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How to Crack for Google Software Engineer Interview + Tips

27th Mar, 2024
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     How to Crack for Google Software Engineer Interview + Tips

    Google accepts more than 3 million job applications every year. However, only 7,000 applicants eventually landed in this renowned company. Yes! You read that right. You will only have a 0.2% chance of getting selected as a Google software engineer after you receive an interview call.

    Intimidating, right? Well, don’t lose hope because dreams do come true. Let me share with you a not-so-secret sauce to get into your dream company. Google is very transparent about its expectations toward candidates. The more aware you are of the company culture, the more likely you are to succeed.

    As an experienced software engineer at Google, I can say that this interview reflects your technical and professional prowess. Honestly, it doesn’t strictly require luck but demands extensive hard work and sincerity towards your knowledge. I have drafted the most helpful yet brief guide on how to crack a Google software engineer interview. Let me guide you through the coding and HR Google interview process to be a Software Engineer.

    Who is a Software Engineer?

    Software engineering is a branch of computer science. Computer science encompasses designing, developing, and testing modern software applications. Software engineers learn programming languages and apply their knowledge to provide software solutions for their end users. For example, computer games are programmed by software engineers.

    Software engineers can work in almost all industries. With the increased technological evolution, the demand for software engineers continues to grow.

    Role and Responsibilities of Software Engineers at Google

    Having closely observed thousands of software engineers, let me tell you that working at Google is even more challenging than the interviews. Google software engineers are tasked with developing next-generation technologies, which serve as Google’s unique selling proposition (USP). These technologies can connect billions of users and interact with data and IT.

    As a software engineer, you must have the ability to work on projects that are important to Google’s needs. Google is looking for engineers who are versatile and enthusiastic about taking on new problems as it continues to push technology forward.

    With your technical expertise, you’ll work on the following tasks as a Google software engineer:

    • Write system development code
    • Write unit tests
    • Run Tests
    • Review code failures
    • Review peer’s code and provide feedback to initiate changes in existing documentation
    • Read and write system reports
    • Debug the problems that arise in production.
    • Analyzing the sources of issues and the effect on hardware or service operations and quality.
    • Read and write design documents

    Once you learn how to crack a Google Software Engineer interview, you will be all in! This opens the door for you to work on various Google projects as a software engineer, contributing to the development of incredible products that you use in your daily life. Some of these platforms include:

    • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): it is a one-stop shop of Google’s cloud computing services.
    • Google Docs
    • Google Search
    • Google Maps
    • Gmail
    • Google Play Store

    I recommend you obtain a Web Design and Development course as a software engineer. It will help you to become the perfect software developer Google is looking for.

    Stages of Google Software Engineer Interview

    The Google software engineer interview takes more than months to complete. To put it simply, you will go through four stages, further distinguished into multiple interviews. It follows these steps:

    • Round 1: Resume, cover letter, and referrals
    • Round 2: Online assessment (fresh graduates and interns only)
    • Round 3: Technical phone interview screening— includes one to two interviews
    • Round 4: Walk-in interviews—includes four to six interviews

    A quick tip: Ask your recruiter about the interview process.

    Google is, I would say, the most transparent company. It clearly states what they are looking for in a candidate. Another secret you must know is that Google pays handsome bonuses to recruiters for any promising recruit they bring in. Well, you can leverage this information to your advantage!

    I suggest being polite when asking about the programming languages tested in the interview. They will most likely share preparation materials, important guidelines, and a timetable.

    Being friendly can encourage recruiters to go above and beyond in helping you with Google test engineer interview tips. It aligns with their interests, and they might even offer a training session with you before the interview.

    How to Prepare for a Google Software Engineer Interview?

    Now that you are all set with the most important topics for the interview let me guide you through the preparation stage. Let us discuss how to crack the Google Software Engineer interview.

    1. Know about Google’s Work Culture

    I have witnessed that most candidates only focus on how to crack the Google Software Engineer interview. But I would recommend you ask yourself, “Is this company a suitable option for me?” Learn about the company’s culture by connecting with people on Quora, Reddit, and LinkedIn. Doing this will help you understand their professionalism, which will contribute to your final decision.

    2. Self-Practice

    You are supposed to face three types of interview questions at Google. Let me explain how to crack a Google Software Engineer interview according to the kinds of interview rounds.

    • For coding interviews: Ask yourself clarification questions to ensure that you understand the problem correctly. Plan and analyze solutions. Always test your solutions before implementing them.
    • For system design interviews: Lay down the foundational knowledge by learning concepts tested in this interview. I recommend you try to solve questions before looking for solutions. Practice out loud for better understanding and improved communication.
    • For behavioral interviews: Understand how to crack a Google test engineer interview by carrying out specific steps.

    Present yourself with situations related to organizational challenges.

    • Outline the root cause and explain the solution and how you and your team went about executing it.
    • Brief about the positive impact on your team, department, and organization.

    3. Practice Under Ex-interviewers

    Lastly, you should also seek out opportunities to take software development mock interviews with expert ex-interviewers.

    You can find suitable connections through LinkedIn or Quora. However, I understand that it might be challenging to find the proper connection who can practice with you for multiple hours. So, I would recommend you join KnowledgeHut’s boot camp to learn how to crack the Google software engineer interview.

    Tips to Crack a Google Software Engineer Interview

    Let us move ahead with the much-awaited Google test engineer interview tips. These tips, I believe, will provide you with the hacks and tools you need to ace the interview process and secure your desired position at Google!

    • Ask questions when in a dilemma

    Google interviewers often ask questions that you may find abstract or ambiguous. Therefore, you should ask them questions so that you do not get misled and can gain a clear understanding of the problem.

    • Be authentic and honest

    Be genuine while working. Google interviewers will appreciate your honesty, even if it makes you seem imperfect or ignorant. You should be honest about the challenges you experienced and discuss what you learned from them.

    • Center yourself on Google’s value

    Accustom yourself to the core values of Google. Prepare yourself accordingly by aligning your behavioral responses with the company’s vision. Google values differentiators such as passion for technology, teamwork, and a focus on both the middlemen and end-users.

    • Practice system design

    System design questions are an important aspect of the software engineer interview. Questions such as how you would design Google Docs, Google’s database for web indexing, Google Home, or Google Search play an integral part in the interview process. So, prepare yourself by delving deep into the system components of design.

    • Learn at least any one of the programming languages

    The important hack on how to crack a Google software engineer interview is learning at least one programming language, including C++, C, Python, Java, or Go. The interviewer will conduct a coding test, so you should master at least one programming language.

    Topics to Prepare for Google Software Engineer Interview in 2024

    You might be performing exceptionally well as a software engineer. However, that’s not enough to crack a Google SDE interview. The interview is a blend of knowledge and presentation. I have curated the topics that are essential to cover in terms of priority and coverage. These important tech topics include

    • Data structures and algorithms
    • Graphs and trees
    • System design basics
    • Arrays and string processing
    • Dynamic programming
    • Recursion
    • A decent knowledge of geometry and mathematics

    At the same time, soft skills should be on your sleeves. Be efficient in the following soft skills:

    • Communication
    • Problem-solving
    • Attention to detail
    • Positive body language
    • Good listening skills

    A pro tip: Talk to Yourself Out Loud

    I would like to share a small yet effective way how to crack the Google software engineer interview. Whenever you’re solving problems online, try to talk to yourself OUT LOUD. Act like a teacher and explain your approach to solving each of those problems. Record your explanation simultaneously. You can time yourself and also hear your responses later. This way, you can note down the errors you made while speaking and work on your weaknesses.


    I am pretty sure that you may get overwhelmed by the Google software engineer interview process. So, my advice for you is to start your preparation far in advance. You should spend and invest at least one to three months of preparation. My take for you will be to undertake KnowledgeHut’s to be a Software Engineer boot camp. This will help you learn how to crack Google software engineer interview questions beforehand. This will also boost your chances of getting into Google, and you will eventually be placed in a top company.

    Good Luck!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What types of questions can I expect in a software engineer interview?

    Software engineer interviews encompass both technical and general questions. It becomes essential to crack Google software engineer interviews. Here is a list of common technical and general software engineering interview questions.

    Examples of technical questions: 

    • What is the software development process? 
    • Describe the Agile methodology and its benefits. 
    • What programming languages are you familiar with? 

    Examples of general questions: 

    • Describe a problem you have found in software development. How did you solve it? 
    • Why do you want to work here? 
    • How do you handle conflicts or disagreements within a team? 
    2What soft skills are essential for a software engineer interview?

    One of the most critical aspects of how to crack a Google software engineer interview includes soft skills. Some of the critical soft skills that can make your career as a software engineer are: 

    • Great communication skills 
    • Emotional intelligence 
    • Patience 
    • Critical thinking 
    • Teamwork 
    • Time management 
    • Flexible 
    3How important is it to have a strong understanding of Google’s products and services?

    Before entering the Google interview phase, it is essential to have a strong understanding of its products and services. This is crucial because studying Google’s user-centric approach allows interviewers to assess your level of experience. It will also showcase your problem-solving skills and technical aspirations.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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