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What is Software Development? Types, Features, Process, Tools

05th Sep, 2023
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    What is Software Development? Types, Features, Process, Tools

    Computers are everywhere, from basic tasks like scheduling an email to complex tasks like detecting fraud in systems. Computers follow a set of commands or instructions called ‘Software.’ It is what makes a computer programmable. Following the same, software development is the practice of setting up these commands or instructions.

    Software development has been one of the sectors with the most substantial growth rate. As per Statista, the size of the global software market was around $487.18B in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The market grew up to $508B within the following year. Grand View Research projects that the software development sector will expand between 2021 and 2028 at a compound annual growth rate of 11.5%. However, to be a part of this rapid rise, it is essential to get practical experience with a Software Development course.

    In this article, we will cover all the aspects of software development and its types. Read on to learn more about the different tools and their usage in the software industry.  

    What is Software?

    Technically speaking, "Software" refers to a collection of instructions, information, and programs that control computers and perform particular functions. Software directs a computer's actions and is the counterpart to hardware, which deals with the physical components of a computer system. Whether it be an application, a script, or a program, all that runs on a device is collectively known as software.

    Gmail, Adobe Reader, Google Chrome, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and other comparable programs we use daily are some examples of software-run applications.

    Types of Software

    Based on their applicability, there are many types of software, including:

    1. Application Software

    The most prevalent kind of computer software is the application software. It is a type of a computer-based program that performs a particular function in an application. This application could be intended for any use, like educational, business, or even personal. Application software can be a single code unit or a compilation of programs that work in unison to provide the user with the desired experience.

    Internet browsers like Chrome, CRM tools like HubSpot, or word processing programs like Microsoft Word are typical examples of application software.

    Depending on the user's demands, application software is downloaded on a computer or mobile device. Since this is the most prevalent kind of software, multiple use options are available.

    2. System Software

    System software facilitates seamless interaction between the users, the program, and the mobile device or computer. It provides a systematic framework for all kinds of software and oversees hardware and software operations. As a result, to execute any application software or the entire computer system, the system software is necessary.

    Apple's IOS and Microsoft Windows are the finest examples of system software.

    3. Programming Software

    Software developers employ programming software, commonly called development tools or software development kits (SDKs), to create, test, and deploy applications. Programming languages, compilers, debuggers, and other utilities that support the software development process are examples of these tools.

    Some popular programming software include Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse, and JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA. These tools are often specific to a particular programming language or platform, such as Java, Python, or .NET. Its components include tools like compilers, debuggers, interpreters, and assemblers.

    4. Driver Software

    System software is believed to include driver software, commonly called device drivers. The devices and peripherals connected to a computer are operated and managed by this driver software. This component of SDKs becomes vital as a functional device must have at least one driver to work.

    Examples of hardware that require driver software to work include game controllers and standard devices, such as USB printers, storage drives, and keyboards.

    There are many other types of software as well. Some other kinds of software are listed below:

    • Utility Software
    • Open-Source Software
    • Freeware
    • Shareware
    • Close Source Software

    What is Software Development?

    The process of planning, building, testing, and maintaining computer software is known as software development. It entails creating applications, systems, and other software products that meet specific customer needs by utilizing programming languages, frameworks, and other tools.

    In this process, programmers create computer programs for tasks like database combining, communication routing, text displaying, etc. A solution that satisfies user requirements is often designed as the first step in software development. The software is then developed, tested to ensure it performs as planned, and released to end users.

    Due to the significant need for software developers, there's a wide range of jobs in different forms of software development. In order to keep up with the latest trends in the field of software development, an FSD course can help you gain a competitive edge.

    Types of Software Development

    Software Development is a crucial part of the information technology industry, and there are any different types of software development to exist:

    1. Application Development

    Developing software applications on several computer platforms, including desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and the web, is called application development. It entails planning, creating, testing, and deploying software applications tailored to users' and organizations' unique demands and specifications.

    Java, C/C++, C#, and Python are a few examples of application development languages.

    2. Web Development

    Web development is the process of designing, building, and maintaining websites and web applications that run on the internet. It involves the use of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as web development frameworks and tools.

    Web development includes:

    • Front-end development: designing and building user interfaces,
    • Back-end development: building the server-side of a website or web app,
    • Full-stack development: handling databases, and working on both front-end and back-end of a website or web app.

    3. Mobile Development

    Mobile development is the process of developing software, applications, or games for mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, or smartwatches. The process uses several programming languages, frameworks, and tools to produce mobile apps that can run on various operating systems, such as Android or iOS.

    4. Software Tools Development

    Software tools development refers to creating software programs that help developers in their day-to-day work. Software tools can automate repetitive tasks, provide debugging and profiling capabilities, assist in code analysis and optimization, and offer collaboration and version control support.

    Software tools development involves creating cross-platform solutions that work across different operating systems and requires employing programming languages like C++, Java, Python, or JavaScript along with frameworks like Qt, NET, or Electron.

    5. API Development

    Application programming interface (API) development refers to developing a collection of protocols and tools that permit various software systems to communicate with one another. The process also entails defining the input parameters and output data formats, defining the endpoints, and processing the requests.

    API development is used in:

    • Integrating different system
    • Building mobile apps
    • Creating web services

    6. Embedded Systems Development

    Embedded software is any system developed and included inside a machine other than a conventional computer. It is technically the brain, without it, the gadget would not be functionally useful. The most basic form of embedded software is a conventional calculator, which was employed before the inclusion of this function in smartphones.

    7. Security Software Development

    Security software development refers to designing, creating, and testing software programs specifically built to prevent, detect, and respond to various types of cybersecurity threats. Developing security software involves:

    • Following best practices for secure coding,
    • Testing for vulnerabilities,
    • Implementing security features that protect the system against various types of attacks.

    Professionals and white hat hackers are hired to develop and test the software to protect businesses and their vital data. The cybersecurity division of an organization is responsible for overseeing the entire process with an aim to shield its valuable resources from theft, viruses, and other malicious attacks.

    8. Cloud Computing

    Cloud computing services access services over a network of distant computers instead of local servers or specific devices. Developers working on cloud computing technology produce the software that drives cloud storage applications. Examples of common cloud computing applications include GitHub, OneDrive Storage, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    9. Database Development

    Database development, commonly called back-end development, occurs behind the system's scenes. The data is kept on the website's server or back end.

    The critical component of back-end development is database administration. Also, it serves as the backbone for businesses that store a lot of data. Backend engineers handle and arrange a lot of data in the backend development process.

    Python, Java, C, C++, MySQL, dBase, and Oracle for the database are a few examples of Database Development Technologies.
    Now that you are aware of different types of software development, let us look at the relevance of software development in the modern world.

    Importance of Software Development

    Many businesses witnessed significant losses from unpreparedness for an all-virtual market when shutdowns started in March 2020 because of the Coronavirus. Besides the economic effects, the prompt adoption of remote work raised the demand for software development services and necessitated investments in digital solutions.  

    Software development is significant because it now influences every aspect of daily life. The software is everywhere, from smartphone applications that facilitate communication to those as complex as blockchain.  

    All companies are expected to improve their customer's experience by providing cutting-edge solutions, whether or not they are referred to as "technology-driven companies." This leads us to say that software development is essential for the company's survival. On the business front, it helps organizations become more creative, enhance the customer experience, develop feature-rich goods, market them more quickly, and increase corporate operations' productivity, security, and efficiency.

    Additionally, developing custom software solutions helps you automate standard tasks, saving money and time that can be put to greater use, like generating new client leads or working on some other service.

    Key Features of Effective Software Development

    Software development requires many vital components to be considered. The most crucial one involves developing precise and brief requirement documents, adopting a robust and tried-and-true software development approach, and having a solid communication strategy for all parties involved.

    • Clear and Concise Requirements: A clear and straightforward requirement document must be created for every project to succeed. This document should list all necessary functionalities and any unique restrictions or requirements. Creating a high-quality software solution is straightforward when the project requirements are clearly understood.
    • Agile Development Methodologies: For a project to be successful, a sound technique is crucial. There are several approaches to developing software, but not all of them are equally efficient. Agile, waterfall, and iterative development are some of the more well-liked and successful techniques.
    • Collaboration and Communication: Any software development project's success depends on solid communication among all stakeholders or clients. All parties involved in the project should be aware of the requirements, development process, and schedule. The project will be finished efficiently if regular communication keeps everyone in the loop.

    Key Steps in the Software Development Process

    There are six main steps, each of which is crucial in ensuring the final product's success.

    1. Do the Groundwork, Think, and Research

    Before getting on to work, take some time out to brainstorm. Gather your ideas and assemble them with the requirements, specifications, and potential risks. To ascertain the product's viability, comprehensive market research must be conducted before the development starts.
    Developers must build the services and features the program should offer to its intended users, so they find it valuable. This information can be gathered through various methods, such as surveys and comments from present and future customers.
    The IT teams and other business departments must discuss the benefits, drawbacks, and future possibilities of the product. Software development procedures can only start if the finished product meets all prerequisites for success.

    2. Feasibility Study, Data Compatibility, and Planning

    After doing the groundwork and putting your ideas together, it is time to create a functional action plan and get to designing. The goal here is to map out every detail and outline all structural requirements.

    This stage includes:

    • Requirements gathering: to find recurring data patterns and prioritize data cleaning and processing.
    • Creating a data model that defines the structure and relationships of the data used in the design phase.
    • Data compatibility can be checked in the testing phase by ensuring the software system can handle different types of data and data sources.

    In each step, ensure data compatibility so that the software system can handle the expected volume and type of data and is compatible with other existing data systems or databases.

    3. Design

    The third phase of software development is design. Here, developers and architects create the complex technical requirements they need to develop the software. A design specification document will be created. The Design Specification Document contains descriptions of the product's architectural design, pieces, communication, front-end representation, and user flows, providing programmers and testers with a template reduces the possibility of mistakes and delays in the final output.  

    4. Development and Execution

    The next phase is the development of a software process model. You may be wondering what a software process model is. This is where the coding part takes place and is one of the most time-consuming yet vital phases of the entire process. Developers write code according to earlier phases' requirements and product standards. On the other hand, database administrators add relevant data to the database, while front-end developers build back-ends and connect with corporate policies and needs.  
    Once the coding is complete, developers deliver the finalized product to an environment for implementation. They can test a prototype of the application to ensure that the performance satisfies the requirements.

    5. Testing

    The testing stage verifies the application's functioning and checks the program for defects before providing it to consumers. In this stage, qualified testers examine the product's functionality to confirm that it adheres to the requirements analysis phase document.
    A tester will use exploratory testing if they have prior product knowledge or a test script to verify the operation of particular software components. They notify programmers when there are flaws in the code. When programmers have verified the bugs are real and made the required adjustments to the program, testers repeat the procedure until the software is errors free and performs as planned.

    6. Deployment and Maintenance

    After a software's production version is released, the IT software development business sets up a supervising team to manage problems users run into with the product. Little maintenance problems may only require a hotfix, but severe software problems call for an update. The developers can release the software to clients once it is error-free.

    Software Development Tools and Solutions

    1. Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody

    Rhapsody, a component of the IBM Engineering offering, offers systems engineers a collaborative design, development, and test environment that supports UML. It is a tried-and-true approach to modeling and design that enables you to produce software and systems of a higher caliber more quickly.

    2. Engineering Workflow Management

    There are numerous workflows that go on simultaneously in any engineering project, making it challenging to manually track then. This is where workflow management tools come in handy by automatically by recording changes to artefacts, advanced software version control, workspace administration, distributed source control, and parallel development assistance for people and teams can increase productivity.

    3. Engineering Lifecycle Optimization – Integrated Adapters

    Using integrated adapters for optimizing engineering lifecycle is a great software solution. They help in connecting third-party tools like Git, GitLib, and GitHub to Engineering Lifecycle Management solutions for managing software version control.

    Learn More with KnowledgeHut

    This post will aid you to understand software, software development and how to start a career in this domain. Evidently, software development is a promising domain that holds a lot of potential and undiscovered applications. If you like to dive deeper into how computer systems work, it is a great domain to seek career opportunities in. KnowledgeHut’s Web Developer Course online will help you master front-end, back-end, database and technologies to build scalable websites.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the job of a software developer?

    A software developer is responsible for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications. They collaborate closely with other teams like product management, design, and quality assurance to ensure applications are of the highest quality.

    2How do I become a software developer?

    To become a software developer, you must understand programming languages, databases, and software development tools. KnowledgeHut's course will help you gain the skills and knowledge needed to become a successful software developer.

    3Who is eligible to be a software developer?

    Generally speaking, anyone with a relevant degree or experience in software development can become a software developer. Those with a bachelor's degree in computer science, engineering, or mathematics may have a better chance of getting hired as software developers.

    4Do companies hire software developers?

    Many companies hire software developers. They seek software developers with the latest skills and knowledge to undertake challenging projects because they understand that having the right software development team can be the difference between success and failure.

    5Which country is best for software developer jobs?

    Software developer jobs are available in many countries. However, some countries offer more lucrative opportunities than others. Countries like the United States, Germany, Switzerland, and Canada have some of the highest salaries and most abundant job opportunities.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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