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Software Engineer Salary in UK in 2024 [Freshers to Experienced]

13th Mar, 2024
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    Software Engineer Salary in UK in 2024 [Freshers to Experienced]

    With over a decade of experience as a software engineer in the UK, I've witnessed firsthand how fast-paced technological innovation has become. Nowadays, all types of businesses rely on complex software and applications to serve customers, support operations, and remain competitive in their respective industries. This increasing demand for skilled technology professionals has made software engineering an intriguing and lucrative field.

    Since technology is so essential, software engineer salary in the UK are high. Many Software Engineering courses near me helped to create new skills and qualify me for higher-level jobs. I am grateful that this exciting career allows me to apply my passion while being well-compensated as I help shape the technological landscape. Let me help you learn more about the starting salary of a software engineer in the UK.

    Who is a Software Engineer?

    As an experienced software engineer who has been designing, building, and managing complex technical systems for over a decade, I can provide firsthand insight into our unique value and capabilities.

    At the core, software engineers leverage our deep technical skills to solve complex business problems through code and applications. Whether dealing with back-end architecture, front-end user experiences, integrations, data flows, or other components, we understand how to ideate and translate functional requirements into high-quality software solutions. 

    We turn ideas into reality through code. We craft the very solutions upon which software-driven organizations are now built. We are the creative technical minds companies need to gain an advantage in an increasingly digitized world.

    Software Engineer UK Salary in 2024

    As a senior software developer with extensive experience in cloud computing architectures, machine intelligence, and cybersecurity, I have observed firsthand the growing demand for elite technical talent in the UK. With technology increasingly powering the economy, software engineers with specialized expertise like my own are poised to see substantial wage growth by 2024. Here are hourly, monthly, and annual average salaries:


    Avg Salary

    Per Hour


    Per Month


    Per Year


    Software Engineer Salary in the UK: Based on Experience

    As an industry veteran, I've witnessed firsthand how software engineers' compensation grows substantially with each experience level. Depending on their experience level, software engineers in the UK get varying salaries. Here are some main differences in software engineer salary in the United Kingdom based on experience level:









    AWS Solution Architect Salary in the UK: Based on Job Role

    The UK salary of an AWS solution architect depends on the job role and duties, with more advanced jobs paying much more. Here is how the salary turns out to be:

    Job Role








    Factors Affecting Software Engineer Salary in the UK

    The software engineer salary in the UK varies widely, especially for software engineer jobs in London salary. UK software engineers' salaries depend on location, years of experience, abilities and technologies, firm size, and industry. Let me share a few factors that determine software engineer pay in the UK and how earnings vary throughout the nation for these in-demand technology professionals.

    1. Location/Region

    As an experienced software engineer in the UK, I've studied the diverse range of salaries within this profession, especially on location. Some key examples:

    • London: £62,144 per year. Some of the highest software engineers' salaries in London are from a global financial and IT powerhouse. Salaries in the city benefit from the presence of IT businesses, financing, and a greater cost of living; London software engineers' wages are higher than in other UK cities.
    • Manchester: £50,119 per year. Manchester pays software experts well due to its vibrant tech industry and cheaper cost of living than London. Major companies have offices in Manchester, driving demand.
    • Cambridge: £49,672 per year. Cambridge's academic prestige and innovation ecosystem makes it a hub for tech talent. While salaries are not as high as in London, Cambridge provides quality opportunities.

    2. Industry/Employer/Company

    In my career as a software engineer, I've witnessed significant variation across different businesses and sectors. In general, larger tech companies and well-funded startups aim to pay more software engineers in the UK than non-tech corporations, public sector roles, and companies with tighter budgets. Some examples:

    • IC Resources: £52,109 per year. IC Resources offers competitive pay to attract specialized talent as a technical recruitment firm.
    • Oscar: £49,377 per year. As a startup disrupting health insurance, Oscar competes for engineers through strong compensation and growth opportunities.
    • UK Civil Service: £42,587 per year. The public sector offers meaningful work but lower salaries than private tech firms.

    3. Experience

    As we all expected, the software engineer's salary in the UK increases substantially with greater experience:

    • Software engineer starting salary UK: £31,287 per year - Junior engineers must gain on-the-job experience before higher earnings.
    • Early career (1-4 years): £37,813 per year. Engineers take on more complex tasks at this phase and gain new skills.
    • Mid-career and beyond: up to £47,592 per year. Senior engineers can command much higher pay with 5+ years of experience and leadership roles.

    The difference between entry-level software engineer salary in the UK and mid or late-career pay can be dramatic as engineers gain specialized expertise.

    4. Demand and Supply

    Throughout my career in the UK's tech industry, I've consistently observed the strong demand for software engineers. Yet, from my position of experience and expertise, I've come to understand that the dynamics between the availability of talent and the resulting salaries are quite intricate. The following are the factors worthy of consideration:

    • General talent shortages may drive up salaries broadly, but imbalances can emerge between overall supply and niche skill needs. Companies struggle to find engineers with expertise in newer technologies like machine learning or blockchain.
    • Geographic differences in supply and demand affect salaries. High demand is concentrated in major hubs like London and Cambridge, intensifying compensation pressure.
    • The variability in companies' abilities and willingness to pay top rates for talent also affects salary ranges. Well-funded startups and large tech firms pay more to attract top engineers.

    5. Credentials/Certifications

    Throughout my journey as a software engineer, I've learned the immense value of bolstering my resume with relevant credentials, such as Cisco, AWS, and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer certifications. These certifications have been key in showcasing my up-to-date skills and depth of expertise in a field that evolves at lightning speed.

    From my experience, I can attest that certifications significantly elevate your professional profile. They've enhanced my resume and positioned me for higher salary brackets in the UK's competitive market, especially when I've added multiple certifications to my arsenal. There have been instances where specific, high-value certifications were prerequisites for certain roles or specialized projects I aimed to work on. 

    While hands-on experience is irreplaceable, these certifications have undeniably served as a powerful complement to my practical skills, opening doors to greater earning potential and career advancement opportunities.

    6. Skills

    In my career as a software engineer, I've directly experienced how expertise in high-demand programming languages and niche technical skills can significantly impact the salary of junior software engineers in the UK and their overall career trajectory. My proficiency in machine learning, cloud architecture, cybersecurity, blockchain, data science, DevOps, and mobile development has opened doors to opportunities that offer premium salaries.

    The rapid evolution of technology has taught me the importance of staying ahead of the curve by mastering the latest frameworks and methodologies before they hit the mainstream. This proactive approach to skill development has been key to securing higher compensation. However, I've also learned that having a solid foundation in well-rounded software engineering skills is crucial.

    By focusing my efforts on building targeted skills in emerging high-value areas, I've given myself a competitive edge in qualifying for more lucrative positions and negotiating higher salaries. This strategy has proven invaluable in my journey through the tech industry, offering insights into how strategic skill development can lead to greater career advancement and financial rewards.

    How can Software Engineer Salary in the UK be Improved?

    While software engineer salaries in the UK are already quite high, there are a few key ways they could be increased even further. Here are some ways that I would recommend to you:

    1. Skills

    Regular practice and ongoing learning of new technologies are the greatest ways to improve your software engineering abilities. Software developers in the UK may earn more by mastering machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud architecture, and cybersecurity. The possibility of getting the highest-paying software engineering jobs in the UK is provided by mastering a specific technical talent that is not frequently used.

    2. Certifications

    Certifications like the Web Development full course showcase your expertise in specific software development areas. According to a 2022 industry report, IT professionals with just 1-2 additional certifications received an average salary boost of $12,000. The right certifications demonstrate up-to-date proficiency.

    3. Degrees

    A bachelor's degree in software engineering, computer science, or a related discipline is necessary, although advanced degrees may increase earnings. Advanced degrees demonstrate a commitment to cutting-edge technology and stand out on resumes.

    4. Experience

    Progressively, more software engineering experience results in higher compensation. Entry-level software engineer salaries in the UK start at around £37,813 per year for those just beginning. With 1-4 years of experience, an engineer earns an average of £47,592 in the UK. Engineers with 5+ years of experience and leadership skills may earn £50,732 or more as mid-level software engineer salary in London.

    Why are Software Engineers Paid So Much in the UK?

    UK software developers earn high wages due to great demand and a severe scarcity of competent recruits. Here are some reasons UK software programmers earn so much:

    1. High Demand, Limited Supply

    The demand is high since nearly every company across all sectors requires software engineers to design and implement technological solutions. However, the supply of trained, professional software engineers cannot meet the rising demand. This growing imbalance between the exceptionally high demand and the limited supply of trained software professionals leads to intense competition for talent, increasing software engineer pay in the UK across experience levels. The demand/supply gap creates major upward compensation pressure.

    2. Difficulty of the Role

    Software engineers need technical expertise, rigorous logical and analytical abilities, a dedication to ongoing learning, inventiveness, and determination to solve difficult problems. The role demands advanced expertise, combining hard technical competencies with soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and focus. The inherent difficulty of the work, both mentally and in terms of stress, is a key factor behind the high pay commanded by software professionals. The challenges associated with the role warrant substantial compensation.

    3. Keeping Skills Up to Date

    Software engineers must invest a lot in ongoing training as technology improves. Keeping current with programming languages, frameworks, tools, and methodologies requires lifelong study. The tremendous investment in continuous skill development and adaptation is a key factor in the high compensation.


    In my journey through the UK's tech hubs, particularly in London, I've observed firsthand how Software engineer salary in the UK vary. This discrepancy is primarily due to the high demand for tech talent, a limited supply of skilled professionals, and the immense value that engineers bring to companies.

    Salaries rise with experience levels, from the entry-level software engineer salary in the UK being less than the lead software engineers' salaries. Niche skills in AI and machine learning also command higher pay.

    While software engineering jobs require constant learning and mastery of complex domains, the career outlook remains bright for those who stay ahead of the technology curve. For those looking to advance their software engineering skills and careers, KnowledgeHut's Software Engineer courses near me deliver leading-edge training aligned with in-demand skills and emerging technologies is highly recommended. With dedication and continual skill-building, software professionals can enjoy high salaries and numerous opportunities.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do Software Engineer salaries in London compare to other UK cities?

    The software engineer's salary in the UK is higher in London. London workers earn 15-20% more than average.  These premiums reflect London's high demand and expense of living.

    2What are the salary trends for software engineers in the UK during the previous few years?

    Software engineer salaries are greater in London. London workers earn 15-20% more than average. This premium reflects the high demand and cost of living in London.

    3What are the highest-paying industries for Software Engineers in the UK?

    The finance and technology industries tend to pay the highest lead software engineer salary in London and software engineer salaries in general. Investment banks, hedge funds, fintech startups, and huge technology organizations give the highest salaries to recruit elite people.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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