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What is Stack Data Structure? Types, Operations, Implementation

19th Apr, 2024
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    What is Stack Data Structure? Types, Operations, Implementation

    In the field of computer science and programming, whether it's managing data, executing algorithms, or optimizing memory usage, I always required streamlined processes. The stack data structure is a fundamental tool that embodies simplicity and efficiency in data management.

    Imagine you are in a cafeteria, delicately stacking plates one on top of the other after each use. As you finish each plate, you place it at the top of the stack. When it's time to clean up, you instinctively start with the top plates and work your way down. This straightforward approach reflects the essence of a stack data structure, which operates on the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle.

    In this article, I will walk you through the stack definition in data structure, including its implementation, operations of stack in data structure, and applications in various domains. I will deep-dive into how stacks are used in algorithmic problem solving and memory management. Understanding the nuances of stacks allows us programmers to use this powerful data structure to write efficient, refined, and error-resistant code. Unlock the power of problem-solving with KnowledgeHut’s Data Structures course subjects Using Java' – Enroll now to elevate your coding skills!

    What is Stack Data Structure?

    Definition: A stack is a linear data structure that operates on the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle, which means that the last element added to the stack is the first to be deleted/removed.

    Operations: It has two main operations: push, that adds an element to the very top of the stack, and pop, which removes/deletes the top element.

    Implementation: Stacks can be implemented using different data structures like arrays or linked lists, with arrays delivering constant-time access but limited capacity and linked lists providing variable allocation of memory but slower access.

    Applications: Stacks are commonly used in software applications to manage function calls, evaluate expressions, parse data, and implement undo mechanisms.

    Stack Representation

    Stack Representation

    Basic Features of Stack

    1. LIFO Principle: The main characteristic of a stack is that it adheres to the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle, which states that the last element added to the stack is the first one taken out. This behavior is similar to real-world scenarios such as a stack of books, with the last book on top being the first one accessible.
    2. Dynamic Size: Stacks can dynamically adjust their size during runtime based on the number of elements pushed onto or removed from the stack. Because of their flexibility, they are ideal for applications in which the number of elements to be stored is unknown ahead of time.
    3. Efficiency: Stack operations like push and pop are usually carried out with constant time complexity to ensure that elements are inserted and removed efficiently. This efficiency is critical for applications that require rapid data manipulation, such as algorithmic problem solving and parsing expressions.
    4. Limited Access: Stacks typically provide limited access to elements, with only the topmost element available for manipulation or retrieval at any time. This restricted access allows for efficient and straightforward data management.

    Working of Stack Data Structure

    A stack data structure functions based on its core operations and principles:

    A stack is either initialized as an empty data structure or with a predetermined capacity if implemented as an array.

    • Push Operation: To add an element to the stack, it is pushed to the top of the stack. This refers to incrementing the stack pointer and inserting the new element at the top.
    • Pop operation: To delete an element from the stack, the pop operation is used. The top element is removed, and the stack pointer is decremented to point to subsequent element in the stack.
    • Peek Operation: A peek operation allows you to access the stack's top element without removing it. This operation allows you to view the top element without altering the stack's state.
    • Overflow and Underflow Handling: To avoid data corruption and ensure safe operation, stack implementations should handle overflow (when pushing onto a full stack) and underflow (when popping from an empty stack).

    Types of Stacks

    Stacks can differ in their implementation and usage, resulting in various types tailored to specific applications. Here are some common stacks:

    1. Array-based stacks: Array-based stack data structure uses a fixed-size array to store elements. It provides constant access to elements but may be limited in capacity.
    2. Linked List-Based Stack: This implementation represents the stack using a linked list data structure. It supports dynamic memory allocation, which allows for size flexibility. However, there may be overhead due to pointer manipulation.

    Priority stacks prioritize certain elements over others according to predefined criteria. Elements with a higher priority are placed near the top of the stack data structure and thus accessed earliest during pop operations.

    1. Double-ended Stack (Deque): Also known as a deque, this type of stack allows for the insertion and deletion of elements from both ends, providing more flexibility in data manipulation.
    2. Call Stack: A call stack is a programming construct that manages function calls and return addresses while the program is running. It keeps track of the sequence in which methods are called to ensure proper execution flow.

    Basic Stack Operations with Examples

    The following Python functions demonstrate how to perform basic stack operations. You can use them to manipulate stacks in your Python code.

    1.Push Operation: Pushing an element onto the top of the stack data structure.

    def push(stack, element):

    2.Pop Operation: Removing/Deleting the top element from the stack data structure.

    def pop(stack):
     if not stack:
     return "Stack is empty"
     return stack.pop()

    3.Peek Operation: Viewing the topmost element of the stack data structure without removing it.

    def peek(stack):
     if not stack:
     return "Stack is empty"
     return stack[-1]

    Implementation of Stack in Data Structures

    The implementation of a stack data structure in Python is as follows:

    class Stack:
     def __init__(self):
     # Initialize an empty stack
     self.stack = []
     def push(self, element):
     # Pushes an element onto the top of the stack
     def pop(self):
     # Removes and returns the top element from the stack
     if not self.is_empty():
     return self.stack.pop()
     return "Stack is empty"
     def peek(self):
     # Returns the top element of the stack without removing it
     if not self.is_empty():
     return self.stack[-1]
     return "Stack is empty"
     def is_empty(self):
     # Checks if the stack is empty
     return len(self.stack) == 0
     def size(self):
     # Returns the number of elements in the stack
     return len(self.stack)

    You can create a new stack object and use these methods to manipulate it as needed in your Python code. For example:

    stack = Stack()
     print("Size of stack:", stack.size())# Output: 3
     print("Top element of stack:", stack.peek())# Output: 15
     print("Popped element:", stack.pop())# Output: 12
     print("Size of stack after popping:", stack.size())# Output: 2

    Applications of Stack Data Structure

    1. Syntax Parsing: Stacks are critical for syntax parsing, especially in languages with nested structures such as HTML, XML, and JSON. During parsing, opening tags or brackets are pushed onto the stack, while closing tags or brackets pop corresponding elements off the stack. This process ensures proper nesting of elements and aids in the detection of syntax errors.
    2. Undo Mechanisms: Stacks are commonly used in applications to implement undo functionality. Each user action that alters the application state is recorded as a command or operation and pushed to the undo stack. Reverting changes entails removing operations from the undo stack and executing them in reverse order.
    3. Backtracking Algorithms: Backtracking algorithms, such as depth-first search (DFS), frequently use stacks to maintain the search path and is an important application of stack. As the algorithm explores the search space, it adds possible choices to the stack and backtracks when it hits a dead end, efficiently exploring all possible solutions.
    4. Function Call Management: Stacks are commonly used in programming languages to handle function calls. When a function is called, the execution context, including parameters and variables that are local, is pushed to the call stack. When the function returns, the context is removed from the stack, enabling the program to continue execution from the caller.
    5. Expression Evaluation: Stack data structure is essential for evaluating mathematical expressions like infix, postfix, and prefix notation. Stacks can be used to convert expressions from one notation to another and efficiently compute their results. For example, postfix notation evaluation uses a stack to maintain track of operands and operators.

    Advantages of the Stack

    • Simple and Efficient: Stack data structure operations, like push and pop, have a time complexity of O(1), making them extremely efficient for data management. Their simplicity makes programming easier to implement and understand.
    • Memory Management: Stacks operate on the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle, making them ideal for memory allocation and deallocation management. Function call stacks, for example, automatically allocate memory for local parameters and variables when a function is invoked and release it when the function returns.
    • Parallel Processing: Some parallel computing models use stacks for handling tasks or processes. Each of the processors may have its own stack to efficiently manage local tasks, reducing contention for shared resources.
    • Resource Management: Stacks can be helpful for managing limited resources like disk space, network connections, and memory buffers. Allocating resources in a LIFO manner makes it easier to track and manage available resources.
    • Undo and Redo Support: Undo and Redo operations are a critical application of stack. Redo capabilities can be implemented by keeping a separate stack to store undone actions, allowing individuals to redo them as needed. Embark on a journey to master web development with KnowldgeHut’s curated selection of the best Web Development courses – Enroll here to start coding your future!

    Disadvantages of the Stack

    • Limited Access: Stacks provide limited access to elements, with only the topmost element available for manipulation or retrieval. This constraint can be problematic in situations where random access to elements is required.
    • Fixed Size (for array-based implementations): Array-based stack data structure implementations have a fixed size that, if exceeded, can result in stack overflow errors. Dynamically resizing arrays can help with this problem, but it may result in additional overhead.
    • Potential for Stack Overflow: Recursive algorithms or unlimited recursion without proper termination conditions can result in stack overflow errors, which occur when the stack becomes packed and cannot accommodate additional function calls or data.
    • Memory Management Overhead: In some cases, managing memory for stack data structure can result in overhead. For example, in recursive algorithms with long function call chains, using too much memory for stack frames can result in stack overflows.
    • Limited Use Cases: Although stacks are versatile, they may not be appropriate for all situations. Certain data manipulation tasks might require more complex data structures with unique access patterns and functionalities.

    Practice Problem

    Let's look at a simple problem that involves determining the balance of parentheses, brackets, and braces in a given string. This problem is a classic example of using a stack data structure to effectively assess whether symbols are correctly nested.

    Question: You are given a string consisting of parentheses, brackets, and braces. Determine whether the string is balanced, meaning that each opening symbol has a corresponding closing symbol, and they are properly nested.


    Input: "(([]))" Output: True

    Input: "{[()]}" Output: True

    Input: "{[))" Output: False


    def checkBalanced(s): # takes a string as an parameter
      stack = [] # Initializing a empty stack
      mapping = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'} 
     for char in s:
     if char in mapping.values():
     elif char in mapping.keys():
     if not stack or mapping[char] != stack.pop():
     return False
     # Ignore characters other than parentheses, brackets, and braces
     return len(stack) == 0
     # Test the function
     print(checkBalanced("(([]))"))# Output: True
     print(checkBalanced("{[()]}"))# Output: True
     print(checkBalanced("{[))"))# Output: False


    • I use a stack to maintain track of the opening symbols I encounter.
    • For each character from the input string:
    • If it's an opening symbol, I add it to the stack.
    • If it's a closing symbol, I compare it to the corresponding opening symbol at the top of the stack. If not, then the string is unbalanced.
    • The string is balanced if the stack is empty after it has been processed; otherwise, it is unbalanced.


    In this comprehensive article, I delved into the world of stack data structure, discovering their fundamental principles, operations, implementations, and real-life applications of stack data structure. As I progressed, we learned about the importance of stack data structure in computer science and programming by investigating their versatility in problem-solving, memory management, and algorithmic efficiency, as well as their Last In, First Out (LIFO) properties. We've seen how stack operations like push, pop, and peek, as well as their Python implementation, can be used to manage data and execute algorithms in an efficient and intuitive manner. In addition, I made you look at practical application of stack in function call management, expression evaluation, syntax parsing, undo mechanisms, and more.

    Stack data structure plays an important role in software development, providing simple yet powerful solutions to complicated problems. Programmers who understand the concepts and application of stack can improve their problem-solving abilities and create efficient, elegant, and robust software systems. Thus, stacks serve as pillar of computational efficiency, enabling us to create innovative solutions while navigating the complexities of modern computing. Transform into a Full-Stack expert and secure your dream job as a Software Engineer with KnowledgeHut's Software Engineer certificate programs online.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How to create a stack?

    In programming languages such as Python and Java, I initialize an empty data structure with arrays or linked lists to create a stack. I can also define additional stack manipulation methods, such as peek, which shows the top element without removing it, and isEmpty, which checks whether the stack is empty. This serves as a foundation to carry out various stack operations and enables efficient data management in my programs.

    2What is stack algorithm?

    Stack algorithms use stack data structure to solve problems efficiently across multiple domains. These algorithms frequently use the stack's Last In, First Out (LIFO) property to simplify processes such as function call management, expression evaluation, parsing, and backtracking. 

    3What happens when you try to pop an element from an empty stack?

    When attempting to pop from an empty stack, an underflow error is typically returned, indicating that the stack is empty, and the operation cannot be completed. Furthermore, some of the stack example may include methods such as is Empty that check the stack's status before attempting a pop operation, resulting in safer and more robust code execution.

    4What is the top element in a stack?

    The top element, also known as the peek element, is the stack's latest addition. It represents the next element to be utilized or removed, allowing for more efficient data manipulation. This element is critical in stack data structure algorithm that make choices based on the stack's current state, such as when evaluating expressions or managing function calls.


    Eshaan Pandey


    Eshaan is a Full Stack web developer skilled in MERN stack. He is a quick learner and has the ability to adapt quickly with respect to projects and technologies assigned to him. He has also worked previously on UI/UX web projects and delivered successfully. Eshaan has worked as an SDE Intern at Frazor for a span of 2 months. He has also worked as a Technical Blog Writer at KnowledgeHut upGrad writing articles on various technical topics.

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