HomeBlogAgileWhat Is Lean Portfolio Management? A Quick Guide

What Is Lean Portfolio Management? A Quick Guide

16th Apr, 2024
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    What Is Lean Portfolio Management? A Quick Guide

    I have seen so many business owners worrying about their financial management as it has become one of the grave reasons for the businesses to fail. They hire professionals to manage their investments in such a way that they can comfortably manage the risks. If portfolio management is done efficiently, companies focus on fruitful collaborations and can take calculated risks to reach their desired goals. The teams associated with solution delivery often focus on improving operational efficiency and eliminating delays with the help of lean project management. They plan how implementing the lean principles at the senior management level can help build a portfolio that aligns with the company’s investment goals. It is a challenging task and gets carried out in multiple steps. In this article, I will discuss everything you should know about lean portfolio management and its significance for a business. 

    What Is Lean Portfolio Management?

    Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) is a strategic approach businesses use to optimize the value delivery within an organization. They use the lean and agile methodologies for this task and plan the right moves to align with the company goals. Basically, the lean portfolio management principles take lean thinking beyond the individual teams to an entire company portfolio. The primary goal is to improve organizational agility by fostering collaboration, transparency, and adaptability. Experts who have completed an Agile certification course often get appointed for this task as they understand the LPM principles well and can conveniently focus on eliminating wasteful practices. Their primary aim is to maximize portfolio efficiency and put effort into changing the market condition. The diagram below gives a glimpse of the benefit of adapting to LPM.

    Lean Portfolio Management Statistics

    When to Use Lean Portfolio Management

    After understanding what LPM is in agile, the next big question is when you can use it. So, Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) is particularly fruitful in dynamic and rapidly evolving business environments. The environments where you see that traditional portfolio management has failed are the best places to use lean methodologies. So, you can say it is apt for organizations facing frequent market changes or technological disruptions. Moreover, you can also use it where you find a need for accelerated innovation. A few other situations where you can use lean-agile portfolio management are:

    • This is for organizations that wish to undergo an agile transformation.
    • In industries hit by uncertainty or rapid evolution.
    • When there is a need to ensure every initiative aligns with strategic objectives.
    • To foster collaboration and transparency across teams and stakeholders.

    If you see your business in any such situation, know that lean portfolio management is what you should be exploring. 

    The Key Components of Lean Portfolio Management

    I have mentioned that LPM offers a framework to optimize portfolio performance. Now, it is interesting to note that there are several components that collectively help create those frameworks. Let me list these components for your clarity.

    • Clear Strategy and Investment Funding: A clearly defined strategy is the foundation of LPM. You make fruitful investment decisions only when the strategic goals are well-articulated. LPM focuses on funding value streams rather than individual projects.
    • Agile Portfolio Operations: LPM integrates agile principles into portfolio operations to maximize flexibility. It typically involves the adoption of lean and agile practices, like iterative planning. If you ask any expert what practice is part of lean portfolio management, he would say agile portfolio operations.
    • Lean Governance: Through lean governance, experts ensure that decision-making is well-streamlined, transparent, and aligned with strategic goals.
    • Organizational Agility: LPM focuses on organizational agility, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.
    • Portfolio Visualizations: fruitful techniques, such as Kanban boards and information radiators, play a crucial role in LPM. These techniques support transparency in portfolio work.
    • Lean-Agile Leadership: Leadership in LPM is characterized by a lean-agile mindset. Experts in this domain opt for SAFe certification to master the adoption of lean and agile principles to develop empowered and self-organized teams. 

    These are the components of Lean Portfolio Management that help build a comprehensive and flexible framework to navigate complexity and optimize value delivery.

    Lean Portfolio Management Principles

    The lean portfolio management principles are a perfect combination of Lean and Agile methodologies, aiming to optimize portfolio performance and align strategic objectives with value delivery. Let me list the LPM principles for you.

    Economic Framework

    It uses an economic mindset to make fruitful portfolio decisions. The process involves evaluating and prioritizing tasks on the basis of their economic value.

    Value Stream and Budgeting

    LPM successfully transformed the focus from traditional project-based budgeting to value-stream budgeting. Companies budget at the value stream level rather than allocating funds or other resources to a particular project.

    Lean and Agile Mindset

    Another key principle of LPM is it embraces the lean and agile mindset throughout the business. This way, it promotes a culture of continuous improvement, adaptability, and collaboration.

    Dynamic Strategy Execution

    Under LPM, the strategic objectives are treated as hypotheses that need validation through continuous feedback. This way, it supports adaptive planning and adjustments on the basis of changing market trends.

    Lean Governance

    In lean-agile portfolio management, lean governance is crucial. It helps ensure that decision-making is decentralized, transparent, and aligned with strategic goals. Lean governance does this by establishing lightweight governance structures, allowing quicker and more informed decision-making.

    Organizational Learning

    LPM promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Every team involved gets encouraged to reflect on performance, share knowledge, and continuously enhance their processes.

    Collaborative and self-functional Teams

    It stresses the importance of collaborative and autonomous teams. Teams are empowered to make decisions, enabling them to deliver value independently.

    By adhering to these principles, organizations can successfully implement LPM, fostering an adaptive and value-driven approach to portfolio management in the context of a rapidly changing business landscape.

    Lean Portfolio Management Steps

    The lean portfolio management process is elaborate and requires utmost precision to yield fruitful results. There is a hierarchy that one should follow to align strategic goals and optimize portfolio performance. Here are the steps for effective implementation.

    Step1: Define Strategic Themes and Objectives

    Start by clearly articulating the organization’s strategic themes and objectives. Make sure it aligns with the company vision and provides a foundation for decision-making throughout the portfolio process.

    Step2: Identify Value Streams

    Value streams signify the flow of value to the customer. So, you should identify the value streams and define those contributing to achieving the strategic objective. 

    Step3: Prioritize Strategic Initiatives

    In this step, you should rank the initiatives on the basis of their potential economic value. You can use lean thinking to ensure that the initiative that contributes the most gets the maximum resources.

    Step4: Implement Lean and Agile Practices

    The next step is introducing lean and agile practices at the portfolio level. You can adopt lean portfolio visualization techniques here, such as Kanban boards, to provide transparency into portfolio work.

    Step5: Establish Value Stream Budgeting

    You should shift from budgeting the individual projects to focusing on value stream resource allocation. Assign funds while keeping a holistic approach in mind and ensuring that the entire value stream gets sufficient support.

    Step6: Decentralize Decision-Making

    Decentralize decision-making by implementing lean governance structures. It will reduce the bottlenecks and empower teams to make fruitful decisions.

    Step7: Promote Organizational Learning

    Focus on building a culture of continuous improvement and learning. Encourage teams to reflect on their process, learn, and implement improvements. It will support adaptability and innovation, creating a dynamic and responsive organizational environment.

    Step8: Adopt Dynamic Strategy Execution

    Embrace adaptive planning and create an environment where you allow adjustments to strategies based on ever-evolving market conditions and emerging opportunities.

    Step9: Monitor and Inspect

    Inspect your portfolio performance and monitor it on a regular basis. Use the KPIs to assess and understand the effectiveness, and you can adjust your priorities based on the insights you get.

    I have thoroughly explained what lean portfolio management does. Let us move on to how you can implement it. 

    Implementing Lean Portfolio Management

    LPM is a strategic approach to balancing business and technology by applying Lean and Agile principles. It lets you foster continuous innovation, faster delivery, and improved decision-making. Follow these tips if you are wondering how to implement lean portfolio management.

    • Establish a Lean-Agile mindset across the organization, fostering a culture of collaboration and transparency. You should train your teams and the leaders in lean and agile practices. Moreover, you can also plan to hire experts with a renowned certification, like Knowledgehut SAFe certification.
    • Implement Agile Release Trains (ARTs) to deliver value. These are multi-functional teams working on a mission, enhancing communication and efficiency. Prioritize features based on business value and dependencies, ensuring a streamlined workflow.
    • Inspect and adapt regularly through program increment practices, retrospective meetings, and feedback loops. Understand that a continuous improvement approach helps organizations respond to changing market conditions effectively.
    • Measure and track the key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the success of LPM implementation. By embracing Lean Portfolio Management, organizations can enhance their ability to innovate, respond to customer needs, and achieve sustainable business growth.

    With these simple tips in mind, you can promote the successful implementation of the lean portfolio management process. 

    Measuring and Improving Lean Portfolio Management

    I am assuming, by far, you have learned what is lean portfolio management and how you can implement it to see fruitful results. However, how can you infer that your strategies are working well? Moreover, the market keeps changing overnight; how do you figure out when your strategies need an upgrade? The simple answer to this is measuring and improving the learning portfolio management. You can establish the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to assess the effectiveness of the portfolio and implement improvements or changes if required. Refer to the tips listed below to learn how you can follow them. 

    • Define measurable KPIs aligned with LPM goals, such as cycle time, lead time, throughput, and value delivery. These metrics provide insight into the portfolio performance, ensuring that it remains aligned with strategic objectives.
    • You should conduct performance reviews with the help of your established KPIs. Evaluate the portfolio's efficiency, adaptability, and responsiveness to market changes.
    • Plan to organize workshops on continuous improvement, addressing the identified issues, and enhancing portfolio processes. Encourage your teams to share best practices and implement improvements that align with lean and agile principles.
    • You can invest in training and skill development to ensure teams have the essential knowledge and capabilities to apply LPM principles.
    • Benchmark your portfolio performance against industry standards. Identify areas where the business excels and areas with scope for improvement, using external comparisons to drive enhancements.

    These simple strategies can work wonders and help you successfully monitor your LPM for any upgrades.

    Challenges and Solutions

    When you explore the primary focus of lean portfolio management, you will know that it is all about delivering value and mitigating risks. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. 

    There are countless challenges that one might encounter during LPM implementation. Some of them are listed below. 

    Challenge1: Resistance to Change

    Your employees and stakeholders may resist transitioning from traditional portfolio management to LPM.

    Solution: Conduct comprehensive training sessions to communicate the benefits of LPM.

    Challenge2: Inadequate Skillsets

    Teams may not resist, but they might lack the necessary skills and knowledge to adopt lean and agile practices.

    Solution: Invest in training programs to enhance skills, provide coaching and mentorship, and create a learning culture that encourages continuous improvement.

    Challenge3: Insufficient Governance

    Inadequate governance structures can result in decision-making bottlenecks or misalignment.

    Solution: Implement lean governance practices that decentralize decision-making, promote transparency, and ensure that governance structures support agility.

    Challenge4: Lack of Metrics

    The inability to measure and track key performance indicators can hinder improvement efforts.

    Solution: Establish relevant KPIs aligned with LPM goals, regularly measure and analyze performance, and use the insights to drive continuous improvement.

    Challenge5: Overcoming Resistance to Autonomy

    Empowering teams with autonomy may face resistance from a command-and-control mindset.

    Solution: Gradually introduce autonomy, provide support, and showcase the benefits of empowered teams through successful outcomes.

    There are multiple other challenges depending on the industry and other factors that any expert working on LPM might face. The idea is to think, plan, and act to find the right solution rather than skip the idea that pushes you toward exceptional growth. 


    In conclusion, Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) has emerged as an excellent approach, steering businesses towards greater agility. By integrating the lean and agile principles at the portfolio level, LPM offers a structured framework that optimizes value delivery, enhances adaptability, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement. It enables organizations to sail through the competitive market by helping them prioritize initiatives based on economic value, embracing dynamic strategy execution, and decentralizing decision-making. This shift from project-based funding to value-stream budgeting ensures resource allocation that is perfectly aligned with overarching strategic goals, promoting a holistic and customer-centric approach.

    Despite its undeniable benefits, the process of implementing LPM is not without challenges. You might have to overcome the resistance to change your mindset or fill the skill gap to see fruitful results. So, it is advisable to hire an expert team and train the entire staff and everybody else involved, seeing the positive sides of this strategy. Once LPM implementation is successful, the growth that your organization will see will have no bounds.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1What benefits does Lean Portfolio Management offer?

    LPM helps achieve business and organizational agility. It enables the business to give timely responses to market volatility and fosters an innovative environment that forms the foundation for exceptional growth.

    2What roles are involved in Lean Portfolio Management?

    There are multiple roles involved in LPM, namely: Operations manager, Governance, Lean portfolio board, value stream optimization, portfolio balancing, and strategy and investment funding.

    3How does Lean Portfolio Management contribute to organizational agility?

    LPM contributes to organizational agility by combining agile methodologies with business strategy. 


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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