HomeBlogData ScienceData Analyst Salary in US in 2024: Complete Earnings

Data Analyst Salary in US in 2024: Complete Earnings

27th Dec, 2023
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    Data Analyst Salary in US in 2024: Complete Earnings

    Numerous businesses, financial transactions, surveys, research, and development, produce enormous amounts of data. This information plays a crucial role in comprehending real-life problems by translating them into logical and statistical representations and analyzing them to find solutions. 

    Data analysis is a part of the business development and innovation of superior products. But as intellectual fellows on earth, we never settle for what we have. Instead, we look for new innovative products, and the developers always need help with problems that demand logical and statistical backing. Hence, the scope for data analysis is ever-growing. 

    Who is a Data Analyst, and What Do They Do?

    A data analyst analyzes information or data to answer statistical questions or solve problems related to the data. The primary responsibility of a data analyst is to convert qualitative data into numerical form and process and analyze it to draw insights into customer behavior. In addition, the data analyst plays a role in identifying potential possibilities for product and business development. 

    A data analyst uses logic-based tools and techniques and computer programming to realize goals, develop a new product, or form better business strategies. Data analysis involves five steps: 

    • Identification of important data 
    • Collection of data 
    • Data refinement  
    • Analysis of data using relevant mathematical functions 
    • Interpretation of results for qualitative and quantitative conclusions

    Average Data Analyst Salary in the US

    The average salary of a data analyst in us is one of the highest in developed countries. The average salary of a data analyst in USA is $70,293. While the lowest package or the starting salary of data analyst in USA for low-profile data analysts starts from $49,966 per annum, it may go up to an average salary of a data analyst in USA $98,889 for roles in high-standard companies.  

    Data Analyst Salary Deciding Factors in the USA

    There are many deciding factors for data analyst average salary in USA and data analyst salary in the US. The standards of these aspects vary among companies and industries, and the average salary of a data analyst in USA is decided according to the responsibilities given by the companies. Some include: 

    1. Education

    Bachelor's degree in computer science, engineering, math, or any other related stream is the minimum requirement to earn an average salary in USA. Short-term courses in the US also enhance data analytical skills, adding credibility to the candidates' strengths and leading to a higher US based data analyst salary. However, the candidates must know the course's value and choose the best Data Science Certification.  

    2. Experience

    Experience is essential in deciding salary in any industry. Likewise, a data analyst USA salary depends on the experience level, including entry-level, mid-level and senior level. The entry-level has 1 or 2 years of experience, the mid-level analyst has 3 to 5 years of experience, and senior analysts have more than ten years. Data analyst fresher salary in USA is higher than in other countries. 

    3. Industry

    Data analysis is necessary for several industries, but the scope of it varies among them. Hence, a data analyst salary in the USA depends on the industry. USA based data analyst salary may be higher for specific industries as compared to others. 

    4. Geographical location

    Data analyst salary USA depends on the geographical location as it determines the scale of the business. Metropolitan cities with heavy populations pay their data analyst better than small towns.

    Data Analyst Salaries by Experience in the US

    The average salary for a Data Analyst in USA is around $84,488. There are various levels for a data analyst, like the entry-level, mid-level, and senior level, and the salary keeps fluctuating as per the experience. The average additional cash compensation and the total compensation for a Data Analyst in the US range between $52,052 and $136,540. 

    The average salary of data analyst in USA per year in dollars and the data analyst salary in us for freshers as per the experience is as follows: 

    ExperienceSalary (Average)

    Entry level (0 to 2 years) 


    Mid-level (5 to 9 years) 


    Senior level (more than ten years) 


    Data Analyst Salary by Location in the USA

    The data analyst salary also varies from location to location. The main cities and the average salary of the data analyst are mentioned in the table below: 

    CityAverage salary per year







    New York  






    Los Angeles  




    Data Analyst Salary by Industry in the US

    The average data analyst USA salary also depends on the industry that is being worked upon. Multiple industries, like the education industry, the software industry, the retail industry, etc., have different methodologies, hence the variations in salaries. The table below shows the variations. 

    1. Education

    The average salary of a data analyst in the USA in education is $60,000, which may go up to $82,000 annually. Data analysts in education extract data on education platforms, analyze the outcomes and identify the possibilities to optimize them. It allows various e-learning platforms to adopt better methods and techniques of teaching.  

    2. Software and IT services

    Data analysts in the software and IT industry collect data on users’ engagement and satisfaction with software and IT solutions to help the developers to create better solutions. The average pay scale of a data analyst in the industry is $68,000. 

    3. Retail

    Data analysts play a crucial role in price optimization, preventing retailers from varying the selling price without analyzing the market. They also predict the performance of a product in the market based on the features of the previous product and users’ experience with the products. The average data analyst salary in the retail industry is about $65,000 a year.  

    4. Hardware and networking

    Hardware and networking rely on data analysts to determine the performance of the products and services and predict future demands and trends, allowing the companies to shift gears of production. Data analysts in the industry make about $72,800 a year.  

    5. Public Safety

    Data infiltration has created a wave of compromise in cyber security, jeopardizing public safety. Data analysts are in demand due to the need to identify and analyze data breaches, which allows access to information related to health, personal affairs, financial matters, etc. A data analyst in USA can find an extensive scope in public safety and earn about $56,000 annually. 

    6. Healthcare

    Data analysis in healthcare is instrumental in drawing trends in diseases and medicines, allowing medical experts to realize the priority of public health situations and improve the healthcare system. They earn about $65,000 per year, and data analyst salary in the us for freshers in healthcare is the highest compared to other countries.    

    7. Finance

    Data analysts are pivotal in the world of finance. Data analysis is one of the most sorted job skills in the USA, and it is well-honed across various finance positions. The average salary of a financial data salary falls between $68,340 and $86,835. 

    Top Paying Companies for Data Analysts in the USA

    Most companies emphasize understanding user behavior towards their products and services. They may rely on data analysis on website behaviors to improve their products and bring up innovative ideas. Such companies attract talented data analysts and pay the highest salaries as follows. Here are some USA-based data analyst salary packages.  

      Name of the companyAverage salary per year



    Meta (formerly Facebook) 


     Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) 








     Capital One 


     United States of Defense 




    Skills that Affect Data Analyst Salaries in the US

    Data analysis is a vast stream that needs several tools of information technology. Some companies prefer specific skill sets and pay a higher salary to the candidates who are proficient with them. Some technical skills that earn more pay scale than the average data analyst USA salary are as follows. 

    1. Tableau

    Tableau is an analytics tool to visualize and process many substantial data files. Tableau knowledge allows data analysts to handle data in various formats and answer business questions. An additional advantage of Tableau is its ability to interact with tools and platforms, such as R programming.  

    Hence, candidates with skills to use tableau efficiently earn 15% more than the average salary of a data analyst in the US.  

    2. Adobe analytics

    Adobe Analytics is a comprehensive data analytics tool with extensive data coverage. It unifies digital channels, draws information from them, and processes them in real-time. This makes the tool robust and allows data analysts to act fast. Hence, it is precious in making business decisions. Data analysts who are dexterous adobe analytics users earn about 34% more than the average salary.  

    3. SQL

    SQL is programming used for data management in relational databases. It allows analysts to access data at its storage without copying it into the analytical tools. Therefore, it allows the processing of enormous amounts of data enabling business decisions based on accurate data. SQL analysts earn about 28.5% more than the average salary.  

    Data Analyst Salary Comparison by Gender in the USA

    Women are thriving in every industry and in most roles. However, the pay scale of women is close to that of men in data analyst roles. The average data analyst salary in US for women is $78,196, while men earn $81,674 per year.  

    Data Analyst Bonus and Incentive Rates in the US 

    In the US, data analysts receive a bonus of about 5% of their salary, which is about $3,500. Per year. Several companies offer stocks, which are transferred to their employees only to convert them to cash after at least one year.  

    5 Ways to Boost Your Data Analyst Salary in the US in 2024

    A salary hike is something every employee works hard for. Various learning programs and enough practice can enhance your skills. Data Analyst Bootcamp has become a tested ground for data analysts to work on their demonstratable skills. 

    A few ways you can boost your Data Analyst salary are as follows: 

    1. Upgrade your technical skills

    Technical skills related to the interpretation of data are a crucial criterion for data analyst salary in USA. Moreover, various tools in every profession get upgraded owing to technological advancements. Therefore, staying up to date with new add-ons enables data analysts to work efficiently. Hence, you attain a position to negotiate for higher pay. 

    Technical skills related to specializations in data analysis, including data mining, statistical and quantitative analysis, multivariate testing, and predictive modeling, have a high value. In addition, programming, particularly R and python, enhances the competence to take up higher roles.  

    2. Earn an advanced degree or certificate

    Most companies hire bachelor graduates from science, technology, engineering, and math streams as they rely on training freshers. However, the lack of in-depth knowledge and technical skills in data analysis delays your advancement in your career and attaining a high salary.

    Therefore, opting for mainstream courses like KnowledgeHut Data Science course in USA through higher degree programs and other Ph.D. equips the aspirants of a data analyst with a deep understanding of the mechanism of working with data. Furthermore, programs that focus on specializations, such as data mining and multivariate analysis, give intense insights into the field and increase your marketability.  

    In addition, several institutes and online education platforms also offer short-term courses focusing on sub-specializations. These help you secure high-profile jobs with a higher pay scale. 

    3. Gain extra experience

    If you have already enrolled in higher programs focusing on data analysis, you can boost your earning potential by gaining experience through internships, fellowships, and project-based roles. In addition, several institutes and companies welcome talented students to join their teams and enhance their technical skills. 

    These opportunities provide exposure to the real world and help build your network of professionals in data analysis. Data analyst fresher salary in US is higher at the entry level if the candidate proves his competence working in industrial set-ups.  

    4. Do not settle for a short pay scale

    When you strongly feel and know, for a fact, that you deserve a better salary, seek a job with another organization. Research the value of your skills and how your compensation stacks up in the market using salary calculators. Several resources are available to gauge your value in the backdrop of the status quo of the industry.  

    You can discuss your salary with the hiring managers in your potential or current employer and present your research. In addition, knowledge of the salary of your peers in the geographic location is also crucial. 

    5. Have track of your performance review

    Some companies have systems to track the performance and contribution of their employees to the company. But if your company still needs to put that in place or its review model is of low standard, you can approach your manager for testimonials or reviews in a legitimate format highlighting your accomplishments. They may include the efficiency of your work and the utilization of tools available. Thus, you will have detailed documentation of your progress in your current position. In addition, it helps you convincingly present yourself for a higher salary.  


    Data analysis is one of the fields in demand as it finds application in most industries, and several career experts predict further growth of the scope of the field. Since developed countries make up a significant part of the global application of data science and analysis, job consultants across the globe are inclined towards the roles in the field. Data analyst salary USA is one of the most attractive packages you can get across the globe. With numerous programs available to boost your skills, there is always room for you to improve your salary. We hope this blog helps our learners in getting a clear understanding of data analyst salary in the USA. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is a Data Analyst internship an excellent way to get a job in the USA?

    Yes. It gives exposure to industrial set-up, which adds to your experience. Having insights into how industrial setups function adds more credibility to your candidature. 

    2What is considered a good data analyst salary in the USA?

    The average salary of a data analyst in the US is $70,293 per year. Therefore, a package about the average can be considered a good one.

    3Who gets paid more, a Data Analyst or Data Scientist in the USA?

    Data scientists earn more than data analysts because they create tools required for data analysis, and their skills are more advanced than those of data analysts.

    4Do Data Analysts make more than Engineers in the USA?

    No. The average salary of software engineers is more than that of data analysts.

    5What month does a data Analyst get appraisals in the USA?

    Data analysts in the USA receive appraisals in April every year. Upon proving their competency, they receive a hike in their salaries.

    6Is Data Analyst a high-paying job in the USA?

    Yes, it is one of the high-paying jobs in the USA as demand for them is ever on the rise due to growing data with the human population. 


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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