HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentFront-end Developer Job Description Examples + Templates [2024]

Front-end Developer Job Description Examples + Templates [2024]

19th Apr, 2024
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    Front-end Developer Job Description Examples + Templates [2024]

    Front-end developers play an important role in the development of an impressive user-friendly interface for websites. Front-end developers collaborate intently with manufacturers. Their obligations include using visible factors, optimizing internet pages for speed and scalability, and staying on the pinnacle of emerging trends and technology.

    If you are here to look for a front-end developer job description, then you are at the right place. The main thing needed is a front-end developer job description and resume.

    Their front-end developer job profile should be proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which is essential for the front-end to develop his/her proper skills and information. Front-end developers can create strong web designs that attract and engage users.

    In this article, I am going to share insights into front-end dev job descriptions, front-end developers’ job requirements, skills, and front-end web developer job responsibilities. We will also explore some related courses, such as Front-end Master’s Bootcamp, to understand what to expect from the perfect front-end developer.

    Front-End Developer Job Description

    Front-end developers play an important role in web development; therefore, front-end web developer job descriptions focus on the visual and common aspects of websites. Front-end developers are experts in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and translate them into designs that improve functionality and aesthetics. They ensure that websites are responsive, have speed, and are well-matched with specific browsers and gadgets.

    Job Description Example 1

    Job Title: Front-end Developer

    Location: Washington, US

    Employment Type: Full-time

    Front-end developer job summary

    We are hiring a front-end programmer with the necessary skills to become a part of our development group. In this position, you will implement the visual identity elements that the user sees and interacts with within a web application. We expect you to produce a valuable working relationship with our back-end developers. We’re looking for people who are passionate about developing unique user interfaces and have excellent knowledge of web technologies.


    • To develop various application features using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
    • Connect with back-end developers and web designers.
    • Ensure the technicality of UI/UX designs
    • Optimize the application for maximum speed.


    • Must have previous work experience as a developer.
    • Strong proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Experience with JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue. js
    • You should be familiar with RESTful APIs.
    • Excellent problem-solving skills

    Education: Master’s degree in computer science or a related field

    Job Description Example 2

    Job Title: UI/UX Designer

    Location: Hyderabad, India.

    Employment Type: Part-time

    Front-end developer job summary

    We are looking for a part-time front-end web developer to join our team. In this role, you will be responsible for making UI/UX designs for the application. If you are passionate about designing user-centric web applications, we want to hear from you.


    • UI/UX designers to translate design wireframes into code
    • Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.
    • Stay updated on emerging front-end technologies and best practices.


    • Must have work experience as a UI/UX developer.
    • Experience with front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation
    • Familiarity with Figma and Blender
    • Good understanding of SEO principles and ensuring that applications adhere to them

    Education: A bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field must be in his or her final semester.

    Job Summary of a Front-end Developer

    In addition to technical talents in front-end developer job summaries, front-end developers should have robust hassle-solving abilities. Industry developments and great practices are continuously identified to improve the internet site’s overall performance and personal delight. A few junior front-end developer job descriptions also expect a basic level of tools understanding from the candidates. Front-end operators frequently work in rapid-paced environments, requiring powerful adaptability and communication capabilities to collaborate with team contributors and a strong front-end developer job profile. You can also refer to our Full Stack Engineer course to learn how to differentiate between job roles. A

    Education Qualification and Work Experience Needed for Front-End Developers

    Front-end Developer Requirements and Qualifications

    Most front-end developer positions require a bachelor’s degree in coding technology or a related discipline. However, some employers can also accept equal painting experience in a degree. Experience with front-end technologies and frameworks is likewise typically required.

    Front-end developers are responsible for the growth and implementation of user-dealing capabilities, optimizing web pages for speed and quick response, and ensuring cross-browser compatibility. They should also collaborate with designers and front-end developers to ensure a continuing consumer experience.

    Responsibilities and Duties Front-end Developers Must Hold

    Technical skills for the front-end developer job to build a user-friendly website with interaction and speedy implementation. Also, good communication skills are needed to work with backend developers and to test and debug code. Entry-level front-end web developer duties and responsibilities are also the same. Continuous self-education is required to update yourself on the latest developments and technologies. Finally, a front-end developer should ensure website visitors can easily access the page.

    Work Hours & Benefits

    The work hours of front-end employees can vary from employer to employer and business to business. Many front-end employees work during office hours, but if the workload is greater, they have to work on evenings, weekends, or holidays.

    4 Steps to Creating a Front-End Developer Job Description That Fits Your Needs

    To create a front-end developer job description, you must look into the skills and qualifications of front-end developers.

    The process includes four steps to create a front-end developer’s job description, which are:

    1. Define the role: First, put the list of tasks and functions that are entrusted to a front-end developer. Let’s regard the duties the developer will be developing, the technologies they will use, and the required experience.
    2. Skills: Such skills range from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and front-end using React and Angular. Also, remember any soft skills related to the industry that you might need.
    3. Set Expectations: Specify the expectations list assigned to the role, such as scheduled work hours, reporting mode, and any specific goals or objectives that the front-end programmer job description will be expected to meet.
    4. Review: Lastly, the job description must be reviewed to ensure it aligns with the position and the business needs. Seek feedback from colleagues or hiring managers so that you can rewrite it. Keep this in mind, and you will have a job description for a front-end developer who will be able to hire the right candidates and will be in line with your company’s needs and goals.

    You can find various openings on LinkedIn or the company’s career websites for the front-end developer job description.

    Front-End Developer Job Description Templates

    Front-end Developer Job Description

    Front-end developer Job Description
    Hiring Monster

    Qualifications and Skills for Front-End Developers

    To become a front-end developer, you should have proven skills and a proven mindset. Apart from this, you should have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science or computer-related fields.

    You need Some skills to become a front-end developer, such as being proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and programming languages like Java, Python, etc.

    Front-End-Developer Education and Training Requirements

    • Front-end developers with advanced degrees or certifications in web development or related fields may have a competitive advantage and potentially earn higher salaries.
    • Years of experience and a strong portfolio of projects can also influence salary negotiations.

    In addition to the above-required qualification, certifications in Web Development courses add more benefits to serve this job role better for seamless application delivery.

    Salary Range of Front-end Developer

    The average salary of a front-end developer in the US is around $96 thousand and less than $100 thousand. In Indian rupees, it is 79–80 lakhs per annum. However, it may vary by place, experience, and the front-end developer’s position description. Five countries pay the highest salaries: the USA, Switzerland, Norway, Australia, and India.


    Average Salary (USD)

    United States

    $70-$12 thousand


    73.60 CHF to 11,960 CHF


    510 NOK to 85,000 NOK


    67.50 AUD to 121,500 AUD


    750,000 to 2,250,000 INR


    To summarise what we have discussed, it is essential to follow some rules and ethics to create a concise front-end developer job description for candidates most likely to become potential employees for any organization. Defining the roles and responsibilities, required skills, and expectations of the right applicant that match the organization’s goal. You can refer to KnowledgeHut’s Front-end Masters Bootcamp to get more insights about the front-end developer position description.

    Finally, the front-end developer job description template you created should offer competitive compensation and benefits essential for retaining top talent. Many companies search for front-end developers. Such companies should write their front-end web developer job descriptions in a way that portrays the role and its importance to the business development.

    Front-end developer Job Description 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do you become a good front-end web developer?

    To become a front-end developer, you should have hands-on skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and front-end and problem-solving abilities.

    2What are the main responsibilities of a front-end developer?

    The main responsibilities of a front-end developer include creating user-friendly interfaces, optimizing website performance, and collaborating with designers.

    3Are there opportunities for specialization in front-end development?

    Yes, there are many opportunities to become an expert in front-end development, which includes roles such as UI/UX designer, front-end developer, or technology expert.

    4How do I write a job description for a front-end developer?

    To write front-end developer job descriptions, define roles and responsibilities and required skills, set work hours and company culture expectations, and review and edit the descriptions.

    55. What is the goal of a front-end developer’s resume?

    An ideal goal for a front-end developer resume should highlight your skills, experience, and career objectives, demonstrate your interest in creating and engaging user interfaces, and contribute to new web projects.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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