HomeBlogIT Service ManagementHow to Become an Information Security Manager in 2024?

How to Become an Information Security Manager in 2024?

21st Mar, 2024
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    How to Become an Information Security Manager in 2024?

    According to IBM, the average cost of data breaches in the US is approximately $9.48 million. Plus, it takes an average of 277 days to identify a breach. With cybersecurity attacks on the rise, security must be a top priority for both large and small entities. But who handles this security? Information security managers do! BLS has been expecting a whopping 16% job growth rate for information and computer systems managers between 2021 and 2031.

    I have witnessed many information security professionals acquire specific technical skills through ITIL V4 certification. However, it doesn't end there! A decade ago, I entered the booming field and underwent various qualifications to advance my career.

    Seeking a complete guide on how to become an information security manager? Let’s discuss it!

    Who is an Information Security Manager, and what do they do?

    Before learning how to become an information security manager, understand the responsibilities associated with the role. An information security manager is a professional responsible for ensuring the security of an organization's network, data, and IoT devices against security breaches. Overall, they serve as the brains of the IT and information security teams. Their roles and responsibilities include:

    • Training the team on security risks and the importance of using strong passwords.
    • Managing the IT and information security system.
    • Communicating effectively to ensure employees understand information security policies and procedures.
    • Assessing a company’s security measures and analyzing reports.
    • Managing backup and security systems.
    • Overseeing security violation investigations.

    How to Become an Information Security Manager in 5 Simple Steps

    Are you wondering about the career path for an information security manager? Here’s your ultimate guide on how to become an information security manager.

    Step 1: Master Skills

    Your journey on how to become an information security manager begins with developing your skillset. Let's take a look at some of those skills.

    Top Skills Needed to Become an Information Security Manager

    The first step in how to become an information security manager is to acquire the top skills for the position. Here I have listed a few of them.

    Soft Skills

    Soft skills are an important part of the information security repertoire, especially if you aim to secure managerial positions.

    • Problem-solving: An information security manager needs to grasp problem-solving approaches to deal with the issues that arise in the profession.
    • Interpersonal skills: You need to have good communication and collaboration skills to interact seamlessly with stakeholders and clients.
    • Creativity: You should be able to deploy a degree of creativity to devise the right solutions in the ever-evolving challenge field.

    Hard Skills

    Let's discuss some of the hard skills to become a skilled information security manager.

    • Information security management: Gain expertise in aligning security strategies with business objectives and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.
    • Risk management: Learn to assess and manage risks, encompassing vulnerabilities, and implement risk mitigation to safeguard data.
    • Security architecture and infrastructure: Develop knowledge of security architecture for IT infrastructure, networks, and applications.
    • Incident response and forensics: Acquire the skills to respond to and manage security incidents, including creating response plans, coordinating teams, and conducting investigations.

    Top Information Security Manager Certifications / Degree

    Knowing how to become an information security managerit's time to learn about its required credentials. Certifications, along with academic degrees, will make you the favorite choice for prospective recruits. Here are some of the best options.

    Step 2 - Determine Your Ideal Timeline

    While you wonder how to become an information security manager, remember to determine your timeline to pave your career.

    Start Learning in a Format That Suits You

    The learning format to become an information security manager differs based on your goal. I have begun my journey with a bachelor’s degree in computer science. After graduation, I entered the initial role of security administrator where I assisted my peers in protecting the personal assets of the company. The practical experience has driven me to learn more about how to become an information security manager.

    To advance to managerial positions, I realized I needed to secure my skills in leadership and strategic planning. Hence, I enrolled in professional certification programs, which have bolstered me to a reputed position in the industry today.

    How long does it take to become an information security manager?

    It will typically take 5-10 years for an aspirant to become an information security manager. The timeline for becoming an information security manager can differ based on an individual’s skillset, efforts, and the particular demands of the job profile. Nonetheless, as the threats in cybersecurity evolve, continuous learning will be a constant necessity for information security managers.

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio / Resume

    Building a strong portfolio or resume is one of the essential requirements to be an information security managerTo do this, you have to gain practical experience by working in roles related to information security or cybersecurity. Make sure to document your achievements, projects, and specific responsibilities in these roles. This data should align with your information security manager's job descriptions and responsibilities.

    Step 4: Where and How to Find a Job

    Most companies that store and process personal, sensitive data tend to hire information security managers to protect their data better. Here are some of the top companies that hire information security managers.

    Top Companies Hiring Information Security Manager

    As you learn how to become an information security manager, you can find your job in the following reputable companies. 


    Average Salary (Source: Glassdoor)





    Intel Corporation






    Job Outlook

    The fastest job growth among information systems managers is expected in healthcare organizations, data processing, software publishing firms, hosting companies, and scientific consulting services. Additionally, you may discover further employment opportunities in insurance firms or government agencies.

    Step 4: Ace the Interview

    Navigating the information security manager interview requires more than technical know-how. The interview is designed to probe your expertise and strategic mindset in complex environments. Here are the types of questions to expect to prove your qualifications.

    • Technical expertise and security knowledge
    • Behavior and situational knowledge
    • Leadership and time management
    • Risk management
    • Compliance and regulations

    To help you more, here are some of my tips to prepare for the interview.

    • Research and understand the security landscape of a company to discuss challenges and address them.
    • Review relevant regulations and standardsincluding GDPR, HIPAA, and other frameworks.
    • Assess your soft skills to demonstrate your expertise in the company's leadership.

    Who can become an Information Security Manager?

    Information security professionals have high expectations due to their pivotal role in the modern digital landscape. Let’s see who can become an information security manager.

    Information Security Manager Requirements

    Here I listed out the basic information security manager requirements to begin your career.

    • Earn a bachelor’s degree in computer science, cybersecurity, information science, or a relevant field.
    • Complete an internship to gain hands-on experience during or after your bachelor's degree.
    • Get certified to Validate your skills and knowledge
    • Build professional experience and Enhance your expertise
    • Consider a master’s degree to stay abreast of new technologies in the field.

    Why / Benefits?

    Industry trends estimate that an increasing number of companies will be seeking professionals with the right information systems security manager qualifications to address their security issues.

    What’s the Demand for an Information Security Manager?

    The average growth rate for information security managers is exponentially higher than that of other employment opportunities. The increased demand is attributed to the growing frequency of cyberattacks across various industries, with hackers targeting businesses that store and share critical personal data.

     It includes banks, healthcare facilities, payment processors, and even retailers. Government agencies have also been recruiting skilled information security managers to prevent vulnerability to such breaches.

    Salary Details for the Top 5 Countries

    Given the crucial importance of protecting company data, the pay scale for information security managers can be lucrative. According to the BLS, the median annual salary for computer and information systems managers is projected to be around $164,070 in 2022. Here, I have listed the salaries of information security managers in different countries.


    Average Salary (Source: Glassdoor)


    AUD 125,000 – AUD 163,040


    CAD 99,007 – CAD 137,050


    SGD 7300 – SGD 13000


    INR10,00,000 – INR24,00,000


    $181,000 - $294,000


    £ 53000 - £ 81000


    The demand for skilled professionals in the digital landscape has never been greater. If you aspire to navigate the digital battlefields, embark on your career as an information security manager. Are you wondering how to become an information security manager? I recommend to enrol in Knowledgehut ITIL V4 certification. The course will help you upskill yourself, stay up-to-date on the latest trends, and grow in your career.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How much experience in information security is required to become a manager?

    You should have atleast ten years of experience to become an information security manager. In addition, you have to meet the minimum educational requirement of a bachelor's degree with additional credentials.

    2What certifications are beneficial for an Information Security Manager?

    Certifications like CISSP, CEH, CISM, and more can be beneficial for information security managers. You can also choose Knowledgehut’s advanced information technology courses to develop your expertise in the field.

    3What are the typical responsibilities of an Information Security Manager?

    An information security manager is responsible for managing the security program and protecting the confidentiality and integrity of the company’s assets.

    4How can I gain experience in information security?

    Some of the best ways for aspirants seeking to become an information security manager with experience are joining an internship, finding a mentor, or volunteering or freelance for projects.

    5What are the career progression options for an Information Security Manager?

    You can start your career with an entry-level job as a web administrator. It will give you hands-on experience to progress as a security manager or chief of security operations.


    Manikandan Mohanakrishnan


    Manikandan M is a Senior Consultant with over 18+ years of industry experience. He is specialized in Service Management, Project Management, Process Consultancy, Learning & Development, IT Infrastructure Management, Business Relationship Management, Partner Management. 

    Manikandan worked as a Project Manager with IBM India Private Limited where he was responsible for the delivery of complex infrastructure projects for an Australian Bank. 

    Additionally, he worked as a Service Delivery Manager with TPV Technology India Private Limited to manage Service Operations and Projects across SAARC nations. 

    Over the past 5 years he focused on training and consulting with various service providers. 

    He delivered more than 500+ sessions on Service Management and Project Management modules. 

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