HomeBlogProject ManagementSoftware Project Manager Salary in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

Software Project Manager Salary in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

23rd Dec, 2023
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    Software Project Manager Salary in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

    The salary of a Software Project Manager is shaped by a multitude of factors, each playing a pivotal role in determining compensation. Experience, geographical location, the industry of operation, and the size and financial capacity of the employing organization are some of the primary drivers behind the variations in earnings within this role. As Software Project Managers progress in their careers, accumulating experience and expertise, their earning potential tends to increase. This article delves into the intricate interplay of these elements, providing insights into the salary ranges and dynamics that Software Project Managers can expect based on their unique circumstances.

    Who is a Software Project Manager?

    Software project managers coordinate software projects and can assign tasks to software engineering teams based on the requirements of a task. Software project managers lead their teams and make sure the software complies with client requirements using their technical expertise, leadership abilities, and experience. You can decide if becoming a project manager is the right career choice for you by understanding what that position entails, the salary and growth prospects.

    Software Project Managers are in high demand, and more companies are looking to hire them. As there are not enough competent professionals to fill all open positions, the gap between supply and demand is widening. Going for Best Project Management courses also improves your knowledge and hence market demand.

    Read further to know the details about the Software Project Manager's salary and job prospects.

    Software Project Manager Salary in 2024

    The salary of a Software Project Manager is influenced by a multitude of factors. From experience and location to industry focus and specific employers, these variables interact to shape the compensation of professionals in this role. Let's explore each factor in detail.

    1. Software Project Manager Salary: Based on Experience

    Software Project Manager salaries vary significantly based on experience. As professionals advance in their careers, they acquire a deeper understanding of project management, leadership, and technical domains.

    • Beginner: $66,903 /yr
    • Intermediate:$97,716 /yr
    • Advanced: $142,722 /yr

    2. Software Project Manager Salary: Based on Location

    a. India

    The average yearly Software Project Manager salary in India is ₹18L /yr

    Top companies' salaries:


    Average Salary in LPA


    ₹ 24


    ₹ 19.6

    Robert Bosch

    ₹ 13.07

    ZF group

    ₹ 23


    ₹ 28.6

    City-wise Average Salaries:

    • Bengaluru: ₹ 21 lacs per annum
    • Gurugram: ₹ 27 lacs per annum
    • Delhi: ₹ 5.60 lacs per annum
    • Mumbai: ₹ 13 lacs per annum
    • Pune: ₹ 25 lacs per annum

    b. US

    In the United States, the average annual salary for a Software Project Manager is $97,809.

    Top companies salaries


    Average Salary



    IQ Inc


    Vector Talent 


    American Institute of Research




    City-wise average salaries

    • Washington DC: $112,835 per year
    • Minneapolis MN: $108,546 per year
    • Pittsburg PA: $108,102 per year
    • New York NY: $106,329 per year
    • Fairfield NJ: $99,504 per year

    c. UK

    In the United Kingdom the average salary for a Software Project Manager is £49,345 per year.

    Top companies' salaries of Software Project Manager salary UK.


    Average Salary

    Concept Resourcing




    NHS Healthcare support workers


    City-wise average salaries

    • London: £55430 per year
    • Nottingham: £52522 per year
    • Milton Keynes: £51179 per year
    • Bristol: £50929 per year
    • Manchester: £49014 per year

    d. Australia

    The Software Development Project Manager salary in Australia is $138,500 per year

    Top companies' salaries:


    Average Salary





    Nightlife Music


    Schaefer Systems


    Papercut Software


    City-wise average salaries

    • Sydney NSW: $142,000 per year
    • Melbourne: $135,000 per year

    e. Canada

    The average salary for a Software Project Manager in Canada is $94,775 per year.

    Top companies' salaries in Canada


    Average Salary





    Robert Half

    $79k- $86k

    CBC/Radio Canada


    General Motors


    City-wise average salaries

    • Montreal: $81,985 per year
    • Ottawa: $90,610 per year
    • Calgary: $104,764 per year
    • Toronto: $103,187 per year
    • Vancouver: $86,930 per year

    f. Singapore

    The average salary for a Software Project Manager in Singapore is $99,570 per year

    Top companies' salaries in Singapore


    Average Salary per year

    OCBC Bank


    Goldtech resources pvt Ltd


    Zenith Infotech


    EPS Consultants




    Factors Affecting Software Project Manager Salary

    This section of the article delves into the intricate web of elements that impact Software Project Manager salaries, providing a comprehensive understanding of how they can vary across diverse circumstances.

    1. Location

    I will explain how location affects a Software Engineer Project Manager salary point by point:

    • Cost of Living: In regions with a high cost of living, such as major cities like San Francisco, New York, or London, salaries tend to be higher to compensate for the increased expenses associated with housing, transportation, and everyday costs. This can significantly impact a Software Project Manager's salary.
    • Tech Hubs: Software project managers working in technology hubs like Silicon Valley, Seattle, or Boston often command higher salaries due to the intense competition for tech talent in these areas. Companies in these hubs are willing to pay a premium for experienced project managers.
    • Local Job Market: The demand for Software Project Managers varies by location. In areas with a thriving tech industry, there's typically a higher demand for these professionals, leading to more competitive salaries.
    • Industry Presence: The presence of specific industries can influence salaries. For example, regions with a strong presence in finance or healthcare may offer higher salaries for project managers specializing in those domains.
    • Remote Work: The rise in remote work has also affected salaries. Software Project Managers working remotely may receive salaries that are more aligned with the cost of living in their home locations, rather than the headquarters of the company they work for.
    • Global Location: When comparing salaries internationally, it's essential to consider exchange rates and economic disparities between countries. Software Project Managers in some countries may earn less or more than their counterparts in other nations due to these factors.

    2. Industry / Employer

    Software Project Manager salaries can vary significantly based on the industry in which they work and the specific employer. Here's how these factors can impact salary:

    Industry: Let me explain how the industry and employer can affect a Software Project Manager's salary point by point:

    • Industry Type: The industry in which a Software Project Manager works plays a significant role in determining their salary. Some industries, such as finance, healthcare, or aerospace, may offer higher salaries due to the complexity and critical nature of projects in these sectors.
    • Company Size: The size of the employer matters. Larger companies or organizations often have more significant budgets for software projects and can pay higher salaries to attract experienced project managers. Smaller firms may offer competitive salaries but might have limited resources.
    • Tech Companies: Software project managers working in technology companies or startups typically command higher salaries, as these organizations prioritize top talent and innovation. The dynamic nature of the tech industry also drives salaries up.
    • Consulting Firms: Project managers employed by consulting firms may receive performance-based bonuses or commissions in addition to their base salary, depending on the success of projects they manage. This can significantly impact their overall compensation.
    • Company Reputation: Prestigious companies or organizations with a strong reputation for successful software projects may offer competitive salaries to attract top talent. Working for such employers can also enhance a project manager's resume and future earning potential.
    • Market Demand: Market demand for specific skills or certifications can influence salaries. For example, project managers with expertise in agile methodologies or cybersecurity may receive higher compensation due to their specialized knowledge. 

    3. Experience

    Experience demonstrates competence and reliability and is valuable to employers, which justifies higher compensation. Hence Senior Software Project Manager salary is quite good.

    I have already mentioned Software Project Manager salaries based on Experience earlier in the article.

    4. Demand and Supply

    The principles of supply and demand can significantly affect Software PM salary. Below is how supply and demand dynamics influence compensation in this role:

    High Demand Scenario:

    • Tech Advancements: High demand often occurs when there are significant technological advancements or industry shifts, such as the adoption of cloud computing, AI, or blockchain. Project managers with expertise in these areas are in high demand.
    • Digital Transformation: Organizations undergoing digital transformation initiatives require experienced project managers to lead and oversee complex projects. The demand is high when companies are striving to modernize their operations.
    • Economic Growth: High demand can coincide with periods of economic growth. Companies expand their IT projects and investments, creating more job opportunities for project managers.
    • Skills Shortages: If there's a shortage of project managers with specific skills or certifications, such as ScrumMaster or PMP, demand surges for those possessing these qualifications.
    • Industry-Specific Demand: Certain industries, like healthcare (e.g., EHR implementations) or finance (e.g., fintech projects), may experience consistent high demand for project management expertise due to industry-specific needs.

    Low Demand Scenario:

    • Economic Downturn: Low demand often occurs during economic recessions or downturns when organizations reduce IT budgets and project investments, leading to fewer job opportunities for project managers.
    • Saturation: A market saturated with project management professionals can result in lower demand. Oversupply of candidates can lead to decreased salaries.
    • Mature Industries: In mature industries where digital transformation has already taken place, demand for project managers may decrease as there are fewer large-scale transformation projects.
    • Automation: Increased automation in project management tasks can reduce the demand for project managers, particularly for routine or administrative roles.
    • Outsourcing: Organizations outsourcing project management functions to reduce costs may lead to fewer in-house project management positions and lower demand.

    5. Credentials / Certifications

    Credentials and certifications demonstrate expertise and commitment to the profession, influencing compensation in several ways:

    • Project Management Certifications (e.g., PMP, PRINCE2): Holding recognized project management certifications after completing PMP online training can significantly impact a Software project lead salary. These certifications demonstrate expertise in project management methodologies and best practices, making candidates more appealing to employers and potentially leading to higher-paying roles.
    • Agile Certifications (e.g., Certified ScrumMaster): In the software development industry, Agile methodologies are widely adopted. Project managers with Agile certifications, such as Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) or SAFe Agilist, may earn higher salaries as they can effectively lead Agile teams and projects.
    • Technical Certifications: Depending on the nature of the projects, technical certifications can be really handy. For instance, project managers overseeing IT infrastructure projects may benefit from certifications like CompTIA Network+ or Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), which can lead to higher-paying roles.
    • Vendor-Specific Certifications: Certain software or technology vendors offer certifications relevant to project management. Holding certifications from vendors like Microsoft, AWS, or Oracle can enhance a project manager's ability to manage projects involving these technologies and may result in higher compensation.
    • Advanced Degrees (e.g., MBA, Master's in Project Management): Pursuing advanced degrees, such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a Master's in Project Management, can open doors to higher-paying leadership positions in project management or program management.

    6. Skills

    Skills have a direct impact on the project manager salary software development:

    • Leadership and Business Acumen: Understanding the business goals and aligning projects with organizational objectives is crucial. Project managers who possess strong business acumen often earn higher salaries as they contribute to the company's success.
    • Problem solving and Conflict Resolution: The ability to manage conflicts constructively and foster a positive team environment can lead to successful project outcomes. Project managers who excel in conflict resolution may be recognized with higher salaries.
    • Risk Management: Effectively identifying, assessing, and mitigating project risks can save organizations time and money. Project managers who excel in risk management are often considered assets and may earn higher salaries.
    • Adaptability: The IT landscape evolves rapidly. Project managers who can adapt to new technologies, methodologies, and industry trends are in high demand and may receive higher salaries.
    • Stakeholder Management: Building and maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders, including clients, team members, and executives, is critical. Strong stakeholder management skills can lead to more significant projects and higher compensation.
    • Negotiation Skills: Negotiation skills are valuable when dealing with project scope changes, resource allocation, and conflict resolution. Skilled negotiators can influence project outcomes and may receive higher salaries.
    • Quality Management: Ensuring that project deliverables meet quality standards is essential. Project managers who prioritize quality management may command higher software developer project manager salary due to their focus on delivering value.
    • Agile and Scrum Expertise: In software development, Agile and Scrum methodologies are prevalent. Project managers with expertise in these methodologies, including Scrum Master certification, can lead Agile teams effectively and may receive higher salaries.

    How to Improve Software Project Manager Salary?

    Improving a Software Project Manager's salary involves a combination of enhancing skills, obtaining relevant certifications, and gaining valuable experience. Here's how to go about it:

    1. Skills

    • Enhance Technical Proficiency: Stay up-to-date with relevant technologies and tools used in your industry. Proficiency in these technologies can make you more valuable to employers.
    • Develop Leadership Skills: Improve your ability to lead and manage teams effectively. Strong leadership skills are often rewarded with higher-paying leadership positions.
    • Focus on Communication: Hone your communication skills, both written and verbal, as effective communication is crucial for project success and career advancement.

    2. Certifications

    • PMP (Project Management Professional): Earning the PMP certification can validate your project management expertise and open doors to higher-paying roles.
    • Agile and Scrum Certifications: If you work in software development, consider certifications like Certified Scrum Master (CSM) or PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) to specialize in Agile methodologies.            
    • Going for the PRINCE2 training online is also a great way to validate your credentials.

    3. Degrees

    • Degree Selection: Choose an advanced degree program, such as a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) or a Master's in Project Management (MPM), to enhance your qualifications.
    • Relevance: Ensure the degree aligns with your career goals and the software project management field.

    4. Experience

    • Accumulate Years of Experience: As you gain more experience as a Software Project Manager, your value in the job market typically increases. More years of experience can lead to higher salary offers.
    • Take on Challenging Projects: Seek out and successfully manage complex and high-impact projects to demonstrate your ability to handle significant responsibilities.
    • Cross-Functional Experience: Broaden your experience by collaborating with different departments and teams within your organization, making you more versatile and attractive to employers.
    • Industry Specialization: Focus on specific industries or niches where your expertise is in demand, as this can lead to higher salaries due to specialized knowledge.

    Why are Software Project Managers Paid So Much?

    Software project coordinator salary is attractive due to several factors that reflect the critical and multifaceted nature of their role:

    • Handling complex projects: Project managers must navigate technical challenges, changing requirements, and unforeseen issues, which requires skill and expertise.
    • Risk Management: Project managers play a critical role in identifying and mitigating risks that can jeopardize project success. Effective risk management can save companies time and money, making project managers valuable assets.
    • Stakeholder Communication: Project managers are often the primary point of contact between the project team and stakeholders, including clients and executives. Clear and effective communication is essential for project success.
    • Talent Management: They are responsible for assembling and managing project teams, including assigning tasks, motivating team members, and resolving conflicts. Effective team management is vital for project delivery.
    • Alignment with Business Goals: Project managers ensure that projects align with the organization's strategic objectives. Projects that contribute to business growth and profitability are highly valued.
    • Adaptability: The IT landscape evolves rapidly, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly. Project managers must stay adaptable and updated, which requires continuous learning and skill development.
    • Specialized Knowledge: Project managers often have specialized knowledge in areas like Agile methodologies, specific industries (e.g., healthcare or finance), or technical domains. This expertise can command higher salaries.
    • Certifications and Education: Many project managers hold certifications complete Project Management online courses which validate their skills and expertise. Education and certifications can increase earning potential.


    Knowing the Software Project Manager salary is crucial for anyone trying to improve their careers in this industry, as I have already stated in this article. It is obvious that professionals would be interested in the attractive income that a project manager might receive. But to be successful, you must have a strong drive to execute the projects efficiently. You can acquire the necessary abilities, but you also need to be certain of why you want to work in that field.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What does a software project manager do?

    It is the responsibility of software project managers to plan, schedule, budget, carry out, and deliver software and online projects. They oversee all software project workers and ensure that all software projects are completed successfully.

    2What is the lowest salary for a project manager?

    Software project manager salary in the US starts from $66,903 /yr.

    3Who gets paid more project manager or software developer?

    Project Managers are usually paid more than developers.


    Kevin D.Davis

    Blog Author

    Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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