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Technology Consultant Salary in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

27th Dec, 2023
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    Technology Consultant Salary in 2024 [Freshers & Experienced]

    With technology touching new milestones every day, technology consultants are becoming the must-have assets to the corporate world!
    A technical or technology consultant guides clients to constructively optimize technology for their own benefit. Their expertise and instructions support organizations to operate more efficiently. Moreover, the dynamic job role even assures the best incentives. Generally, technology consultants with more experience or specialized skills may command higher salaries. That said, the pay range may even vary depending on the type of company, with larger companies often offering higher salaries than smaller ones.
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    Who is a Technology Consultant?

    A technology consultant is a professional who specializes in providing advice and technical assistance to companies and organizations to help them make the most of their technology resources. Technology consultants generally have a wide range of skills and expertise in areas like computer networking, software development, database management, website design, and more. They may also be responsible for coordinating with vendors, researching and testing new technologies, and helping the organization develop strategies to maximize technology investments.

    What is the Average Salary of a Technology Consultant?

    Technology consultant salary is not limit to already-set criteria. The numbers keep on increasing based on the skills and level of expertise in the field. Also, there is a difference between the different levels of technology consultants, i.e., a senior technical consultant salary may not match the assistive technological consultant salary.

    Hence, the average salary varies widely depending on experience, qualifications, and location.  According to PayScale, the average salary for a technology consultant ranges from $45,000 to $98,000 per year, with the median salary being $67,000.

    Factors that Impact Technology Consultants in 2024?

    Technology updates itself every moment and highly impacts the role of technical consultants. Thus, being a technology consultant, you must keep an eye on the latest trends and advancements and keep yourself updated.

    1. Years of Experience

    When it comes to salary, experience plays a major role, and expertise develops with practice. If you study the average payscale, a senior Tech consultant with 10+ years of expertise makes $102,210 per year, while an entry-level Tech consultant gets $64,743 yearly. After all a seasoned Tech Consultant's Salary will be more than a less experienced one.

    2. Qualification

    The higher qualification you possess, the better chance of getting a better salary package. Your salary will typically be impacted by how well your educational qualifications match the typical requirements for the desired position. Furthermore, often salaries can be impacted by educational excellence. A technology consultant pay might also be affected by the kind of program they have enrolled into.

    3. Geography

    Whether you believe it or not, a location's topography definitely has an impact on the compensation a tech consultant might receive. There is a good possibility that the tech consultant salary in your area will be significantly greater if you reside in a major city or an area with a high cost of living.

    4. Certifications

    Unlike educational qualifications, credentials are not mandatory to work as a consultant. But they also help you cover topics that degree programs might not teach you, and also credentialing programs can teach both hard and social skills. Additionally, they make it simple for prospective employees to see your devotion, expertise, and dedication. KnowledgeHut provides certifications to provide you with the best learning experience. You can go for Software Development course to further enhance your learning skills.

    5. Networking

    You should begin developing connections if you are searching for a Tech consultant position. Your network is more than just a pool of potential customers. Asking for recommendations from their networks is how many consulting companies begin the recruiting process. If you are able to get a position through the network process there is a chance that you might get the right technology consultant salary package you deserve.

    Technology Consultant Salary: Based on Job Roles

    The salary varies depending on the job roles. Read on and learn more about the salaries of the different job roles:

    Job RoleAverage Technical Consultant Salary
    Technology Analyst$ 75000 p.a
    Senior Technology Consultant$ 95000 p.a
    Associate Technology Consultant$ 80,000 p.a
    Technical Consultant Lead$115,000 p.a
    Senior Technology Consultant Associate$ 105,000 p.a

    Technology Consultant Salary: Based on Experience

    1. Entry-Level

    Entry-Level Technology Consultants are those with little or no experience. The average entry level technology consultant salary ranges from $50,000 - $70,000 p.a.

    2. Mid-Level

    Mid-level Technology Consultants are those with some experience in the field along with some essential certifications that enhance their CVs. Their salary ranges from $70,000 - $100,000 p.a. Click to get the complete Software Development courses list and enroll yourself in one today.

    3. Experienced

    Experienced technical consultants have the highest experience in the field and hence hold a senior place. Thus, the average senior technology consultant salary ranges from $100,000 - $150,000.

    Technology Consultant Salary: Based on the Company

    Different companies have different Technology Consultant Salaries. However, if you are a freelancer or part-time technical consultant, peep into the current technology consultant hourly rate and decide yours accordingly.

    CompanyAverage Technical Consultant Salary
    Virtusa Consulting Services$ 83,000 p.a
    Infosys$ 91,000 p.a
    PwC Technology$ 86,000 p.a
    Ernst & Young$ 90,000 p.a
    Micro Focus$ 87,000 p.a
    DXC Technology$ 87,000 p.a
    Accenture$ 93,000 p.a
    Hewlett-Packard Enterprise$ 88,000 p.a
    Deloitte$ 94,000 p.a
    AgreeYa Solutions$ 80,000 p.a

    Technology Consultant Salary - Based on Skills

    Generally, consultants with more experience and education will command higher salaries. For example, a consultant with a bachelor's degree and ten years of experience might command a salary of $90,000 or more.

    In comparison, a consultant with a master's degree and 20 years of experience could command a salary of $150,000 or more. Additionally, the salary of a consultant with specialized skills, such as software development or cybersecurity, can be significantly higher than that of a general technology consultant.

    Technology Consultant Salary: Based on Certifications

    The salary of a Technology Consultant will depend on the individual's experience, qualifications, and certifications. Generally speaking, those with more certifications and higher levels of experience can expect to earn higher salaries.

    According to PayScale, the median annual salary with 1-4 years of experience is $59,898. For those with 5-9 years of experience, the median annual salary is $79,747, and for those with 10-19 years of experience, the annual salary is $97,904. Those with 20 or more years of experience can expect to earn a median annual salary of $106,847.

    Technology Consultant Salary: Based on Location

    Different Countries may have varied technology consultant salaries. Read on to get a glimpse of the fluctuating rates.

    LocationAverage Technical Consultant Salary
    India₹ 10,00,000 p.a
    US$ 90,000 p.a
    UK£ 50,000 p.a
    UAEAED 120,000 p.a
    AustrailiaAU$ 90,000 p.a
    CanadaC$ 80,000 p.a
    SingaporeS $70,000 p.a
    Germany€ 50,000 p.a

    Technology Consultant salary Based on Education Background

    The salary will vary depending on the individual's educational background, experience, and other factors. Generally, those with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field will have the highest salaries, ranging from $60,000 to $100,000 annually. Those with a Master's degree in Computer Science or a related field may earn up to $120,000 annually. Those with Doctorate degrees in Computer Science may earn upwards of $150,000 annually.

    Technology Consultant Skills

    The varied Technical Consultant salaries are highly influenced by the skills and capabilities of the candidate. However, we first need to know all about them. So, here are the different skills required to be a Technical Consultant. 

    Skills Required to be a Technology Consultant 

    1. Technical Expertise: Technology consultants must have a strong technical background in various areas, including systems analysis, software development, network engineering, database design, and web development. They earn $80,444 on average.
    2. Business Acumen: Technology consultants must understand the business environment in which their clients' work, including the industry, competitors, and customer base. They must be able to make recommendations that are tailored to the client’s specific needs. This skill is essential one for a high business technology consultant salary. They can earn an average of $82,954. 
    3. Communication Skills: Technology consultants must communicate complex technical concepts and ideas clearly and concisely to clients with varying levels of technical knowledge. Good communication skills can make you earn over $86,316 on average. 
    4. Problem-solving Skills: Tech consultants must be able to identify problems and develop solutions. They must be able to analyze data and make informed decisions. With appropriate problem-solving skills, a tech consultant can earn over $60,000 as a beginner.
    5. Project Management SkillsTechnology consultants must manage multiple projects simultaneously, stay organized, and meet deadlines. They must be able to coordinate tasks and resources between teams. With project management skills, a consultant can earn $80,790.
    6. Interpersonal Skills: Technology consultants must be able to build relationships with clients, vendors, and other stakeholders. They must also be able to work collaboratively with other professionals to ensure successful project completion. They can earn an average salary of over $85,000.

    How Much Do Technology Consultants Make?

    The amount a technology consultant makes can vary greatly, depending on the consultant's experience, qualifications, and industry. According to Glassdoor, the national average salary is $79,945 annually in the United States.

    Nevertheless, it's always in your hands to enhance these numbers by achieving more success in the field is always in your hands.

    Future of Being a Technology Consultant

    The ever-changing technology has a better future for all its admirers. Technology is constantly changing and evolving, so technology consultants will be in high demand for their expertise and insights. You will need to stay ahead of the curve and be able to provide innovative solutions to your clients. As technology advances, you should be able to adapt to the changing landscape and keep up with new trends and advancements. Providing high-level advice and analysis to your clients, as well as managing large-scale projects, is what you require to be the perfect fit for the top companies. All in all, with the right skills, experience, and qualifications, you can expect to have a prosperous future.


    The looming period will bring endless possibilities to the role and responsibilities of a technology consultant. So, get ready to experience some amazing transformations and advancements in the industry. However, make sure to brush up skills each day, as no matter what, the average technology consultant salary still highly depends on your skills and level of expertise. Also, you can also go for KnowledgeHut course for Developer and work towards improving your skills.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is a technology consultant a good career?

    Yes, a technology consultant can be a good career. They help businesses identify opportunities to use technology to improve operations, and they often have the skills and knowledge needed to implement changes. Additionally, they typically have strong communication and problem-solving skills, which can be beneficial in many areas of business.

    2Are Technology consultants highly paid?

    Yes, technology consultants are highly paid. Technology consultants typically earn a salary of around $75,000 to $150,000 per year, depending on their experience and skillset. Some of the most successful technology consultants can earn as much as $250,000 per year.

    3Are Technology consultants in demand?

    Companies need expert advice, guidance, and implementation regarding their technology systems and processes. The need for technology consultants will continue to grow as technology continues to evolve.

    4What is the future of Technology consultants?

    Technology consultants are in great demand, and the future looks bright. As technology evolves and becomes more complex, companies will need consultants to help them implement new systems, develop strategies, and optimize their operations.

    Additionally, with the increasing shift to digital transformation and cloud-based solutions, technology consultants are needed to help companies navigate the ever-changing landscape. Therefore, the future of this role is one of continual growth and advancement.

    5What are the skills of a Technology Consultant?

    A Technology Consultant must have communication skills, problem-solving abilities, project management, and a high level of technical expertise. It will not only help them be an expert in their field but also enhance their overall personality.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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