HomeBlogAgileExtreme Programming vs Scrum: What are the Differences?

Extreme Programming vs Scrum: What are the Differences?

19th Feb, 2024
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    Extreme Programming vs Scrum: What are the Differences?

    XP Programming and Scrum are two widely used Agile methodologies in software development, each with its own distinct characteristics. XP focuses on engineering practices, emphasizing continuous integration, test-driven development, pair programming, and frequent customer collaboration. It aims to deliver high-quality software through iterative development and quick feedback loops. In contrast, Scrum is a framework for managing projects that encourages teamwork, open communication, and the ability to adapt to changes. It divides work into time-boxed iterations called sprints and employs specific roles, ceremonies, and artifacts. While both methodologies share the Agile principles of flexibility and customer involvement, they approach software development from different angles, with XP emphasizing engineering excellence and Scrum focusing on project management and team collaboration.

    Agile Management training can be beneficial for both XP and Scrum teams. It provides managers and team members with the knowledge and skills required to effectively apply Agile principles and practices

    What is Extreme Programming?

    XP, or Extreme Programming, is a software development method that emphasizes the quality of the software by producing high-quality code. XP focuses on the needs of the customer, the team, and the software development process. It promotes frequent communication among team members, iterative development cycles, test-driven development, and a focus on simplicity. XP is based on the principles of continuous project development and adaptation to changing needs.

    What is Scrum?

    Scrum is an agile framework for managing and organizing complex projects, particularly in software development. Scrum allows teams to deliver working software in short cycles, and to be more responsive to the changing needs of the customers and stakeholders. It encourages collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement, and has proven to be effective in many industries.  It provides a lightweight framework that enables teams to collaborate, adapt, and deliver high-quality products efficiently. Scrum is based on the principles of transparency, inspection, and adaptation.

    Extreme Programming vs Scrum [Head-to-Head Comparison]

    Extreme Programming (XP)
    Extreme Programming (XP)
    Agile framework for managing complex project
    Developed by Kent Beck in the late 1990s
    Introduced by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber in the early 1990s
    Customer, Programmer, Coach
    Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team
    Customer: Requirements, acceptance criteria, prioritization Programmer: Implementation, testing, code quality Coach: Facilitation, guidance
    Product Owner: Backlog management, value delivery Scrum Master: Process facilitation, obstacle removal Development Team: Delivering increments, self-improvement
    Core practices: Test-driven development, continuous integration, frequent releases
    Events: Sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint review, sprint retrospective
    Emphasizes lightweight documentation, focuses on direct communication and code support
    Advocates for just-in-time and "just enough" documentation, relies on artifacts such as product backlog and sprint backlog
    Feedback and Adaptation
    Promotes continuous feedback and adaptation through regular customer involvement and embracing change
    Encourages feedback through sprint reviews, daily stand-ups, and enables adjustments based on insights and changing priorities

    Difference Between Extreme Programming vs Scrum

    Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum are popular Agile methodologies but have key differences. XP emphasizes technical practices and embraces changing requirements, while Scrum focuses on project management and iterative development through time-boxed sprints. Let’s explore the differences:

    1. Extreme Programming vs Scrum: Definition

    Extreme Programming (XP): Extreme Programming is an agile software development methodology that emphasizes close collaboration, continuous feedback, and iterative development. It focuses on delivering high-quality software through practices such as test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent customer involvement.

    Scrum: Scrum is an agile framework for managing and organizing complex projects. It is characterized by its iterative and incremental approach, where work is divided into time-boxed iterations called sprints. Scrum emphasizes self-organizing teams, regular feedback, and continuous improvement.

    2. Extreme Programming vs Scrum: History

    The origin of Extreme Programming (XP) can be traced back to the late 1990s when Kent Beck began developing the methodology. Beck was a software engineer and consultant who had experience working on various software projects and observed the limitations and challenges of traditional development methodologies. He introduced the collaborative and iterative approach in programming which led to the development of what would become known as Extreme Programming.

    Scrum was originally developed by Jeff Sutherland, John Scumniotales, and Jeff McKenna in the early 1990s when Sutherland began experimenting with iterative and incremental approaches to software development. He drew inspiration from various sources, including Takeuchi and Nonaka's concept of Scrum, the work of Ken Schwaber on empirical process control, and his own experiences in the field. The Scrum framework was designed to address the challenges faced by traditional, plan-driven methodologies by emphasizing flexibility, transparency, and customer collaboration.

    3. Extreme Programming vs Scrum: Roles

    Both Extreme Programming and Scrum are agile methodologies that emphasize collaboration and iterative development. Despite sharing similarities, XP and Scrum have distinct differences in the roles they establish. The key difference between Scrum and XP is that Scrum focuses on project management aspects and iterative delivery, while XP emphasizes software engineering practices.

    Extreme Programming (XP) Roles:

    Customer: The Customer represents the stakeholders and end-users of the software. They provide requirements, priorities, and feedback throughout the development process.

    Developer: Developers are responsible for coding and building the software. They engage actively in every phase of the development process, encompassing requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and deployment. rephrase this to female writing style

    Tester: Testers focus on ensuring the quality of the software through various testing activities. They collaborate with developers and customers to define acceptance criteria and create test cases.

    Tracker: In XP, the role of a dedicated Project Manager or Project Leader is less pronounced. Instead, the team takes responsibility for tracking progress and managing the project's resources.

    Coach: The XP Coach, also known as the Scrum Master in Scrum, guides and facilitates the team in implementing XP practices effectively. They help remove obstacles, foster collaboration, and promote continuous improvement.

    Scrum Roles:

    Product Owner: The Product Owner represents the stakeholders and is responsible for defining and prioritizing the product backlog. They ensure that the development team is working on the most valuable features and communicates the vision and requirements.

    Scrum Master: The Scrum Master is the person that facilitates and coaches the team in implementing scrum. They help the team understand and implement Scrum practices, remove impediments, and foster a productive and collaborative environment.

    Development Team: The Development Team consists of individuals responsible for delivering the product increment. They are cross-functional and self-organizing, working together to complete the work committed to during a sprint.

    4. Extreme Programming vs Scrum: Responsibilities

    Extreme Programming (XP) Responsibilities:

    • Customer: Collaborates with the team to provide requirements, priorities, and feedback throughout the development process.
    • Developer: They play an active role throughout the entire development process, encompassing requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and deployment.
    • Tester: Focuses on ensuring the quality of the software through various testing activities, collaborating with the team to define acceptance criteria and create test cases.
    • Tracker: The team takes responsibility for tracking progress and managing the project's resources.
    • Coach: Guides and facilitates the team in implementing XP practices effectively, removing obstacles, fostering collaboration, and promoting continuous improvement.

    Scrum Responsibilities:

    • Product Owner: Represents stakeholders, defines and prioritizes the product backlog, and communicates the vision and requirements.
    • Scrum Master: Facilitates the adoption of Scrum practices, serves as a guide and coach to the team, removes impediments, and ensures a productive and collaborative environment.
    • Development Team: Collaborates cross-functionally to deliver the product increment, self-organizing to complete the work committed to during a sprint. 

    By incorporating agile management training programs like the KnowledgeHut Agile Management training, organizations can enhance their implementation of Scrum or XP for successful software projects.

    5. Extreme Programming vs Scrum: Process

    Agile Extreme Programming vs Scrum are both agile software development methodologies, but they have different process structures. Here's a comparison of the process in XP and Scrum:

    Extreme Programming (XP) Process:

    • Planning: XP starts with initial project planning, including defining user stories, prioritizing features, and estimating effort.
    • Iterations: Development is organized into short timeframes called iterations or sprints. XP typically has shorter iterations, often lasting one to two weeks.
    • Coding: Developers write code collaboratively, following coding standards and best practices. Pair programming, where two programmers work together on the same code, is a common practice in XP.
    • Testing: Testing is an integral part of XP. Developers write automated unit tests to ensure code quality, and testers conduct various testing activities, such as integration testing and acceptance testing.
    • Continuous Integration: Developers integrate their code frequently, allowing for early detection and resolution of integration issues. Automated build and continuous integration tools are often used in XP.
    • Customer Feedback: XP emphasizes close collaboration with the customer. Customers provide feedback during iterations, helping to refine requirements and adjust priorities.
    • Iteration Review and Retrospective: At the end of each iteration, there is a review with stakeholders to demonstrate the working software. The team also holds a retrospective to reflect on the iteration and identify areas for improvement.

    Scrum Process:

    • Product Backlog: The Product Owner creates and maintains a prioritized list of features called the product backlog, representing the project requirements.
    • Sprint Planning: The Scrum Team, including the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team, collaboratively plans the work for the upcoming sprint. The team selects items from the product backlog and defines the sprint goal.
    • Daily Scrum: The Development Team holds a daily stand-up meeting to synchronize their work, discuss progress, and identify any obstacles. The Scrum Master facilitates the meeting.
    • Sprint Execution: During the sprint, the Development Team works on the selected items from the product backlog, aiming to deliver a potentially shippable increment by the end of the sprint.
    • Sprint Review: At the end of the sprint, the Scrum Team demonstrates the completed work to stakeholders in a sprint review meeting. Feedback is collected, and adjustments may be made to the product backlog.
    • Sprint Retrospective: The Scrum Team holds a retrospective to reflect on the sprint, discuss what went well, and identify areas for improvement in their processes and collaboration.
    • Repeat: The Scrum process continues with subsequent sprints, iterating through the sprint planning, execution, review, and retrospective phases.

    6. Extreme Programming vs Scrum: Documentation

    When it comes to documentation, there are some differences between Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum methodologies:

    Extreme Programming (XP) Documentation:

    XP promotes lightweight documentation. It favors direct communication and face-to-face interaction over extensive written documentation. The emphasis is on creating executable code rather than extensive documentation. XP encourages the use of user stories and acceptance criteria to capture requirements in a concise and understandable format. Documentation in XP is often focused on technical aspects, such as documenting code, APIs, and interfaces. XP teams may use simple documentation artifacts, such as diagrams, sketches, or whiteboard drawings, to aid communication and understanding within the team.

    Scrum Documentation:

    Scrum does have a defined set of artifacts that provide transparency and support the development process.

    • Product Backlog: A prioritized list of features, requirements, and user stories.
    • Sprint Backlog: The subset of the product backlog selected for a specific sprint.
    • Increment: The potentially shippable product increment produced at the end of each sprint.
    • Sprint Burndown Chart: Visualizes the progress of work remaining during a sprint.
    • Retrospective: Documentation of the outcomes of the retrospective meeting, including identified improvements and action items.

    Scrum teams may also create additional documentation as necessary to support the development process, such as technical documentation, user manuals, or design documents.

    7. Extreme Programming vs Scrum: Feedback and Adaption

    XP vs Scrum, two popular agile methodologies, both emphasize feedback and adaptation, but they approach them in slightly different ways:

    Extreme Programming (XP):

    Extreme Programming (XP): XP promotes continuous feedback and adaptation. Regular customer involvement, frequent releases, and ongoing testing help gather feedback and validate assumptions. The team embraces change and incorporates customer feedback to refine requirements and improve the software continuously.

    Scrum: Scrum encourages feedback through sprint reviews and daily stand-ups, enabling the team to inspect and adapt their work. It emphasizes transparency, openness to feedback, and the ability to adjust the product backlog and sprint backlog based on new insights and changing priorities.

    How they are Similar?

    Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum share several similarities as they both belong to the agile software development approach. Here are some of the key similarities between Scrum and XP: 

    • Agile Principles: Both XP and Scrum are based on the core principles of the Agile Manifesto, such as prioritizing individuals and interactions, responding to change, and delivering working software in iterations. 
    • Iterative Development: Both methodologies break down work into smaller, manageable pieces and deliver working software in short iterations or sprints. 
    • Collaboration: Both XP and Scrum emphasize collaboration and communication within the development team and with stakeholders. 
    • Continuous Improvement: XP emphasizes feedback loops and continuous learning through practices like customer involvement, testing, and pair programming. Scrum promotes inspection and adaptation for the team to reflect on their process and make improvements. 
    • Empirical Process Control: Both methodologies utilize empirical process control, which means that decisions and adjustments are made based on observed outcomes and feedback rather than predefined plans. 
    • Self-Organizing Teams: XP and Scrum both advocate for self-organizing teams. Team members have autonomy and are collectively responsible for planning, decision-making, and delivering the software increment. 
    • Customer Collaboration: Both methodologies emphasize the importance of understanding customer needs, gathering feedback, and incorporating it into the development process to deliver valuable software.

    What Should You Choose Between Extreme Programming and Scrum?

    Choosing between Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum depends on various factors: 

    • Project Requirements: XP is well-suited for projects with rapidly changing requirements while Scrum works well when the requirements are relatively stable and can be effectively captured in a product backlog. 
    • Team Size and Composition: XP promotes close collaboration and pairs programming, which can be effective for smaller teams with highly skilled developers. Scrum, with its defined roles and ceremonies, can be suitable for larger teams or projects involving multiple stakeholders. 
    • Development Approach: XP focuses on engineering practices like continuous integration, test-driven development, and refactoring. Scrum provides a more lightweight framework that focuses on project management and coordination. 
    • Customer Involvement: XP promotes direct customer collaboration throughout the development process. Scrum also involves customer feedback but through defined ceremonies like the Sprint Review. 
    • Organizational Culture: XP requires a higher degree of organizational flexibility and openness to experimentation and continuous improvement. Scrum provides a more structured framework that can be easier to adopt.
    • Team Experience and Expertise: Evaluate your team's experience and expertise in agile methodologies. If your team has prior experience with XP or Scrum and is comfortable with the associated practices and ceremonies, it may influence your decision.

    Ultimately, the choice between XP and Scrum should be based on understanding your project's requirements, team dynamics, and organizational context.


    In conclusion, when choosing between Extreme Programming (XP) and Scrum, it is important to consider factors such as project requirements, team size and composition, preferred development approach, level of customer involvement, organizational culture, and team experience. XP is suitable for projects with rapidly changing requirements and high customer involvement, emphasizing continuous feedback and adaptability. Scrum is well-suited for projects with relatively stable requirements and provides a more structured framework for project management. In the end, the choice should be guided by the specific requirements and circumstances of your project and team. Additionally, hybrid approaches or a combination of both methodologies can be considered to tailor the development process to your unique requirements.


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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