HomeBlogSecurityHow to Become a White Hat Hacker in 2024? [Step-by-Step Guide]

How to Become a White Hat Hacker in 2024? [Step-by-Step Guide]

02nd Apr, 2024
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    How to Become a White Hat Hacker in 2024? [Step-by-Step Guide]

    Working as a white hat hacker could be the right career choice for you if you’re a student who wants to use your hacking skills for the benefit of society. White hat hackers operate inside moral and legal bounds and have authorization from the company to perform security testing. Their main objective is to identify and report these vulnerabilities in order to assist organizations in strengthening their security.
     Even if there is a higher demand than ever for white hat hackers, pursuing this career still requires a lot of knowledge and skills. In this article, I have tried to cover essential aspects of white hat hacking as a career. Continue reading to find out more about this fascinating career and discover precisely how to become a white hat hacker.

    Who is a White Hat Hacker, and What Do They Do?

    When you hear the term “hackers,” you most often picture those who break into computer systems without authorization and try to damage them. Although this is frequently the case, white hat hackers have a completely different motivation for their actions.
     Hackers with white hats are morally upright. They will attempt to breach an organization’s system or network to test its IT security after first obtaining authorization. When a white hat hacker finds weaknesses in the company’s security system, they expose the problems so that efforts can be made to fortify the security of the system.
     They, therefore, carry out typical hacker tasks, but their goal is to aid organizations, not harm them. Let’s go on to the most essential part of this topic i.e., How do you become a white hat hacker?

    How to Become a White Hat Hacker in 5 Simple Steps?

    Learn how to become a White Hat Hacker in a few simple steps, starting with mastering essential skills and obtaining relevant certifications or degrees. Soft skills and hard skills play crucial roles in this journey. Below are the steps to become a white hat hacker:

    Step 1: Master Skills

    Mastering the top skills, both technical and soft, and obtaining recognized certifications or degrees can pave the way for a successful career as a White Hat Hacker.

    Top Skills Needed to Become a White Hat Hacker:

    • Programming Proficiency: Master languages like Python, Java, or C++ for scripting and understanding vulnerabilities.
    • Networking Knowledge: Understand networking protocols, architecture, and security measures.
    • Operating System Expertise: Gain proficiency in various operating systems, especially Linux.
    • Cryptography Understanding: Learn cryptographic principles and algorithms for secure communication.
    • Web Application Security: Understand web vulnerabilities and secure coding practices.

    Soft Skills:

    • Ethical Mindset: Develop a solid ethical foundation and commitment to responsible hacking.
    • Problem-Solving: Cultivate effective problem-solving skills to identify and fix vulnerabilities.
    • Communication Skills: Communicate findings clearly to non-technical stakeholders.

    Hard Skills (Categorized):

    • Penetration Testing: Acquire skills in ethical hacking, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment.
    • Forensics and Incident Response: Understand digital forensics and incident response procedures.
    • Reverse Engineering: Learn the art of reverse engineering for understanding malicious code.

    Top White Hat Hacker Certifications/Degrees:

    • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): Obtain the CEH certification for a comprehensive ethical hacking skill set. Avail the CEH training program to prepare well for this certification.
    • Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP): Pursue OSCP to validate practical skills in penetration testing.
    • Bachelor’s/Master’s in Cybersecurity: Consider degrees in cybersecurity to gain a solid academic foundation.

    Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Timeline

    This second step in your journey of ‘how to become a white hacker’ is vital for planning. The timeline to become a White Hat Hacker varies based on individual learning preferences, prior experience, and the chosen learning format. Combining structured learning with practical experience is key to achieving expertise in ethical hacking.

    Start Learning in a Format That Suits You:

    • Online Courses: Enroll in reputable online platforms offering courses in ethical hacking, penetration testing, and cybersecurity fundamentals.
    • University Degrees: Consider pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in cybersecurity through traditional university programs or online education.
    • Bootcamps: Join cybersecurity boot camps for intensive, hands-on training in a condensed timeframe.
    • Self-Paced Learning: Utilize self-paced learning resources, such as books, tutorials, and practice labs, to accommodate individual schedules.
    • Certification Programs: Focus on industry-recognized certification programs like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) for targeted skill development.

    How Long Does It Take to Become a White Hat Hacker?

    • Foundational Skills (6-12 months): Gain proficiency in programming, networking, and operating systems through online courses and self-paced learning.
    • Specialized Skills (1-2 years): Dive deeper into areas like penetration testing, cryptography, and forensics through advanced courses, certifications, or degree programs.
    • Certification Preparation (Varies): Allocate time for dedicated preparation for certifications, which may range from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity. Taking up Cyber Security training courses can help you prepare faster.
    • Practical Experience (Ongoing): Engage in practical exercises, hands-on labs, and real-world projects to apply theoretical knowledge and build practical skills continuously.
    • Continuous Learning (Ongoing): Stay updated on evolving cybersecurity trends and technologies through continuous learning, conferences, and industry publications throughout your career.

    Step 3: Begin Building Your Portfolio/Resume

    Building a comprehensive portfolio demonstrates your expertise and enhances your appeal to potential employers. Cover the points mentioned below in your portfolio/resume. A solid resume is an important aspect of ‘how to be a white hat hacker?’

    • Educational Background: Highlight your academic qualifications, including degrees, certifications, and relevant courses.
    • Skill Showcase: Create a skills section showcasing your proficiency in programming languages, networking, operating systems, and cybersecurity tools.
    • Projects and Achievements: Feature hands-on projects, CTF challenges, and any real-world applications of your skills. These will help you in ‘how to learn white hat hacking?’
    • Certifications: Clearly list earned certifications, emphasizing their relevance to ethical hacking.
    • Professional Experience: Include any relevant work experience, internships, or freelance projects related to cybersecurity.
    • Soft Skills: Mention soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and ethical mindset.

    Step 4: Where and How to Find a Job

    As the digital landscape evolves, the need for skilled White Hat Hackers continues to rise, offering diverse opportunities across industries.

    A. Top Companies Hiring White Hat Hackers:


    Average Salary Range (USD)


    $100,000 - $150,000


    $90,000 - $140,000


    $95,000 - $145,000


    $85,000 - $130,000


    $80,000 - $120,000


    $110,000 - $160,000


    $100,000 - $150,000

    B. Job Outlook for White Hat Hacker:

    The demand for ethical hackers is growing rapidly as organizations prioritize cybersecurity. Positions include:

    • Security Analysts: Focused on monitoring and responding to security incidents.
    • Penetration Testers: Conducting simulated attacks to identify vulnerabilities.
    • Security Consultants: Providing expertise for improving overall security posture.
    • Incident Responders: Handling and mitigating cybersecurity incidents.

    Step 5: Ace the Interview

    By preparing thoroughly, showcasing your skills confidently, and demonstrating a strong ethical mindset, you can increase your chances of excelling in a White Hat Hacker interview.

    Overview of the Interview Process:

    • Technical Assessment: Expect practical assessments to demonstrate hands-on skills in areas like penetration testing, cryptography, and system analysis.
    • Behavioral Questions: Anticipate questions probing your ethical mindset, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork skills.
    • Cybersecurity Scenario: Prepare for scenarios where you analyze and respond to cybersecurity incidents.
    • Certification Validation: Be ready to discuss your certifications, their relevance, and how you obtained them.

    Tips for Success:

    • Stay Updated: Be knowledgeable about the latest cybersecurity trends and tools.
    • Communication Skills: Clearly articulate your thoughts, findings, and solutions.
    • Ethical Mindset: Emphasize your commitment to ethical hacking principles and responsible disclosure.
    • Problem-Solving Scenarios: Practice solving real-world scenarios to demonstrate your critical thinking abilities.
    • Portfolio Showcase: Use your portfolio to showcase projects, achievements, and practical experiences.
    • Ask Questions: Show interest by asking thoughtful questions about the company’s cybersecurity practices.
    • Continuous Learning: Highlight your commitment to continuous learning and staying updated in the ever-evolving field.

    Who Can Become a White Hat Hacker?

    White Hat Hacker Requirements:

    • Educational Background: A degree in computer science, cybersecurity, or a related field provides a strong foundation.
    • Programming Skills: Proficiency in programming languages like Python, Java, or C++ is essential for ethical hacking tasks.
    • Networking Knowledge: Understanding networking protocols, architecture, and security measures is crucial.
    • Operating System Expertise: Familiarity with various operating systems, especially Linux, is beneficial.
    • Cybersecurity Certifications: Certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) validate ethical hacking skills. KnowledgeHut’s CEH Certification is perfect to prepare for a career in this field.
    • Soft Skills: Strong ethical mindset, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills are vital.
    • Continuous Learning: A commitment to continuous learning is necessary to stay updated on evolving cybersecurity threats and technologies.
    • Hands-On Experience: Practical experience gained through internships, projects, or hands-on labs enhances skill application.
    • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP): Optional but valuable certification demonstrating expertise in cybersecurity principles.
    • Ethical Mindset: A commitment to ethical hacking principles and responsible disclosure is paramount.
    • Problem-Solving Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills are crucial for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities.
    • Collaborative Nature: Ability to work collaboratively in teams and effectively communicate findings to stakeholders.
    • Legal and Ethical Awareness: Understanding and adhering to legal and ethical guidelines surrounding hacking activities.


    I am mentioning the top benefits of becoming a white hat hacker amongst the numerous ones:

    • Critical Role in Cybersecurity: White Hat Hackers play a crucial role in identifying and mitigating cybersecurity threats and enhancing overall digital security.
    • Ethical Contributions: Contributing ethically to safeguarding digital systems and protecting sensitive information.
    • Continuous Learning Opportunities: Engaging in continuous learning to stay updated on evolving cyber threats and cutting-edge technologies.
    • Varied Career Opportunities: Diverse career opportunities in roles such as security analysts, penetration testers, and cybersecurity consultants.
    • Global Impact: Collaborating globally to counteract cyber threats and contribute to international cybersecurity efforts.
    • Lucrative Salary Packages: Enjoying competitive salaries in recognition of the specialized skills and responsibilities.
    • Job Security: The high demand for cybersecurity professionals ensures job security and career growth.

    Demand for White Hat Hackers:

    According to industry reports, the demand for ethical hackers continues to rise globally, with organizations prioritizing cybersecurity in the face of increasing cyber threats.

    Salary Details for Top 5 Countries:


    Average Annual Salary 


    $90,000 - $130,000


    £50,000 - £80,000


    AUD 80,000 - AUD 120,000


    CAD 80,000 - CAD 110,000


    SGD 60,000 - SGD 90,000

     Note: Salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, certifications, and the specific organization.

    Common Challenges When Aiming to Become a White Hat Hacker with Solutions

    The job profile of a white hat hacker is attractive, but becoming one is not easy. Here are the top challenges that you can face:

    1. Educational Barriers:

    • Challenge: Limited access to formal education or cybersecurity programs.
    • Solution: Utilize online courses, certifications, and self-paced learning to gain essential skills. Participate in webinars, workshops, and virtual training platforms.

    2. Technical Complexity:

    • Challenge: Overwhelmed by the technical complexity of hacking tools and methodologies.
    • Solution: Start with foundational skills, gradually advancing to more complex topics. Engage in hands-on labs and real-world projects for practical experience.

    3. Certification Costs:

    • Challenge: Financial constraints in pursuing expensive certifications.
    • Solution: Explore affordable or free certifications scholarship programs and consider employer-sponsored training opportunities.

    4. Limited Networking:

    • Challenge: Difficulty in networking with experienced professionals in the field.
    • Solution: Join online forums cybersecurity communities, and attend conferences or meetups to connect with experts. Utilize social media platforms for networking.

    5. Staying Updated:

    • Challenge: Keeping up with rapidly evolving cybersecurity trends.
    • Solution: Follow industry blogs, subscribe to newsletters, and actively participate in webinars to stay informed. Engage in continuous learning and professional development.

    Tips to Become a White Hat Hacker

    Follow these important tips in your journey to become a white hat hacker

    • Educational Foundation: Build a solid educational background in computer science or cybersecurity.
    • Programming Proficiency: Master programming languages, especially Python, for scripting and tool development.
    • Networking Knowledge: Understand networking protocols, architectures, and security measures.
    • Hands-On Practice: Engage in practical exercises, CTF challenges, and real-world projects for skill development.
    • Certifications: Pursue industry-recognized certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).
    • Continuous Learning: Stay updated on cybersecurity trends through continuous learning, webinars, and industry publications.
    • Ethical Mindset: Cultivate a strong ethical foundation and commitment to responsible hacking practices.


    Hope this article on ‘How to become a white hat hacker?’ offered useful insights. White hat hackers are the sentinels of the digital world today, guarding against cyber hazards. With express consent, they employ ethical hacking techniques to find legal weaknesses. They adhere to a methodical procedure, employing instruments and white hat hacking methods to find vulnerabilities in a system or network.

    Overall, with their knowledge and dedication to cybersecurity, these moral defenders safeguard our digital environment. They protect everyone’s access to a safer digital environment by acting as the white hat heroes against evil powers.

    By enrolling in a cybersecurity course, you can ensure that innovation can flourish in a secure environment and become a part of this exciting world.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Who is the No One white hat hacker?

    The world’s most skilled white hat hacker, according to many, is Kevin Mitnick. Mitnick was formerly listed as one of the FBI’s Most Wanted Hackers after he broke into 40 major organizations using black-hat hacking techniques. He currently serves 500 federal agencies, as well as businesses worldwide, as a security expert and consultant. 

    2How long is the white hat hacker course?

    The length of a White Hat Hacker course might differ greatly depending on the particular certification or program selected. While more extensive programs, degrees, or certifications could take several months to a few years, depending on the depth of the material and the learner’s pace, short courses, and boot camps might only last a few weeks.

    3Is a white hat hacker a job?

    White hat hacking is a real career. White hat hackers are ethical cybercriminals who utilize their expertise to identify weaknesses in computer systems’ security. They might serve as contractors for businesses or as security experts

    4What is the salary of a white hacker in India?

    According to Glassdoor, In India, the average monthly wage for an ethical hacker is ₹68,250. In India, an ethical hacker can expect to receive an additional ₹18,250 on average, ranging from ₹12,250 to ₹43,125.


    Vitesh Sharma

    Blog Author

    Vitesh Sharma, a distinguished Cyber Security expert with a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in the Telecom & Networking Industry. Armed with a CCIE and CISA certification, Vitesh possesses expertise in MPLS, Wi-Fi Planning & Designing, High Availability, QoS, IPv6, and IP KPIs. With a robust background in evaluating and optimizing MPLS security for telecom giants, Vitesh has been instrumental in driving large service provider engagements, emphasizing planning, designing, assessment, and optimization. His experience spans prestigious organizations like Barclays, Protiviti, EY, PwC India, Tata Consultancy Services, and more. With a unique blend of technical prowess and management acumen, Vitesh remains at the forefront of ensuring secure and efficient networking solutions, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the cybersecurity landscape.

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