HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentMeta (Facebook) Software Engineer Levels [With Salary]

Meta (Facebook) Software Engineer Levels [With Salary]

17th Apr, 2024
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    Meta (Facebook) Software Engineer Levels [With Salary]

    To standardize compensation bands across job roles that adhere to a predetermined set of qualifications and responsibilities, nearly every big digital business, including Meta (Facebook), Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google (FAANG), adopts a leveling scheme. Apple starts its entry-level engineers at ICT2 (Individual Contributor), while Meta Entry Level Software Engineers start at E3 and can advance to M2 (Software Engineering Manager Equivalent) or E8 (Entry Level Software Engineer), contingent on their skill set and professional experience.

    When creating a compensation plan for employees at various levels, such a method guarantees equity and uniformity, in this article, I will be explaining in detail all you need to know about meta software engineers levels.

    Who is a Meta Software Engineer, and What Do They Do?

    Designing and coding essential software components, as well as collaborating with other teams to integrate their advances, are the duties of a meta software engineer. Along with setting objectives for product quality, engineering effectiveness, and project impact, they may also oversee initiatives, projects, and teams.

    A Meta Software Engineer may be responsible for the following duties:

    • Infrastructure: Construct, evaluate, and enhance the efficiency, scalability, and stability of system components. This could involve aligning computer clusters, increasing the capacity of data storage, and more.
    • Full-stack development: Create consumer goods and features using internal programming languages like Hack.
    • Web and mobile interfaces: Use JavaScript, XHTML, and CSS to implement interfaces.
    • Feature specifications: Work together with the design and project management teams to create them.
    • Product leverage: Utilize frameworks such as React and React Native to build products.
    • Codebase modifications: proactively identify and spearhead modifications to the designated codebase, systems, or product area. 

    Meta Software Engineers Levels

    Meta Software Engineers levels are determined by the duties required of them in their positions and the effects their technical know-how and skill sets provide. This guarantees they have plenty of opportunities for career advancement and earn competitive pay even in entry-level positions.

    1. E3 - Software Engineer II

    Software Engineer: E3 Software Engineers are supposed to produce production-ready code and run tests with little oversight. They must be knowledgeable about code review technologies, source control, and software testing tools. Level I is usually intended for those looking for internships. Their bosses closely supervise them at work, and they have little to no decision-making power.

    At Meta, those who work as software engineers (SWEs) are typically recent college grads or those with less than two years of professional experience. You can prepare for E3 interview questions through bootcamps Software Engineering.

    2. E4  - Software Engineer III

    Software Engineer: Software application design fundamentals are prerequisites for Level II SWEs. They are in charge of autonomously reaching conclusions about minor design details and working towards comprehending and creating system applications without oversight. At this level, decisions are usually made based on established protocols. E4 SWEs need to have between two and four years of experience, at the very least.

    3. E5 - Senior Software Engineer

    Senior Software Engineer: They have a mix of managerial and technical tasks as part of their employment. To perform as a technical architect, they should be highly skilled in system design and architecture, have extensive domain knowledge, and be able to solve problems.

    They oversee junior software engineers and help them develop into highly skilled professionals in their role as software engineering managers. They guarantee resource allocation as needed and conduct timely performance evaluations. A minimum of five years of engineering experience, as well as competence with relational databases such as PHP, JavaScript, CSS, XHTML, SQL, and online and mobile development technologies, are requirements for Level III SWEs. Web development know-how is also important for E5 engineers. If you wish to learn this skill and know what a Web Development course is and its duration, contact KnowledgeHut.

    4. E6 - Staff Software Engineer

    Staff Software Engineer: Meta Level IV SWEs lead substantially bigger teams of software engineers while operating independently, with job duties comparable to those of staff/principal engineers at organizations like Google.

    To achieve objectives, they find and hire new software engineers and assist in coordinating efforts across various teams. They should be able to recognize each person's unique talents and promote development by assisting them in developing their skill sets and reaching their greatest potential. Years of experience have no bearing on a level until it reaches E5. That being said, it is rare for SWEs to have less than ten years of work experience.

    5. E7 - Senior Staff Software Engineer

    Senior Staff Software Engineer: Technical and non-technical strategy planning is led by Meta's E7 SWEs, or M2 Software Engineer Managers, in cross-functional teams. It is anticipated that they will conduct market research and remain current with emerging trends to promote optimal engineering practices and enhance income. In this regard, Facebook's "newsfeed ranking" and mobile advertisement features are examples.

    6. E8 - Principle Engineer

    Principle Engineer: Progressive visionary in engineering, E8 Software Engineers strive for large-scale, competitive business growth. A Director (D1) level position is similar to an E8, and their primary responsibilities include developing policies, initiating major initiatives, enhancing corporate culture, and integrating new technology practices.

    7. E9+ - Distinguished Engineer

    Distinguished Engineer: An E9 Software Engineer oversees a whole region. The principal output of Meta. They are considered the CTO of the region, able to navigate all tiers on their own and handle challenges that very few can.

    Software Engineer Levels

    What is Meta's Process for Determining Software Engineer Levels?

    The process for determining software engineers' levels involves several key steps to ensure a fair and transparent evaluation of skills and experience:

    • Job Analysis: The process begins with thoroughly analyzing the role's requirements, including technical skills, experience, and responsibilities expected at each level.
    • Competency Framework: Meta develops a competency framework outlining the skills, knowledge, and behaviors required for success at each level. This framework serves as a guide for evaluating engineers' proficiency.
    • Performance Evaluation: Engineers undergo regular performance evaluations where their contributions, achievements, and growth are assessed against the competency framework. Evaluations may include feedback from peers, managers, and stakeholders.
    • Technical Interviews: Candidates for promotion or new hires undergo technical interviews to assess their problem-solving abilities, coding skills, and domain expertise. These interviews help determine the candidate's suitability for a specific level.
    • Peer Review: Engineers' performance and contributions are reviewed by their peers to ensure alignment with the competency framework. Peer feedback provides valuable insights into an engineer's collaboration, leadership, and impact on the team.
    • Managerial Review: Managers conduct comprehensive reviews of their team members, considering technical proficiency, leadership potential, and impact on team goals. They make recommendations for promotions or level adjustments based on performance evaluations and feedback.
    • Calibration Sessions: Meta holds calibration sessions where managers and senior leaders discuss and align on engineer levels across teams. These sessions help ensure consistency and fairness in level assignments.
    • Final Decision: After considering all evaluation inputs, including performance reviews, technical interviews, and peer feedback, the engineering leadership team makes final engineer-level decisions.

    In these Factors to determine Facebook software engineering levels, weightage given to each factor can vary according to the position and interviewer.

    Meta Software Engineer Levels and Average Salary

    Salary plays a significant role in deciding which company to work for. Even though working for a large technological business won't provide financial hardship, your wage is still a crucial factor to consider. That leaves us with one major subject to tackle: what is the average compensation of a software developer at Facebook?

    Software engineer's levels in Meta are designated to each engineer. This rank is linked to their level of seniority in the organization. You assume more responsibilities as the level rises. Big businesses generally employ a similar system, particularly those in the technology sector. Levels guarantee that all employees receive salaries commensurate with their contribution to the company.

    So here is the list of salary levels of Meta Engineers as per the levels (Source levels.fyi):

    Level Name
    Stock (/yr)

    (Entry Level)



    The Career ladder for meta software engineers mostly depends on the impact engineers make on a daily basis and the range of tasks they have, in addition to the essential skills and certifications that are exclusive to each level. To forge fulfilling career paths for themselves, Meta encourages its staff members to look for inspiring possibilities and new challenges outside of their job descriptions. The criteria for designating meta software engineers levels is quite fair. When an organization gives software engineers the tools and support they need to move into new positions, they can reach their full potential and significantly contribute to developing next-generation technologies.

    An applicant needs to do better than his peers and rivals in each round of the Meta Software Engineer interview process to increase their chances of getting the position they're vying for. You should practice your interviewing techniques by attending coding boot camps like KnowledgeHut's bootcamps Software Engineering and practice interviews, regardless of the level you are interviewing for. This is especially important because the interview process at Facebook emphasizes distributed systems and algorithmic writing skills above topic expertise.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How much does Meta pay Software Engineers an hour?

    According to Glassdoor's estimate of total compensation, a software engineer at Meta may expect to make between $108 and $157 an hour, including base pay and overtime. At Meta, a software engineer's average hourly base compensation is $85; the average hourly bonus is $44.

    2How to Prepare for a Meta Software Engineer Interview?
    • Understand Core Concepts: Review data structures, algorithms, and system design principles. 
    • Practice Coding: Solve coding problems on platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank. 
    • Learn Meta's Technologies: Familiarize yourself with Meta's tech stack and tools. 
    • Mock Interviews: Practice coding interviews with peers or through mock interview platforms. 
    • Behavioral Questions: Prepare responses to behavioral questions demonstrating teamwork and problem-solving skills. 
    • Stay Updated: Stay current with Meta's latest developments and products. 
    3What is the starting pay for a Software Engineer at Meta?

    With bonuses ranging from $19,000 to $35,000 and stock valued between $51,000 and $95,000, the typical base pay for a software engineer at Meta is $172,000 annually. With this increase, the annual salary range for a software engineer at Meta is now $221,000–$326,000. (Source: Glassdoor)

    4Can I become a software engineer without a degree?

    You can work at Meta as a software engineer without a degree. Here are a few methods to follow: 

    • Acquire knowledge of popular programming languages 
    • Obtain software certifications 
    • Get experience by taking a part-time IT job. 
    • Build a portfolio of your software development endeavors. 
    • Attend a boot camp for software engineers. 
    • Enroll in a career preparation and interview course. 
    • Attend courses matched to the industry. 
    • Obtain a professional certification. 

    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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