proxy

    A reverse proxy is used in web applications and services to improve the performance, scalability and security. It is used to balance the traffic across multiple servers and also in protecting the websites against threats like DoS, DDoS, etc. Example of reverse proxy service is NGINX Proxy.

    3. Transparent Proxy

    A transparent proxy is used by IPSs and other network provides for caching frequently access content so that the network bandwidth can be reduced and website loading speed can be improved. It is also used by organization for monitoring and filtering the web traffic. Example of transparent proxy service is Google Web Cache.

    4. Anonymous Proxy

    A anonymous proxy is used by individuals or companies when they want to hide their IP address and location while accessing the internet. It is mainly used for bypassing geographic restrictions, censorships and other content filters and for protecting privacy and avoiding tracking. Example of anonymous proxy service is any VPN provider’s proxy server.

    5. High-Anonymity Proxy

    A high anonymity proxy is used by individuals or companies that requires highest level of anonymity and privacy. It is mostly used in investigations, for accessing highly sensitive information, for conducting research or for any other activities which requires an anonymous identity. Example of high-anonymity proxy service is TorGuard.

    6. Distorting Proxy

    A distorting proxy is used by those users who wanted to hide their identity. It works by changing the user’s Ip address to a fake one so that, for the web server it appears like the user is trying to access from a different location rather than their actual location. Example of distorting proxy service is proxysite.com 

    7. Residential Proxy

    A residential proxy is a proxy that is assigned by ISP to a home or business. These are mostly used for web scraping and data mining as they are real IP address of devices across the globe making it legitimate for gathering public data efficiently. Example of residential proxy service is luminati.io

    8. Data Center Proxy

    A data centre proxy is a proxy that offers quick internet access and is capable of handling large traffic. These are not obtained from ISP instead they are obtained from cloud service providers and hosting companies. They are mostly used for web scraping and data collection. Example of data centre proxy service is MyPrivateProxy.net 

    9. Public Proxy

    A public proxy is a proxy that anyone can use to access the internet. These proxies are slow and mostly unreliable as they are overloaded with lot of traffic. These proxies can be easily obtained by just doing a google search and you can get those for free. Example of public proxy service are free proxy site like proxyscrape.com 

    10. Private Proxy

    A private proxy is a proxy that has dedicated IP address which is used by only a single user. These proxies are better than public proxies as they offers high speed and greater privacy. Example of private proxy service is InstantProxies.com

    11. Dedicated Proxy

    A dedicated proxy is a type of private proxy that is used by only one user or client. It is mainly used by businesses and organizations for high security and reliable access to the internet. Example of dedicated proxy service is oxylabs.io

    12. Shared Proxy

    A shared proxy is a proxy that is shared among multiple users, means multiple users are allowed to use a single proxy. These proxies are cheaper than private proxy but are also less reliable and less secure at the same time. An example of shared proxy service is stormproxies.com

    13. Rotating Proxy

    A rotating proxy is a proxy that automatically keeps rotating the IP addresses at regular interval of time. This helps in avoiding detection and prevents blocking a user’s ip by a website as the IP addresses keeps changing dynamically. Example of rotating proxy service is smartproxy.io

    14. SSL Proxy

    A SSL proxy is a proxy that is used to encrypt and decrypt data between user and web server, providing a secure and safe browsing experience to the user. It uses Secure Socket Layer for encryption and decryption and that's why called SSL proxy. Example of SSL proxy service is proxy-n-vpn.com

    Common Use Cases for Proxy Servers

    The most common use cases of proxy servers are as following:

    1. Web Proxy and Internet Filtering

    A web proxy acts as an intermediate gateway between a client and the internet, filtering out unwanted and malicious content while restricting access to specific websites. Schools and companies use web proxies to block social media, game downloading, piracy-related sites, and other inappropriate content, ensuring focus and security.

    2. Application Proxy and Gateway 

    An application proxy specializes in handling specific types of traffic and enhances security and privacy. It enables access control, authentication, and encryption for specific applications. Companies employ application gateways to restrict email access to authorized individuals.

    3. Overcome Websites Restrictions 

    Proxy servers are utilized to overcome restrictions imposed by ISPs or governments, commonly by individuals in countries with censorship or strict workplace rules. They also enable access to geographically restricted websites, such as bypassing government bans on certain foreign websites. 

    4. Prevent Ad Fraud 

    Proxy servers are employed to combat ad fraud, where fake web traffic is generated by bots or fake users. This safeguards the advertising and marketing industry from illegitimate traffic, such as tracking web traffic using a proxy server to ensure the absence of fake bot-generated traffic.

    5. Protect Intellectual Property 

    Proxy servers are valuable for protecting intellectual property in several ways. They can bypass geographical restrictions, efficiently maintain backup files, enhance website loading speed, and monitor consumer sentiments.

    Security Considerations and Risks of Using Proxy Servers

    When it comes to security considerations, individuals and companies should pay attention to the below points:

    1. Encryption: Use strong encryption (e.g., TLS/SSL) for web traffic to mitigate MITM attacks.
    2. Authentication: Implement robust authentication measures (e.g., secure usernames, strong passwords, multi-factor authentication) to prevent unauthorized access.
    3. Access Control: Configure proper access control policies to prevent unauthorized access to restricted websites.
    4. Logging and Monitoring: Enable logging and monitoring to track user and network activity for detecting and investigating suspicious behavior.
    5. Patching and Updates: Keep the proxy server and associated software up to date to mitigate vulnerabilities.
    6. Compliance: Adhere to industry standards and specific security regulations based on government rules and geographical requirements.

    Before using a proxy server, you need to know about the possible risks that are associated with it–

    1. Security Risks: Proxy servers can intercept sensitive information like login credentials, financial details, etc., putting your data at risk if the server is compromised.
    2. Privacy Risks: Proxy servers may log your web traffic, allowing others with access to the server to understand your online behavior and pose privacy concerns.
    3. Malicious Content Risks: Compromised proxy servers can deliver malicious software to your device, leading to serious consequences.
    4. Performance Risks: Proxy servers can introduce latency and routing issues, potentially slowing down your browsing speed.
    5. False Sense of Security: Different proxy servers have varying features, which may give a false sense of security as their intended purposes may differ from what users expect.

    Key Considerations for Proxy Server Selection

    The key consider that you should mainly focus on while choosing the proxy server are as following:

    1. Type: Identify your requirements and choose a proxy type that suits your needs.
    2. Location: Select a proxy server location wisely for optimal browsing speed and access to restricted websites.
    3. Security Features: Ensure the proxy server has basic security features like encryption, authentication, and access control.
    4. Bandwidth & Speed: Check if the server can handle your bandwidth and speed requirements.
    5. Reliability: Prioritize reliability and uptime to ensure the proxy server is always available.
    6. Cost: Look for a cost-effective solution that offers the required features.

    Advantages of Using a Proxy Sever

    Advantages of using proxy servers include:

    • Anonymity: Protects privacy by hiding IP address and identity.
    • Improved Security: Guards against malware and cyberattacks.
    • Bandwidth Efficiency: Reduces data transmission by caching frequently accessed content.
    • Geolocation Bypass: Allows access to regionally restricted websites.
    • Access Control: Controls website access.
    • Load Balancing: Distributes network traffic for better performance.
    • Content Filtering: Filters out unwanted and inappropriate content.
    • Improved Performance: Enhances website loading speed.
    • Cost Savings: Reduces bandwidth costs.

    The use of proxy servers is increasing rapidly for enhanced security and privacy. Future developments may include advanced protocols, AI and machine learning integration, cloud proxies, improved security features, and enhanced scalability.


    In today’s digital era, maintaining your privacy and security has become crucial. Proxy servers can provide an additional layer of security in protecting you against a number of cyber-attacks. By understanding the purpose and functions of proxy servers, you may have understood the need and use of it. We expect you can now make informed decisions on your security and privacy.

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Can a proxy sever be used for content filtering and access control?

    Yes, a proxy server can be used for content filtering and access control as it acts as a gateway between client device and the internet which allows filtering out inappropriate or unwanted material based on predefined rules.

    2How does a proxy server improve performance through caching?

    A proxy server caches frequently accessed web pages, images and all other resources that has been previously requested by users. So, in case, if any other user or the same user tries to access the same image, it can directly serve the content from cached version instead of requesting it from server.

    3What is load balancing, and how does a proxy server help with it?

    Load balancing is the process of distributing traffic across multiple servers so that any single server doesn’t get overwhelmed with too much traffic which reduces the performance problem and downtime. It helps in improving overall availability, scalability and reliability of a system.

    4Can a proxy server bypass geographical restriction?

    Yes, a proxy server can be used for bypassing geographical restrictions as it connects to the internet through a proxy server, so it makes it appear like someone is trying to access the website from the location of proxy server, rather than the physical location.

    5Is proxy server the same as VPN?

    Proxy servers and VPNs both hide IP addresses, but they differ in their methods. Proxies connect through a server, revealing the server's IP, while VPNs encrypt and route traffic through a secure tunnel.


    Dheeraj Yadav

    Blog Author

    A 19y/o self-learned ethical hacker, mainly interested in bug hunting, malware analysis, and digital forensics. Currently expertise in SEO, OSINT, ethical hacking, SOC, Shopify, and front-end web.

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