HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentJava Full Stack Developer Salary in India

Java Full Stack Developer Salary in India

19th Jan, 2024
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    Java Full Stack Developer Salary in India

    One of the best and most reliable programming languages ever made is Java. The fact that Java has been around for more than 20 years is no small accomplishment. A developer with in-depth knowledge and proficiency of Full Stack Java tools and frameworks is known as a java Full Stack developer. Working with servlets, core Java, the REST API, and other tools in Java suite of technologies make it simple to create online applications. The term "full-stack" explains itself because a full-stack developer needs to be familiar with every layer of any stack they choose, including the MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, and LAMP Stack. 

    It is a fantastic career choice, and enrolling in an online full-stack web development course is the simplest method to become a developer. Also, it looks fantastic on a resume and does wonders with your Java full stack developer salary expectations. Let us have a closer look at the salary details and factors affecting it. Check Java Full Stack developer course online to understand topics and techniques related to database stacks.  

    Java Full Stack Developer Salary Structure in India 

    Here is all the information you need to know about a Full-stack Java developer's salary in IndiaA full-stack developer in India makes an average base yearly income of ₹ 6.0 LPA. The salary usually ranges from ₹ 3.0 Lakhs to ₹ 14.5 Lakhs based on various criteria. 

    One of the highest-paid career positions in India is unquestionably that of a full-stack developer. However, it should be remembered that various criteria, including experience, talents, geography, and company, that determine a Full Stack Java developer’s salary. 

    Java Full Stack Developer: Salary Based on Location 

    A Full Stack developer's annual base salary in India is around ₹ 6.0 LPA. A Full Stack Developer's pay scale will also depend on the city they work. The IT sector is well-established in some cities and generates greater profits than in other areas, and daily costs for transportation, accommodation, and food have increased.  

    Bangalore has the most job opportunities because it is considered the hub of India's tech industry and is among the cities paying high annual Full Stack developer salaries in India.  

    According to the city of employment, the following table breaks down the Java Full Stack Developer Salary in India.

    CitiesAverage Salary (INR)  
    Bangalore₹702K / yr  
    Hyderabad₹704K / yr
    Pune₹702K / yr
    Chennai₹600K / yr
    Delhi₹651K / yr
    Kolkata₹479K / yr
    Ahmedabad₹606K / yr
    Mumbai₹738K / yr

    Java Full Stack Developer: Salary Based on Companies 

    The developer's compensation package is usually decided by the business that hires them, which is another factor to keep in mind. As a result, if you work as a fresher, you may anticipate making more money at certain companies than others. 

    A wage scale for Java full-stack developers is shown below, based on companies:


    Average Salary 


    Rs 4.5 Lacs 


    Rs 5.6 Lacs 


    Rs 5.6 Lacs 


    Rs 4.7 Lacs 


    Rs 5.2 Lacs 

    HCl technologies 

    Rs 5.4 Lacs 


    Rs 7.2 Lacs 


    Rs 5.9 Lacs 

    Oracle Rs 14 Lacs

    Java Full Stack Developer Pay Scale Based on Experience

    A java full-stack developer is more than just a programmer who writes code to make a program run. From design to deployment, he or she is in charge of the entire development process. To be effective, the developer must have substantial experience in all elements of the application development process.

    As a result, when determining the average salary of a java developer in India, experience is a key deciding factor. 

    The average salary for a java developer is Rs 293,272 per year for a fresher and Rs1,396,371 per year for an experienced java developer. 


    Average Base Pay/yr (INR) 

    Fresher (>1 year)  


    Early Career(1-4 years) 


    Mid Career (5-9 years) 


    Experienced (<10 years)  


    Java Full Stack Developer Skill Set

    Different skills can have an impact on your pay. The following are some of the most important abilities that might improve your salary:  



    Web Technologies 

    CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, HTML 

    Java Web Frameworks 

    SpringMVC, Play, Java Server Faces 

    Application Containers 

    JBoss, Jetty, WebSphere, WebLogic 

    Java Testing Tools 

    JUnit, TestNG, Selenium 

    Read more about FSD by checking the detailed article on how to become a full stack developer. 

    Factors Determining Java Full Stack Developer Salary

    1. High Market Value

    The new face of web development and technology is the full-stack developer role. Every outstanding marketer wants to employ a full-stack developer because the tech industry is developing, and their versatility is highly valued. 

    2. A Well-Paying Job in India

    There is no doubt that the Full-stack Java developer's salary is on the escalating curve. Employers are aware of their extensive skill set and diversity of job roles, which calls for high pay.  

    3. Workforce Scarcity

    Many developers identify as Full Stack developers, but very few are capable of carrying out this varied work. There aren't many people who are good at everything. Therefore, there is a scarcity of competent and experienced full-stack developers in the workforce.

    4. Par Productivity

    This industry's adaptability promotes growth and talent up-gradation. Therefore, if you are a genuine student, investigate this sector for opportunities for ongoing improvement and a better future.

    Role of a Java Full Stack Developer

    • Create interactive user interfaces by utilizing various front-end technologies.
    • To retrieve data from the servers, one should be able to construct a solid backend architecture employing various technologies.
    • Developing servers and databases that never crash and operate indefinitely.
    • Ensuring cross-platform compatibility by developing programs that run on several operating systems.
    • Depending on the application, the developer is in charge of creating the API.
    • The developer is in charge of creating adaptable apps that satisfy user needs.
    • Keep up to date on new development-related tools, frameworks, methods, and architectures.
    • Conceive, design, and deploy a finished product based on company demands.
    • Control a team of developers and maintain effective communication to plan a product's future and improve performance.
    • Organize and direct a group of programmers, designers, and network administrators to produce digital results that support company goals.

    What is a web development course? For the answer, a web development course helps you learn to utilize advanced tools to design and create interactive websites. Check out such courses online to gain valuable skills and increase your career prospects.

    Top Cities where Knowledgehut Conduct Full Stack Developer Bootcamp Course

    FSD Bootcamp in Bangalore
    FSD Bootcamp in ChennaiFSD Bootcamp in Singapore
    FSD Bootcamp in PuneFSD Bootcamp in DubaiFSD Bootcamp in India
    FSD Bootcamp in Hyderabad
    FSD Bootcamp in DelhiFSD Bootcamp in Malaysia
    FSD Bootcamp in MumbaiFSD Bootcamp in CanadaFSD Bootcamp in USA


    One of the most astonishing expansions in the history of the globe has been the IT industry, which has fueled the development of numerous other companies. People worldwide depend on the reliable scripts created by Java full-stack developers to keep in touch and work together despite being separated by countries.

    Although there are various criteria and factors that determine a Full Stack Java developer's salary in India, the key determinants of your salary are the skills you possess, how well you develop them, and how quickly you advance and aid in the organization's growth.

    Java full-stack developers' technical expertise has enabled the evolution of online communication. Check out Java Full Stack developer bootcamp from KnowledgeHut to gain experience as a Full-Stack Developer in a product-based company, build a job-ready project portfolio, and become a self-sufficient, versatile software developer with all the necessary skills for a tech career. This beginner-friendly Full-Stack Web Development Course is available online in blended learning mode as well as on-demand self-paced format.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is Java Full Stack Developers?

    A full-stack developer for Java is a specialist who understands how to use full-stack frameworks and technologies that are compatible with Java. Their area of expertise is working with the entire Java suite of technologies, which includes web architecture, databases, REST API, and servlets needed to create websites and mobile applications. 

    2Is Java Full Stack Developer a well-paid job?

    A career as a Java Full-Stack developer is an exciting opportunity for those who want to stay ahead of the curve and are genuinely interested in the latest technologies. In India, the average salary for a Full Stack Java Developer ranges from ₹ 3.0 Lakhs to ₹ 14.5 Lakhs. Lakhs. 

    3What is the salary of a Java Full Stack Developer with no experience?

    The average starting salary for a Java Full-Stack Developer is around ₹ 3.0 Lakhs per year. 

    4Does Java Full Stack Developer have a good future?

    Employers seek out developers with various skill sets and traits to limit their use of resources. As a result, Java full-stack development is a great career choice because specialists in this industry can manage and supervise any given circumstance during product development. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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