HomeBlogBusiness ManagementQuantitative Analyst Salary: Detailed Salary Structure for QA

Quantitative Analyst Salary: Detailed Salary Structure for QA

15th Feb, 2024
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    Quantitative Analyst Salary: Detailed Salary Structure for QA

    Who is a Quantitative Analyst?

    The trading and share market are tricky businesses. However, it is also a market where you can find high-paying jobs! The quantitative analyst is one such job role that is much in demand in the share market. These experts formulate algorithms or programs on a computer system to handle the stocks after exchanging, buying, or selling shares. Companies keep a predetermined cost at which they want to trade their shares or fix a price at which they want to buy the shares. As the market goes up and down in minutes, not keeping track of the share prices can lead to a missed opportunity. Hence, these organizations appoint analysts to set algorithms efficiently enough for their systems to handle buying and selling of the shares.

    It is a promising job role as the quantitative analyst salary is attractive! Anyone with a computer science or statistics background can join the specialist business management courses and start their career in this domain. There will be plenty of job opportunities, and as share markets will continue to exist till the time businesses are running, job security will never be a question.

    Role of a Quantitative Analyst

    Before you start looking for the career path details or the courses you can join, it is crucial to understand the roles of the quantitative analyst. Know what responsibilities you must handle to get an attractive quantitative financial analyst salary. Listed below are the roles and responsibilities of these experts. 

    • These experts do thorough research to understand the trends and market statistics. Then, with the help of their research reports, they create tools and programs that can help in profitable trading.
    • They create models or strategies for trade operations, and they figure out ways to successfully implement these models. If required, they also partner with mathematicians or physicists to get better results.
    • Quantitative analysts also perform tasks like analyzing the daily stock reports to understand the risks involved and plan their strategies. The basic idea is to recognize the patterns and use them to design algorithms for stock management.
    • The senior analysts also provide consultation to the higher management in a financial organization, helping them handle their share prices. It is a high-paying job, and the senior quantitative analyst's salary is higher than the amount that people with the same experience get in other domains.

    These are the fundamental roles any quantitative analyst has to perform during their professional career. The better their expertise level is, the higher the chances of job security and an attractive salary.

    Salary Structure of a Quantitative Analyst

    Now that you know everything about this job role, it is time to explore the salaries you can expect while working in this domain. If you are a beginner with no prior experience working as an analyst, expect to start with a salary package of INR 4 LPA. This amount keeps increasing as your experience or expertise level in the field gets better. Moreover, the salary package can rise if you have a good start and join a job after completing the reliable KnowledgeHut’s business management courses.

    It is an average for the quantitative risk analyst salary, but multiple factors decide what you will get. These factors include company location, organization level, experience and expertise level, and qualifications. These factors have a significant role in deciding what salary you will get. For example, if you try to fetch the job offers at a multi-national firm, expect a better package. Similarly, if your experience level is higher and you have taken professional courses in the domain of a reliable educator, the job you get would also be promising. So let us dig deeper and discuss the details of factors that determine your salary.

    Factors Determining Quantitative Analyst Salary

    Different factors that determine the quantitative strategist's salary are as listed below.

    1. Company Location

    Where your company is based, in which city determines what salary package you can get. Opt for multinational companies if you want an excellent package, as the startups may not be able to offer an attractive amount.

    2. Type of Company

    A quantitative analyst at Goldman Sachs or other popular organizations obviously has a better job scale and an attractive salary. But, on the other hand, a beginner or a person with minimum experience working at a mid-level company may not enjoy more than 23k a month as a salary.

    3. Employee Experience

    Experience changes everything! Once you have been in the market for a decade, your expertise and salary increase considerably. In addition, you will have a better understanding of the market and will have developed many tools and algorithms that can help an organization exponentially. That is what the companies look for in experienced employees and they can even pay them a higher salary.

    4. Qualification and Certifications

    Another factor determining your salary is your qualification background and the certification course you have done. If you come from a computer science or statistical education background and have an additional business management course, your chances of getting an excellent salary package are high.

    5. Expertise and Skill

    Some professionals get the best salaries early in their careers. It happens because of their skills and expertise level. So, you can also work on your skill set to ensure a good salary without waiting for years. 

    These are the fundamental factors that determine the salary package that any quantitative analyst can get. Whether you want to be a quantitative analyst at Google or at a renowned investment banking company like Goldman Sachs, these factors will decide how much you can expect as a salary. Therefore, it is better if you have clarity of these factors to pre-plan your targeted jobs.

    Quantitative Analyst: Pay Scale Based on Location

    Location is a primary factor determining the quantitative analyst salary at Goldman Sachs and other renowned organizations. Multinational firms often plan to set up their offices in metro cities because of easy resource availability. At the same time, the small towns only have mid-level companies that cannot afford a higher salary scale. The reason is that these companies in a small city do not have projects of value significant enough to accommodate a higher salary scale. So, if you wish to grab a job role with the best package, you should target a location where you can find better companies.

    Quantitative Analyst: Pay Scale Based on Companies

    Another factor that determines quantitative strategist Goldman Sachs salary is the company type. While the MNCs with significant work scope can pay you an attractive salary of approximately INR 5 LPA, the smaller organizations or the startups may only offer INR 3 LPA. Other than this, the companies that hire in-house strategists for only handling their company's stocks offer lower packages than the companies that hire analysts for third parties. Again, the difference is in the scope of work, and with the increased work scope, the salaries also increase.

    Quantitative Analyst: Pay Scale Based on Experience

    Experience is a factor that determines the salaries of almost every expert in all the domains. Similar is the case with quantitative analysts. As you begin your journey in this domain, your salary package may not be as much as you expect. However, as years pass by, your experience level improves, and so does your salary package. Experience signifies that the person appointed has gained the required experience and has hands-on experience in algorithm design. It helps the companies know that you are the right person for their requirements, so they are ready to pay you more.

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    It is fair to say that a quantitative analyst is a promising job role that you can opt for if you want a secure and highly yielding career. You need to be from a computer science background or have a degree in statistics to be eligible to work as an analyst. Moreover, you can also join a professional certificate course to gain professional knowledge and understand the related concepts. Once you are ready, start exploring jobs in the companies of your choice, and you can start working in the trade market. 

    Your starting salary may fall around INR 3.5 LPA, but it will keep increasing as your experience level improves. After a few years of service, you can expect your salary to be around INR 12 LPA. So, you can plan the entire journey considering the salary you want, and the job type you are willing to take up. Start now, and you can enjoy a safe, secure, and promising professional career. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are Quantitative Analysts?

    These experts create and implement algorithms and tools for better trading. In addition, they research the market trends and plan a strategy to ensure yielding trading for their organization.

    2Is a Quantitative Analyst a well-paid job?

    Yes. It is one of the highly paid job roles. However, to grab the best packages, you need to be academically strong and have hands-on experience in the industry.

    3What is the salary of a Quantitative Analyst with no experience?

    At the start of the career, a quantitative analyst can expect a salary of INR 3.5 LPA. However, this number increases as your experience level improves.

    4Does Quantitative Analyst have a promising future?

    This job role has a secure and promising future as people are getting more inclined towards share trading. So, once you are in this domain, expect a fruitful professional career ahead.


    Mansoor Mohammed

    Business Agility Expert

    Mansoor Mohammed is a dynamic and energetic Enterprise Agile Coach, P3M & PMO Consultant, Trainer, Mentor, and Practitioner with over 20 years of experience in Strategy Execution and Business Agility. With a background in Avionics, Financial Services, Banking, Telecommunications, Retail, and Digital, Mansoor has led global infrastructure and software development teams, launched innovative products, and enabled Organizational Change Management. As a results-driven leader, he excels in collaborating, adapting, and driving partnerships with stakeholders at all levels. With expertise in Change Management, Transformation, Lean, Agile, and Organizational Design, Mansoor is passionate about aligning strategic goals and delivering creative solutions for successful business outcomes. Connect with him to explore change, Agile Governance, implementation delivery, and the future of work.

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