HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentJava Developer Salary in 2024

Java Developer Salary in 2024

26th Dec, 2023
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    Java Developer Salary in 2024

    Java is one of the most popular programming languages in use today. It's used for developing applications, enterprise software, and websites. You can create desktop applications, Android apps, and much more with Java. A Java Developer is responsible for planning, creating, and administering Java-based applications. The daily roles of java developers vary significantly due to the widespread use of Java, particularly by large organizations. Still, they can include owning a specific application or working on several at once.  

    Java developers are highly sought-after professionals who earn a good salary. Read on to know how much money you can expect as a Java developer! 

    Who is a Java Developer

    A java developer works in the software development team whose job is to create, design, and manage Java programs that have the property to adapt and work across platforms.  

    A Java developer is entitled to a full application development process along with executing Java code. A Java developer ensures the effective and efficient development of an application and its deployment on a server from the stage of programming to resolving errors.  

    As Java is used by many large companies and developers for programming and developing apps, Java Developers profit from its widespread use and highly skilled adaptability. As a result, one of the reasons why java developer wages in India are among the highest is because of this.

    Java developer skills

    You can learn Java or even brush up on your skills while earning certification with this Complete Web Development Course

    Java Developers Salary in 2024

    1. Java Developer Salary: Based on Experience

    The salary of Java developers is based on their years of experience. A person with more than 10 years of experience can earn up to $150,000. Here is a breakdown of the java developer's salary based on years of experience.  

    • Beginner 

    As a beginner, the average yearly salary of a Java developer is $97,933. 

    • Intermediate 

    An intermediate Java developer's salary is around $117,000. 

    • Advanced 

    An advanced Java developer's salary is around $146,633. 

    2. Java Developer Salary: Based on Location

    • India
    Top CitiesAverage Salary

    Top CompaniesAverage Salary
    Ikya Human Capital Solutions Pvt Ltd$14,346
    Tech Mahindra$12,812
    • US

    Top CitiesAverage Salary
    New York$123,027

    Top CompaniesAverage Salary
    Credit Suisse$150,163
    Cisco Systems$136,571
    • UK

    Top CitiesAverage Salary

    Top CompaniesAverage Salary
    Instill Software$60,098
    Netsells Group$60,098
    • Australia

    Top CitiesAverage Salary

    Top CompaniesAverage Salary
    Apollo Software$50,000
    • Canada

    Top CitiesAverage Salary

    Top CompaniesAverage Salary
    • Singapore

    Top CitiesAverage Salary
    Tanjong Pagar$92,998

    Top CompaniesAverage Salary
    Standard Chartered Bank$208,169
    Deutsche Bank$153.112

    Factors Affecting Java Developer Salary

    1. Location

    Your location may significantly affect how much you can earn as a developer. For example, the average annual salary for Java developers in the United States is $105,647, while it's only $10,893 in India. This isn't just because more companies are hiring/paying well in the United States than in India (though that's certainly true). It also has to do with demand and supply. In other words: there are more developers available who are willing to work at lower salaries. 

    2. Industry / Employer / Company

    While the average Java developer salary is $98,560 per year and the median is $95,000 per year as of 2024, you can earn more if you work at a larger company. The average annual salary for a Java developer at a large corporation ranges from $130,000 per year to $148,005. Small companies in this industry earn around $98,000, while mid-size companies offer salaries of around $117,000 annually. 

    3. Experience

    A java developer's experience is the most important factor affecting salary. Essentially, the more experience you have, the more money you make. A fresher in this field can earn an average annual salary of $97,933. An intermediate with an experience of 1 to 5 years can earn an annual average wage of $117,000. An experienced candidate with an experience of more than 5 years can earn an average yearly salary of $146,633. 

    4. Demand and Supply

    The demand for Java developers is high, but the supply is low. This is due to the fact that there are many open jobs and new companies starting up every day. There are also plenty of existing companies that need more Java developers to meet their growing needs. As a result, you can expect your salary to increase because there will be fewer people available than those who want them--so employers will have no choice but to pay more for these qualified professionals. 

    5. Credentials / Certifications

    Credentials and certifications are a must-have for today's Java developers. They can help you climb the ranks, get paid more, and land your dream job. A certificate from a Java-specific course offered by an institution is going to be useful for any developer who wants to work with this language. These certificates are not hard to earn, but they do require some effort on your part. Some certifications that Java Developers can pursue are: 

    1. Oracle Certified Foundations Associate, Java 
    2. Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer 
    3. Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer 
    4. Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 7 Application Developer 
    5. Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 11 Developer 

    6. Skills

    Java is a popular programming language, and it's the second most used language in the world. Java developers are in high demand, and their skills are also in high demand. It is good news for you as a Java developer because it means you can find plenty of jobs—and your salary will be higher than average (as long as you're willing to move around). 

    How to Improve Java Developer Salary?

    1. Skills

    Java is the most popular programming language in the world. It is used to build any mobile application or web app that you can think of. If you are a Java developer, it's recommended that you learn at least Java 8 so that your skills are up-to-date and relevant in this fast-paced industry. This will help you improve your salary. 

    2. Certifications

    Getting a certification is the best way to improve your Java developer salary. Certification is an important part of what it takes to be an expert in any field, and Java certifications are no exception. 

    The certifications measure your knowledge of the most basic programming concepts, such as classes and loops. If you pass these certification exams with high marks, employers will know that you definitely know what you're doing when it comes to Java development. 

    3. Degrees

    The first step in understanding how to improve Java developer salary is to realize that a degree is optional for Java developers. In fact, many employers prefer candidates who have experience in the field over those with degrees. 

    Suppose you already have some experience under your belt and would like to get a degree later on. In that case, there are plenty of online programs that offer certificates and even undergraduate degrees in computer science or related fields. These can be much cheaper than traditional degrees from accredited schools but still provide all of the same benefits: including access to internships and networking opportunities for finding employment after graduation. 

    4. Experience

    When it comes to Java developer salary, experience is the most important factor. The more experience you have, the more likely you are to be paid well in your industry. This is because the skills that come with time and practice are usually considered more valuable by employers than those of inexperienced candidates. 

    Experience also plays a role in how easily you'll find a job as a Java developer since some companies will pay more for candidates with relevant work experience under their belts. 

    Why are Java Developers Paid So Much?

    If you're hoping to land a job as a Java developer, there are many reasons why your salary may be higher than other developers. The first reason is that Java is a popular programming language, and it's used by many companies and schools. As organizations continue to build more applications on the back of Java, demand for developers who can write code in this language will only increase. 

    Java has also been around for decades now; at this point, it's not going anywhere anytime soon! This means that even though other languages like Python or Swift have come on the scene in recent years with promises of faster development time or easier debugging tools (among other advantages), they haven't yet dethroned Java as king among employers or recruiters looking for new hires. 

    The second reason why you might expect a higher salary as an experienced Java developer is that there are so many opportunities out there today—and every year, more jobs become available. 

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    The IT industry's expansion has been one of the most remarkable in the world, driving the growth of a variety of other businesses. People from all around the world rely on Java developers' trustworthy scripts to stay connected and collaborate despite residing across seas.  

    We hope you enjoyed our post about Java developer salaries in India. These values are subject to change. The talents you have, your mastery of them, and how rapidly you progress and help the organization expand are the ultimate determinants of your income.  

    The pandemic has brought attention to the relevance of technology and technical breakthroughs in dealing with unanticipated setbacks. The world's capacity to work without trouble across regional borders was made feasible by developers' integration and improved codes.  

    The technical expertise of Java developers has enabled the evolution of online communication, including online tutorials such as the KnowledgeHut Complete Web Development Course.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the per month salary of a Java Developer in India?

    The per month salary of a Java Developer in India is about Rs 61,486.  

    2Who is a Java Developer?

    A Java Developer oversees the designing, developing, and managing of Java-based applications. Because Java is so widely used, especially by large organizations, daily roles vary greatly but can include owning a specific application or working on several at the same time.  

    3Is it a good idea to work as a Java developer?

    It is thus prudent and profitable to pursue a career as a Java software developer. Java is set to remain the first choice for most businesses due to its strong community, enterprise support, and growing popularity among programmers. As a result, java career opportunities are not going away anytime soon.  

    4Is it difficult to become a Java programmer?

    Yes, becoming a Java developer is challenging.  

    While Java is the most popular programming language because of its flexibility in creating customized programs that are light and quick and suit a variety of functions, it is still a difficult coding language to master. For Java developer jobs, there is a lot of competition.


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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