HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentPrincipal Engineer Salary in 2024 [Freshers to Experienced]

Principal Engineer Salary in 2024 [Freshers to Experienced]

12th Mar, 2024
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    Principal Engineer Salary in 2024 [Freshers to Experienced]

    Engineering is an expansive process. It includes everything from problem definition, research, product design, development, and evaluation. I have been in this field for a long time, and after years of experience and learning, I now have a leadership role in this process as a principal engineer. I have been responsible for managing engineering projects from start to finish. It indeed is a crucial and challenging position, but it’s equally rewarding. 

    The average principal engineer salary is around $176,243 annually! Sounds good, right? However, this only happens with appropriate knowledge and skill training.

    For me, enrolling in online courses worked like a catalyst. I took one of the Best Web Development courses online and had a great time learning full-stack development principles. If you’re also interested in pursuing a career in engineering and paving your way up to become a principal engineer, start now.

    I have shared my knowledge and understanding of this role and salary prospects. Read on. 

    Who is a Principal Engineer?

    A principal engineer is an engineering leader overseeing the entire process - research, design, development, and project delivery. As they have a leadership position in engineering, they must also deeply understand the industry and technologies used. Besides this, they are often hired for their skills and expertise in collaborating with different stakeholders, managing multiple projects and disciplinary teams, and guiding engineers.

    Principal Engineer Salary in 2024

    The average principal engineer salary is approximately $176,243 annually. However, the typical range is $100,000-$200,000. The exact amount depends on experience, skills, work location, employer, etc.

    Average Salary [Per hour, Per month, Per year]

    Below is a table with the average salary for the principal engineer per hour, per month, and per year.

    Average SalaryPer HourPer MonthPer Year

    Principal Engineer Salary: Based on Experience

    The principal engineer job salary also depends on your years of experience. Let’s see how.

    • Beginner/Entry-level (0-2 years of experience): The principal engineer salary for freshers is approximately $121,008. The salary grows as you gain more experience. 
    • Intermediate/Mid-level: With a few years of experience, the average salary is around $150,000. 
    • Advanced/Senior-level: The senior principal engineer salary is approximately $190,000.

    Principal Engineer Salary: Based on Location

    Like other salaries, the principal engineer salary in 2024 also depends on the work location. 

    A. India

    The table below shows the average principal engineer salary in top cities in India.


    Average Salary (INR, annual)

    New Delhi27,69,950

    Average principal engineer salaries in top companies in India.


    Average Salary (INR, annual)

    Reliance Industries29,80,000
    Tata Consultancy Services26,90,000
    ICICI Bank10,00,000
    Larsen & Toubro32,70,000
    HCL Technologies30,00,000

    B. US

    Average principal engineer salaries in top cities in the US are mentioned in the table below.


    Average Salary (USD, annual)

    Austin, Texas259,880

    Principal engineers’ salaries in top companies in the US are mentioned in the table below.


    Average Salary (USD, annual)

    Berkshire Hathaway148,000

    C. UK

    The average principal engineer salary in top cities in the UK is mentioned below.


    Average Salary (£, annual)


    The table below lists the average principal engineer salary in top companies in the UK.


    Average Salary (£, annual)

    Lloyds Bank55,000

    D. Australia

    The average principal engineer salary in top cities in Australia is mentioned in the table below.


    Average Salary (A$, annual)

    Gold Coast100,000

    Lead principal engineer salary in top companies in Australia:


    Average Salary (A$, annual)

    Woolworths Group175,000

    E. Canada

    The average salaries of principal engineers in top cities in Canada are mentioned in the table below.


    Average Salary (CA$, annual)


    Principal engineer salaries in top companies in Canada.


    Average Salary (CA$, annual)

    Bank of Canada97,500
    Canadian Pacific122,000

    F. Singapore

    Average principal engineer salary in top cities in Singapore:


    Average Salary (SGD, annual)

    Bukit Batok46,020
    Tampines New Town80,400

    Principal engineer have average salaries in top companies in Singapore.


    Average Salary (SGD, annual)

    Singapore Airlines192,000
    Standard Chartered Bank60,000

    Principal Engineer Salary: Based on Job Roles

    The software principal engineer salary also varies depending on your exact position/role. Numerous roles are similar to principal engineers. 

    We have created a table of these related roles and their respective salaries.


    Average Salary (USD, annual)

    Senior Principal Engineer270,650
    Distinguished Engineer310,825
    Associate Principal Engineer164,517
    Engineering Manager226,509

    Factors Affecting Principal Engineer Salary

    Factors like work locations, company/industry, years of experience, demand & supply, skills, and educational background can influence the principal engineer salary. Let’s look at each in greater detail.

    1. Location

    Like all jobs, principal engineering salaries also vary with your work location. This variation stems from different factors like operational costs, cost of living, etc. You must have seen the difference between principal engineer salaries in different countries; in the US, it is approximately $176,243 annually, and in India, it is INR 29,80,000 (~$35,930).

    2. Industry/Employer/Company

    Principal engineer salary also changes with the company or industry you work in. As it is an engineering-driven role, technology, finance, healthcare, and similar big industries offer more lucrative opportunities. Similarly, prominent companies like Google, Amazon, etc., pay better salaries. For instance, a principal engineer at Google may earn as much as $1,181,882!

    3. Experience

    Your principal engineer salary increases with your experience. Below is a rough idea.

    Years of Experience

    Annual Salary (USD)


    4. Demand and Supply

    Demand and supply also affect the principal engineer salary globally. With higher demand, you can negotiate for better salaries and vice versa. Moreover, engineering professionals like managers and principal engineers are increasingly in demand across various industries like technology, finance, business, healthcare, and biotechnology. 

    5. Credentials/Certifications

    Getting certified by a reputed institution makes you more credible and skilled at your work. Such certifications work as social proof of your practical knowledge and hands-on experience. Adding them to your resume significantly improves your chances of being shortlisted for better positions.

    6. Skills

    Skill enhancement is a non-negotiable element of improving your principal engineer salary. Being skilled in areas like cloud computing, distributed system architectures, advanced programming languages, etc., improves your candidature. 

    How to Improve Principal Engineer Salary?

    Your principal engineer salary is roughly based on the industry average. However, there are ways to increase the same. With appropriate training, skill enhancement, and certifications, you can expect and apply for a better position with a higher salary.

    • Skills

    Focus on advanced skills. Enrolling in training programs like a Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp can help you hone your skills in areas like frontend development, UI optimization, etc. Additionally, a proficient principal engineer must be technically adept at programming and troubleshooting. So, invest time and resources to stay updated with the latest technologies. You must also work on soft skills like leadership, collaboration, communication, etc. They help you create and maintain a productive work environment.

    2. Certifications

    Credible certifications can add significant value to your resume and place you for better offers. They also showcase your commitment and interest in gaining hands-on experience and honing your practical skills.

    3. Degrees

    You must have a relevant educational background to become a principal engineer. This includes a bachelor’s degree in computer science, advanced mathematics, statistics, or any related field. A master’s or additional education is not necessary; however, they can improve your principal engineer salary prospects. 

    4. Experience 

    Principal engineers who have been in the field and worked with numerous technologies over time are preferred. Your years of experience often testify to your performance and skills built over time. The more experienced you become, the better your salary will be.

    Why are Principal Engineers Paid So Much?

    The principal engineer is a senior engineering professional. So if you, by hard work and dedication, become one, you will be responsible for ensuring that engineering teams are aligned with the goals and work collaboratively. As it is a seniority position, you may not directly do the groundwork, i.e., program, design, or analyze the product. However, you are accountable for how the product turns out. Clearly, principal engineers have a high stake in the process and, hence, are paid handsome salaries.


    Principal engineers are a vital part of engineering processes. They are highly demanded to oversee engineering processes and lead multidisciplinary teams, making them some of the most highly paid-engineers globally. However, to become a principal engineer, you must be adept at core engineering skills like computer science, advanced programming languages, full-stack development, etc. Attending a Front End Development Bootcamp is an excellent way to kickstart this. Moreover, you must also work on interpersonal skills like communication and collaboration and soft skills like pressure management, task prioritization, and leadership. So, kickstart your engineering journey now.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the highest salary of a principal engineer?

    There is no fixed cap on a principal engineer’s salary. However, the salary may go as high as $350,000!

    2What does a principal engineer do?

    Principal engineers oversee entire engineering projects from start to finish. They often have a leadership and guiding position and are expected to manage the process instead of doing the groundwork, like programming, troubleshooting, etc. 

    3Is a principal engineer equal to a manager?

    While the role is more on a managerial front, it still differs from that of an engineering manager. The primary difference arises due to the veracity of technical intricacies. Principal engineers also oversee this aspect, while managers are responsible for project orchestration.

    4What benefits are commonly associated with principal engineer positions?

    For starters, principal engineers are the top-level executives in an engineering/software development firm. Engineering professionals must have several years of experience to reach this leadership position. Consequently, it is a highly paid role, and companies offer extravagant packages. 


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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